Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 51: to be honest

When Lin Yao got off the bus, it was already eight o'clock in the evening. The station where she got off the bus was not considered remote. There were quite a lot of people on Hedong Road. She walked into the gate of the community and walked towards Building 1.

At this moment, she received a call from Jiang Mingshu, "Beauty~girl~, what are you doing~?"

Lin Yao chuckled and replied, "I just got off work, and I am on my way home."

Jiang Mingshu sighed quietly, and commented: "No~ Jin~!"

"Indeed." Lin Yao couldn't refute, "My life is not as exciting as yours,"

Jiang Mingshu muttered, "What is so exciting? I'm bothered!"

Lin Yao couldn't help asking, "What is bothering you?"

She and Jiang Mingshu's grades were not very good, and the universities they took were naturally not very good.

After graduation, they have a completely different life trajectory.

Lin Yao joined Tianfeng Company after graduation, and Jiang Mingshu joined Orlando.

Jiang Mingshu now has the most desirable and decent job for the young people in Hangzhou, and is being pursued by a group of rich and handsome men. She is actually screaming "annoying", "so annoying", "annoying" all day...

"There are so many things that bother me!" Jiang Mingshu gritted his teeth for a while, then stopped suddenly, "Well, let's talk about other things. For example, I called you the other day, but you were not at home! Honestly! Tell me, why did you go that night?"

Lin Yao unceremoniously prodded her, "Do you mean last month for the last few days?"

"Has it been so long?" Jiang Mingshu murmured: "I don't remember the specific day, don't you always pick and prick, okay? Just talk about what on earth did you go that night?"

Lin Yao smiled and said: "I enrolled in a Spanish class. That teacher loves to tell stories. It's very interesting. Would you like to listen to it together?"

"Spanish?" Jiang Mingshu was so shocked that his chin fell off. "English is enough to make me trouble. Don't speak Spanish to me! By the way, what do you do to learn Spanish well?"

Jiang Mingshu's hobby and Lin Yao really make a difference.

Jiang Mingshu usually likes shopping, watching movies, chasing idol dramas, climbing mountains, and occasionally soaking...

However, it is not difficult to understand, Lin Yao is still struggling for survival, Jiang Mingshu is different, since she entered Orlando, her life seems to be dead.

Her income is far ahead. As for how good the office environment in Orlando is, and how complete the welfare system is, I won’t say much. Anyway, no better one can be found among the enterprises in Hangzhou.

If the requirements are lower, she has no regrets in this life.

Lin Yao didn't expect her to learn a foreign language with herself, or she would have signed up with her at that time.

As for why she wants to learn Spanish, this is a bit long.

She perfunctorily said: "If you want to learn, just learn it. After all, we are a foreign trader and we are prepared to learn more foreign languages."

Jiang Mingshu wanted to wake her up: the key is your internal work, did you make it?

In an enterprise, it is not impossible to transfer jobs, but it is not easy.

For example, she has been in Orlando for almost two years. If there is a vacancy in a certain position, she will definitely be recruited by the human resources department instead of internally adjusted.

It can be said that when a person enters the company, her position is determined, and generally there will not be much change.

Except for special cases.

However, Lin Yao's company is different from Orlando. Maybe she really has a chance to become a foreign trade salesperson?

No wonder Lin Yao worked so hard!

Jiang Mingshu suddenly became interested, "I heard that learning a small language is quite expensive. To be honest, are you very rich now?"


she was?

You know, Lin Yao was still worried about not being able to pay the rent not long ago.

She smiled helplessly, "I just got rid of the poverty line, so can I be considered rich? However, the boss gave me a promotion and a salary increase today."

"What?!" Jiang Mingshu exclaimed, "How long have you been in the company? How many times have you increased your salary? Two or three times? Honestly, what is your monthly salary now? Has it reached five figures?"

Five digits?

Lin Yao didn't tell Jiang Mingshu that after working in Lingyun for three months last year, he only took RMB 50,000 or 60,000 for his bonus. The monthly income should reach five figures, but the monthly salary should refer to the basic salary? After deducting taxes and a few insurance deposits from her current basic salary, it happens that she has not broken 10,000.

Ling Yun was not bad, but he couldn't compare with Orlando.

"Uh, no."

Jiang Mingshu suddenly felt a little disheartened, "That's not great."

Lin Yao said in a huff: "Of course it's not very good. You think everyone is like you, and the starting salary is so high."

Jiang Mingshu casually said: "Where is my salary? Everyone earns several million a year. My little money is enough for people to maintain their cars."

Jiang Mingshu rarely cares about other people's affairs, but she unexpectedly opened her mouth and said "people" now.

"Who is this?" Lin Yao took the opportunity to ask, "What kind of car does it cost so much to maintain?"

Jiang Mingshu hurriedly denied, "No one!"

Lin Yao thought of a person, Jiang Mingshu once said, "The car is very short and there are only two seats", "That person is very annoying", "Have you met him", "He is a representative of the Orlando Group", "Consider What?! What do you want me to consider? Hey, what is your vision, how can I look at that kind of person?"


No wonder, the "Ming~Shu~" she heard on the phone that day was very familiar!

Lin Yao probed: "Your colleague is still pursuing you?"

Jiang Mingshu's voice immediately rose a few degrees, "Hey~? I said, can we discuss something else. Didn't you get a promotion or a salary increase? What kind of job promotion? Isn't it a senior internal service? Hahaha... …"

Pretending to be crazy and stupid, trying to cover up...

Lin Yao didn't fall for her, and turned the subject back, "Ming Shu, I guessed it right?"

Jiang Mingshu denied, "No! Nothing!"

Lin Yao reminded: "I originally wanted to go to the rouge that day, but you not only threatened to break my relationship with me, but also hung up on my phone!"

Jiang Mingshu was still stubbornly resisting, "That's, that's because my mobile phone just ran out of power."

Lin Yao pressed harder step by step, "I heard him calling you, and I can hear his voice, so I didn't go to look for you. He is with you, or you went to him, honestly, are you? Live together?"

Jiang Mingshu was almost mad, "What's the mess, you! I said you..."

She can't make it up.

For Jiang Mingshu, a small firecracker, the fact of deceiving people is too difficult.

Lin Yao said helplessly: "Can't you tell me the truth?"

To be honest?

Jiang Mingshu was silent for a moment, but chose to confess, "Well, I actually wanted to tell you a long time ago. That's right, it's him, or him, Kevin Liang. I mean his name is Kevin Liang. He was transferred to the 23rd floor some time ago. , And moved into the dormitory, but we are not living together, not living together, not living together!"

Jiang Mingshu became excited and raised his voice unconsciously. Lin Yao couldn't stand her ears a little, "It's alright, I know you are not living together!"

Jiang Mingshu was satisfied, "Sister Chu moved away, and now Liang Kaiwen lives in the small room opposite."

The houses in Yanzhili Community are quite old and small.

The small room that Sister Chu lived in was really small, too small to be too small, probably only a small bed of 1.2 meters in size, and then there was no more chair.

Lin Yao was taken aback, "You mean, he drives an imported supercar, but lives in a small room of six square meters?"

Jiang Mingshu’s tone was a little unnatural, "Who would say no? His room is too small and it’s difficult to turn around. Then he used this as an excuse to run into my room all day! I was so annoyed by him that day I wanted to go to your place to avoid it, but you said that you were in Wulin Square and you still had to go to my place to see it. I was in a hurry, so..."

She hung up Lin Yao's phone in a hurry, and then turned it off.

"Hey--" Lin Yao sighed long, "I finally know what place I am in your heart."

Jiang Mingshu weakly argued: "Didn't you also call me afterwards?"

Lin Yao smiled and joked: "I thought your young couple got along well, so how am I embarrassed to disturb you?"

"Who has a couple with him?" Jiang Mingshu was anxious again. "If you talk nonsense again, I can hang up and talk to myself."

Lin Yao smiled and said, "Go and go, I won't say, you say."

"Where did I talk? Oh, I really have nothing to do with him?" Jiang Mingshu has been holding back for a long time, and once he opened the talking gate, he couldn't stop it. "I let Ren Jiaying say, Liang Kaiwen is a rich second-generation, going to Orlando to play I'm going back to take over the family business in a few years. I can't afford to provoke such a person!"

What kind of person is this kind of person?

Kevin Liang is not only an Orlando elite, but also an Orlando elite with hundreds of millions of fortunes.

Properly rich and handsome!

Being pursued by such a rich and handsome man, should anyone be rejoicing?

Why did it change when I got to Jiang Mingshu?

Lin Yao puzzled: "Then you think he is too rich or the conditions are too good?"

Jiang Mingshu's voice was raised again, "It is my business whether he has money or not? I just think he is annoying!"

"Personality!" Lin Yao was also very convinced of her and couldn't help but admire, "No wonder people persevere in you!"

Jiang Mingshu disgusted and said: "What do you mean? Also, who wants him to persevere, I am!"

Lin Yao casually said: "So he is not in the dormitory today?"

Jiang Mingshu was taken aback, "How do you know?"

Lin Yao asked, "Otherwise, why would you think of calling me?"

Jiang Mingshu may not have realized it, but in fact, she is not really indifferent, but dare not.

Jiang Mingshu said in a low voice: "That's true. He and the chairman went to the United States, and they won't come back these days."

Liang Kaiwen and the chairman went to the United States, and the chairman of Orlando is Qin Rongze...

The evening breeze in early spring blew through, and it was a bit warm in the cold.

Lin Yao stopped suddenly, she raised her head and glanced ahead.

Before she knew it, she had come to the downstairs of No. 2, and the window in Room 403 was dark.

It turned out that he had gone to the United States.

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