Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 40: New Year and New Year

In the early morning, Lin Yao seemed to hear the sound of the key turning in the door lock in her sleep, and then with a "click", the door opened, and she was awakened immediately.

Suddenly, countless conjectures flashed in her mind: thieves sneaked into the houses to steal, ran into the house to commit robbery...

Fortunately, she has the habit of locking the door before going to bed, so she is not too flustered.

She checked her mobile phone first. The battery was fully charged, the signal was full, and the time was displayed as 05:50. At this time, the elderly in the community who were accustomed to getting up early had already gone out for morning exercises.

Lin Yao felt a little at ease, she stood up calmly, leaning against the door and listening.


Although Lin Yao didn't understand a word, she was already sure that it was Li Shulan and the others outside.

Ever since, the shock becomes a surprise in an instant!

Li Shulan and his wife have returned to Hangzhou, especially Li Shulan, which is really great!

Lin Yao hurriedly put on her coat, opened the door and saw that Li Shulan was directing her husband to carry luggage into the house.

She was leaning on her waist with one hand, and pointing at the door with the other: "Li Shulan looked back when she heard the door opening.

Seeing Lin Yao, she had a look of joy at first, and then a little uneasy, and finally said cautiously: "Sister Lin! I'm really embarrassed~ I didn't pay attention for a while and woke you up..."

Lin Yao said from the bottom of her heart: "It's okay, it's okay! I'm too happy to see you come back! To be honest, I miss you and the babies, you can count back!"

When Li Shulan heard Lin Yao say this, she was overjoyed to forget the exhaustion of the journey, "Sister Lin, I miss you a lot during this time."

Li Shulan's old justice suddenly stiffened when he was carrying the luggage. He glanced at it coldly, and got together the two women who were talking vigorously.

Lin Yao didn't realize it. She was obviously overjoyed and looked around Li Shulan excitedly.

"Let me see, oh... your belly grows so fast!"

Li Shulan was only three or four months pregnant, but she seemed to be comparable to a pregnant woman who was six months pregnant.

Lin Yao really didn't expect that after only half a month, Li Shulan's belly was so big, and she didn't expect her family to come to Hangzhou with such a big belly.

Moreover, they arrived at this time, should it be a red-eye flight, or a night on the train?

Thinking of this, Lin Yao couldn't help but ask a few words.

Li Shulan touched her belly, her expression a little sad, "Yes, yesterday, we started from home before dawn. We first went to the city by car, then transferred from the city to the provincial capital, and then transferred to the provincial capital yesterday afternoon. Go to the railway station, get on the train in the evening, and arrive in Hangzhou early in the morning..."

In other words, they have been on the road for the past 24 hours.

Most people will get tired, let alone pregnant women with twins?

Li Shulan should have not slept all night, her eyes are bloodshot, revealing unconcealable fatigue!

Lin Yao hurriedly said, "Then what are you doing standing there? Hurry up and get some sleep!"

"It's okay!" Li Shulan said, with a sweet smile on her lips, "I'm okay, I've been sleeping all the way, and my husband took the things."

Lin Yao disagreed. When she walked out of the room, she saw Li Shulan carrying a large suitcase.

"Anyway, you have to take care of yourself and the baby in your stomach. What else do you need to move? Let me go, and you should go back to your room and take a rest."

"No, we didn't bring a lot of luggage." Li Shulan smiled and waved to her, and said: "Sister Lin, my baby and I are thanks to"

Lin Yao knew what she meant. It was nothing more than Lin Yao said she was pregnant, but she was really pregnant. Lin Yao said she was pregnant with twins, but she really detected twins.

No matter where they are placed, twins are welcome.

Lin Yao and Li Shulan were having a good chat, but some people were not so happy anymore.

Li Shulan's husband looked over in gloomy eyes.

At this moment, as dull as Lin Yao could clearly feel the cold air radiating from him.

It's too cold to fall out of ice ball...

Lin Yao subconsciously took away the hand on Li Shulan's belly and took a half step back.

Li Shulan's husband still had a straight face. He picked up the last piece of luggage and entered the house silently.

Huh? How is this going?

Lin Yao actually had the illusion that Li Shulan's husband was regarded as a love rival?

Perhaps, not an illusion?

Lin Yao realized that it was not herself who made Li Shulan pregnant with twins, but Li Shulan's husband. However, Li Shulan always likes to put all the credit on her. It's strange that people can be happy.

It seems that in the future she has to pay attention so that no one will overturn the jealous jar.

In any case, Lin Yao was originally worried, and the embarrassing situation of renting a small two-bedroom apartment with Li Shulan's husband did not happen, and she was already satisfied.

Lin Yao went back to the room and slept for a while. She smelled the strong smell of food when she was in bed. It was Li Shulan who was preparing breakfast for her husband.

Not long after, she heard Li Shulan calling her outside the door,

"Sister Lin, we brought a lot of delicious food, shall we have breakfast together?"

Lin Yao resolutely declined, "No, I have to go to the company sooner!"

In fact, she didn't miss Li Shulan's craftsmanship, and there was no urgent need for her to go to the company so early.

But she is so embarrassed to sit with them and have breakfast with them?

What's more, she couldn't eat the jealous big ice cube facing Li Shulan's husband.

However, Xiao Liang Curie is full of popularity again.

that's nice!

Lingyun Industry occupies the entire 26th floor of Yueyang Building. At present, there are only a dozen people in the company, which looks a little unpretentious.

According to Lin Yun’s plan, Lingyun Industry will recruit people at the beginning of the year, but considering that migrant workers have not returned to Hangzhou so early, so they waited for a few days.

No, after the Lantern Festival, Lin Yun's second recruitment plan was officially put on the agenda. This time, we will first recruit foreign trade personnel, as well as inspectors.

For this matter, Lin Yun specifically asked Lin Yao to go to her office.

Lin Yao originally thought that what she had to do was to run errands and other errands. After all, was she a documentary or an in-house worker?

Lin Yun sat quietly on the sofa, smoking a cigarette, squinting, as if thinking. Her makeup during this period is exceptionally delicate, and she looks radiant at first glance.

Lin Yun pondered for a moment before saying, "Xiao Lin, do you have any requirements for newly recruited personnel?"

Lin Yao raised her head and glanced at her, a little puzzled. As she is saying that she is doing her job, she is a handyman, what can she expect from the newcomer?

However, since Lin Yun asked her to ask...

Lin Yao was not prepared to be polite to her, "Yes, of course!"

In response to Lin Ying's surprised gaze, she grinned, "We must hire a few men this time. Very handsome and handsome."

Lin Yun was taken aback for a moment, then laughed, "No problem, are there any more serious suggestions?"

More serious?

Lin Yao twitched the corner of her mouth slightly. She thought this proposal was very serious.

I think when Lin Yao was in Tianfeng Company, there was almost a world of male compatriots.

There are too many boys and too few girls. The result is that the male colleagues are unscrupulous, and the unscrupulous jokes open their mouths. It is unavoidable that they are a little smoky and unbearable.

In stark contrast is Lingyun Industrial, which currently consists of all women from the general manager Lin Yun to the cleaning aunt Yuan Yuan. (The only male compatriot---Chairman Qin is basically not in the company and can be ignored.)

Lin Yao thought this was good at first, and at least it could prevent x harassment in the workplace.

However, she gradually discovered that it is not a good thing to have all girls in a company.

For example, at the beginning of the year, when you let go of the cannon, you have to ask for the help of security guards. Usually, when you encounter things like moving things, changing light bulbs, a group of charming women's soldiers are all helpless.

Lin Yao occasionally changes the bucket of water to the drinking fountain, and she gets the attention of the girls.

She didn't think this would work. If things go on like this, sooner or later, she will evolve from a soft sister paper to a female man.

Moreover, the company is full of girls and there are other problems. For example, everyone seems to be in peace and harmony on the surface. In fact, they like to talk secretly.

Lin Yao understands that no matter whether the yin is prosperous or the yang is declining, it does not seem to be a good thing for a company.

Lin Yun's work efficiency is very high, and he posted a job advertisement on the same day.

In the next few days, the phone on Lin Yao's desk kept ringing.

Chinese companies have the habit of giving out year-end bonuses. Many people will take the year-end bonus and plan to find a new job after a year.

At the beginning of the year, the company has the most leavers and job seekers.

Lingyun Industry has no resignees for the time being, and there is an endless stream of applicants. The conference room is full of applicants who are filling out forms and waiting for interviews.

Lin Yun couldn't come for an interview at all, so Lin Yao and Jian Wen were also assigned part of the job interview. As for the application call, they were handed over to other salesmen.

After a week of busy work, Lingyun Industry added ten new business personnel and one quality inspector.

The morning meeting on the morning of the fourth week of the new year became a newcomer meeting.

"Hello everyone, I am Shen Jingjing, a foreign trade salesperson, please take care of me!" Shen Jingjing is a local girl from Hangzhou, with fair complexion, long hair to waist, self-confidence and beauty, which is unforgettable.

"I'm Zhao Feiyang, foreign trade business."

Zhao Feiyang stood up and smiled and nodded at everyone. She was burly in shape, with a square face with Chinese characters. She had a big face, but her eyes were very small. She burned a fashionable explosive head, but she was wearing a very ladylike dress. Yes, the pink floral dress, the clothes are a little tight, and her figure is especially...strong!

Lin Yao withdrew his gaze at a glance.


"This is Li Renhai, QC, the only male compatriot in our company, everyone should take good care of him."

"Hello everyone, my name is Xiaohai. In the vast life, meeting is fate. With me, I will take all the dirty work in the company from now on!" Li Renhai is indeed the kind of thrown into the vast sea of ​​people. He couldn't find the looks, he had a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"Hahaha---" As soon as his voice fell, several girls covered their mouths and laughed.

Lin Yun joked: "Just forget Xiaohai, leave this title to your girlfriend, you and Xiaolin are the youngest in the company, so I will call you Xiaoli from now on."

Upon hearing this, Li Renhai got up from his seat again and said solemnly: "Hello everyone, I will introduce myself again. My name is Xiao Li. I will cover all the dirty work in the company from now on!"

"Hahaha---" The girls in the conference room were amused by him, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a roar of laughter.

"Lingyun Industry was established five years ago. The chairman's surname is Qin. He doesn't have much time to come to the company, so I will be solely responsible for the company's operations. Regarding your personnel allocation, through the self-introduction just now, I believe everyone has already done something. I understand. Starting from today, I hope everyone will cooperate and make achievements as soon as possible!"

"Yes!" Li Renhai took the lead in expressing his position. His dogleg appearance made all the girls laugh, and even the cold Jian Wen curled her lips slightly.

"The meeting is over!"

After the morning meeting, everyone started the day's work.

"Chih--" Jian Wen on the opposite side blinked at Lin Yao, "Walking together in the afternoon?"

Lin Yao nodded to her, and the beauty of Jian Damei smiled and continued to work.

Zheng Yuning probed his head and asked, "What are you doing mysteriously every day?"

Lin Yao doesn't understand Zheng Yuning's It is clear that the relationship is not very good, and they are not having a good time once or twice. What is she going to do with Jian Wen, do you need to explain to Zheng Yuning?

Although Lin Yao didn't want to care about her, she still patiently replied simply: "Go to the cram school."

As for what kind of cram school, Zheng Yuning would not be interested, so Lin Yao didn't say much.

However, Zheng Yuning didn't have that consciousness at all. She was taken aback for a moment, and then burst into laughter, "Tutorial? How can this kind of thing be mysterious? Who believes it!"

Lin Yao understands that, facing people like Zheng Yuning, there is no need to pay attention to her at all!

The new colleague only went to work today. She didn't want to cause any disharmony, so she took a deep breath to calm herself down, and said calmly, "It's working time, and I won't talk about things outside of work. "

Zheng Yuning was speechless as soon as she said this. She gave a disdainful "sneer", turned her head, and continued to read gossip happily.

Lin Yao couldn't help feeling that everything was different in the new year, and Zheng Yuning remained the same.

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