Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 62: Like a knuckle in the throat

The person here was Zheng Feiyang, and she smiled at Lin Yao and Li Renhai, "Director Lin, Xiao Li, you are so early."

Lin Yao smiled and greeted her, "We just arrived, and you were very early too."

Zheng Feiyang usually doesn't speak much, and her performance at work is also mediocre. It is easy for people to ignore her existence, but her image is not low-key at all.

Zheng Feiyang's net height is about 170 cm, second only to Lin Yun. She is not fat, but she is born with a large skeleton and looks very burly. Even as a man, she can be considered a strong group.

Her dress is very feminine. For example, today she is wearing a very feminine retro floral dress and black leather shoes, but she wears the fashionable golden explosive head on her head, which is inevitable. deep impression.

Lin Yao quickly retracted her gaze and continued to do what she was doing. Starting today, she will strive to get off work on time every day. In order to achieve this goal, she will go to the company and start work early!

After the "ding" sound, the elevator again stopped steadily on the 26th floor.

Li Renhai stood up to welcome the people, "Chairman Qin, good morning!"

Lin Yao was stiff.

Chairman Qin raised his eyes and glanced at the three people in the large office, and said lightly, "Good morning."

After speaking, he walked into his office quietly.

Lin Yao breathed a sigh of relief as Chairman Qin left.

Unexpectedly, he leaned forward and said, "Xiao Li, come here."

At this time, Li Ren Hailong couldn't calm down, his hand on the table froze suddenly, "Okay, good."

Good one!

Chairman Qin has never done anything good when looking for him, and it's only 835 right now, it's not time for work yet!

Li Renhai walked to Chairman Qin's office while defamating. His face quickly returned to smile, "I wonder if Chairman Qin has any instructions?"

Chairman Qin didn't look up, only pointed at the 20 yuan cash on the table, "Help me buy a pack of cigarettes."

The smile on Li Renhai's face was a bit embarrassing, "Or, I'd better buy a few more bags and put them in your office."

Chairman Qin said, "What do you know? Buy more and I will smoke more, and I will buy one pack a day!" His tone was inconclusive.

Li Renhai replied, "No problem."

Chairman Qin nodded slightly, and didn't even bother to give him a look from beginning to end.

When Li Renhai came out of the chairman's office, his face was a little ugly.

Lin Yao asked casually, "What's the matter?"

Li Renhai collapsed, "Let me buy cigarettes again."

Lin Yao glanced at him sympathetically, and suggested, "Do you want to buy one and put it in the drawer?"

Li Renhai said helplessly, "But he only asked me to buy a pack of cigarettes." It's impossible for him to buy cigarettes for his boss to stock up, right?

Li Renhai has just arrived to work soon, and is still in the probation period, and his salary is pitifully low.

Lin Yao asked again, "How much does he cost for a pack of cigarettes?"

Li Renhai whispered "7 yuan."

There are no bosses who smoke 7 yuan a pack of cigarettes, but certainly not many.

The point is that his 7 yuan per pack of cigarettes are bought every day, and only one pack is bought, which is rather weird.

Lin Yao was shocked, "He brought coins for you to buy cigarettes?"

This picture is unimaginable.

"Cough!" Li Renhai was choked by his own saliva. "That's not true. He usually gives me 10 yuan or 20 yuan. Hey, he gave me 20 yuan today. After I buy the cigarettes, I will add the cigarettes and the change together. give him."

That's it.

Lin Yao knew it, "You are too honest."

Li Renhai's eyelids trembled, "Isn't it."

Lin Yao smiled and said, "I have an idea." As he said, he approached Li Renhai's ear and whispered a few words, only to see Li Renhai nodding his head, his face showed a surprise smile.

When Jian Wen and others came to the company, they saw Li Renhai standing next to Lin Yao. The two were whispering to each other, very intimate.

After Li Renhai left happily, Jian Wen couldn't help asking, "What are you doing?"

Lin Yao smiled at her, "You'll know later, Li Renhai will definitely want to tell you."

The three of them have participated in the Shanghai exhibition together, and it is considered a bit of revolutionary friendship, and they have a tacit agreement on certain things.

Jian Wen pursed her lips and smiled, "I just asked casually, so I didn't have such a heavy curiosity."

That's true, Jian Wen has never participated in this kind of gossip.

It was about Lin Yao and Li Renhai, she would ask one more question, and other people would gather together and talk about gossip every day, and she could treat it as if they hadn't seen it or heard of it.

If she is a man, she must be Lin Yao's most admired... Er, no, she already has the most admired person.

About ten minutes later, Li Renhai returned. He held a plastic bag in one hand and waved to everyone in the other. "Comrades, I am back. Let me tell you good news. Today, Chairman Qin welcomes you! "

Several salesmen leaned forward excitedly, and when they could see what Li Renhai was holding, they all rushed away.

Shen Jingjing frowned, "Xiao Li, are you kidding me?"

Others also echoed, "That's right, how could Chairman Qin invite us to eat this?"

Li Renhai put the plastic bag on the table and helped his glasses again, and said, "Don't believe me, this time is really Chairman Qin's treat. One person, one package of Mimi Shrimp Crackers."

Lin Yao was about to drink water, but it almost didn't come out.

Chairman Qin invites everyone to eat Mimi Shrimp Crackers... He can't figure it out.

Li Renhai didn't care what others thought, he put a pack of Mimi Shrimp Crackers on everyone's table in a serious manner.

Lin Yao also had a share, but Lin Yao returned the shrimp crackers, "I never eat this kind of food."

Li Renhai smiled and said, "If you don't eat it, let it go. Chairman Qin treats you. It's hard to be kind."

After Li Renhai divided the Mimi Shrimp Crackers, he returned to his seat, picked up the pack of cigarettes and was about to send it to someone, when someone just walked out of the office.

Chairman Qin asked with a bad face, "What tricks Li Renhai is doing?"

Li Renhai smiled happily, "Today, after I bought the cigarettes for Chairman Qin, I found that I still had 13 yuan in my hand, so I thought of an important question. Chairman Qin sent me to the supermarket to buy things. It actually tested me. .

But I always have a few dollars left, every time.

So the question is, Chairman Qin is a big money maker, what use can this little change do to the chairman?

I returned the change to Chairman Qin, not for Chairman Qin. What is it?

And I came back before the money was spent. This would definitely be unqualified. No wonder Chairman Qin always asked me to make up the exam.

I finally understood Chairman Qin’s diligence. When I was buying cigarettes, I happened to see Mimi Shrimp Crackers in the supermarket selling 20 packs of 99 yuan, so I bought a large pack.

Early in the morning, let’s share the shrimp crackers invited by Chairman Qin. I think everyone will be full of energy throughout the day and work hard!

Are you saying that, Chairman Qin? "

Chairman Qin's face is as black as ink, "Who wants to eat this kind of food, it tastes so good after eating."

Lin Yao raised her eyebrows. It seemed that Chairman Qin had eaten Mimi Shrimp Crackers.

Li Renhai hurriedly said, "Yes, yes, so I bought two pieces of chewing gum, and I ran out of money."

Li Renhai looked for praise, while Chairman Qin was ashen.


Jian Wen couldn't help but laughed out loud.

Chairman Qin’s expression was very complicated, but he didn’t say anything. He turned around and left after he took the cigarette from his hand. Li Renhai hurriedly stuffed a bag of Mimi shrimp crackers and a whole stick of chewing gum into his arms. It's your prawn crackers. After eating Mimi prawn crackers, eat some chewing gum to make sure your breath is fresh and fresh, and you are full of energy!"

Chairman Qin did not refuse, but his voice when he closed the door was obviously much heavier than usual.

Lin Yaojing Li Renhai compared thumbs, "High, it's really high!"

Li Renhai scratched his head, "Thanks to Director Lin for the prompt."

Lin Yao raised her eyebrows to look at him, "You can pull it down."

Lin Yao didn't let him buy this kind of thing, and never even thought about it.

She just reminded him just now to buy more packs of cigarettes for Chairman Qin, or to cut and then just buy one, he is always embarrassed not to pay?

The reason why Chairman Qin tried to call Li Renhai in a cost-effective manner time and time again was because he felt that he was the most obedient among all Ling Yun and the best call.

If he is not so obedient and not so easy to use, wouldn't Chairman Qin constrain a bit?

In the final analysis, Li Renhai is in Lingyun, not a slave to Chairman Qin.

As a result, Li Renhai was even more ruthless. He only bought a pack of cigarettes but a lot of snacks.

Chairman Qin could not agree with Li Renhai's actions. If he affirmed Li Renhai's behavior, he would have acquiesced that he would only buy a pack of cigarettes for Li Renhai in the future.

Chairman Qin can't blame Li Renhai for spending money. After all, he bought snacks worth more than ten yuan to share with twenty people, which has already saved a lot of money.

Chairman Qin can't dislike Mimi Shrimp Crackers. If he dislikes Mimi's shrimp sticks, he should pay more and let Li Renhai buy some decent things to share with everyone.

In short, whatever he says is wrong!

Li Renhai's trick is very clever. It seems that the problem of buying cigarettes is expected to be completely resolved.

However, Lin Yao's problem is not.

Just now, Lin Yao planned to arrive at the company early every day, so that he would not have to work overtime when he was off work. Chairman Qin would never have that opportunity again, and all the problems would be solved!

Never thought that Chairman Qin came so early today, and this once again sounded the alarm for her.

If Chairman Qin intends to catch her in the company earlier, what should she do in the future?

It seems that she can only adjust her strategy and give away some customers to ensure that she commutes to get off work on time. However, squeezing the bus during peak hours is really a torment for her.

Lin Yao felt that she was exhausted after squeezing the bus, so she would rather go out early every day and get to the company earlier.

Lin Yao had been sturdy and worried for a day, and when she was about to get off work, she received a call from Mr. Wen.

"Good afternoon~, please help me find Xiaolin~."

Lin Yao hurriedly replied, "Good afternoon, Mr. Wen, I'm Xiaolin!" Her voice was exhausted.

Mr. Wen couldn't help being surprised, "Xiao Lin~, why are you so unenergy today~? Would you like me to talk to President Lin~ or Chairman Qin~, I must let you eat~?"

Mr. Wen is skinned again...

Lin Yao explained, "I'm fine, maybe it was because I slept late last night."

Mr. Wen sighed, "Hey~, you can't do this~, young people should be full of vigor~!"

Lin Yao chuckled softly, "Thank you for your reminder, I will definitely correct it."

"That's right~, smile~, I feel so happy~!" Mr. Wen quickly got to the business, "That's it~, I received Mr. Zhuang’s goods today~"

Lin Yao nervously said, "How is the quality of this batch?"

Mr. Wen said, "The quality of this batch of goods is very good~, so I would like to ask him~, how did the previous batch of goods be made~ and why is it so bad~?"

If the manufacturer does not have the ability to make good products, he can only blame himself for choosing the wrong manufacturer.

If a manufacturer has the ability to make a good product, but sends a bad product to him, then it is clear that it is intentional.

Mr. Zhuang is obviously the latter, which is hard to accept.

"I also asked Mr. Zhuang about this question." Lin Yao was prepared, she drank some water, and slowly said, "I asked him,'Since you are a supporting factory, the quality should be reliable, why give us a batch Poor quality goods?'

Mr. Zhuang said that when these products were in the factory, there were only minor quality problems. People in their factory believed that these problems were negligible. After the products were installed on the car, no problems were seen.

What they didn't expect was that these goods had cracked more than half when they first arrived in your hand. "

"So~so~, they are lucky to send me bad products~?" Mr. Wen said with a sincere heart, "This is not possible~! How can the parts installed in the car be like this~, so careless~. Isn't he sloppy~ I have never thought that if there is a problem after loading the car~, then it is really not able to pay."

If it is a problem after loading the car, Mr. Zhuang should be reckless. Both Mr. Wen and Lin Yao know it well, but no one will tell.

"From the manufacturer, we have repeatedly emphasized the importance of quality issues. In addition, we asked Xiao Li to take a look at the product before to make sure that there was no problem last time. Then we let them ship."

"Ah~ I saw the photos Xiao Li sent from the factory. He did things very carefully~! I am very grateful to him~!" Mr. Wen affirmed, "Right~, when can I arrange the return of the goods here~? "

Lin Yao has already inquired about this clearly, "Next, you need to send a formal letter from your company to complain again, and then I will reply to the handling plan in the mail, about a week or so, your side can ship the goods."

"Ah~, like this~?" Mr. Wen was finally relieved when he heard the specific return time, "Then let's do this~, we will solve this matter as soon as possible~"

If the old problems are not resolved, both buyers and sellers will be in trouble.

Lin Yao sincerely apologized to him, "I'm sorry to have brought a lot of trouble to your work. If it weren't for your support, this matter might not be resolved smoothly."

Mr. Wen sighed for a long time, "You can't be blamed for this thing~, but you must be careful~ and you can't let this happen again~"

"Thank you Mr. Wen for the teaching."

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