Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 868:

Mars, western continent.

This is the center of the super-large particle accelerator. Here you can clearly understand the entire state of the entire particle accelerator.

"Zero, are you ready?" Cheng Yuan looked seriously at the multiple holographic screens in front of him, with the complicated data falling down like a heavy rain.

With zero eyes calm, Shen Sheng said, "Ready, start testing now?"

"Let's get started." Cheng Yuan nodded and confirmed, with a faint excitement and inexplicable tension in his heart.

The last Tachyon particle experiment opened a gap in space, and the result was a red terror monster. That monster still makes Cheng Yuan remember.

Especially that monster even said something towards himself, such strange things naturally made Cheng Yuan unforgettable.

But every time he thought of the horrifying horror that faced the monster at the beginning, a very strong curiosity was also raised in his heart.

There is a strong curiosity about the monster that can penetrate the gap in space. If it is more appropriately described, it is a very intense research psychology.

Although some trunk residue was obtained at the time of the monster's death, it did not support much time and project research.

This made Cheng Yuan feel itchy. After all, the analysis of the original zero showed that this monster may come from a world with magic.

If others scoff at magic, then Cheng Yuan absolutely believes that magic exists!

At first, he almost became the only man in the world with magic, although the result was a bit unsatisfactory ...

Then the magical door was unwilling to open to him. Now that he has such an opportunity, how can he not study it in depth?

Moreover, zero has also been analyzed through the original data. The opening of that space crack is an unexpected result. No one can guarantee whether the next super-light-speed particle can open a similar crack.

Under Cheng Yuan's confirmation, the main power system was carefully controlled to turn on the energy switch, and this large-scale superlight particle experiment was started.

This experiment is naturally different from the original underground laboratory in the company. The ultra-long tunnel requires more powerful energy to propel the particles, and it will also lengthen the overall acceleration process of particle acceleration.

In contrast, although the time is extended, it can make the particles reach the experimental speed faster than the speed of light with sufficient acceleration!

As the energy starts, the prepared particles are sent into an energy tunnel. At this moment, Cheng Yuan and Zero raised their minds intently and looked at everything shown in the picture.

Inside the particle accelerator, the inner wall of the huge empty tunnel is a block of convex circular tubes. These circular tubes with a strong force field can clearly help Cheng Yuan to monitor the interior of the entire particle accelerator. At the same time, it can also pull accelerated particles. direction.

After the start switch was turned on, a sharp humming sound began to occur inside the originally empty tunnel, and then a thin white line suddenly appeared in the tunnel.

The white line was fast and almost vanished.

If there were no monitoring equipment everywhere on the inner wall of the passage, it would be hard to detect with the naked eye.

Cheng Yuan and Zero passed the screen in front of them, and at the moment when they found the white energy thin line appeared, both of them were refreshed and their eyes were burning.

"Sir, the startup time is 13 seconds, and the state of particle movement begins to change." At the moment when white energy appeared, zero glanced at the data that was crazy brushed on the side screen, Huihui reported.

Cheng Yuan didn't speak, still staring at the screen, watching the situation inside the particle tunnel.

In such a few seconds with zero openings, the frequency of white energy rays appeared more and more. Cheng Yuan knew in his heart that although the white rays appearing on the screen at this time almost covered the entire tunnel, it seemed the amount Many, but in fact, so much light is just the physical form that a single particle exhibits under ultra-high-speed motion.

"How fast is it?" Cheng Yuan asked without looking back.

"Nearly 120 million meters per second." A zero glance at the data showed a pause and said: "Now it's close to 150 million meters per second, and the speed is still increasing rapidly."

The speed of the particle's crazy increase was within the expectations of the two, and as the speed increased, the white light on the screen gradually began to change to light blue.

Seeing the color change, this time without Cheng Yuan's reminder, Zero Flying said: "The speed reached 280 million meters per second, which is infinitely close to the speed of light."

"It is now 5 minutes and 27 seconds from the start."

Listening to the zero report time, Cheng Yuan nodded. Although the zero theory is infinitely close to the speed of light, the closer it is to the speed of light, the harder it is to increase the speed later.

Next, they both silently watched that the light on the screen was gradually replaced by blue. The whole process took about 4 minutes. At this time, the speed of the particles was still 299 million meters per second, and they had not exceeded the speed of light.

"It's almost ten minutes, sir," Zero reminded beside Cheng Yuan.

Cheng Yuan nodded, and asked in a serious tone, "Did you push the energy to a critical point?"

"Eighty percent, sir." Zero replied.

With the experience of breaking through the super-light particle experiments for the first time, this time naturally enough energy was prepared. Hearing that the energy was pushed to 80%, Cheng Yuan knew more.

Time passed minute by minute, the dazzling light through the screen made Cheng Yuan couldn't help but reach out and rubbed his eyes.

The speed of the particles is still increasing, but it is not increasing as fast as before.

"Sir, it is expected that in about 10-12 minutes, the speed of the particles can break through the speed of light." Zero silently calculated the particle acceleration at this time, and then came to a rough conclusion.

"What about 10 minutes?" Cheng Yuan shook his hand slightly, his face was serious and shivering, and he felt a panic in his heart.

He didn't know what the consequences would be after breaking through the speed of light this time.

It is the same as the last time to open a space crack, and then drilled into the same monster inside. Or that nothing will change.

At this time, Cheng Yuan's heart was very complicated. He hoped to be able to open a crack in space because he wanted to study the magical creature.

But he didn't want to open the cracks in space, because after the last experiment, the super-light particles also dissipated with the monster.

In Cheng Yuan's tangles and confusions, time passed quickly.

When the reminder was zero, Cheng Yuan realized that I didn't know when ten minutes had passed!

He quickly returned to God and asked, "Zero, how much is the particle acceleration?"

"At the critical value of the speed of light, the driving energy is at 93%." Zero was also very cautious at this time. Not only was Cheng Yuan vividly remembered in the last experiment, he also had a deep memory.

Although his memory is kept in the database.

"Within three minutes, 100% of the driving energy will be reached." Zero said.

Cheng Yuan held his arms tightly, his eyes narrowed, his eyes staring at the screen in front of him. The picture on the screen has changed, showing a top view, which can accommodate the entire particle accelerator tunnel.

As time elapsed, the particle's acceleration began to fluctuate. At the critical value of the speed of light, the speed of Cheng Yuan's heartbeat also fluctuated.

Suddenly, Cheng Yuan felt a shock at his feet, and then shouted with no excitement: "Sir, it broke, the particle broke through the speed of light to 300 million meters per second!

After the excitement, the look of zero suddenly changed, a little flustered: "Sir, its speed is still growing, crazy growth!"

Through the analysis of background data, he found that the speed of super-light particles even accelerated after breaking through the speed of light. He took a look at the pushing energy, at this time it has reached 100%, and there is no super value phenomenon!

This is not the case in the previous experiment!

"Sir, I think we need to avoid the risk, it's out of control!" He took a step forward, grabbed Cheng Yuan's arm, and said extremely solemnly.

But this time Cheng Yuan did not choose to follow the words of zero. He still stared at the screen and denied the judgment of zero: "Zero, you said wrong. It did not get out of control, it just exceeded the calculation of our device. . "

Suddenly, zero, he looked down Cheng Yuan's eyes and found that it really looked like Cheng Yuan said.

Tachyon has been born, with a touch of gold in the blue light. Although it is beyond the calculation range of the device, it still moves at high speed in accordance with the orbit inside the tunnel.

"Can you calculate its current speed?" Cheng Yuan looked at it for a moment, and after confirming that the super-light particles would not be out of orbit, he turned his head to look at zero in a daze.

Zero return to God, a series of data streams flashed in his eyes, and then he replied: "It cannot be calculated. After it breaks through the speed of light, the speed increases by a geometric multiple. Our final detection result is the third power of light!"

This time Cheng Yuan didn't wait to open his mouth, Zero continued to say, "Sir, we can stop pushing the energy supply ~ ~ As long as the tunnel is kept in a vacuum environment, it will continue to accelerate until the particles themselves The split changes or breaks down to a stage position that we cannot observe. "

"Willn't it dissipate?" Cheng Yuan raised his eyebrows. It can be determined that there is no danger under the current situation, so the two do not need to evacuate.

Zero shook his head and replied solemnly: "From the conceptual analysis of the substance itself, there is no such thing as dissipation. What we call dissipation is nothing more than the naked eye or the current instrument cannot observe.

Cheng Yuan glanced at the super-light particles shuttled on the screen, patted his shoulder on the zero, and commanded: "The next data observation and analysis will be left to you. I believe that with this experiment, for our super The speed of light spacecraft must have great significance and progress. "

Although I have some regrets in my heart, why did not open the space crack again, but does not open the space crack, it means that everything was an accident?

At the same time, it can be confirmed that the conclusions of previous physicists that the speed of light can be used to shuttle time are all wrong.

As long as the speed is still within the tolerance of space, there will be no space or time traversal.

Most importantly, this experiment also subverted Einstein's theory of relativity, which supports modern physics! Einstein's special theory of relativity holds that the speed of light is the limit of the speed of the universe, and no matter can exceed the speed of light.

As early as 2011, some laboratories conducted experiments at speeds of light, but the experiments failed in the end. The essential reason for the failure is what Cheng Yuan has not paid attention to.

It is nothing more than hardware and material selection.

He is now looking forward to how the subversive academic discussions will be triggered around the world after the results are announced.

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