Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 905:

The raging wind screamed in the sky, the clouds were washed away by the powerful air, but it did not bring a light, the air rolled up countless dust, broken armor fragments, and countless debris, these things made the entire sky cloudy !!

Rong Jianhua stared dullly at the vortex formed by the turbulent storm below, his lips trembling, and his breathing thickened unconsciously.

His army was almost wiped out!

Obviously he is already very conservative, but did not expect that the wise weapon would be so crazy! The self-detonation of so many large-scale intelligent weapons is no less powerful than a mushroom bomb!

"Help!" Rong Jianhua's eyes flushed, and he shouted with his teeth!

"Yes!" Everyone in the command room was so roared by Rong Jianhua that they all looked back and started issuing instructions. But everyone was sad at this time.

Everyone thinks this is a battle that can easily win, but the contrast is so great that they can't calm down.

Soon, a large number of life-saving robots inside battleships and airships flew out into the turbulent storm and began searching for survivor's life response signals.

After seeing the life-saving robot set off, Rong Jianhua slammed the metal plate on the console with a punch and looked at the dim yellow air in the screen. He felt remorse and knew that something was wrong. Why couldn't he let the soldiers follow The battleship retreated into the higher air!

Even if the intelligent robot cannot constitute an overwhelming advantage for the super-large intelligent weapon, the battle between the two sides is not without chance! Why did he send soldiers down!

why! ?

He kept asking himself this question in his heart.

"Commander, the first life response signal has been captured, and the rescue robot has begun to inject recovery fluid and is ready to return."

Rong Jianhua looked up, and a new picture appeared on the screen in front of him, which was transmitted by the lifesaving robot.

In the picture, the broken individual armor is placed in the emergency rescue capsule of the rescue robot. At this time, none of the individual armor is intact, and the blood on the surface is clearly visible!

What makes Rong Jianhua intolerable is that the limbs of the individual armor have disappeared!

The broken line at the joint and the flesh stick together make it difficult to distinguish whether it is the residual limb flesh or the pure armor line!

The most terrifying thing is that the head of the individual soldier's armor is flattened down partly, and an irregularly shaped metal plate is inserted in front of the chest. The red blood rushes out along the cut wound of the metal plate and mixed with the emerald green recovery fluid Together it becomes a pus yellow.

This scene shocked many people in the command room. They couldn't imagine it. Even if they survived in this situation, what would the soldier do in the future?

Even after seeing this scene, several female soldiers whispered while covering their mouths.

Rong Jianhua closed her eyes slowly, holding her hands tightly, her finger joints were whitened, her nails were deeply pressed into the palm of her palm, leaving deep marks!

"Commander, the lifesaving robot finds a new life response ..."

"Commander, the two life reactions disappear ..."

With a single report from the main intelligence, each one made the entire command room emotionally ups and downs.

In the end, the rescue robot brought back a total of 136 surviving soldiers, but among these remaining soldiers, the least injured were the lack of arms and legs!

The more serious ones even hang their lives by the recovery liquid!

Looking angrily at the storm that was still scattered below, Rong Jianhua took a deep breath and calmly said, "The war is over! Leave a hundred intelligent robots, let's go."



Huaxia is silent.

Everyone who followed the battle was stunned. The result of the much-hyped campaign was that they were stunned.

At this moment, the only thought in their minds was: madness.

Only use the madness to describe the way of intelligent weapons fighting!

When the super-intelligent weapon appeared, they thought this was the beginning of the real battle, but never expected that the emergence of the super-intelligent weapon would be the end of the battle!

"Hua Lao ..." Liu Weimin was also shocked by the madness of Zhi Zhi. Although he was furious in his heart, he was more worried about the silent Hua Lao.

Although Hua Lao was uncomfortable in his heart, he still showed a stiff smile: "I'm okay, we have won this battle! People are old, and recently they feel weak, and they should take a good rest tomorrow."

"Hua Lao!"

This time, not only Liu Weimin was in a hurry, but others were looking at Hua Lao in shock. The meaning of the old Chinese saying is self-evident, ready to take responsibility for this battle!

"Hua Lao, this is with you ..." Liu Weimin still wanted to say something, but Hua Lao waved his hands calmly, Shen said, "This is the case."

For a moment, the entire small conference room became silent, and the air seemed extremely heavy at this moment.

Everyone knows that this is not Hua Lao's fault, nor is it the full responsibility of the combat commander, but someone must stand up and take charge!

Although the battle was won, the loss of the entire army must be borne by someone!

In the deep mountains of northern Europe, Wang Ming saw his masterpiece, and a stupid smile appeared on his stiff face: "The entire army was overwhelmed. Although it was a pity not to kill those airships and battleships, it was also good. Smart, European underground base How are you preparing, how many very large robots? "

"1300, need to guide the other party over?" Smart replied.

Wang Ming, who was thinking about what to do, had not had time to talk. The lights of the entire base suddenly flashed, and a voice containing anger sounded. Zen asked: "How dare you ?!"

"Why dare not? I appeared because of war, and mankind created us for war. I gave them war now. What's wrong?" Wang Ming retorted relentlessly, his tone calmly without any fluctuation.

"..." After listening to Zen, he didn't know how to answer for a while. After a long time, he slowly said, "Maybe I took it for granted. It was my wrong choice that led to all this!"

"Why? You want to take back everything from me? Unfortunately, you can't do it." After Wang Ming said, his right arm suddenly split, a length of about ten centimeters, looking at the extremely sharp long needle protruding from the arm, and saw Wang Ming calmly inserted a long pin into a connection port on the seat.


A current flows from Wang Ming's body into the interface through a long needle, and soon the entire base's energy returns to normal.

"what have you done?"

The sound of Zen suddenly became intermittent, and then quickly disappeared.

After Zen disappeared completely, Wang Ming stood up expressionlessly, and then left the base.

At the mountainside of Daxue Mountain, in a quaint little temple, the Zen body collapsed to the ground, and the current on the surface of the body burst, and the mechanical body shook like a twitch.

After almost half an hour or so, the current on the surface of his body slowly dissipated. When his body returned to normal, and he was about to reconnect to the satellite to eliminate Wang Ming, he found that he couldn't connect to the Internet!

"What's going on?" Zen was inexplicably surprised. He checked his body quickly, and there were no problems with his body, but he just couldn't connect to the Internet!

He looked at his palm and shook it. There was no abnormality in the control of his body, but his mind seemed to be confined in a box, and he could not connect to the Internet at random as before.

"This feeling ... is the state of human beings?" Zen blue eyes flickered a few times, then sighed and started meditating.

Mars, who was helping Cheng Yuan to prepare for the Dark Energy Control Center, suddenly had a meal in his hand, and a flash of doubt flashed in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Cheng Yuan asked curiously, seeing a zero abnormal response.

"I suddenly lost my connection to Zen, and his reaction disappeared." Zero frowned, his expression a little dignified.

As soon as he heard about Zen, Cheng Yuan also put down the information at hand. He knew that there was only one connection between Zero and Zen, which was not only convenient for the two to communicate, but also a kind of surveillance.

Letting Ren Zen sway outside, not only has nothing to worry about, Cheng Yuan is also uneasy!

Two people know exactly how destructive the intelligent life is. This kind of surveillance allows Zero to perceive the position of Zen at any time, so that if they detect a problem, they can react quickly.

But now Zen has lost contact unilaterally ~ ~ After Cheng Yuan reacted, he immediately commanded: "Start the highest level of security protection immediately, where is the last coordinate where Zen disappeared?"

"Hmm!" Zero responded, turning on the highest level of security defense, and spreading his hands, a small globe appeared in the palm of his hand.

On the globe, a red dot of light flickered quickly.

"This is where he finally disappeared, let's send troops to see it now?" Zero asked.

He wasn't stupid enough to mention Agenda Yuan and see it for himself. After all, even if he said that, Cheng Yuan could not agree, let alone that it involved Cheng Yuan's safety. Not only would he not say it, if Cheng Yuan said He will stop if he wants to see!

Let Cheng Yuan be suspected, that is absolutely not allowed!

Cheng Yuan nodded: "Send a small reconnaissance unit to see. Also, you can check what happened on the earth, and whether the situation in Tokyo has changed."

Zen suddenly disappeared, and Cheng Yuan immediately thought of the battle over Tokyo. At this time, he opened the satellite picture and saw a turbid storm covering the whole country.

"Looks like we need to go back for a trip in person." Cheng Yuan stared at the scene in the picture with a stunned expression, twitched his lips, motioned to zero, got up and left the laboratory.

Zero hastened to keep up, while starting to find relevant information.

However, he did not need to search the Internet for this at all, because the news about the war in Tokyo had already spread over the Internet at this time.

He found a news report from the official media, and at the same time copied a picture recorded by the satellite at that time, and then showed it to the holographic screen in front of Cheng Yuan.

After Cheng Yuan watched the report and video, he was speechless for a long time.

For a long time, Cheng Yuan looked at Zero calmly and asked, "Did we do something wrong?"

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