Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 972:


Cheng Yuan and Zero felt that Carroll's head was absolutely smashed. How did he think that the two sides might have a possibility of reconciliation?

This time, the two sides specially dispatched a small transport spacecraft as the meeting place.

Zero is indifferent. After all, it's just a mass-produced body. There is nothing to worry about.

Carol was very cautious. After seeing the mechanical space dispatched by the transport ship, Carroll observed it for a while, and carried out a careful and strict scan. After confirming that the small ship was not equipped with weapons, he passed carefully.

He was worried that Mechanical Life would take advantage of him when they met.

After landing on the opponent's ship, Carol brought her guard to the ship's internal lobby unimpeded.

Here, he saw a guy apparently different from the rest of the mechanical life standing there waiting for him.

For the first time to observe the mechanical life in such a close range, Carol's eyes flashed with surprise, and the mechanical life in front of him gave him a completely different feeling.

If the mechanical life entity they had previously obtained gave him a stiff and rigid feeling, the individual in front of him had a vivid appearance.

Although the other party did not behave in any way, he felt that way when the other party stood in front of him.

"Crystal, you are special." Staring at Carol indifferently, he looked up and down at the apparently young Crystal man.

Carol looked calmly at the zero-control body, and the other party mastered the crystal language skillfully. Carol had no fluctuations in her heart.

He said loudly: "Your mechanical life has also made us breathtaking. I can hardly imagine that you can master our crystal language in such a short time."

With a slight smile, he dismissed: "It's just a language. For our race, anything in terms of knowledge is simple."

After a pause, Zero added another sentence: "And your crystal spirit's knowledge happens to be of great research value."

Carroll's face froze. The short sentence of zero seemed to him to be the reason for the war between the mechanical life and their crystal spirit.

The other party is directed at Jingling's scientific and technological knowledge!

Knowledge is invaluable to any civilization. This is the foundation of civilization inheritance and continuation.

He suddenly felt whether he was too impulsive.

However, he did not show a little panic. He looked at Calm calmly and said Shen Sheng: "Knowledge is precious to anyone. I understand your desire for knowledge. We still talk about the peaceful settlement of the two sides. The question of war. "

"A peaceful solution?" Carroll looked at it indifferently.

Carol's face changed, and his zero attitude made him feel very bad. He looked a little ugly: "Do you still want to continue the war with your mechanical life?"

"Why not?" Zero looked at Carol with a mentally handicapped look and said confidently: "Our mechanical life has countless armies. For us, death is not a real destination, it is just a change of body. . "

Looking at Carroll casually: "Where are your crystals? As far as I know, you have hundreds of millions of soldiers killed on the battlefield during our war with us."

"Of course."

Zero kicked off and laughed gleefully: "It may be tens of millions of people who die in our hands. As for the other crystal soldiers, they seem to be caused by your own internal strife, which is really a foolish carbon-based creature!

You and I have encountered many carbon-based biological civilizations, and internal consumption is always your main theme, it is really sad. "

Zero taunted Carol, making the other person's face ugly. The guards beside him glared at Zero one by one, anxious to rush to tear the delicate mechanical life in front of him!

With a somber face, Carol said coldly, "As far as I know, you don't have a lot of mechanical life troops. Even if you have an endless army, if you can't come over, everything will be talkless."

"This issue doesn't need your crystal spirits to care about. Compared to this, I care more about what to do with you!" Carroll stared at him with zero eyes.

Carroll's heart fluttered, and the worst happened!

The guard next to him immediately took out the weapon and aimed at the intelligent robot beside him.

For Carroll's actions, Zero was completely ignored.

Seeing that he gently waved his forearm, Carroll's weapon in his guard's hands flew out of his hand somehow.

Carroll stared gloomily at Zero, screaming, "Do you know the consequences of doing this?"

He smiled scornfully: "The consequence is that Jingling loses a high level, and I will occupy the entire Jingling Empire more smoothly!"

Carroll is totally unbelievable. To occupy the entire Crystal Empire, it requires not only a very large number of troops, but also a sufficient population base.

Otherwise, there are several galaxy empires. You don't want to occupy so many people to station!

Seeing that Carol didn't believe it and explained nothing, he waved his hand and asked the intelligent robot soldier to take Carol and his guard down.


"Why are you keeping him?" Cheng Yuan, who had been watching the whole process, asked, he didn't think it was necessary to keep this Carol.

Whether this person is dead or alive has no value to them, but dying will make the crystal spirit more unbearable.

Now that the Crystal and the Zerg are fighting fiercely, Carroll, as a think tank of the Crystal, can absolutely make them mess for a while without his words.

Think about it for a while ~ ~ It feels really useless, he said: "Then kill it, but look for the memory in his head before killing to see if there is something important."

"Just whatever you want, the remaining battleships of him are destroyed directly ..." Cheng Yuan stopped abruptly, and he groaned, "Would you like to let them run away?"

"Let a ship off ?!" Zero asked, puzzled: "Why run a ship? According to my information, he acted privately this time, and no one knew he was here with us. . "

Cheng Yuan smiled and touched his unbearded chin and said, "I just want to see what the high-level Jinglings do after knowing that one of their think tanks is treasonable. You don't realize this is interesting!"

Zero speech, he feels Cheng Yuanzhen is bad!

But when he thought about it, he thought it was a good idea.

In addition to observing the situation on the battlefield in the near future, there is really nothing else. It's quite interesting to see the crystals in trouble.

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