Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 916:

After the wormhole jammer was arranged, Cheng Yuan and Zero's main energy was put on the space transition blockade.

Transition, the physical expression is the process of an energy level reaching another energy level, it is a change of energy conversion.

But space jump involves a kind of space folding technology, which uses the space retraction of the jump engine to achieve theoretical super-light flight.

This is similar to the superlight particle Cheng Yuan has been studying. However, this method is not always true super light speed, but only achieves the same effect.

The jump blockade technology interferes with the entire space field, making it impossible for the other party to use the jump to reach this space. A forced breakthrough will only cause the destruction of the aircraft.

Of course, it is only the blocked area that can be blocked. How can people from outside the block come from?

However, at least this can prevent the surprise attack.

After he issued an attack order, all warships carried jump interference devices and one of the strongest warfare weapons, and the energy barrier set off.

A year and a half later.

The ruins of the battlefield are close to the edge of the solar system, which is only 7 light years away from the solar system.

Compared to the vast universe, the distance of 7 light years is the same as 7 meters on earth.

In such a short distance, the astronomical glasses on the earth could not find that there had been a large-scale civilized battle here.

This is not technically possible, but the rectangular area formed by the entire battlefield ruins. Under the brilliant background of the surrounding stars, it is like a black space that devours everything.

And in this black space, the wreckages of various shapes left by the war will gradually emerge only when they approach.

At this point, a huge fleet came through the wormhole to this area.

Battleships vary in size from kilometres to kilometres. The number of warships has also increased over time, and they quickly formed a large cubic matrix after the emergence.

When warships no longer appear in the wormhole, the entire huge cubic array has already extended hundreds of thousands of meters!

This is the invincible fleet that Cheng Yuan has been manufacturing for several years without stopping!

This is also all his capital!

On the other side of the wormhole, Titan Fortress larger than the earth, Cheng Yuan, the highest commander, looked through the screen to the cold and dark ruined battlefield.

Around Cheng Yuan, a layer of light blue jellyfish-like liquid intelligent controller floats. This is a new neural control device developed by him in combination with Jingling's technology.

All orders can be completed with only one thought.

"Finally started!" At the same time as Cheng Yuan spoke, the light blue liquid intelligence around him also emitted a faint light, reflecting on Cheng Yuan's majestic face.

"Do we need to take the initiative to attack?" Zero didn't express emotion, but asked with a serious face.

Cheng Yuan's mouth flickered, and his face showed a tenacity: "Of course, war is inevitable. For more than a year, they haven't had a signal to cut off the captives, and part of their behavior has explained everything."

At this time, a small window suddenly popped out of the screen, and a blurry shadow appeared in the window.

Cheng Yuan's eyes moved, the window was automatically enlarged, and the shadow was clearly enlarged. This is a special-shaped aircraft, and the other party turned around immediately after being found.

"Follow it, the whole army is attacking!" Cheng Yuan directly ordered without any hesitation.

With Cheng Yuan's orders, the liquid controller around him bloomed brighter. Beside him, Zero also began to take detailed control.

In the battleship square, all the battleships were suddenly given a bright golden light around the moment they were ordered, and the light quickly expanded. Combined with other nearby warships, a huge golden barrier was formed to enclose all the warships.

The golden square array was so solemn, and chased quickly towards the escaping aircraft. All obstacles, whether wreckage or meteor, that blocked the forward movement of the square array along the way were easily broken after encountering this layer of golden barriers.

At the outpost, the Crystal Spirit's aircraft had transmitted its findings back. After more than a year of searching and finally finding each other, the crystal spirits also boiled.

One by one, they can't wait to rush to the front to destroy the enemy, and then return with their loot to show off.

As long as the Jingling high-level statement, all Jinglings knew that war was coming.

Of course, some people are opposed to war, after all, the previous trauma has not been completely recovered. Go to trouble others immediately, which contradicts the opinions of many crystal spirits.

Many people fear that if they fail again, they will lose their crystal spirit.

However, these people's objections were quickly settled by the high-level officials. They didn't explain too much, just took out Cheng Yuan's annunciator and said something.

"It's not that we declared war, but that the other party has found us and has shown signs of invasion, and this signaler is evidence!"

Such a sentence directly defines the nature of the entire war as a defensive war, not a war of aggression.

In the face of aggression, no matter who will rise up.

So before the war began, Cheng Yuan was defined by Crystal Spirit as an evil invader.

Therefore, when the picture of the golden square matrix rapidly advancing back to the Crystal Spirit, everyone boiled with extremely strong resentment at the same time.

Here comes the invaders!

And still move forward to them with great momentum.

No high-level explanation is needed this time, and the atmosphere of war immediately permeates the entire crystal civilization.

However, when the bottom floor was high, the top of the crystal spirit and the military looked at the picture that came back so solemnly.

"Can we stop or break this energy barrier?" Watching the enemy's fleet on the screen rampaged through the ruins of the battlefield without turning, which made them frightened, a senator asked.

"It's unclear, but even this strong barrier has its energy limit. As long as we use more powerful weapons, it can be easily broken." Military representatives expressed their views.

This view makes many crystal spirits nodded, no matter what is the so-called strongest or absolute defense. If you can't break the opponent's shield, you can only say that your weapon power is not enough!

After most people agreed, the question was set aside, and the Chief of the Senate stood up and asked seriously: "So, what army are we in the ruined battlefield?"

"Tenth Army, His Excellency the Senate." An elderly military official replied.

"Then let the Tenth Army Corps test the situation of the other side, and the Eighth Army and the Sixth Army Corps will assist the side ~ ~ directly.

After the brief meeting, the Jingling side began to lay out tactics.

Leaving the conference room, a young commander caught up with the older elder, "Commander Carlo, why not send the Arc Light of our third army directly to destroy the other party with absolute advantage?"

"Ha ha." Carlo smiled slightly, optimistic about the young commander in front of Carlo, he explained: "Clo, you have to remember that the purpose of the war is not to destroy."

After speaking, he would no longer go to see the thoughtful Clo, and left slowly.

Soon, the tenth legion of Crystal Ling received orders from the central star, and attacked Cheng Cheng's fleet.


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