Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 41: crisis

Lin Yao and Jian Wen went to the New World Foreign Language School to register for classes together. Lin Yao reported Spanish and Jian Wen reported business English. 35xs

Girls like to keep company no matter what they do. The two deliberately set the same time for class so that they will have company when they learn a foreign language.

Actually, there is no need for Jian Wen to say that Lin Yao will also adjust the time and go to New World Foreign Language School with her after work, but Jian Wen will always check with her in advance.

Lin Yao couldn't appreciate her way of dealing with things in detail.

It's just that today's work is destined to not go so well. Lin Yao received a complaint call from Mr. Wen.

This is the first complaint she has dealt with since entering the workplace, and it is also a major crisis she has encountered since joining Lingyun

The reason is that some of the products sent to Mr. Wen had serious quality problems.

Mr. Wen is the largest customer of Lingyun Industry at present. He has a lot of purchases, but the types of products he purchases are extremely diverse, including almost all parts of a car except glass and tires, and all he needs is a few Parts for ten different car models.

It is worth mentioning that Mr. Wen's purchasing method is very distinctive.

First of all, he has always adhered to the principle of not putting all eggs in one basket. For each product, he will find two or more suppliers to purchase at the same time.

In this way, the orders allocated to each factory are not too many.

Secondly, he never used the original factory number or other internationally accepted numbers. The part numbers he gave to each factory were compiled by himself, and they were all different. In other words, the same product, from different manufacturers, will have different serial numbers.

Lin Yao alone handles it, and there are hundreds of suppliers for Mr. Wen. You can imagine how complicated it is.

This is why Lin Yun is always at a loss every time Mr. Wen asks Lin Yun about the progress of a certain product.

Lin Yun did not ignore Mr. Wen's orders. In fact, she often asked Lin Yao about the details of Mr. Wen's orders. However, the types of products Mr. Wen purchased were too complicated, too many suppliers were involved, and the process was too cumbersome, causing her to be unclear about how, even the retelling was not clear. In the end, she could only ask Mr. Wen to ask directly. Lin Yao.

This batch of goods with quality problems was an ignition switch made by a manufacturer in the province. After the goods arrived at the destination, Mr. Wen’s employees found that there were cracks on the surface of these products, and a high percentage of cracks occurred. .

Even if there is no cracked product, there are many small cracks, and there is no guarantee that cracks or other more serious problems will not occur during loading.

In other words, these ignition switches worth nearly 100,000 meters are totally unusable.

Mr. Wen has always been anxious to the manufacturers, and the payment is particularly timely. He paid all the money for the goods long before the goods were loaded on the ship, and stared at Lingyun to pay the money to the manufacturers.

This was his kindness, but he was kind but not rewarded. What he received was such a batch of goods.

Mr. Wen Xu was too disappointed or angry. He repeatedly asked Lin Yao, "Why is this happening?"

Lin Yao handled the initial contact, inquiry, bargaining, sampling, contract preparation, booking, customs declaration, and shipment of this batch of goods by Lin Yao. Now that there is a problem, she must still be able to solve it.

Lin Yao knew the terms of the contract very well, she thought about it a little, and quickly gave suggestions. 35xs

"If there is such a serious quality problem, we should claim from the manufacturer, but we need to show the evidence to the manufacturer. Now you need to count the number of products with cracking problems, and take a photo to send it to me."

Having said that, Lin Yao suddenly thought of an important question Will Mr. Wen send an email?

Even if he doesn’t, someone in his company will.

Since he did not protest, it means there is no problem.

Lin Yao paused, and continued, "Then you can make a list of the various expenses, and we will come forward to negotiate with the manufacturer and file a claim against them."

Mr. Wen understood what she meant and filed a claim based on the largest loss, but the manufacturer is not certain about how much it is willing to bear.

I'm afraid the situation is not optimistic

Mr. Wen did not answer.

Lin Yao affirmed, "Don't worry, since the problem lies with us, we will definitely be responsible to the end."

"I don't want to make it so ugly, but why do they sell such things to me and you guys, hey"

Mr. Wen sighed, and finally couldn't bear to be too embarrassed, but his tone was very heavy, "After such a serious problem, how dare I place an order for you?

Kobayashi, why don't you talk about how you can avoid this kind of problem in the future."

Lin Yao really thought about such a problem, but she herself was so busy that it was not easy to ensure that there were no mistakes in her work, and she also had to ensure that the goods sent from the factory did not have quality problems. , This should be impossible, so she suggested that Lin Yun hire a quality inspector.

Thinking of this, Lin Yao said, "Mr. Wen, our company now has increased manpower and full-time quality inspectors. We can send someone to the factory to inspect the goods in the future. We will pay after confirming that there is no problem with the goods."

Mr. Wen was a little noncommittal, "That's it."

In fact, he felt disapproved in his heart.

How many kinds of parts are on a car and how many industries do these parts involve?

Lin Yao might not be clear, but he couldn't be clearer.

It would be unrealistic if Ling Yun recruited technicians from all walks of life.

Does it make sense to let people who don’t understand electronics go to the factory to check and accept electronic products, or let people who don’t understand chemicals to check and accept chemical products?

What’s more troublesome is that if there are quality problems in the product after acceptance, wouldn’t it be more difficult to deal with

Lin Yao understands Mr. Wen’s concerns. With the scale of Lingyun Industrial, it is impossible to establish a comprehensive and powerful quality inspection department, but the matter lies in human efforts.

Lin Yao talked about her idea, "My suggestion is that when you send samples in the future, you can send one or two more to stay with us. After the new product is completed, let the quality inspector take your The samples were inspected and accepted by the manufacturer in the past.

Sampling inspection or full inspection is up to you. If you find that the manufacturer’s mass-produced products do not match the samples during the inspection, you can ask him to take pictures for you to confirm. If necessary, you can also re-send the samples to you and send them only after confirmation. goods. "

In this way, at least 90% of quality problems can be avoided

The business of international trade is not difficult to say, simple is not simple. Although encountering quality problems is considered a small probability event, all foreign buyers will encounter similar problems.

The key is how to solve the problem after encountering it, and whether it can be solved properly.

Lin Yao's suggestion made Mr. Wen's eyes suddenly bright, "Ah, yes." You can try.

Lin Yao thought for a while, UU reading added, "As for those precision instruments or chemical products, we are afraid that we can't control it by our own ability, but we can contact domestic research institutes."

Mr. Wen agrees with this very much, and the problem that can be solved by spending money is not considered a problem.

Lin Yao's suggestion dispelled Mr. Wen's worries and let his anger disappear.

Lin Yao turned the topic back again, "Then, let's solve the problem of this batch of goods first."

Mr. Wen praised, "You are very organized, so, Xiao Lin, my secretary will send photos of these cracked products to your mailbox. You first send these photos to the manufacturer and see what they say and how to do it. Then plan what to do next."

Mr. Wen usually uses fax or telephone to contact him. Lin Yao thought his company was primitive and didn't even have an email address.

Lin Yao smiled and said, "Okay, when I receive the email, I will send it to Mr. Zhuang, and let him give us an explanation."

"Then let's do this" Mr. Wen chuckled, "I will call you again before get off work."

Mr. Wen rarely urged her to do things, which shows that his patience is running out.

Lin Yao couldn't help but smile, "Okay, you are welcome to call anytime."

Lin Yao spent about ten minutes from the time Mr. Wen called angrily to when he hung up the phone with a smile, but he didn't mean to relax at all, because the matter was not over, but just started.

The product has serious quality problems, and customer complaints and claims are simply not something she can handle as a merchandiser.

Lin Yao approached Lin Yun decisively to report this situation.

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