Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 39: Domestic violence scene

Lin Yao didn't care about the specific situation of Tianfeng Company. What she was more concerned about was the problems Ling Yun was facing.

This time the problem still lies with Zheng Yuning.

The goods that were originally planned to be completed and shipped out before the Gulf Bay customer, Mr. Li, have so far completed the same quantity as last year, unabated.

Mr. Zhao agreed to save the extra part until the next time. As for the less part, he only said "try my best", "wait", "look again"... so far he has not given a clear answer.

Zheng Yuning didn't pay much attention to this at first. In her opinion, it was not caused by her, so she can't be blamed.

In that case, why should she care?

Zheng Yuning is not in a hurry, but Mr. Li is in a hurry.

On the eighth day of the first lunar month, on the day that Lingyun Industrial started work, he called to urge the goods, and today he made three calls in a row in an exaggerated manner!

It is excusable for Mr. Li to do this. The order has been placed for several months, and the goods should be shipped before the New Year. Seeing that the new year is over, he is not sure when or how many goods will be shipped. How could he not be in a hurry?

Mr. Li was already impatient. He made three phone calls to Zheng Yuning and couldn't find out why. Naturally, his words became more and more awkward.

Zheng Yuning had no choice but to call Mr. Zhao constantly, but Mr. Zhao’s attitude was still tough, “Miss Zheng, I have explained to you how many times, it’s not that I refuse to help you, this batch of goods is customized for you. Now that the bulk of the product is finished, it’s just a little bit short. If the customer really needs it, we can replenish it with the next"

There seems to be some truth to this, Zheng Yuning was a little shaken, "I am worried that the customer will not agree..."

"If you don't agree, you have to ask him to agree!" Mr. Zhao interrupted her angrily, "With just such a small amount, there is no way to make a mess. There is no rough, how can I do it?"

There are dozens of more and only a few of them. It is definitely unrealistic to let people do the rough according to this amount.

Zheng Yuning was speechless.

Mr. Zhao is still complaining, "This batch of goods was driven out by us working overtime a year ago. It's okay for you. It's okay to leave it alone and not ship it. You still have to make such and other requirements..."

Zheng Yuning's tone became weaker again, "It's not that we don't ship the goods, but Mr. Zhao, the customer just refuses to accept the current number of shipments, what can we do?"

"What should I do?" Mr. Zhao sneered, "Isn't this the problem you want to solve, or you ask the customer to call me directly, I'll explain it to him!"

Let the customer contact Mr. Zhao directly?

Zheng Yuning really wants to answer, but she still has her sense of reason, "Mr. Zhao, you can really make a joke. If you let a client directly come to you, then I can do my job."

Mr. Zhaoqing gave a "chi" and smiled disdainfully, "So how to say and how to do it, I shouldn't need to teach you."

Mr. Zhao hung up Zheng Yuning again.

Zheng Yuning was taken aback for a moment, almost mad, "How can there be such a difficult supplier in this world? Let me figure out how to solve any problems, or let the customer contact him directly. This is not forcing me to send the customer. Give it to him?"

But this is exactly the problem that must be faced when doing trade!

In import and export trade, most customers want to buy directly from factories instead of trading companies. Most factories also want to bypass trading companies and directly cooperate with foreign customers.

Only customers with a wide variety of purchases, whose purchase volume is not up to scale, or customers who want to reduce labor costs, are more inclined to find trusted trading companies to help them purchase.

The same is true for domestic manufacturers

Mr. Zhao only spoke out the aspirations of most manufacturers, but Zheng Yuning was shocked as if he had heard the story of a fairy tale.

As an import and export trading company, Lingyun Industrial's meaning is to provide services for both buyers and sellers.

Is it possible that Zheng Yuning still doesn't know what she is doing for so long?

Lin Yao didn't know what to say about her, so she didn't say anything.

Zheng Yuning complained fiercely, and found that Lin Yao had no response after listening, and finally couldn't say anything.

She called Mr. Li again, repeated Mr. Zhao's remarks, and tried to persuade him to accept the quantity shipped from the factory.

Lin Yao was stunned again!

How can Zheng Yuning talk to customers like this?

The reason why Lin Yao gave this list to Zheng Yuning was because Zheng Yuning strongly asked Lin Yao to give her clients who could speak Chinese.

Mr. Li is one of the few customers who can speak Chinese.

Although he purchases a small amount and has a particularly impatient temperament, he is not a completely unreasonable person.

But Zheng Yuning's work is too inked. No matter what she does, she waits for customers to remind her before she reminds the factory.

Customers don't urge, she is like a okay person, chatting and watching gossip all day.

It's not that Lin Yao never thought of reminding her, but she feels good about herself, and always targets Lin Yao if she has nothing to do, and Lin Yao doesn't bother to care about her.

Besides, customers who have been assigned to others, why should she intervene anymore?

Mr. Li listened to her in silence, didn't even bother to say a word to her, and hung up the phone.

An hour later, Chairman Qin appeared in the company.

Chairman Qin is currently working for Tianhe Company. He used to only come on Monday morning and leave after the morning meeting.

Ordinarily, at this time, he should be still at work. How could he suddenly come to Lingyun?

However, Lin Yao changed his mind to think that Chairman Qin is the boss of Lingyun Industrial, and naturally he will come to the company whenever he is happy to come to the company. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Unlike usual, Chairman Qin always pays attention to his own image, no matter when he appears, he must dress well and smile decently.

His eyes were too sharp at this time, and his face was gloomy, like a clouded sky!

After Chairman Qin arrived at the company, he ignored others, and went straight into Lin Yun's office, and then shut the door.

The next moment, the couple began an unprecedented fierce quarrel.

The girls in the big office looked at each other.

Although it was not very clear and didn't know why they were arguing, everyone knew that this situation was not right, so they silenced them very tacitly so as not to be affected by their anger.

Just as everyone was panicking, there was a stern scream from Lin Yun's general manager's room, "Ahhhhhhhh! Are you hitting me? Qin, do you dare to hit me? Ahhhhh!"

Huh! It's fighting!

Has everyone ever experienced such a scene?

All shocked!

You know the couple who fought behind closed doors, one is a senior intellectual + executive of a listed company, and the other is an eldest lady from an extraordinary background. How can you just do it?

Should they go over and persuade them?

But they closed the door and locked it again. Are they going to break in?

Maybe they should call the police?

However, it is not an enemy but a couple who are fighting inside. As the old saying goes, the couple fights at the end of the bed. In case they just finished the fight and reconcile as before, wouldn't the person calling the police be embarrassed?

It seems that you can't call the police!

Besides, President Lin is still yelling, which means it's not that serious, right?

Maybe they are just flirting?

Just as they were hesitating to call the police or not to call the police, the door of the general manager's room suddenly opened wide, and a woman with a black and swollen nose rushed out with disheveled hair.

If it weren't for knowing who the person in the office was in advance, I'm afraid no one would recognize that the mad woman in front of me was Lin Yun.

At this time, Chairman Qin also chased him up, he grabbed Lin Yun's hair, and slapped him twice!

The people who were about to step forward to persuade them could not help but stop.

Lin Yao and Jian Wen reacted first, and rushed to the frame.

Lin Yao faces Lin Yun, while Jian Wen faces Qin Yi.

With a crisp sound of "pop!", Jian Wen frowned, covered her face, and staggered back to the side.

Chairman Qin was slightly stunned, Zheng Yuning and others rushed over and tried to hold Chairman Qin, while Lin Yao and Jian Wen hugged Lin Yun and tried to separate them, but it was not easy.

Lin Yun was beaten but still did not show weakness. He kept yelling, "Hit me, you hit me, if you have the ability, you can kill me..."

It was the first time Lin Yao saw domestic violence in the true sense, and it was also the first time to hear someone shouting when they were beaten: "Hit me, you beat me, if you have the ability, you kill me... "

To be honest, saying this kind of thing at this time is of no use except for a few more slaps.

She wanted to borrow a line from "Jiupin Zhima Guanli": I have never heard such a request in her life.

As expected, Chairman Qin did not disappoint everyone. He always wanted to rush over and continue to beat Lin Yun, as if he would not give up without killing her.

Lin Yao didn't understand, what on earth did Lin Yun do that caused Chairman Qin to beat her to death?

Besides, they are a Kochi and a daughter, can it be said that there is no better way of communication other than a fight?

Suddenly, Lin Yun vigorously threw away Lin Yao and Jian Wen.

Lin Yao didn't expect her strength to be so strong, she took a few steps back and almost hit the door frame.

Lin Yun did one thing while Qin Yi was still being dragged by several salesmen.

She dialed a number quickly with the mobile phone she had been holding, and then yelled into the phone, "Qin Yi is going crazy, come and take care of him!"

Lin Yao didn't know who she was calling this call, nor what Lin Yun's intention was, but these words of Lin Yun completely angered Chairman Qin.

His face was sullen and he flicked hard, and the trembling salesmen were immediately thrown aside by him.

Chairman Qin grabbed Lin Yun’s phone and threw it against the wall.

After the "clang" sound, the phone fell apart!

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun was violently knocked to the ground by him. Chairman Qin was about to grab her by her hair and hit her head on the ground. He changed his mind when he found that there was a thick carpet on the ground.

He kicked Lin Yun's abdomen with his feet in leather shoes, and Lin Yun suddenly curled up and shrank into a shrimp shape.

Qin Yi still felt that it was not enough to relieve her anger, and kicked her bare long legs a few times, and stomped her slender ankles with her feet.


Lin Yao petrified in an instant, as if ten thousand alpacas whizzed past her mind.

When is this, don't forget to add fuel to the fire!

If it weren't for Chairman Qin's phone to ring at this time, Qin Dongchang might really do as she wished: to kill her.

Chairman Qin glanced at his mobile phone. He stroked his slightly tousled short hair. While answering the phone casually, he walked into his chairman's room calmly.

Ironically, Lin Yun was still lying on the ground wailing, Lin Yao bypassed the dumbfounded salespersons, stepped forward and picked her up.

Lin Yun looked really miserable at this time, her long, well-groomed hair was messy, her face was blue and purple, because her belly and legs had been hit by a few feet, her waist was so painful that she couldn’t straighten up, and her ankles were too bad. She has a problem with walking after being injured.

Lin Yao originally wanted to ask her if she wanted to call an ambulance, but she changed her words, "Should I go to the hospital?"

Lin Yun grinned and waved his hand, "No, no, I'm fine, you can help me go to the sofa and sit down slowly."

This person is definitely a supporter, Lin Yao did not expose her, and worked hard to support her with Jian Wen.

Jian Wen's skin was fair and delicate, and there was a slap mark on the cheek that had just been slapped for her.

Lin Yun apologized, "I am the one who caused you, Xiao Jian."

Jian Wen didn't say anything, saying that it was impossible for her not to be wronged. She hadn't been slapped in her life, and she didn't expect to be here, and she slapped Lin Yun.

Lin Yao pondered for a while, and asked a little uneasy: "Is everything okay over there?"

She pointed to the direction of the chairman's room.

Lin Yun smiled bitterly, "Don't I called his dad just now, so I should teach him a lesson..."

Before Lin Yun's words fell, her door was kicked open vigorously.

Chairman Qin walked in while answering the phone. He didn't even bother to give Lin Yun on the sofa a look. He walked straight to her desk and looked around in her drawer.

Lin Yun screamed, "Qin Yi, what are you going to do?!"

Chairman Qin's cell phone seemed to be on hands-free, and there was an old voice saying, "...I told you a long time ago that the car keys and real estate certificates must be kept!"

Lin Yun heard it, Lin Yao and Jian Wen heard it too...

There was no real estate certificate in Lin Yun's office, and Chairman Qin finally left with the car key.

After this incident, Director Qin did not show up again for a long time, and Lin Yun did not come to the company until a week later. The bruise on her face had disappeared, but her leg was still limping.

Other than that, there is no difference, at least everyone still goes to work as usual.

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