Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 49: In business

When Lin Yao walked into the general manager's room, Lin Yun was sitting on the sofa smoking a cigarette. She squinted her eyes slightly and inhaled, letting the smoke diffuse slowly, and she didn't mean to speak for a long time.

Since opening for a year, to be precise, since Lin Yun hired the second batch of employees, she has rarely talked to Lin Yao alone.

Mainly, regardless of their origin, family environment, or personality... they are all very different, and there is no common topic between them.

Lin Yao guessed that Lin Yun came to her this time to ask about the dispute between Shen Jingjing and Zheng Yuning.

The fact is also true.

Lin Yun was smoking a cigarette and knowingly asked: "What happened just now?"

Lin Yao succinctly replied: "Zheng Yuning asked Shen Jingjing some questions related to plastic surgery, and the two chatted a little unpleasantly."

"What's the matter with me..." Lin Yun's eyes flickered, "Then tell me, how did you deal with it?"

Lin Yao was a little puzzled. Others just chatted casually, what should she do?


Lin Yao realized that her new identity was a freshly released office director, and she could barely count as the head of this team.

As a tealeader, it is her responsibility to make this small team run well and exert its due efficiency.

She thought for a moment and replied: "I let Zheng Yuning go back and do her own thing."

Lin Yun let out a smoke ring slowly, and said noncommittal: "This is how you handle it?"

Lin Yao was taken aback for a moment. She asked a member of the team to do their job. Is there anything wrong with this?

Of course, there was nothing wrong with her handling method, but in Lin Yun's view, there was nothing worthy of admiration.

Lin Yun has always acted arbitrarily, high-profile, and ostentatiously. She can't appreciate Lin Yao's style of making big things smaller and smaller, which is similar to the way of dealing with things.

If Lin Yao knew her thoughts at this time, she would definitely not agree with it.

First of all, becoming the office director is not in her plan at all, and she has no idea of ​​"new officials" taking office!

Besides, there are only a few people in Lingyun Industry. How stupid must she be to become the so-called head of the office? Or can't wait to show off their prestige?

"Little Shen is very capable." Lin Yun glanced at her and said intentionally or unconsciously: "Although her ability is above you, as long as you do well, no one will take your place."

It seems that Lin Yun is going to use carrot and stick management to manage himself, and then let himself follow the gourd and use the same method to manage other people?

By the way, what Lin Yun just said was that Shen Jingjing is very capable?

Shen Jingjing does seem to be shrewd and capable, but it is only what it looks like, exactly how, how to be shrewd and capable, everything is not yet known.

You know that she has joined Lingyun for less than a month and is still familiar with the product stage. Lin Yun can see that she is very capable so soon?

However, Lin Yun's preference for Shen Jingjing is obvious to all. Lin Yao has no opinion on this, but...

Lin Yao said half-jokingly: "Then it shouldn't be necessary to use the order in my hand to prove her ability this time, right?"

These customers are Lingyun's "old customers" in name, but that's not the case in fact.

Lin Yao has a small number of customers who have some friendship with Chairman Qin, such as Mr. Wen and Mr. Li, but most of them are made by Lin Yao himself. These customers have never heard of Lingyun Industry before. I don’t know who is the last name of Lingyun Industrial’s boss, it is impossible to be Lingyun’s "old customer"!

Lin Yao considered that she was applying for the position of documentary and internal service at the beginning, and even if she talked about the order, there was no commission, so she has always made it her goal of becoming a foreign trade salesman.

Lin Yun proposed a commission rate of 02 in order to make her feel at ease to do the internal work of the documentary, and she agreed.

Who knows that Lin Yun turned her back and gave her orders to other salesmen more than once to "practice". How could this make her reconciled?

Lin Yao stared at Lin Yun for a while, then suddenly smiled at her, and said, "I can do all the orders. Is it possible that President Lin is still worried that Xiao Shen will not be able to do it?"

This is true.

However, this statement sounds a bit ironic, and a bit provocative.

Lin Yun's face changed immediately, she stood up awkwardly, glaring at him, "Don't be unconvinced, and don't be jealous of others' abilities!"

"I'm not dissatisfied!" Lin Yao said this mainly to show her position, and did not intend to turn her face against her, sincerely said: "Not only is not dissatisfied, I especially believe in Lin's vision."

Lin Yun only felt that her fist seemed to hit the cotton, and she couldn't use it at all.

After thinking about it, she felt that Lin Yao also made some sense.

When Lin Yao came to the company, there was no platform in the company, and even the catalog was only a draft.

Now it is different. Online and offline platforms and channels have been established and are constantly improving.

The product catalog is exquisite and gorgeous.

Everything is ready. If Shen Jingjing can't achieve results like this, how can he talk about ability and inability?

Lin Yun pinched the cigarette and threw it into the ashtray on the side. Her eyes glanced lightly at the person in front of her.

"Then let us wait and see."

"Okay, wait and see!"

Lin Yao's goal has been achieved. She accepts it as soon as she sees it, and changes the subject in due course, "I thought you came to me because you have more important orders, such as Mr. Wen."

What's the matter with Mr. Wen?

After Lin Yun thought for a while, she suddenly reacted, and she couldn't help but be surprised, "Oh~, you mean, do you have a solution?"

Although she said so, what she thought in her heart was, how could Lin Yao be able to solve a problem that neither she nor Qin Yi can overcome?

Lin Yao analyzed: "The current situation is that Mr. Wen insists on returning goods and money, and Mr. Zhuang, at first he wanted to solve this problem, but he was frightened by the sky-high compensation. The first thing we have to do is to break Deadlock, my thoughts are like this..."

Next, Lin Yao slowly said his thoughts.

After Lin Yun heard this, she was a little startled, and then she kept nodding her head.

After obtaining Lin Yun's consent, Lin Yao wrote a long email to Mr. Wen, detailing the handling plan and alternative plans of this matter.

Mr. Wen did not reply to the email, but directly called her, "Good afternoon~, please help me find Xiaolin~."

Hearing the long-lost greetings, Lin Yao had mixed feelings, "Hello, Mr. Wen."

Mr. Wen’s tone was not relaxed, "You~good~, Xiaolin~, I read your email~, this is not possible~!"

Mr. Wen's refusal was straightforward, as if there was no room for change.

Lin Yao explained: "I know that this way of handling is very wrong to you, but if you let him drag on forever, your loss will be even greater."

The first solution proposed by Lin Yao: Ask Mr. Wen to place a new ignition switch order to Lingyun, and deduct a certain percentage, such as 10, from the payment for each batch of shipments in the future as compensation for that batch of defective products.

Although it took a long time, in the end Mr. Wen could get the compensation he deserved.

Lin Yao also proposed an alternative solution in the email: let the manufacturer re-make a batch of goods as soon as possible, and Lingyun will arrange the return and exchange processing.

The former is more beneficial to the manufacturer, and Mr. Wen can finally get the compensation he deserves, which is not too disadvantaged.

The latter is a relatively easy way for Mr. Wen to accept, and manufacturers generally will not refuse.

The only problem is that such a serious quality problem occurred in the first batch of shipments. Can such manufacturers really cooperate for a long time?

This requires Mr. Wen to make a decision.

On the other side of the phone, Mr. Wen’s tone was very heavy, "If ~ he does not solve this matter~, I will not place a new order~, this point~ I am very persistent~."

Mr. Wen's request is that he returns the goods and the manufacturer refunds the money. If the problem cannot be solved, he will no longer cooperate. This is exactly what the manufacturer cannot accept.

Lin Yao also considered this possibility in advance, and she pondered: "Mr. Wen, I understand your feelings, but the total value of this batch of goods is nearly 100,000 meters. If you don't handle it, you will lose a lot."

"No~!" Mr. Wen is still stubborn, "These products are still in my warehouse~ and have not been sold to customers~, the losses caused~ are still within the range I can bear~. To be honest~, this Some money is not a problem for me~, but I do not appreciate Mr. Zhuang’s style of doing things~, so I will not continue to work with him~"

Mr. Wen is so principled. He would rather drop the 100,000-meter goods in his hands than continue to cooperate with Mr. Zhuang.

Mr. Wen is wealthy and has willful capital, but Lin Yao cannot accept such a result.

She sighed and said, "I know that you are not short of money, and I don't think you will be ruined or anything else because of this batch of goods, but you keep telling me that you must have a beginning and an end in doing things.

Now that the problem has arisen, should we face it positively and resolve it as soon as possible?

And in business, we have suffered a loss, and it is unreasonable to let the manufacturer go. Even if we can't find it back, we will have to make him pay the corresponding price. Are you right? "

"That's right~" Mr. Wen was silent for a moment, and said in a low voice: "Hey~, okay~, I will consider your proposal~"

Lin Yao strikes while the iron is hot, "How to deal with such an important matter, you still need to check for me. After all, I have just come out of the world, and you are already a master of the generation, with profound skills."

On the phone Mr. Wen laughed heartily.

Lin Yao paused and added: "I wrote in the email. The above proposal is for reference only. Your opinion shall prevail."

Mr. Wen smiled and said: "Alright~Alright~, I will think about it~, I'll talk to you in detail later~!"

Before leaving get off work, Lin Yao received an email from Mr. Wen's secretary. After careful consideration, Mr. Wen was ready to accept the second set of handling plans.

Mr. Wen also said that if the manufacturer agrees to this treatment, he will ship the defective products as soon as possible, and he will bear all the expenses incurred abroad.

The manufacturer only needs to bear the shipping costs of the returned shipping and the costs incurred after the goods arrive in China, and within one month of receiving the returned goods, they will make a new batch of qualified products and send them to him.

He particularly emphasized that cooperation can continue after the series of problems are resolved.

I have to say that Mr. Wen has really considered the manufacturer, but what will the manufacturer say.

Lin Yao was very worried.

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