Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 23: Superfluous

After Zheng Yuning's incident happened, Lingyun Industrial was shrouded in low air pressure all day.

Lin Yun called several salesmen into the office in turn, and taught them individually. Everyone who came out of her office looked solemn.

Especially Zheng Yuning, she has been trained twice, her face is ugly.

The only exception is Lin Yao, who has not been trained.

Although she has more work alone than the other six people combined, she arranges her work in an orderly manner, making it impossible to find even a small error.

After Lin Yun finished training the salesmen, he left with a calm face.

As soon as she left, the freezing atmosphere in the office eased, and the few people who had been trained immediately gathered together to discuss.

"I have agreed with the customer that the goods will be shipped after the Chinese New Year, so I have to book the space first! Isn't it necessary to make the reservation at this time to make me feel uneasy even for the New Year?"

"In other words, I have agreed with the factory that they will make our products as soon as they start work in the first month, but she has to ask me to find the factory to send a fax and ask them to confirm the delivery time in writing. This is simply Superfluous!"

The voice of these people was faintly heard, but Lin Yao didn't want to participate. In fact, she didn't even want to listen, so she got up and went to the pantry to pour a cup of hot water.

Jian Wen thought for a while, and followed closely.

In the pantry, Jian Wen took the initiative to ask her, "What happened last night, why did you leave before you finished eating?"

"Nothing." Lin Yao looked back and smiled, "Did it rain heavily yesterday? A friend of mine passed by the City of Flowers and gave me a ride by the way."

Lin Yao thinks it over. The matter between her and Qin Rongze is still unclear, and it will not be too late to wait until the relationship is truly confirmed.

Jian Wen knew it, and nodded slightly, "I'll just say it."

After Lin Yao received the hot water and was about to return to her seat, Jian Wen suddenly whispered: "Last night, after you left, Chairman Qin made a joke..."

Jian Wen is not good at telling stories, so she only talked about what happened:

Chairman Qin was drunk and bragged.

In order to promote himself, he had to belittle others severely. By coincidence, the little brother who was belittled by him was on the side, and he came to have a toast. The scene was very embarrassing.

Lin Yao was quite surprised. Such things often happen to the pretentious silk. Chairman Qin is a high-achieving student from a prestigious school and a high-level listed company, why would he make such a low-level mistake?

However, this matter seems to have nothing to do with them.

Lin Yao didn't care too much.

The same is true for Jian Wen. If it weren't for being too shocked, she wouldn't mention it to Lin Yao.

When he was about to get off work, Lin Yao had already finished the day's work, and was waiting to return home.

At this moment, aziz's dialog box popped up.

azizabudulhy......: "Hello?" Hello?

Li Yao: "Hello! Whatcaniforyou?" (Hello! Can I help you?)

azizabudulhy...: "ihavereceivedyoursales (I have received your samples.)

Li Yao: "Great! So, have you checked about theality our sales?" (Great, have you checked our samples and how is the quality?)

azizabudulhy......: "salesarejtok!" The sample is fine.

azizabudulhy……: "" (But there is a problem.)

azizabudulhy......: "" (Where is the adult video disc I want?)

Lin Yao looked at the computer screen and didn't know how to answer.

Although aziz repeatedly asked her to send adult videos, she couldn't really do so, so she and Lin Yun went to the silk market to select some exquisite little gifts and send them along with the samples.

Not only that, she also bought the genuine "A Chinese Ghost Story" at her own expense and sent it along with the samples.

According to Lin Yao's thinking, aziz must have a lot of adult DVDs in his hands, why did he let himself buy them and send them over?

I just want to change my taste and see the handsome men and beautiful women in China.

"A Chinese Ghost Story" has some handsome men and beauties, and there are also intimate dramas. It is a classic romance film suitable for adults to appreciate, and she carefully selected the bilingual version for aziz.

Ordinarily, aziz received so many gifts at the same time he received the samples, so he shouldn't be disappointed. Didn't he receive them?

Li Yao: "iutoogetherwiththesilkscarf" I put a video disc and silk scarf together.

azizabudulhy...: "ihavetoldyou, notakillgonster!" (I told you that I wanted an adult DVD, not a monster movie!)

Li Yao: "!" I told you too, I can't find the kind of DVD you want.

Li Yao: "!" (And I'm sure that video disc is for adults too.)

azizabudulhy...: "butidon"!" But I don't want to watch monster killing movies!

Li Yao: "well,, ncerngtheneworder, whoshouldiask, youryourfather?" (By the way, I also have a question, about the order, should I ask you or your father?)

azizabudulhy……: "youwillreceiveournfirdordertertoday" (I will send you an order later.)

azizabudulhy...: "beforethat, ihavediscswithyouabouttheayntterstheneworder" Before that, I must discuss the payment method with you.

Seeing aziz seriously discussing the payment method for the new order, Lin Yao breathed a sigh of relief. She finally returned the offending topic back to the right path.

Lin Yao also realized that she might have done something stupid.

If as clients, she and aziz should do business;

If as friends, they should treat each other as equals. There is absolutely no reason why aziz must prepare what she wants.

She has chosen a hearty little gift for the aziz family. It is already very thoughtful and meticulous. Why do you add too much to give him "A Chinese Ghost Story"?

An hour later, she finally finished all this.

When Lin Yao returned home, Li Shulan was washing the dishes with her pregnant belly.

Li Shulan came to Hangzhou for less than three months and was pregnant for less than three months, but her figure was already a bit cumbersome.

Lin Yao took the cup and poured water. She looked at Li Shulan's obviously bulging belly and couldn't help but say, "Shulan, your belly is so big, are you pregnant with twins?"

Li Shulan was startled, she rubbed her hands at a loss, "No way?"

Lin Yao blinked at her, "Why don't you go to the hospital for a check?"

Li Shulan was stunned, "More, go to the hospital to check it?"

Lin Yao was also taken aback. She smiled and asked, "If you don't check it, how do you know what the baby is in the stomach, how healthy is the baby, and what nutrition is needed?"

"Yes!" Li Shulan seemed to have just learned what a terrible thing, and looked at her with admiration, "Sister Lin knows so much, I listen to you!"

Lin Yao was drinking water, and when she said that, she almost didn't squirt.

Isn’t it the most basic life knowledge to have regular check-ups after pregnancy?

She hesitated for a moment, and she said, "The People's Hospital is right next to the community. You can go there to check if you have Yes, I went to buy vegetables a few days ago and passed by!" Li Shulan echoed Said: "Well! Sister Lin, I listen to you, and I will check it tomorrow!"

She has never thought of doing pregnancy checkups!

Also, where does she usually go to buy vegetables, and how does she pass through the People's Hospital?

Lin Yao looked at the girl who was about to become a mother just as an adult, and her heart was a bit complicated.

In Li Shulan's hometown, the girls always get married and have children when they are teenagers, but they are still children themselves, how can they be so particular about it?

This is not the point!

The point is that Lin Yao once again remembered her identity as an "old girl"!

Maybe, she should **** herself more?

Lin Yao's phone screen turned on at the right time, she smiled and raised her phone, and said to Li Shulan: "Well, I'm going back to the room first, you have to take a break."

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