Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 37: Blessing in disguise

Once the news of Liang Chen's sentence was reported, it spread quickly across the country and sparked heated discussions.

The scale of Liang Chen's company is fair, with branches in many cities in Eastern China. As a representative of the Shanghai head office, he is often dispatched to various branches.

Take Hangzhou as an example. Liang Chen's company has many business units in Hangzhou. In addition, Liang Chen loves to run outside when he has nothing to do. There are countless people who know him and have dealt with him.

Liang Chen is very good at disguising himself. Among the clients who deal with him, Shan Qing is not the only one who has a good impression of him. There are many female compatriots who believe that Liang Chen has a good temper, loyal and reliable, despite his appearance.

After seeing this news and learning that he was sentenced, everyone was shocked.

This news caused quite a stir in Tianfeng Company. Liang Chen's company has cooperated with Tianfeng Company for many years and has close contacts.

Because of this, Zhou Meilin and Qin Wenyuan frequently contact each other and fall in love.

Only when Liang Chen and Shan Qing hit it off, they finally knew each other and made friends.

After Liang Chen and Zhou Meilin were taken into custody, Qin Wenyuan and Shan Qing were taken away by the police for investigation.

When they came back, they didn't mention a word when faced with the inquiries from the crowd, and kept secret about it.

It wasn't until the news that Liang Chen and Zhou Meilin had been sentenced came out that the truth surfaced.

As soon as she left work that day, Liu Yingjie couldn't bear it, so she ran downstairs and made a call to Lin Yao.

He asked excitedly: "Xiao Lin Xiaolin, have you seen the news about Liang Chen and Zhou Meilin?"

Lin Yao's work has been completed seven or eighty-eight, she replied absently, "Well, I saw it, what's the matter?"

what's happenin?

Liu Yingjie didn't expect Lin Yao to be so... calm?

Anyway, Zhou Meilin is also her rival in love. After seeing such happy news, shouldn't the normal reaction be happily and shouting long live?

Did she only know that Liang Chen and Zhou Meilin were sentenced, but did not know the inside story?

It doesn't matter, Liu Yingjie is happy to talk to her well.

"I heard that there are also videos of her and Liang Chen on foreign websites. It is said that they are selling well. Oh my god, these two ugly people... Tsk tsk, crooked nuts are really delicious!"

When Lin Yao was at Tianfeng Company, Liu Yingjie and Cheng Yu liked these kinds of topics. They seemed to feel uncomfortable if they didn't talk about colored topics.

Lin Yao can imagine that Liu Yingjie's face at this time must be the same as usual, with a slightly wretched smile.

She couldn't help but laughed out with a "puff", jokingly, "So, in order to find the truth, you went to watch their video?"

Liu Yingjie hurriedly clarified, "Bah, baah, how could I do this kind of thing? Besides, I am not Qin Wenyuan... Well, I mean my aesthetics is normal, and my character is also very upright. Something about the eyes!"

"Oh, yes." Lin Yao was very energetic when he heard him speak, and couldn't help but wonder: "I listen to your tone, as if I have already seen it."

Liu Yingjie was stunned and protested: "Hey, Xiaolin, how can you say that to me? Even if you don't believe in my character, you should always believe in my aesthetics."

"This is a fact." Lin Yao was in a good mood and joked again: "As for other aspects, you are quite self-aware."

The implication is that he himself admitted that he has watched the video, and his character is really not very trustworthy.

It turned out that Liu Yingjie was here to expose someone else's bottom line, but even her own bottom line was easily exposed.

Suddenly realized, I don’t know when, that silly Baitian is no longer stupid?

Liu Yingjie looked back at the floor where Tianfeng Company was located. There were still brightly lit, and many people were working overtime, including the three internal staff who had been recruited to take over for her after Lin Yao left.

At first, everyone thought that they were too busy because Lin Yao left in a hurry and left them a mess.

Three or four months later, they were still busy like headless flies, working overtime every day, and clamoring "crazy busy" and "tired" all day long, and they also asked the boss to increase manpower...

You must know that with the same workload in Lin Yao's hands, she can do it all in one hour, it's just like playing, it can't be easier.

The key point is that the three in-house staff are so busy and messy.

Lin Yao is different. She not only made her work impeccable, but also easily pointed out the mistakes in other people's work. No one knew how she did it.

Perhaps, she is already quite smart?

In an instant, Liu Yingjie had already thought about it a lot, and he quickly came to a sense of relief, "I said Xiaolin, originally you were very simple and honest, why do you still tease people now?"

Lin Yao laughed loudly, "I've always been such a person, you haven't noticed it."

Liu Yingjie was taken aback, suddenly felt a little funny, and said: "I really didn't find out, and I also knew that you are actually not introverted at all, and you are quite good at chatting?"

Of course it's different from before!

When Lin Yao was in Tianfeng Company, she was purely in-house, and she was only responsible for processing those documents, forms, and data.

Now, although she is still in charge of the singles in name, the work she does is very complicated, and the documentation is only a small part of it.

And most of her time is spent on communicating with foreign customers and suppliers.

No matter what kind of person the other person is, and whether she wants or doesn't, she has to deal with these people.

The small battle at Tianfeng Company was nothing more than a drizzle for her today.

Lin Yao sighed, "You guys open and close your mouths are all nasty jokes, you can't make it in time for me to hide, it's strange that you can chat with you."

Liu Yingjie instantly understood, feeling quite uncomfortable: "Don't you just talk about it, you just have a mouthful, you are too much fuss. Look at me and Cheng Yu, haven't you even touched the side of your clothes? ?"

What a fuss?

Think about it really!

There are mostly male colleagues at Tianfeng Company, and almost all of them are young male colleagues. Their speech and behavior are relatively vulgar, but they really haven't done anything to go beyond the rules.

To be honest, those colleagues from Tianfeng Company are not bad guys.

It's just that she had just left school and hadn't seen anything in the world. She was too timid and too fussed.

Maybe people need to eat a ditch to gain wisdom.

Looking back now, Yao Yao just feels that everything is different.

In fact, the people at Tianfeng Company are quite funny, and the atmosphere is very harmonious, but she can't integrate into it, and she doesn't plan to integrate into it.

Lin Yao thought for a while, and said with emotion: "I was so scared by you at that time, otherwise I wouldn't..."

Otherwise she would not find Qin Wenyuan.

It turned out that any boy from Tianfeng Company was better than Qin Wenyuan.

Lin Yao was fortunate to have left Tianfeng Company, and also fortunate that Zhou Meilin poached Qin Wenyuan away. It was only a matter of time before a man like him who could not resist the temptation to cheat.

It is a good thing to recognize Qin Wenyuan's true face early, a great thing!

Do you know what is wrong?

At this time, Liu Yingjie understood that the real reason Lin Yao chose to be with Qin Rongze at that time was actually to get rid of their "entanglement"!

But they really just teased her...

I was a little bit overwhelmed for a while.

Liu Yingjie said sternly: "By the way, you may not know that before the Chinese New Year, Qin Wenyuan and Shan Qing were both taken away by the police for questioning. At first they wanted to hide it. As a result, as soon as the news came out today, we still knew everything. , Hehe."

Liu Yingjie first talked about Qin Wenyuan. Although he has been found to have nothing to do with the case, Zhou Meilin was sentenced to three years, and she was involved in producing and selling illegal videos.

This is equivalent to telling everyone that there is a green grassland above Qin Wenyuan's head!

For a while, Qin Wenyuan, who was Zhou Meilin's current boyfriend, became the object of comfort by everyone, but the meaning of gloating in it could not be ignored.

A few months ago, Qin Wenyuan lived with Lin Yao and enjoyed her care in life, while dating Zhou Meilin at the company, enjoyed her pursuit and courtesy, and enjoyed the blessing of being together.

This state lasted for several months, until Lin Yao took the initiative to break up with him.

Whether he cheated on Zhou Meilin after he had Lin Yao, or first had Zhou Meilin and lived with Lin Yao, this is a shameful thing.

He was not ashamed at all, but proud of it!

Besides, if you put Lin Yao and Zhou Meilin together and let other people choose, I'm afraid that no one would choose Zhou Meilin, but Qin Wenyuan chose Zhou Meilin remotely.

Moreover, after breaking up with Fen Lin Yao, he and Zhou Meilin went in and out quickly, never forgetting to show affection, and even started a company in partnership.

At that time, everyone was a little puzzled and didn't understand his choice, but now I understand it. It turns out that Zhou Meilin was so deeply hidden...

Besides, Shan Qing is in no better situation than Qin Wenyuan.

Although she adheres to the principle of keeping her family ugly and never mentioning family affairs, she has been extremely haggard these days, and anyone with a discerning eye can tell that she is not doing well.

Shan Qing has always had a good impression of Liang Chen. At the beginning, she not only praised Liang Chen in front of Lin Yao and at home, but also in the company, and praised him to the sky.

It seems that in the entire Tianfeng Company, there is no one that can be compared to Liang Chen.

How cruel she was boasting at the beginning, but now it hurts to hit her face.

As long as others remembered before, how she praised Liang Chen endlessly in the company, they would go in some improper directions.

Although no one said anything in front of her, her meaningful gaze was enough to make her feel like sitting on pins and needles.

It is no exaggeration to say that now Shan Qing and Qin Wenyuan have become talkers and jokes among the people, and they have also become objects of ridicule.

This is no way, who makes them blind.

Lin Yao couldn't help sighing, "This is also expected."

Liu Yingjie said in a rare and serious way: "I told you this to tell you that Qin Wenyuan seems to be very sad and lost during this period. At first, everyone guessed that he and Zhou Meilin were good, maybe it was the host of the rich wife. Now it seems that, Maybe he really has a deep affection for Zhou Meilin, don't listen to him clearly, then talk to him..."

Qin Wenyuan, Zhou Meilin, Shan Qing...

It turned out that Shan Qing was still trying to reconnect her with Qin Wenyuan.

Lin Yao had already let go of Qin Wenyuan and Zhou Meilin's affairs, even if she didn't even want to mention it.

"I have counted them. In fact, I have long understood that they are true love. From now on, they have nothing to do with me."

Liu Yingjie was a little embarrassed and smiled "hehe" You think so too, I'm relieved. "

Lin Yao sincerely thanked him, "However, I still have to thank you for your reminder!"

Shan Qing ah Shan Qing...

Liang Chen gave her medicine the first time she met, and later Liang Chen followed her and followed her...If it weren't for being rescued by Qin Rongze again and again, she would have no place to cry now!

If she doesn't come to find herself, it's all right. If she is still annoying, then Lin Yao doesn't mind checking with her the accounts between them, who owes whom?

In short, if you want her to be in the dark, there is no door!

As for Qin Rongze, when Lin Yao arrived at the company, she thought everyone would come to ask about her and Qin Rongze.

As a result, no one mentioned a word at all, as if nothing happened last night.

This is too illogical!

However, she would not be so stupid that she would break this rare tranquility.

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