Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 869:

Earth, Donghai.

佳 Zheng Jia, who concluded the first meeting, is prepared to talk about the content of this meeting with Cheng Yuan and Guo Xiaolian, and by the way talk about the next response.

After all, when she proposed Mars at the meeting, she had determined that the technology crystallization company and the country could not be in harmony on the Mars issue.

But when she returned to the office with her assistant Qin Qin, she found only Guo Xiaolian alone.

"Xiao Lian !?" Zheng Jia froze, and then asked curiously, "Where did Cheng Yuan go?"

"He went to Mars, saying it was an important experiment." Guo Xiaolian said that when Cheng Yuan went to Mars, he did not hide Guo Xiaolian's purpose of going to Mars.

So when Zheng Jia asked, she answered immediately.

"Go to Mars for experiments." Zheng Jia frowned, and asked anxiously: "Can you contact Cheng Yuan immediately?"

Zheng Jia's tone was more urgent, which made Guo Xiaolian's look slightly changed. Thinking of what Guo Xiaolian had done before, her heart suddenly became heavy.

个人 Personally, she tends to live a more comfortable life rather than staying in a fight with others. In particular, they are not facing ordinary opponents.

"What went wrong at the meeting?"

Zheng Jia walked to the chair and sat down, his face was slightly tired, and then he said the situation in the conference room just now.

After listening, although Guo Xiaolian didn't come to the scene, she can also imagine what Zheng Jia's face looks like in the entire conference room after she said, "Mars belongs to a technology crystallization company."

At the same time, she looked at Zheng Jia with surprise: "Sister Zheng, I didn't expect you to say such a thing!"

Zheng Jia shrugged weakly and sighed longly: "No way, this is not what I don't want to say. Mars's ownership must be determined as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will be more troublesome in advance, and it will be good for both parties in advance. .

This long pain is worse than short pain. "

Guo Xiaolian thought, "Also, the earlier determination of ownership is beneficial to future cooperation between the two parties. I'll try to contact Cheng Yuan first, I hope he won't be too busy, or we can wait."

佳 Zheng Jia heard the words, a bitter smile twitched at the corner of his mouth. With regard to Cheng Yuan's temper, it is quite possible that something like Guo Xiaolian said.

Uh ...

"Sir, are you sure you want to disclose the existence of Tachyon?"

Pluto Mars Tachyon Laboratory.

When Cheng Yuan thought about the academic opinion that the super-light-speed particles would attract, Zero looked at himself seriously, as if he didn't agree with his approach.

"What's wrong, zero." Cheng Yuan was naturally curious about zero's opposition. "Is it bad to do this?"

"I think we should first use the data we have to develop a mature product, and then unravel this thing that can subvert the physical tradition."

Zero glanced at the super-light particles still moving in the tunnel and said calmly.

"This can be." Cheng Yuan laughed: "But you are too nervous, I didn't say it will be announced immediately, just to find a suitable time."

"Analyze the physical structure of super-light particles and its motion characteristics. If you have time, try to catch them. After all, being able to accurately capture super-light particles can make research more convenient, right?

Cheng Chengyuan reached out and patted Zero's shoulder, smiling and preparing to go out.

The results of this experiment are neither the best nor the worst for Cheng Yuan.

The existence of super-light particles has been seen by both of them, so it is known that it exists. This experiment is only to collect detailed data.

Of course, there is a small wish.

Although his care was not fulfilled, it is not bad.

"Sir, there is a new incoming call from Guo Xiaolian. It has been transferred to your mobile phone." Watching Cheng Yuan prepare to leave, he said in a loud voice.

"I see." Cheng Yuan waved his hand, and left the laboratory without looking back. Outside the laboratory, enjoying the bright sunshine, Cheng Yuan called back.

"Xiao Lian, is there anything wrong?" Cheng Yuan raised his mouth, feeling very good.

Guo Xiaolian glanced at Cheng Yuan with a smile, and chuckled: "It looks like your experiment is going well."

"Yes, the experimental results are very good." Cheng Yuan didn't hide it, and admitted generously.

"Congratulations to you first, but Sister Zheng has some trouble here." Guo Xiaolian first congratulated, but immediately became serious.

"What's wrong?" As Guo Xiaolian's expression changed, Cheng Yuan's smile gradually closed.

Guo Xiaolian quickly said the content of the meeting, and then waited for Cheng Yuan's views and plans.

However, Cheng Yuan, who was on the other side of Mars, was embarrassed. He thought that something had happened, wasn't the above-mentioned person who persecuted Zheng Jia and the like.

The result is because of the question of Mars' belonging?

"That's it?" Cheng Yuan looked at Guo Xiaolian's solemn and solemn look with a little speech, and murmured in surprise: "I didn't expect Sister Zheng to have seen that law and regulation."

晓 Guo Xiaolian frowned, expressing dissatisfaction with Cheng Yuan's response: "What is it? This is a very serious question, OK, do you think the country will give us the ownership of Mars?"

Cheng Cheng laughed, and he explained, "Xiao Lian, first of all, you have to figure out how Mars is changing now. Second, you have to recognize it."

"Which point?" Guo Xiaolian glanced at Zheng Jia, who was not speaking in the chair, and found that the other side was also blank.

"Mart's ownership is never given to us by ~ but it is ours from beginning to end. Without our technology crystallization company, Mars is still a desolate wasteland!

没有 There is no blue sky, no grassland, no trees, no water, and most important oxygen. It's all ours! "

After Cheng Yuan spoke in one breath, Guo Xiaolian and Zheng Jia looked at each other and immediately understood what Cheng Yuan was about to express. Cheng Yuan also tends to Zheng Jia's statement on Mars' attitude.

态度 This attitude immediately relaxed Zheng Jia, who was still sitting on the chair, and the heavy pressure that had originally been wiped out after the meeting.

"I understand Cheng Yuan what you mean." Although Zheng Jia did not face the camera, her voice was clearly transmitted to Cheng Yuan through the microphone.

I lost my previous exhaustion, but increased my firmness.

I realized that Zheng Jia was also there, and Cheng Yuan wouldn't stop talking nonsense, and said aloud, "Since Zheng is also here, I'll say it directly. We must be firm on Mars' attitude.

You also know how fast the company is developing and what we have in our hands. If we continue to develop, friction is inevitable.

And Mars, no one but us can come. You should be able to understand what I mean! "

Wu Chengyuan didn't say everything, but the meaning in the words made Guo Xiaolian and Zheng Jia nervous.

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