Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 24: Half a year

As the Chinese New Year approaches, Qin Rongze can receive several calls every day urging him to return to the capital for the New Year.

Most of these calls come from Mr. Qin, and occasionally there are former alumni or friends in the business field.

What he didn't expect was that Qin Zhenchuan called him today.

"Tomorrow is the day when Qianqian and Gu's boy get married. I don't know what you are up to, and no matter how busy you are, let me put it down and come back to attend Qianqian's wedding immediately!"

Qin Rongze said nothing, Qin Zhenchuan was a close relative of his blood. Desire for family, warmth and affirmation is human nature, he is no exception, but Qin Zhenchuan has always regarded him as a stain in his life and a stumbling block in the relationship between his husband and wife...

Their father and son have lived under the same roof for more than ten years, and they have almost zero communication with each other.

It is no exaggeration to say that he grew up with a father and not without a father.

Part of the reason for this was Qin Rongze, who didn't know how to please others, and a bigger part of the reason was Qin Zhenchuan, who completely ignored the son he had never expected.

After graduating from high school, Qin Rongze went to study in the United States for five years. After returning from studying abroad, he started his business in Hangzhou for more than eight years. During this period, Qin Zhenchuan also never cared about him, let alone make a phone call.

After all, this was actually the first call Qin Zhenchuan called him, and the purpose of his call was actually to urge him to go back to attend Cheng Jiaoqian's wedding!

For Cheng Jiaoqian, who is not related by blood, they can treat him as if they are themselves, caring and loving, but they are indifferent and indifferent to him!

Qin Rongze's mind was full of thoughts, and it took a long time to calm down.

Qin Zhenchuan didn't get the answer he wanted, and said in an unhappy tone: "If you don't come back to attend Qianqian's wedding, don't step in from now on..."

Before Qin Zhenchuan's words were full of threats, the phone was taken away.

"Rong Ze, you grew up with Qianqian and had a very good relationship. I heard that when you were young, you said you wanted to marry Qianqian..."

Mrs. Qin cleared her throat and continued: "In short, everyone in our circle knows that Qianqian grew up in Qin’s house, and she is considered our Qin’s girl. Now Qianqian is married. As Qin’s family, you It should be there, otherwise what will others think of you, how will they think of Qianqian, and how will they think of us?"

She said this in a very calm tone, as if admitting that he was Qin's family was a great reward.

Qin Rongze admitted that if the six-year-old had just stepped into the door of Qin's house twenty years ago, he would be grateful for Mrs. Qin's acknowledgment.

However, the Qin Zhenchuan and his wife at that time were the same enemies. Although it was for the sake of Mr. Qin, they did not regard him as a thorn in his eyes, but they never gave him a good look, even in public places.

Because of this, in the circle of the imperial capital, who else doesn't know that he is the "wild boy" brought back from the outside by Old Man Qin? Except for Mr. Qin, no one there regards him as a member of the Qin family.

Now he has left the Qin family for more than ten years, and he is no longer in that circle. What does this mean to him?

They called him for the first time, and they talked to him so much that they wanted him to perform the Qin Family Harmony in front of others. How ironic is the drama that Qin and Cheng had made to show to outsiders?

The piles and piles of the past two decades have passed quickly in his mind like floating clouds.

Every time he thinks of something, the complex feelings in his heart become stronger, and slowly form a thick qi, which rolls heavily in his heart.

"We? I'm afraid it's not accurate to say that." Qin Rongze raised his head, looked at the dark night sky, and said indifferently: "How do other people think of the Qin family? What does it have to do with me?"

The person on the other end of the phone choked.

After Qin Zhenchuan reacted, he immediately lost his patience and began to curse.

Mrs. Qin patiently explained, "I know you still have grievances in your heart, but you are a son of the Qin family after all, and the Qin family is rumored to be discordant, and it will not do you any good. Besides, there is your grandfather, he has been looking forward to you. Back to the Imperial Capital"

Mrs. Qin's words can be regarded as a point.

Although Qin Rongze didn't intend to lie to them, but he didn't really want to fall out with them, besides, there was also Old Man Qin in the imperial capital.

His tone is still faint, "I will return to the Imperial Capital tomorrow, so I don't need to talk about the other scenes, so that everyone is embarrassed. I have things to deal with, and I must be very busy with both of you, so I won't say more."

After all, Qin Rongze hung up the phone unceremoniously.

In the ten years that he lived in the Qin family’s old house, if Qin Zhenchuan never took the initiative to speak to him, then Mrs. Qin has always owed her eyes, but at this time, she not only confessed her identity as Qin’s family, but also drank. Qin Zhenchuan's abuse was stopped, and he even confided him in a pleasant manner.

It's just that this is too abnormal, he didn't feel the slightest joy, but a little uneasy.

No matter what, he promised that Mr. Qin's thing would be done.

Qin Rongze was about to call the secretary to confirm tomorrow's itinerary, but suddenly thought of something, he first dialed Lin Yao's number.

Qin Rongze had something to say to Lin Yao, but he still asked, "What are you doing?"

"I just got home." Lin Yao returned to the house and lay down comfortably on the bed, pretending to be surprised: "Rong Ze, were you a policeman before? Why do you ask me such questions every time?"

"I am not, I don't..."

Qin Rongze paused. He really wanted to know where Lin Yao was, what he was doing, and who he was with all the time... But he had to admit that this kind of uniform opening was very speechless.

He bluntly said: "How do you arrange for the New Year?"

He asked about the arrangements for the New Year?

The Lin family was originally a large and leafy family, and Ms. Wen's family had many relatives. Lin Yao followed Lao Lin and Ms. Wen to visit the New Year every year. The seven-day holiday was not enough, and there was no way to arrange anything else!

Therefore, she never thought about this problem at all!

Thinking of the Chinese New Year, she thought that she was about to face the cross-examination of those seven aunts and eight aunts. She suddenly felt that she was one of the first two big girls, and she had nothing to look forward to this holiday.

She weakly said: "Go home, Happy New Year."

Qin Rongze frowned slightly. Going home and paying a New Year's greetings should be the common arrangement of the people of the whole country...This is what he meant by nothing.

He thought about it seriously, and couldn't help asking: "Then, what about me?"

Lin Yao was stunned for a moment. Qin Rongze expressed his thoughts to her yesterday. Are they dating now?

But they only dated for one day in total. They met the New Year without a formal date, so you can't skip to the meeting with the parents, right?

"Of course they will go back to each house and find each mother!"

Alas, as expected

Qin Rongze sighed, "My mother died in a car accident when I was five years old."


Lin Yao exclaimed, and she knew that Qin Rongze was actually a child from a single-parent family. No wonder she had long felt that Qin Rongze was a little different in getting along with others and was particularly awkward.

"Sorry, sorry, I don't know."

Of course Qin Rongze didn't mean to blame her, he softened his tone a little, "So, can you accompany me to celebrate the New Year?"

Ordinarily, for couples who have just decided to date, they should create more opportunities to get along, but Lin Yao also has her own concerns. She gritted her teeth, "I'm afraid it won't work."

Qin Rongze was unwilling to say: "Then I will spend the New Year with you?"

Lin Yao still refused, "Still not!"

Qin Rongze frowned deeper, "Lin Yao, didn't you plan to tell your family about me?"

Lin Yao was taken aback, she really had this plan!

She didn't think it was because of anything else, but she didn't feel sure about it, so she planned not to disclose their relationship first.

In short, it is impossible to celebrate the New Year together.

Lin Yao felt that Qin Rongze’s mood seemed a little uncomfortable. She carefully explained and soothed: "I also want to get along with you more, but we are only dating. Should we go through the normal procedures? More appropriate? Besides, did you not tell me to your home?"

Lin Yaomeng was Qin Rongze was silent for a moment. He finally gathered his courage, his voice was slow and clear, "Then, how about you and me returning to the Imperial City this year?"

Lin Yao originally thought that because of Qin Rongze's overly conservative personality, it would take a long time for them to make progress after they were dating, but he didn't expect that he had the bold idea of ​​taking her home for the New Year as soon as he decided to date.

Lin Yao was frightened, "No way, no way!"

Qin Rongze paused, "Why still can't?"

On the other end of the phone, Lin Yao was silent for a while, before blushing, "If it lasts for more than half a year, we will make it public, okay?"

For this proposal, Qin Rongze was conflicted.

On the one hand, he eagerly hopes to get along with Lin Yao day and night as soon as possible. On the other hand, he has lied so many before that it takes time to gradually reverse those.

He answered solemnly, "Okay!"

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