Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 971:

Taking a ship and looking at the central star that was gradually away from sight, Carol's heart was very complicated.

He hasn't left the central star for a long time, and this time he left, he also got confused in his heart. He didn't know what the result of his advocacy behavior would be.

First of all, it is unknown whether the mechanical statement is willing to cooperate with him. Secondly, even if the mechanical life is promised, how can he convince other Jingling executives when he returns?

This is his personal decision, and it is absolutely impossible to represent the Crystal Empire!

Carol was thinking about it all the way, and the path he chose was undoubtedly bumpy.

Because it's possible that neither side pleases.

As he frowned, thinking about how to persuade the parties next, a crisp voice interrupted Carroll's contemplation.

"Commander Carol, we have reached our destination."

Carroll lifted his head, there was silence, only countless wreckage remained here.

"Is this right? Did the detector find mechanical life?" Carol asked, glancing at the quiet environment.

"No," the intelligent core replied.

Carol thought for a moment, ordering expressionlessly: "Keep moving on until we find each other, or they find us."

In his opinion, mechanical life would definitely react if it saw a battleship of the Crystal Empire breaking into their territory.

He didn't come here to fight with the opponent, so he didn't have much mental burden. As long as he could meet the mechanical life, he could continue his plan.

So when he gave this order, he was very determined.


For Carroll's instructions, the intelligent core is naturally executed immediately.

The fleet continued.


"Cheng Yuan, I found a warship with the crystal sign is sailing to our front base. Do I need to send troops to intercept it?"

Suddenly, Zero, who was in the process of preparing for the invasion, received feedback from the monitor, and a little surprise came to his heart.

Shouldn't the Jingling be busy fighting their deadly Zerg at this time, how could there be time to free up their hands to provoke them?

Is the crystal arrogant enough to fear two-line combat?

Moreover, he did not receive the message that Jingling was going to fight with them! ?

Zero in my heart relayed this to Cheng Yuan.

"What is the quantity?" Cheng Yuan was equally surprised. His first reaction was, was it impossible for the crystal spirit to be driven crazy by the Zerg?

But then he threw this unreliable idea out of his head, and he felt that there must be a conspiracy inside.

"There are only 5 warships, and they are all small warships. It doesn't look like they are going to attack us." After looking at the monitor's feedback report, Zero's behavior was even stranger.

"Did they deliberately send these 5 warships to lure us, let us join the war between them and the Zerg, and help them attract some firepower?" Cheng Yuan frowned.

"First send a fleet to intercept them to see what Jingling is playing." Can not think of Jingling's purpose, Cheng Yuan can only stop the other party first.

Cheng Yuan's battleship group quickly dispatched and went straight to Crystal's battleship squadron.

The battleships on both sides were very fast, and they soon met.

When he saw the battleship of mechanical life, Carol breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, but soon his face became more severe, because the next operation was more difficult.

"Send negotiation information," Carroll instructed, regardless of whether the mechanical life could understand their language.

This is not that Carol didn't think of it, but that he believes that after receiving the message from the other party, even if he doesn't understand it at first, he can quickly crack the message he sent.

However, he never imagined that Cheng Yuan was very familiar with the language of Jingling.

Hearing directly after hearing the information of Jingling's negotiation.

What does Jingling want to do?

Cheng Yuan is also aggressive, this is the first time he has received the Jingling negotiation information. Even before the two sides fought in several battles, they did not communicate with each other.

"Ask them where they came from." After returning to God, Cheng Yuan decided to listen to what Jingling wanted to do first.

Zeroed his head and replied in Jingling's language: "Jingling, say what you're here for."

The zero response was quite satisfactory. Although there is no respect in tone, this is normal. The two sides are in a state of war. It has been very respectful to meet you without a face gun.

However, Zero felt that the response was very normal after Carroll heard it, but it was like a thunderstorm!

These mechanical beings were able to talk to him directly using the crystal language, which is simply ...

Suddenly he thought that an outpost had been occupied by the other party. With the learning ability of mechanical life, it should not be difficult to master their language.

Slightly relieved, he replied: "I am Carroll, Commander of the Crystal Empire, and this time I am here to convey the goodwill of our Crystal Empire."

Carroll was so full of words that he did not say that this was his personal behavior, and set himself as a representative of the crystal spirit.

After listening to the translated information, Cheng Yuan looked at Zero and asked in a low voice, "Did you talk to us at the previous meeting of Jingling?"

Zero quickly shook his head: "No, I will focus on monitoring every meeting of them, I have never heard of it."

Cheng Yuan smiled suddenly and said strangely, "Should he come here secretly?"

"It's very possible, after all, there was no mention at the meeting of the Jingling executives who talked with us about this kind of thing. He came here alone 80% of the time was private." Zero agreed.

"But this Carol has a high status in Crystal Emperor ~ ~ Even if it is private, we can hear what he wants to say."

Zero eyes flickered. He thought that Carol's coming to them this time was likely to be similar to his original idea.

"Tell him not to talk about the so-called goodwill, and say the purpose directly, or drive them out." Cheng Yuan thought it was very interesting. Did Jingling play insult again?

But even if he wants to hear what the other person is saying, he has to be tougher.

At the other end, Carol waited for a while before seeing the mechanical life recovering, and couldn't help getting nervous. He was very worried that if the other party did not give himself a chance to express his goodwill, he would run away for nothing.

Just when he was worried, Zero finally replied.

"Speak your intentions directly, Jingling." Zero asked very politely.

Finally, there was a reply. Instead, Carol didn't care about Jing Ling's tone. The relationship between the two sides was bad, and the ghost could only get better.

"I came to resolve our direct contradiction. In fact, there is not much hatred between our crystal spirit and your mechanical life. I think that we can solve the problems between us peacefully, both for you and me. advantageous."

Carroll didn't immediately say a request for cooperation. He paused, feeling that the other party didn't immediately refute, and blinked, and continued to ask, "Can we meet and talk?"

"Of course you can." Zero agreed with almost no hesitation, anyway, just controlling only the robot and the other party to meet, he did not have the slightest psychological burden.

This ultra-fast answer calmed Carroll, and he felt that there might be a play this time.

As for Cheng Yuan and Zero, after hearing what Carroll wanted to say, the two looked at each other and made a sound.

"Oh!" U

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