Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 917:

"What the **** is this!" The commander of the Tenth Army Corps stared blankly at the image presented by the optical image in front of him, his dark eyes revealing horror and a distaste of hatred.

Yellow and gold, these two colors are similar but can be easily distinguished.

In front of him, a huge fleet was wrapped in a yellow barrier in his eyes. The opponent was driving at a very fast speed, and all obstacles on the way were hit into powder under the yellow barrier of the road.

In particular, this barrier protects the enemy's fleet like an eggshell, and the tightness makes it feel like you can't let go.

This made him couldn't help thinking of the battle of destruction thousands of years ago, "The disgusting yellow-headed worm!"

The commander forsaw the disgust, muttered, and then commanded in a deep voice: "Prepare the particle cannons, and let the analysis team immediately analyze the structure of the opposite barrier."

Although it felt that the fleet in front was a difficult bone, but the order of the Senate had been issued, he had to honestly attack the other party in accordance with the order.

Moreover, the color of the energy outside the opponent also made him desperate to crush it.

With the order of the Commander of the Tenth Army Corps, all the crystal spirits were mobilized to control the start of the weapon to recharge the particle guns. The analysis team immediately set up the fleet that aimed the analysis instrument at Cheng Yuan and began analyzing this unknown energy barrier. .

The crystal spirits of the analysis team dare not care, they are very cautious.

Because this barrier is definitely a brand-new technology in their eyes, in their impression, all protective energy barriers require an extremely large energy supply.

Therefore, in general, no matter what type of warship or building, even if the equipped energy barrier serves as protection, it will not always maintain the existence of the barrier.

It is more necessary to deploy the barrier when needed, and to do this, you only need to add an emergency sensing device.

Only one device is needed to save huge energy. As long as it is not a fool, it will know how to choose.

But now, the other side is so unrestrained in wasting energy, which makes them have to think about the question. Do these warships have enough energy to support this huge barrier?

Isn't the other party afraid that the entire fleet will be wiped out because of insufficient energy?

One by one, doubts haunted the minds of these crystal spirits, but although they were puzzled, they did not worry too much about this issue.

After all, it is imperative to analyze this seemingly frightening barrier.

The analysis process is not difficult. They only need a fight to start, and they can easily get a lot of data they want through the aftermath of the attack.

"Commander, the particle gun is filled." Next to the commander of the Tenth Army Corps, a transparent jellyfish trembled slightly, and then a thick voice sounded.


With the order of the commander, the crystal tenth legion of the Crystal Corps, a blast of hot particle cannons with a dazzling light, the light illuminated this dark area, like the stars dotted on the black screen, so The dizziness also sounded the signal of confrontation between the two civilizations.

Particle cannons attack extremely fast, almost hitting the barrier in the blink of an eye, and then hit accurately!

The attack didn't excite the crystal spirit, but looked more serious.

Because the opponent didn't even dodge, he still moved towards them at the same speed as before!

After the particle cannon hit the barrier, even a ripple did not startle on the surface. When the energy consumption of the particle cannon was exhausted, the barrier was still intact, and even a crack could not be seen!

The commander's eyes were frozen, and there was a little anxiety in his heart. The barrier in front of him looked like a solid barrier, and the particle cannon was completely ineffective.

"Continue to attack, expand the scope of the attack, and at the same time be prepared to evade, and strive to provide more data to the analysis team." Originally also thought of directly destroying the opponent's commander, and after changing the strategy, he felt that he could not destroy the opponent.

After all, the above is about collecting data, not killing each other, so he doesn't need to let his troops fight with each other at this time.

The command was passed to the entire army through the transparent jellyfish next to him, and the original single particle cannon attack immediately turned into a crazy full-force attack.

Attacks of all kinds exploded without reservation, and the light emitted from the densely colored energy weapons flickered in the side of the legion.

Not only that, but it is also mixed with gunpowder?

A lot of bullet-like shuttle-shaped metals were fired from the opponent's legion array?

Cheng Yuan, who has been following the battlefield, was surprised when he discovered this.

But after a closer inspection, he found that this was not a gunpowder weapon, it should be considered a physical attack.

After all, considering the environmental factors of the universe battlefield, energy weapons are generally used to ensure sufficient attack power and means of attack.

But the shortcomings of energy weapons are many.

For example, now, when both sides have energy shields, if there is no significant difference in the weapon powers of the two sides, does the battle between the two sides depend on whose energy is consumed first?

This is obviously impossible.

Therefore, this material weapon was also applied to the universe battlefield.

Although the weapon itself is a bit bulkier, the actual individual needs to be given sufficient acceleration under the cosmic vacuum environment without gravitational restraint.

That destructive power can easily pierce the entire battlefield!

This method is the same as Cheng Yuan's previous method of adding energy barriers to warships and letting extremely fast small warships shuttle the battlefield and crash the opponent's warships.

It's just that one is controllable and the other is uncontrollable.

However, if this attack method is facing an ordinary energy shield, then it can naturally play a great role. Even if the energy shield cannot be broken, the energy shield can also consume a lot of energy.

But here in Cheng Yuan, these shuttle-shaped large 'bullets' are of no use.

After they hit the barrier, not only did they not bring a trace of damage to the barrier, they were directly destroyed by the impact force into debris.

Seeing that all the attacks on his side had no effect, the opponent approached himself at a faster rate. The commander of the Tenth Army understands that he cannot break the shield of the opponent.

"Is there no result over the analysis team?" He looked at the enemies that were getting closer, he did not dare to neglect, and quickly asked.

"We have enough data, but ..."

Without waiting for the analysis team's Jingling to finish, he immediately decided: "Retreat."

Fight against each other here, not to mention that it is too far away from your own side, it will be difficult to supply, and his tenth legion does not seem to hit the other side.

It is definitely not a wise decision to stay on.

No one would object to the commander's order. Soon, the entire 10th Army began to shrink the front, and the attack became more fierce. Without much combat experience, he was a little uncertain about the movement of the crystal spirit.

"Is this a wave of preparations, or is it about to run away?" Cheng Yuan was uncertain, and asked zero on the side.

Zero answered very calmly: "Whether the other party is ready to fight or to escape. The choice is yours. If you want to annihilate the other party, you can send our commando team.

If you don't plan to annihilate each other yet, see what they are prepared to do. "The fleet of Jingling is not very powerful. It is easy to destroy them.

Cheng Yuan heard the words and grinned, "I don't have the habit of not fighting back, just kill them!"


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