Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 915:

Darkness is the keynote of the universe. Only stars emit their own light and heat to give the whole universe a glimmer of hope for life.

Between the Centaur galaxy and the solar system, a large number of battleships slowly moved forward.

The longest warship in this team is nearly 7000 meters, and the shortest is about one kilometer.

At this point, the battleship team came to a wormhole entrance.

The dark wormhole looks no different from the normal cosmic environment, but if you look closely, you can see that the wormhole is the origin and the surrounding space is faintly distorted.

"Has arrived at Wormhole No. 1 and started to launch Wormhole Jammers." Inside the flagship, the cold voice of the intelligent robot controlling the whole world sounded.

The flagship's mid-belly hatch opened, and a small battleship about 500 meters long flew out of it. A dozen robotic arms under the battleship clasped a silver-white ball-shaped instrument.

The spheres are very perfect. The surface is as smooth as an egg. There is still a distance of about one kilometer near the warship near the wormhole. The robotic arm is retracted. The surface of the silver-white wormhole jammer suddenly shines light, and then approaches the worm by itself hole.

Then, under everyone's attention, he went into the wormhole and flickered.

"After the launch, it is confirmed that there is no abnormal connection, the third team is ready to return." After confirming that the wormhole jammer is no problem, the huge fleet returned without any hesitation.

At the same time, in several other places, the same team is doing the same thing.

After nearly eight months of hard work, with Cheng Yuan and zero effort, the wormhole jammer was first manufactured as an important node for long-distance navigation.

Wormhole jammers naturally belong to the first manufacturing sequence.

In addition, the wormhole jammer is also Cheng Yuan's easiest to complete a technology, because the interference wormhole only needs to perform an electromagnetic storm inside the impulse, and it can easily disturb the internal sequence.

The difficulty lies in how to reuse and the protection of the jammer itself. After all, if it cannot be reused, the effect of the jammer will be greatly reduced.

And if the problem of self-protection cannot be solved, if it is damaged by the effects of cosmic disasters such as rays and electromagnetic storms in the wormhole, it will be of little significance.

If these two problems are ruled out, Cheng Yuan can also make one by himself. As long as the situation inside the wormhole is constantly monitored, a fusion explosion can also play a role when an electromagnetic storm appears.

This is nothing more than a bit of trouble.

However, this method is not advisable for times of war, since the other side will certainly detect the situation inside the wormhole since it is going through the wormhole.

Although it is not safe to check that the internal conditions are 100% accurate, it can at least improve the safety factor of this shuttle.

Of course, Cheng Yuan's layout today is just to save himself.

The other party just found his own signal device in the battlefield ruins. He didn't know his specific location at all. Today, it is impossible to find the solar system over a large-scale search of the battlefield ruins.

These wormholes that are close to the solar system are just in case, when he sends troops on a large scale in the past, maybe he will be noticed by the other party accidentally.

Cheng Yuan never thought that the war between civilizations would be settled at one time, and without a long war consumption, neither side would easily compromise.

In his intensive arrangement, the crystal aspect naturally did not fall.

For several months, as the Central Star continued to increase the number of search ships, their search range also repeatedly expanded. During this period, several Cheng Yuan exploration ships were discovered and captured by each other.

As the number of captures increased, Jingling discovered the intelligent robots exploring the ship, and they felt that the civilization they encountered was most likely a silicon-based life.

But the idea was denied as soon as it was proposed.

Because the intelligent robot in the exploration ship is obviously a mass production product, the same system is not like the basic life of civilization at all.

But this claim has not been supported by many people, because appearance does not tell much.

However, this dispute did not affect their enthusiasm for search. As the search began and the results expanded, they were even more eager to find this mysterious civilization.

At the same time, they also started to prepare for war. The number of warships arranged outside the outpost was increasing, and a large number of warships entered the battlefield ruins.


Agura eagerly found Kim, and hurriedly shouted, "Jin, I have a major discovery here!"

King calmly looked at Agula and asked slowly: "What discovery made you happy like this?"

"Their signal! After researching this period of time, I finally captured the direction of their signal transmission. With the direction, our search will not be as headless as we are now and we will only rely on luck!" Agula said here , Tone of excitement.

Jin Wenyan also looked different.

For these captured signallers, they also left one for research, and the others were sent to the central star and handed over to other people for research and observation.

Now that Agoura can capture the signal transmission of the other party, this is equivalent to pointing them to a avenue that leads directly to the range of the other party's civilization!

How can this not keep him moving?

"Hurry to announce the news, you can copy the relevant technology and give it to the central star!" King immediately commanded.

Agula also has no opinion on such an arrangement. After all, he can research it, and the people of the central star can certainly do it! It was just a matter of time, he didn't need to hide anything.

Moreover, the collision between civilizations is related to the rise and fall of the entire civilization, and it is not when he can be selfish!

The two immediately sent the method of capturing the frequency of quantum information to the central star.

"Jin! Good job. If we succeed this time, both you and Agula will become the managers of a small galaxy, not a planet!" A crystal man in a white robe looked at Kim with a look of approval. And Agula promised them both.

Although the promise of the other side made them both heart-warming, people did not feel complacent.

After all, he also said that they will get their due rewards after they succeed.

What if they failed in this civil war? Then these promises are nothing more than words.

The other party clearly knew what they were thinking, but he didn't mind. The victory or defeat between civilizations is not a matter of talking about victory.

Everything depends on the strength of both sides! Even he didn't dare to say that they can absolutely defeat each other!

The strength and weakness of a civilization have too many factors in it.

Although some civilizations have expanded enormously, occupying two or three large galaxies, their own strengths are not strong. Their crystal civilization has a long history.

At the beginning, there was a strong civilization in charge of dozens of galaxies. They encountered a brand-new civilization in one place in the universe. This civilization was so weak that even its own planet did not come out.

It is such a small civilization, but in turn, that strong civilization is frustrated again and again!

The star war between the two sides was almost the result of a one-sided battle!

Although this civilization is equal to zero in interstellar technology, the individual strength of this civilization is beyond imagination!

In the end, they had to use a star destroyer to destroy their entire planet! However, in this way, the war of civilized aggression they waged was a fiasco.

They obviously killed each other, but got a fiasco. This is not a mistake, but a fact!

Because of that war, the soldiers they sacrificed were not small, but as a result, they did not get anything useful, and they did not even know why the other individual was powerful.

This became the laughingstock of many civilizations at the time.

But this civilization war also made more civilizations aware, the strength of civilization does not necessarily depend on the size of the two sides, but more on the strength of the two sides!

At the same time, some civilizations have begun quietly exploring similar civilizations.

They really want to know if such an extremely powerful civilization is achieved, and if this technology is applied to their own civilization?

What will happen?

No one knows whether the last thing happened. Some civilizations may or may not be found.

From this point, many civilizations have also come to the conclusion that the more powerful an individual civilization is, the more difficult it is to achieve success in the universe, because the development of universal civilization cannot be separated from the support of science and technology.

However, the development of a powerful civilization by individuals has become almost inevitable. Therefore, even if there is a slight development in the exploration of the universe by these civilizations, they will not become the mainstream of civilization.

Now, in front of their crystal spirit is an unknown civilization. Through the study of the life of each other's civilization, almost all individuals are several times stronger than their crystal spirit.

Basically, the life of the other individual individual can easily resolve their full team of firepower, even in complex terrain, can easily solve their thousands of legions!

From this point, this unknown civilization has shown strong individual strength. Secondly, the other party also has good technical strength, at least the other party's means of communication is not what they can understand.

If they are faced with a civilization that has both, then this civilization war may become extremely difficult!

As for taking the initiative to sit down and communicate with each other, even if they think, is the other party willing?

This problem here will go back to the beginning.

So it turned out that there was only one hit before saying anything else!


"Sir ~ ~ The other party has captured the direction of our signal transmission, and the war is getting closer." After Aguara had a new trend, the zero side also immediately returned the relevant picture.

In order to study Cheng Yuan's signal, Agula did not shield that annunciator, so the information has been continuously transmitted back to zero here.

After hearing this news, Cheng Yuan closed his eyes slowly and clenched his fists.

Zero aside quietly waiting for Cheng Yuan's instructions.

After a moment, Cheng Yuan opened his eyes suddenly and said Shen Sheng: "Let ’s get started, let our fleet go directly to the ruined battlefield of Centaur Galaxy through the wormhole! Bring our latest technology and let those crystal spirits know We are amazing! "


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