Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 63: Gangbang

Time slipped quietly in the ordinary, and it was the end of April in a blink of an eye.

All of the dozen or so intentional orders received by Lin Yao at the Shanghai Exhibition have been converted into official orders, except for large orders from US customers. Her contact with US customers is still proceeding in an orderly manner.

At the same time, her old customers are also placing orders continuously.

It is worth mentioning that Jian Wen has gained a lot from the Shanghai exhibition. One of the Tai Chi customers who negotiated during the period, rlee and Mr. Li, will visit this afternoon.

As the fifth largest automobile manufacturer in the world, Tai Chi country purchases a huge amount of auto parts in China every year.

Mr. Li is a purchasing manager of a certain automobile company in Taiji Country. His arrival was met by Lingyun Industrial's highest standard reception. Chairman Qin, Lin Zong and Jian Wen went to the airport to pick him up.

The following business negotiation meeting was hosted by Chairman Qin himself and attended by 15 existing business personnel of Lingyun Industry.

Lin Yao is not a business person and does not need to participate.

As a quality inspection, Li Renhai also does not need to attend.

In the huge office, the two of them were left in a blink of an eye.

Li Renhai frowned, tapped his fingers on the desktop, making a "beep" sound.

"Director Lin, you said, where will they eat later?"

Lin Yao curled her lips slightly, and asked, "Why do you care about that?"

"Why not, it's just curiosity." Li Renhai thoughtfully said, "You said, can we get off work on time today?"

Lin Yao understands his concerns. What Li Renhai is worried about is that if the meeting is not over by the end of working hours, then they will have to wait outside.

Otherwise, when Chairman Qin, Mr. Lin and the client come out of the meeting room, they will find that there is no one in the large office of Lingyun Industry!

That definitely won't work!

Lin Yao groaned slightly, and said, "I'll pinch and count. When we have dinner later, Lin always will pick us up."

"Hold the grass, is it true?" Li Renhai was tapping his fingers on the desk and turned his head to look at her. "This is what I worry about the most. If they call me together, wouldn't I be able to pick up the girl? Friends off work?"

Lin Yao gave him a high look, "Oh, that's not bad, is it very responsible?"

"Of course." Li Renhai's eyes crooked when he talked about his girlfriend. "Besides, I came to Hangzhou for her."

Li Renhai mentioned that he originally served as a workshop director in a factory of a listed company in Shanghai. He was the youngest workshop director in the entire factory and the entire group company!

At that time, he was getting along well with his superiors and his workers, and his future was bright.

However, Li Renhai offered to resign, and the only reason to resign was to come to Hangzhou to find his girlfriend.

In today's society, how many couples can't stay in love because of long distances?

How many boys are willing to give up an otherwise good job for their girlfriends and come to a completely unfamiliar city to start from scratch?

Li Renhai did it.

This is really commendable!

"I'm talking nonsense, don't take it seriously." Lin Yao thought for a while and comforted. "But you don't have to worry, even if you have a meal together, there is nothing wrong with us. Anyway, there is nothing we need to accompany the customer. It is estimated that after the meal, we will be able to return. Home."

Li Renhai still wrinkled his eyebrows, "I hope so, otherwise I can only let my girlfriend go home alone, so I don't worry."

Lin Yao smiled and teased him, "Didn't you say that your girlfriend is older than you? Is there anything you worry about? By the way, what does your girlfriend do?"

Li Renhai smiled so badly, "My girlfriend is only one year older than me. She is in finance."

Lin Yao nodded, "Oh, the financial girl is very good, she has vision!"

"Of course, she's amazing!" Li Renhai looked at You Rongyan, "She works at Yaxing Technology, do you know Yaxing Technology? My girlfriend is the financial director of Yaxing Technology!"

"Chief Financial Officer?" Lin Yao exclaimed sincerely, "That's really amazing!"

Li Renhai and Lin Yao were in the same year, and his girlfriend was one year older, and this year is only 24 years old.

What is the concept of a twenty-four-year-old financial director?

Lin Yao guessed that Li Renhai’s girlfriend should be a white, rich and beautiful girl with a very hard backstage, otherwise it would never be possible to become a financial director at the age of twenty-four!

Thinking of this, she looked at Li Renhai in disbelief. He was of average appearance, average figure, and average behavior, but was very good at life. Can such a person really fascinate Bai Fumei?

Li Renhai kept talking about the great achievements of his girlfriend, only then remembered that Lin Yao had never mentioned her boyfriend, so he asked casually, "Where does Director Lin's boyfriend work?"

"My boyfriend?" Lin Yao thought of someone, she shook her head, "I, single." In fact, she was almost single.

Lin Yao has already thought about it, no matter how Qin Rongze and adriana develop, as long as they are not married, she will wait for him, well, at least until July.

However, it is now the end of April, and if nothing else, she should really return to single after two months.

During the period, if someone asked about her boyfriend's situation, she could only say that she was single first, otherwise she couldn't explain it.

Li Renhai scratched his head, "I'm sorry, I thought you had a boyfriend, but I was always wondering why he never showed up."

"What's so embarrassing about this?" Lin Yao said disapprovingly. "I've been used to it. Besides, I was only single in the company. At that time, I was really embarrassed and very special when I encountered company dinners and other activities. It's difficult. Now it's different, there are several singles!"

Li Renhai asked puzzledly, "Why don't you find one?"

Lin Yao smiled, "It depends on fate."

It's not that she didn't want to find it, she went on a blind date, and when she met Liang Chen, if it weren't for being rescued by Qin Rongze... the consequences would be unimaginable!

Thinking of Qin Rongze, the smile on Lin Yao's face gradually faded.

"That's true!" Li Renhai nodded and said yes, "It depends on fate."

Lin Yao grabbed his thoughts, "However, don't talk about it in front of the leader, they all think I have a boyfriend, and I have to continue to pretend to have a boyfriend in front of them, for the reason you know."

Lin Yao didn't know if Li Renhai didn't understand it, anyway, she herself was a little dizzy, wondering if she had a boyfriend pretending to have no boyfriend, or no boyfriend pretending to have a boyfriend?

"No problem!" Li Renhai rolled his eyes and said, "Yes, I have a little brother..."

The beginning was vaguely familiar, Lin Yao hurriedly interrupted him, "No need, no, my mother asked an expert to do the fortune for me. I can't find Huzhou, so forget it."

What a perfect reason?

What a witty and polite answer?

Lin Yao gave herself a compliment in her heart.

"Director Lin still believes in this?" Li Renhai grinned and said, "but my friend is not from Huzhou, he is from Wenzhou."


The water Lin Yao had just drunk spurted out, and she hurriedly took out a tissue to wipe the screen and keyboard. Then he said seriously, "My mother said, I can't find Wenzhou."

It was real this time, but it sounds like fake.

Lin Yao sighed, she was really not suitable for lying.

"That's it." The expression on Li Renhai's face was a bit embarrassing, "I just mentioned it casually."

Lin Yao smiled apologetically, and patted him on the shoulder, "Thank you brother!"

Just then, the door of the meeting room opened.

Lin Yun walked out with a red face, "Xiao Lin, Xiao Li, wait to go to Huahai together."

Huahai is located in the downtown area, next to the clubhouse. Like Dixintang, it is a high-end restaurant in Hangzhou.

Lin Yao and Li Ren looked at each other.

Li Renhai is anxious to pick up his girlfriend from get off work.

Lin Yao has no interest in gatherings for a long time, especially not wanting to participate in any activities with Chairman Qin.

Lin Yun urged as she walked into her own office, "Hey, I said you guys, hurry up and pack things up, move faster!"



As a reception of the highest standard, there is no need to say anything about how rich the dinner is and how warm the atmosphere is.

During the dinner, Lin Yao found that Chairman Qin’s wife and Mr. Li from the Tai Chi country got along very well, so good that there was basically nothing wrong with Jian Wen.

Lin Yao and Li Renhai even sat far away, they couldn't even hear what they were talking about. They didn't need to do anything except eat, drink, and occasionally raise a glass.

After the dinner, a group of twenty people came to the club.

Led by Lin Yun, they walked through the brightly lit and luxurious hall and took the elevator to the sixth floor.

The private room that Lin Yun ordered is located on the sixth floor. It is said that if it does not matter, the private room here needs to be booked one month in advance.

This is the second time Lin Yao has stepped into the clubhouse, but this is the first time she has come to the private room on the sixth floor.

Quietness and grandeur are her first impression, and she deserves to be the No1 in the Hangzhou Club!

"The clubhouse has seven floors. The first floor is the banquet hall, and the second to fourth floors are the dance floor." Lin Yun said after a brief introduction, "you can drink some wine in the private room, sing children's songs, and then go downstairs and dance."

Lin Yao felt her scalp numb when she heard the words "drinking", she just came here to fill up the number of people, what wine to drink, what song to drink, and what dance?

However, she soon discovered that these really had nothing to do with her.

Chairman Qin Zheng and Mr. Li are about the same age and like-minded. They are very easy to talk about.

Even Jian Wen can only sit by and do nothing.

Who cares whether she drinks or not?

As for singing, Lin Yao didn't expect Lin Yun to be a Maiba, and his singing skills are enough to kill more than half of professional singers, and the strength is enough to hold a concert at the level of Maiba!

Beautiful, good figure, strong aura, even singing is so good, it's simply amazing!

Lin Yao hadn't planned to sing originally, after listening to Lin Yun's song, she was embarrassed to speak!

There are many people who have the same thoughts as Lin Yao. In fact, as soon as Lin Yun opened his voice, everyone was quiet.

The salesmen who were rushing to order songs also gave up their plans to sing, and went back and sat down obediently.

Lin Yun sang several songs one after another, only to find that everyone was sitting honestly, and it seemed that no one was planning to sing, so he was somewhat uninterested for a while.

She cut the song directly and asked "Whose song is next?"

Everyone shook their heads, joking, with Lin Yunzhuyu in front, who would dare to show their ugliness?


Lin Yun had to call her name, "Jian Wen, can you sing English songs?"

Jian Wen frowned slightly, "I can't sing."

Lin Yun was noncommittal, "Sing a song, Mr. Li is your client."

Jian Wen was a little helpless, "Well, just one song."

Jian Wen chose an old song, "500iles".

As soon as she opened her mouth, the entire private room was instantly horribly silent, as if the air had frozen.





ahundrediles, ahundrediles

ahundrediles, ahundrediles



lordi\'one, lordi\'o

lordi\'three, lordi\'four





At the end of the song, everyone couldn't recover for a long time.

Lin Yao was also stunned. If Jian Wen hadn't stood in front of her to sing, she must have thought that some kindergarten kid was singing nursery rhymes.

It turned out that Jian Wen really said that she didn't sing well, it was not a polite remark!

Li Renhai's reaction was quicker, he took the lead in applauding, and then everyone applauded sparsely.

This is Jian Wen's first singing performance, and it's the last time.

Lin Yun continued to roll his name casually, "Xiao Lin, do you have one too?"

Lin Yao waved her hands again and again, "No, no, I can't sing well."

Jian Wen seemed to say the same just now

Lin Yun hesitated and looked away, "Little Li?"

Li Renhai is very knowledgeable about current affairs. He stroked his bangs, walked forward generously, took the microphone from Lin Yun, and clicked on "Peach Blossom Blooming".

Li Renhai sang so well, but he is more attentive. While singing, he winks at the girls in the company, and the people in the private room are all overjoyed.

This was exactly the effect Lin Yun wanted. A satisfied smile appeared on her face, but she was not so satisfied when she looked at other people.

Lin Yun frowned and said, "One person sings one song, this is the task!"

Jian Wen's task has been completed, and she doesn't care much.

Li Renhai took the microphone and responded positively, "Yes!"

Others had to answer, "Yes!" and "Okay."

At the end of the song, Lingyun's sales staff went into battle one after another, singing some of the better songs.

After everyone sang it, it was Lin Yao's turn. She chose a Cantonese song. It's not that she is good at singing Cantonese, but likes to listen to Cantonese songs.

She can sing popular songs nowadays, but she is embarrassed to behave in front of Lin Yun.

She also has some English songs, but singing English songs seems to be a bit of the opposite of acting with Jian Wen.

Besides, Tai Chi customers who come to China must know English or even some Chinese, and Cantonese is safer.

When she finished singing, Chairman Qin gave her a deep look.

Lin Yun commented, "Sing well."

Lin Yao suddenly remembered that Lin always came from Guangzhou!

Chairman Qin used to work and live in Shenzhen for a long time.

She was so funny, she sang Cantonese songs in front of them!

This is the real trickery, right?

Lin Yao was embarrassed.

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