Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 36: Good and evil are rewarded

On the second day of work in the New Year, Lin Yao woke up early as usual. After laying the bedding on her bed, she opened the curtains to let the sun shine in. 35xs Kuangsha Literature Network

Her room is small, but the windows are big, and the morning sun can just reach the bedding. After all this, she clapped her hands with satisfaction and set off for work.

Lin Yao was already busy, and the backlog of work for a week was even more astonishing. As soon as she arrived at the company, she turned on the computer and processed the orders and inquiries sent by foreigners during the Chinese New Year.

For her, this is the second day of work, but for many customers, it will be more than a week later. It is definitely impossible not to deal with it as soon as possible.

Lin Yao’s major customers, Mr. Wen and Saadh, had several new orders during the Chinese New Year, and the new orders placed by aziz years ago have also been arranged to the factory.

Aziz is worthy of being a local tyrant. He directly ordered two cabinets with thumb-sized copper battery clips, which are worth several million. Even if the commission is calculated according to the 02 ratio, there are actually several thousand yuan.

Lin Yao suddenly felt that customers like aziz could come by another dozen.

The only problem is that his order met the Lunar New Year, the most important festival in China.

It will take a long time for the factory to resume production, so it will take a month or two for delivery at the earliest.

As a documentary, she has to implement every detail in order to avoid errors.

At the same time, she will regularly track the production progress at the factory to avoid unexpected problems.

In general, everything is developing in a good direction. Lin Yao is confident in this year’s performance.

As it approached nine o'clock, other people also came one after another.

Everyone exchanged greetings with each other, and like Lin Yao, they devoted themselves to the intense and orderly work.

Lin Yun saw this picture when he came to the company. Today, Lingyun Industrial is on track. There is almost nothing she needs to co-work with in the company.

This gives her a sense of accomplishment and at the same time she has more expectations for the next year.

During the lunch break, Lin Yao just came back from lunch and heard the phone on the table ringing non-stop.

It's really urgent.

Lin Yao quickly stepped forward and answered the phone.

On the phone, Mr. Wen's opening remarks were the same, "Good afternoon, please find Xiaolin for me."

"Mr. Wu Anwen" Lin Yao joked, "You are calling my special line, and I don't have a secretary, so I must be the one who answers the call."

Mr. Wen smiled, "Not necessarily, you can't guarantee that you will stay by the phone all the time."

That's true

Lin Yao had to admit that Mr. Wen's approach was the most appropriate, and she silently wrote it down in her heart.

Then she learned Mr. Wen’s tone and asked slowly, "I haven’t asked Mr. Wen what advice."

"You are naughty again." Mr. Wen smiled more and more heartily, "I called to ask you, the hrod who sent the sample before the new year, did the other party reply?"

It turned out to be about this.

Lin Yao's face was slightly condensed, "I called yesterday, and Director Xu of the Sales Department told me that they had just moved to a new factory building a year ago, and they are still sorting out the premises and there is no way to deal with it. It will take about a week or two. Wait for them to officially start work and then estimate the cost and quote to us."

Mr. Wen's tone was a little low, "I see."

Lin Yao thought for a while and asked, "Do I need to call and remind Minister Xu?"

"No," Mr. Wen refused very simply, "Since you have already called yesterday, don't call again. I just asked you if they have any feedback. If you have it, you have it, and if you don't have it, you don't have it. If you call it one after another , It will make them think that I must be them, which is very detrimental to us."

Lin Yao agreed, "I think so too, so I plan to remind them every few days so that they don't forget about it."

"That's it" Mr. Wen quite agreed, "You have a clue about what you are doing now, but there is still a lack of ignition. It's like practicing martial arts, no matter how well you practice the moves, no matter how fast, if there is no internal force, it is nothing. Lethal power. And I am different from you, I have decades of skill bb"

Both Mr. Wen and Lin Yao are fans of Jin Yong's martial arts, and even the brain circuits are surprisingly similar, so they are naturally very talkative.

In private, Mr. Wen called himself the "Peach Blossom Island Master", but in Lin Yao's mind, he was just an old naughty boy. 35xs

He has no shortcomings besides being a little nagging, a little bit of chaos, and a little teasing.

The fate between people is sometimes strange. Mr. Wen and Lin Yao are nearly fifty years old, but they have no obstacles to communication.

Lin Yun was different. In the process of chatting with Mr. Wen, she often couldn't understand what Mr. Wen meant, so that she suddenly fell into disbelief.

The most important thing is that Mr. Wen always asks her some nuanced questions, but she knows little about work matters, and often asks Lin Yao to help answer them if she can't talk a few words.

Gradually, Mr. Wen turned to Lin Yao directly for anything.

Lin Yun was also angry from the beginning to now he is used to it.

When she passed by Lin Yao, she only glanced lightly, then turned back to her office.

Only Lin Yao knew that Lin Yun was already addicted to the forum and couldn't help himself.

As soon as Lin Yun entered the office, the salesmen immediately got together in twos and threes and chatted with gossip in a low voice.

Lin Yao just finished listening to Mr. Wen’s teachings and was about to continue working. Suddenly, she heard Zheng Yuning exclaimed, "Lin, come and see, your boyfriend is on the news."

Qin Rongze is on the news

As the chairman of the Orlando Group, it should be normal for him to occasionally show up in the news. Don’t be so fussy.

She realized with hindsight that she actually had such an amazing boyfriend

Feels very unreal

When Lin Yao went out this morning, she was ready to be surrounded by them and to accept interrogation.

As a result, most of the day has passed since she went to work, and no one actually asked Qin Rongze, as if nothing happened last night.

Lin Yao almost thought they lost her memory collectively, but she still remembers it

This is also the first time that she discovered that Zheng Yuning still has a professional co-guard. If she wants to talk about gossip, she can wait until she is almost busy with her work. She is really getting better and better.

Lin Yao gave her a thumbs-up in her heart.

However, what is going on with their faces watching the show?

Could it be that what they saw was Qin Rongze and whose scandal?

As long as she thinks of the so-called "marriage contract" between Qin Rongze and adriana, she feels very uncomfortable.

Lin Yao leaned over to take a look, her face suddenly changed.

The headline of the news was "Man jailed for 11 years for secretly photographing 100 women"


Who secretly photographed a hundred women

How could Qin Rongze do such a thing?

She took a closer look and found that the body of the news was written like this

"Liang had a relationship with hundreds of women, and filmed a video, which was illegally spread and sold on a foreign website.

Liang has repeatedly succeeded and benefited from it, which is closely related to his two "partners", one is Li, an international student, and the other is his person and "partner".

Liang is in charge of shooting, Li is in charge of dissemination, and Zhou is in charge of collecting money. The three people work together to form a complete chain of interests.

A month ago, Liang was arrested in Shanghai, and his accomplices Li and Zhou were also arrested one after another.

This morning, the Shanghai District Court held that after a trial, Liang, Li, and Zhou were making and selling illegal videos for profit, which was extremely serious and their behavior constituted a crime."

Although the pictures of the prisoners that appeared at the end of the report have mosaics on their faces, they can still be seen. This Liang Mou is Liang Chen.

As for Zhou, one of his two accomplices can be considered a half acquaintance, Zhou Meilin

It turns out that Liang Chen and Zhou Meilin were doing this kind of business secretly, and their relationship was so "deep", no wonder

There were a lot of things that puzzled her before, such as why Shan Qing suddenly remembered to introduce her to her blind date

Why did Liang Chen stalk her?

Why does Shan Qing always mention Zhou Meilin with her intentionally or unintentionally?

The answer is obvious.

These people are really not ordinary disgusting

Good and evil will be rewarded, and now they are sanctioned by the law, and they are considered deserved for their crimes, and evil is rewarded for evil.

However, what does Zheng Yuning mean by forcibly linking her to Liang Chen?

A cold light flashed in Lin Yao's eyes, and he was very polite, "You know that I have a boyfriend, and you mentioned this person to me, do you want to disgust me or plan to destroy the relationship between me and my boyfriend"

Seeing that the situation was not good, the others hurriedly pushed Zheng Yuning, asking her to make a payment to Lin Yao.

Zheng Yuning didn't think Lin Yao and Liang Chen had anything, but just got used to stab her a few words if there is nothing to do, just look for a sense of existence.

Lin Yao is generally not so good. At most, she said a few angry words, but Zheng Yuning didn't put her in his eyes at all.

What Zheng Yuning didn't expect was that Lin Yao had not only become stronger and stronger, but also her eloquence.

She consciously was at a loss, unable to say anything to argue with, but refused to sullen her face to make up for it, so she could only open her face Lin Yao didn't plan to quarrel with her, even if she wanted to quarrel, she would not choose. in office.

Quarreling in the workplace is a very unwise and immoral thing, and it is easy to cause public outrage.

Besides, she and Zheng Yuning had to continue working together after the quarrel. It would be too embarrassing to look down and see.

In short, the gain is not worth the loss.

Lin Yao ignored Zheng Yuning, and went back to continue processing those inquiries.

If you have time to quarrel with people who do nothing but gossip day and night, it is better to talk to customers more, fight for a few big orders, and get rid of poverty and whiteness as early as possible.

I thought so, but when she asked for the quotation, her mind was still messed up.

It's not because of Liang Chen or Zhou Meilin, they have been punished by law, and she has nothing to worry about.

What Lin Yao really wanted to know was Qin Rongze, the person who met her again and again and saved her from fire and water.

Recalling this period of time, there were too many facts, too many to make her react.

Lin Yao suddenly remembered that it was Orlando that sponsored the Christmas masquerade party of Hangzhou Forum, and it was Qin Rongze who danced with her and brought her the diamond necklace.

Are these just coincidences?

But why did Orlando name the fancy dress ball of Hangzhou Forum?

Why does Qin Rongze have a screen name called Cross your black hair my hand

Why did that diamond necklace fall on her hand?

Lin Yao almost turned into a hundred thousand why, but she was not eager to send a message to Qin Rongze, she decided to stroke it first, and stroke it well.

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