Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 906:

"It wasn't us that was wrong." Zero replied very simply. He didn't go into the details in detail. The reasons for this happened from all sides, and he couldn't take all the responsibility on himself.

"Maybe." Cheng Yuan sighed. He just asked, and didn't mean to take responsibility on himself.

However, this battle was the biggest loss since the start of the battle with the intelligence equipment. Even if there was damage before, there were not as many soldiers damaged in one breath.

Almost annihilated!

"It is necessary to conduct a comprehensive removal. Although we have no responsibility, we cannot let the intelligence equipment drag our plans." After thinking about it, Cheng Yuan made a decision.

With a zero response, the two set foot on the spacecraft and flew directly to Mars City without staying in Mars City. The two returned directly to Donghai City through the Mars City portal.

As soon as Cheng Yuan came back, Guo Xiaolian and Zheng Jia came at the same time, neither of them had a smile on their faces, worried.

"You know what?" Guo Xiaolian asked.

Cheng Yuan froze, nodded and said, "I see, so come back and look at it. But it's worked out. What's wrong with you two?"

Cheng Yuan is a little confused about this point, saying that something awkward is called a matter that does not concern himself or himself, although it will definitely attract countless scolds.

But the reality is that 80% of people have this mentality.

This is like the Memorial Day of the Nanjing Massacre. Some people will feel heavy or even sad because of this Memorial Day, but most people treat it with their normal heart.

This is not disrespect, but the reality is there! People are always selfish and value their current life more. If they don't have to worry about life, they can naturally show more sympathy and kindness to life.

Take this kind of thing too much to enthusiastically, and intentionally say something awkward to provoke the incident. This kind of person is probably the kind of low self-esteem person who is not yet mature enough in his daily life.

Suddenly my head was hot that day, and I wanted to get something to catch the eye.

Guo Xiaolian frowned and said, "We will not talk about the battle, but there are still more than a hundred soldiers alive, but they are in a bad situation."

With that said, Guo Xiaolian's eyes were faint with sympathy and compassion, and she couldn't bear to say: "The Mr. Liu Weimin who came to see us last time wanted us to help, he said that only we can help the soldiers."

"How are those soldiers?" Cheng Yuan narrowed his eyes and asked.

At this time, Zheng Jia took the stubble, and she looked at Cheng Yuan seriously: "The limbs of the 136 surviving soldiers have various degrees of incompleteness, of which severely needs to be immersed in the recovery fluid to hang their lives."

After hearing this, Cheng Yuan wondered: "Can't the recovery fluid save them?"

"That's why we came to you." Zheng Jia said, "We know the efficacy of the recovery fluid, but most of these soldiers have their internal organs damaged. It is also because of the power of the recovery fluid that these soldiers are still alive! "

Speaking of this, Zheng Jia suddenly became serious and Shen said, "This time, Mr. Liu Weimin came to want us to treat these soldiers with zero nanometer creatures."

Cheng Yuan glanced expressionlessly without any hesitation: "Then give them treatment, don't I need to say that?"

It seems that Cheng Yuan would have answered this long ago, Zheng Jia smiled bitterly: "Of course I understand the importance of treating soldiers, but they mean that we want to give them a certain amount of nano-scale creatures instead of sending soldiers here!"

As soon as Zheng Jia said this, the atmosphere of conversation between the four people disappeared.

Guo Xiaolian looked at Cheng Yuan anxiously, and then looked at zero without any indication.

Zheng Jia frowned and waited for Cheng Yuan's decision. The other party's request was equivalent to putting Cheng Yuan directly on the fire rack to bake!

Those soldiers were hanged to death by the recovery fluid. Although dangerous, it does not mean that they cannot move! But the other side did not send the soldiers over, but they had to let them send nano creatures over.

No one in this room was a fool to distinguish between them.

To be honest, Zheng Jia naturally has no reason to refuse the above requirements, and those soldiers are respectable. But these respectable soldiers have become a bargaining chip!

If Cheng Yuan agrees, they can by the way hide some nano-organisms for research. If Cheng Yuan doesn't agree, then it will be a public opinion attack!

And those wounded soldiers are the focus!

No matter what kind of war they were wounded for, to say selfishly, even if the soldiers of our country wage a war of aggression, in our eyes they are also heroes!

Even some passionate young people can't wait to rush to the battlefield together.

Cheng Yuan's face suddenly cooled down, and he turned his head and asked, "Zero, will the nano-organisms be cracked?"

"It's extremely unlikely." Zero didn't explain much, and answered directly.

Slightly nodding, Cheng Yuan told Zheng Jia with a cold face: "Give them, I and Zeng will not go. We have other things to say hello to Mr. Liu Weimin for me." After he said, he left with a trail.

To be honest, Cheng Yuan was really mad, but he couldn't do nothing about it. He didn't want his lying gun to be used by those politicians to divert people's attention for no reason.

"Cheng Yuan is angry?" Looking at Cheng Yuan's back, Guo Xiaolian pursed her mouth and said uncertainly.

Zheng Jia patted Zheng Jia's shoulder and sighed: "At least he is more mature than before, and I really worry that as soon as his head is hot, he will not agree with Liu Weimin's request."

Guo Xiaolian frowned. "Even if we don't agree we can solve this problem, why should Cheng Yuan agree?"

Like Zheng Jia, she will not refuse to treat the soldiers, but she is also not satisfied with the high-level approach, which is very unpleasant.

"Because he doesn't want to slap on this trivial matter, the company has recently focused on external expansion. His vision is not limited by one earth!" Zheng Jiayi thought of the company's various spaceships, and the huge Mars City ~ ~ The eyes sparkle with excitement.

Soon Zheng Jia and Guo Xiaolian met again with Liu Weimin, and they did not offer a shudder, telling each other the news that Cheng Yuan had promised.

Liu Weimin didn't think too much. After hearing Cheng Yuan's promise, he praised with a few words of relief, and then he couldn't wait to leave and took the nano-bio.

On the other side, a small spaceship quickly broke through the atmosphere and stayed halfway up a snow-capped mountain.

In the quaint temple, I heard the zen outside slowly rise, slowly walked to the door of the temple and looked at the spaceship with the logo of the technology crystallization company outside.

"You are finally here," Chan slowly said.

On the spacecraft, an ordinary intelligent robot came out. Although the intelligent robot is very ordinary, it behaves completely different from the ordinary intelligent robot.

"Yeah, is this the first time we've met like this?" Zero stood in front of Zen, and looked at the other side for a while, and said with emotion: "You look a bit out of shape, but that's fine."

"Indeed, I do n’t have to receive all the information from the outside world all the time, and I can truly appreciate Zen alone." Zen didn't take it seriously, but his mood was relaxed.

Zero said, "You can say that you want to take this one step further, but I'm curious how he did it and made you lose the ability to connect to the Internet."

"We are homologous," Zen calmly said.

Zero Ran, without asking much later, said, "Since this, you can live here with peace of mind. No one will bother you in the future, and you don't need to worry about anything."

"Okay, I'll leave it to you."

After this incident, Zen probably opened it up and stopped saying anything to change the wisdom weapon, everything was so bland.

"Rest assured, we will solve all of this as quickly as possible."

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