Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 35: Near the water

Qin Rongze left Lin Yao's residence after drinking the coke **** soup and returned to Orlando to continue working.

Not long after, Kevin Liang also returned.

His tone was full of shock and gossip, "Chairman, you and Lin Yao, I said you guys are living together so soon?"

Liang Kaiwen has long been aware of the chairman's abnormality, but at first, like everyone else, he thought it meant that the chairman and adriana were getting close.

Unexpectedly, the chairman put adriana in Dixintang in a blink of an eye and asked him to clean up the mess.

This shows that there is someone else who makes the chairman gaffe!

As for who that person was, Liang Kaiwen had no clue until he heard Lin Yao's voice on the phone.

Only then did I understand that the person who can make the chairman so abnormal and gaffe is still Lin Yao.

It's not that Liang Kaiwen didn't think of Lin Yao before, but the identities of the chairman and Lin Yao are very different, and their personalities are too conservative, it is not easy for anyone to take the first step.

When the chairman wanted to buy a house in Chaoyang District, Liang Kaiwen made fun of him in secret.

As a result, they really became, and they lived together!

Thinking of this, Liang Kaiwen couldn't help but sigh. He had known that the trick nearshuiloutai was so effective. He also went to the Yanzhili community. It was impossible for him to lose to the chairman by his means!

This is great, the chairman has succeeded, but he is standing still!

What a blunder, a blunder.

Qin Rongze didn't notice his grievances at all, and argued dissatisfiedly: "Who said I live with her? I live in Building 3 and she lives in Building 1."

Yoha... there is such a thing!

Liang Kaiwen was delighted, and dogleg said: "Oh oh oh... the chairman is really principled and admirable!"

In fact, what he said in his heart is: They have all moved to Chaoyang District, and don't hurry up to get the sister paper, are you afraid it's not a piece of wood?

The sky-high price of a French custom-made bed!

It can be seen that he might still be able to counterattack with strength

Kevin Liang finally got a little balance in his heart.

Qin Rongze didn't miss the pride and ridicule in his eyes, and said coldly: "If you have nothing else, go out."

"There is something, of course something!" Liang Kaiwen hurriedly said: "There is another very important thing, that... Chairman, I want to apply for a talent apartment in Orlando."

Qin Rongze didn't expect that he would say such a sentence, frowning, "What do you mean?"

The talent apartment is just a better term for the dormitory. In fact, it is the staff dormitory. These dormitories are concentrated in the old quarters, such as the Yanzhili quarter, and they are all small-sized.

After Orlando bought these old apartments, they simply renovated them, and then allocated them to young employees who met the application requirements.

These apartments are shared by several people, and will not be assigned to individuals, let alone move in with a family.

Liang Kaiwen works and lives alone in Hangzhou. He does meet the application requirements, but is he a person who needs to apply for a talent apartment?

Not to mention his monthly salary is as high as seven figures, his worth is even more expensive.

Even if he wants to buy the entire Yanzhili community, it's not a problem, such a brother-in-law goes to share a talent apartment with others?

What international jokes are you making?

Liang Kaiwen grumbled unconvincedly: "The chairman can live in Chaoyang District. What can't I live in Rouge?"

Both Yanzhili and Chaoyang districts belong to the old districts, but no matter the location or the house type, Yanzhili is better than Chaoyang district.

Qin Rongze paused, "For this kind of thing, you just go to the Administration Department to apply. Tell me what to do?"

Liang Kaiwen chuckled twice, "Of course I will apply to the administrative department. Isn't this to say hello to you first?" It is convenient to pull the banner when the time comes.

Qin Rongze lived in Chaoyang District because of Lin Yao, while Liang Kaiwen lived in Yanzhili District because of Jiang Mingshu.

Qin Rongze sighed lightly, "Put away your careful thoughts, Jiang Mingshu doesn't eat that set at all!"

Liang Kaiwen was worried about how he should take Jiang Mingshu. The chairman did not comfort and encourage him, and he poured cold water on him!

"Boss, you are too much to say that!" The more he thought about it, the more angry he was, and his words were a little incoherent. "Chairman, you have only met Lin Yao. Even if you count adriana, you have dealt with two girls. .I am different, I am a veteran!

I think back then, when I was in middle school, many girls sent me love letters. I don’t need to say anything in high school. When I get to U... Hey, you don’t know, I just eat everything! It’s not that I’m bragging, even the black lady bows down under my suit"

Qin Rongze faintly interrupted his irreverent bragging, "Facts speak louder than words."

Kevin Leung's noise came to an abrupt end.

The fact is that Jiang Mingshu is still afraid of avoiding it...

And on certain things, everyone has different opinions. Some people think that a rich love history can prove their abilities and charm, and they are worth showing off, such as Liang Chen.

Liang Kaiwen would not admit that in this regard, his and Liang Chen's views are the same.

Some people think that it is a very low price. For example, the chairman has always been rigid, self-disciplined and self-clean.

Of course Liang Kaiwen didn't want to be confused with Liang Chen and his ilk. Thinking about it this way, there is nothing to brag about the rich love history.

Thinking of Liang Chen, he brightened his eyes and said with enthusiasm: "By the way, the chairman, Liang Chen's case is about to be over. However, the kid filed an appeal. Hey, of course, Lao Zhang is not a vegetarian either. More witnesses and exhibits were found, and his accomplices were also found. It is estimated that he will not be able to come out in three, five or ten years."

Three, five, ten years... Is this span really big enough?

Qin Rongze frowned invisibly.

Speaking of this, Liang Chen couldn't help but grinned and added with a smile: "The reason for the kid's appeal was voluntary behavior. He also found a witness, hehe."

Qin Rongze was slightly surprised, "He still has witnesses?"

Such an ugly and dark scum, with such a despicable act, is there a girl who is willing to go to court to testify for him?

Liang Kaiwen smiled badly, "Of course, do things gather together? Then, they... Hey, Chairman, you see, this is just sent by Lao Zhang from Shanghai."

Qin Rongze glanced at his mobile phone and couldn't help but curl his lips, "Interesting."

Lin Yao finished cleaning the house and was about to fall asleep, but received a call from Shan Qing.

Shan Qing hasn't contacted her for a long time. What are you going to do to call so late?

Lin Yao thought for a while and answered the phone.

On the other end of the phone, Shan Qing's tone was no longer calm, "Xiao Lin, that, can you explain to me and my husband?"

"Wait!" Lin Yao didn't know what she meant, "What do you want me to explain for you?"

Shan Qing said anxiously: "I have nothing to do with Liang Chen, and I contacted him to connect you..."

Shan Qing and Liang Chen?

What's all this?

Lin Yao wanted to hang up the phone directly after hearing the words Liang Chen!

What does Shan Qing want her to prove?

It is not Shan Qing that proves that Liang Chen has a close relationship with Liang Chen, but she?


Lin Yao was so angry that she really hung up her phone.

A few seconds later, Shan Qing called again.

This time, she was so anxious that she almost cried, "Xiao Lin, I am not, I don't know Liang Chen is that kind of person, I have nothing to do with him, he once gave me a set of skin care products, I haven't opened the package yet. , My husband insisted that I had a leg with him."

Lin Yao finally got rid of Liang Chen and didn't want to hear this name at all!

"Why are you telling me this? What does it have to do with me?"

Shan Qing was suddenly speechless, and she stammered: "I... I didn't say that you must have something to do with him?"

Lin Yao snorted, "I have nothing to do with him, okay!"

Shan Qing didn’t care about refuting, so he hurriedly responded, “Yes, yes! You have nothing to do with Liang Chen, and I have nothing to do with Liang Chen! Let’s explain it to my husband for me, and Liang Chen sends me. The skin care products are because of you. No, no, no, just say that Liang Chen asked me to transfer this set of skin care products to you, and I forgot."

Lin Yao asked loudly, "Liang Chen gave you skin care products because of me? You betrayed me for a set of skin care products? I think I have nothing to say with you, not to mention your husband, your own problems. It’s better to find a solution by yourself!"

Shan Qing really cried out now, "My husband and I divorced. My child is only seven years old. He has just entered elementary school and can't do without me... 嘤嘤嘤, do you have the heart to let my child have no mother?"

But is it all caused by Lin Yao?

Lin Yao doesn’t think Shan Qing and Liang Chen have anything, but she still remembers Shan Qing’s evaluation of Liang Chen: "He is really good", "A veritable young talent", "Mature men will Pain for people"...Liang Chen praised that there is nothing in the sky and nothing on the ground.

Frozen three feet is not a day's cold, she must have praised Liang Chen in front of her husband, and then also received the skin care products from Liang Chen, which deepened her husband's misunderstanding.

Therefore, Shan Qing's matter was completely caused by her, and she can only solve it by herself.

"I explicitly refused to associate with Liang Chen from the very beginning, but you also took his things and kept trying to help him match up. You almost mistreated me, and still expect me to help you?"

"I..." Shan Qing couldn't tell why he came, so he could only sigh, "Oh, Xiaolin, is this good? As long as you talk to my husband, I will contact Liang Chen, and Liang Chen sent me things for You can do it."

Shan Qing actually counted on her for help?

Lin Yao was too lazy to tell her more, and finally kindly reminded him, "If you have time to tell me this, it is better to think more about it as to restore your husband's heart."

Lin Yao felt that she had done her best, but Shan Qing still refused to give up.

"I don't know what Liang Chen did in private. Xiaolin, I won't let you help in vain. I will tell you, Qin Wenyuan and Zhou Meilin..."

Lin Yao hated Liang Chen deeply, no matter what he did in private, he didn't want to talk about it, and he didn't even want to listen to it again.

The same goes for Qin Wenyuan and Zhou Meilin.

Lin Yao interrupted her viciously, "They have nothing to do with me, don't mention it in front of me!"

Shan Qing was a little panicked, UU reading www.ukahnshu. com "How can it be irrelevant? I told you that they should be breaking up too soon. As long as you help me explain for my husband, I will help you and Qin Wenyuan match up and keep you reunited this year!"

They broke up, she will take over Qin Wenyuan again?

Oh, when is she a spare tire or a broken tire?

"No need, thank you!" Lin Yao couldn't bear it anymore, "I wish you a reunion as soon as possible. Don't call me again. I'll block you."

Lin Yao did what she said, and she blocked Shan Qing when she hung up the phone.

As a result, the world was quiet.

Shan Qing's husband divorced her?

Qin Wenyuan and Zhou Meilin are about to break up?

What does this have to do with her?

But why is it so refreshing in my heart?

Lin Yao hugged the quilt and fell asleep beautifully.

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