Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 90: What is the most important thing as a man?

The sun is short in autumn, and the sky outside begins to darken just after five o'clock in the evening.

In the office, Qin Yi looked at the young girl standing at his desk leisurely. She has been on guard since entering the office door until now.

Qin Yi had to admit that he was a bit hasty before, and he might have scared the little girl in front of him.

However, a girl like Lin Yao's age is not difficult to coax.

For him, this is especially true.

Qin Yi believes that as long as she uses a few tricks, she will definitely make her obedient.

Qin Yi reached out and took off his glasses, rubbed his eyebrows, and said in a low voice: "I used to say that everyone would turn the same without the earth, but I was wrong. In fact, I can't live without you."

When he heard what Lin Yao said that he thought he was affectionate, he only felt nauseous, too disgusting, she almost vomited out the overnight meal.

He probably lied Lin Yun to Hangzhou like this?

After he finished deceiving Lin Yun with this set, he still wanted to deceive her?

Lin Yaoguang felt a chill after thinking about it, "Although you are the boss and I am an employee, I still want to remind you that your behavior has constituted X harassment, and I can call the police."

If it weren't for the reason that he was Lin Yun's husband, she would have called the police a long time ago.

Qin Yi was stunned. He had not been threatened by a little girl before he lived so old!

He secretly vowed that she must be tame and submissive, just like Lin Yun!

He liked Lin Yao for a reason.

The first is because of her ability to work.

Although she doesn't look like a strong woman at all, people who do business know that 20 million is a barrier, and no matter how hard an ordinary salesperson works, they can't break the 20 million mark.

Lin Yao is different. It only took three months for her to start doing business to break through 20 million!

Qin Yi believes that if she is allowed to do it, it will be a matter of time before she breaks two hundred million!

How could he miss such a person?

The key point is that Lin Yao is young and easy to control, and her surname is Lin!

Qin Yi's clients and friends all know that his remarried wife's surname is Lin!

Yes, before Qin Yi married Lin Yun, he had a wife.

After he remarried, many of his former friends stopped contacting him.

Qin Yi didn't think he had done anything wrong.

It was Lin Yun who wanted to die and live, and had to marry him, and went to his house.

In the end, it was his careful ex-wife who offered to divorce and gave way to Lin Yun.

What is wrong with him?

After Lin Yun and him settled in Hangzhou, Qin Yi never took her to a friend party, not once!

On the one hand, Qin Yi’s friends don’t want to see her, on the other hand, Qin Yi also has her own careful thoughts...

Lin Yao was staring at him, uncomfortable, and said bluntly: "If Chairman Qin is fine, I will get off work."

Qin Yi stood up, stopped her, and said softly: "Xiao Lin, what I said to you before is still valid. As long as you want, this company is yours, even me!"

What do newcomers who have just stepped into society want most?

A stable job, a platform where you can flex your muscles...

Qin Yi thinks she can give her everything, everything she can't even think of!

Lin Yao actually wanted to give him a slap, but she really wanted to do it. She was not Qin Yi's opponent, and in her mind, Qin Yi was not much better than a mad dog.

No one wants to provoke a mad dog, and she doesn't want to either!

Lin Yao didn't want to continue this topic, her tone was threatening, "I will ask for leave tomorrow morning, and Lin has already agreed."

"Did you refuse to be with me because of Lin Yun?" Qin Yi curled his lips slightly in an ambiguous tone, "I told you that she and I can divorce at any time, and you don't have to bear this burden. "

Lin Yao really didn't know where his confidence in saying such things came from. Is it possible that he regards the girls of Lingyun Industry as his harem, as long as he beckons, he should fight to rush into his arms?

Qin Yi always said in front of her, what does it mean that he and Lin Yun will divorce at any time?

Do you want to put a "third party destroying family" hat on her head?

Lin Yun, Lin Yun, when can you open your eyes and see what kind of man you are looking for?

"If you don’t get divorced, what does it matter to me?" Lin Yao’s tone was ridiculous. "You can tell Mr. Lin these things, but you don’t need to tell me, and my boyfriend knows that you are discussing these with me. I'm afraid I won't be happy!"

"Your boyfriend?" Qin Yi smiled lowly, "What is the most important thing to be a man? It is a sense of responsibility! What can that little white face give you?"


Does he feel very responsible?

Lin Yun is pregnant, so he asks Lin Yun to have a baby. Is this a sense of responsibility?

When he went to the Shanghai Exhibition and the Canton Fair, he just showed his face and didn't care about it. Is this also a sense of responsibility?

He registered the company for five years, and when Lin Yun got the results, he came over to become the chairman of the board. As soon as his position became stable, he began to overturn the regulations set by Lin Yun one by one. This is considered a sense of responsibility. ?

Lin Yao was stunned by his shamelessness!

"Is he good? You don't need to know." Lin Yao greeted the other person with a smile, "Anyway, he is a thousand times better than you in my mind, ten thousand times better!"

Not to mention Qin Rongze, even the unreliable Qin Wenyuan is much better than the beast in front of him.

I don't know what kind of Nie Yuan it is, the three men who entangled her the most are actually named Qin!

Qin Rongze comes from the imperial capital, Qin Yi is a native of Hangzhou, and Qin Wenyuan comes from a small town in southwest Zhejiang. There are three people who have nothing to do with each other. By coincidence, they are all named Qin!

Qin Yi had already called people to the office, but how could she easily let her leave, "Xiao Lin, listen to me!"

Lin Yao couldn't bear it, suddenly stretched out her hand, picked up an ornament on his desk, and slammed it on the door!

"Clang-Clang---" The ceramic ornaments fell apart in an instant.

The objects Qin Yi placed on the table, regardless of their value, were forbidden to be touched by others.

How dare Lin Yao throw his things?

Qin Yi's face changed, and he said displeased: "What are you doing?"

Lin Yao raised her voice and said, "Nothing is famous, I just accidentally broke one of your ornaments!"

Almost at the same time, Li Renhai opened the office door and rushed in.

He walked in front of Qin Yi in two steps in three steps, and asked with a smile: "Did you call me Chairman Qin?"

Qin Yi didn't expect that Li Renhai would pop up at this time, and said in a bad mood: "No one is looking for you, let's go out."

Lin Yao pointed to the debris next to the door and said, "I accidentally knocked over that. Can you help me get a broom?"

What was accidentally knocked over, flew seven or eight meters away, and hit the door heavily?

This kind of story is not easy to make up.

Li Renhai raised his eyebrows and turned to get the broom. Lin Yao naturally followed him out.

Qin Yi's face was so ugly and ugly, but he was helpless.

Why does Li Renhai wait outside? Is he always eavesdropping on their conversations?

No matter what, his conversation with Lin Yao would definitely not go on.

When Li Renhai finished cleaning, Lin Yao and Li Renhai left the company together, she said guiltily: "He is too much, I am going to go all out, I hope it won't hurt you."

"I won't be bothered. I work overtime for the company for free. He is too late to be happy." Li Renhai thought for a while and asked tentatively: "Just now, did he act on you again?"

"That's not true." Lin Yao shook his head, "He asked me today mainly to talk to me, saying that he wanted to modify the salary system set by Lin Yun."

"What?" Li Renhai said nervously: "How is he going to change it?"

Lin Yao asked, "Guess how he will change it?"

Li Renhai smiled bitterly, "Do you still have to guess?"

According to Lin Yunding’s standards, they travel by plane, stay in four-star hotels and above (because there are no five-star hotels in many places), and eat in the best and most popular restaurants. They are fully reimbursed for their food, accommodation, and travel. Give an additional subsidy of 300 yuan.

According to Qin Yi’s standards, they can only take trains, buses, and subways on business trips, and stay in small hotels that don’t even have a sign. Three meals a day need to be controlled within 40 yuan, and the excess is self-care, and there is no additional subsidy for a penny. !

There is really no suspense about how he will change the salary system.

Lin Yao sighed, "Everyone knows how he wants to change, but I didn't break it. I just told him that I can't talk to him on behalf of everyone."

"Hey, he wants you to propose this plan for him?" Li Renhai fanned his hand, as if only this way could barely calm the anger in his heart, and said: "Same as Jianwen before, it's obviously him. I wanted to let Jian Wen go, but I asked Mr. Lin to come forward and drive Jian Wen away, letting Mr. Lin take the blame for him."

With such a boss, no one can feel happy.

Lin Yao sneered: "He has always been this kind of person. No matter how much we complain about it, it's no use. I think he will talk about ‘improving’ the salary system next week. It’s better to take this time to think about countermeasures."

Li Renhai scratched his head, "Unless President Lin comes back, who can stop him?"

Lin Yao said meaningfully: "Mr. Lin may not be able to stop him."

Li Renhai exhaled a foul breath, "I don't understand. When he was not in Lingyun, everything was fine. Why did he make the company like this when he came? Where are we sorry for him and aiming at us everywhere?"

Lin Yao glanced at him and said, "I don't think he is targeting anyone. Maybe he is just a stingy."

He asked Li Renhai to buy a pack of cigarettes for seven yuan a day, on the grounds that he would smoke more if he bought more.

He asked Li Renhai to make a copy of an ID card, and he did not want to print too much. In fact, it was because he was too expensive to copy an ID card for fifty cents outside.

During the Canton Fair, he went to the booth at noon every day and took the trouble to instruct Li Renhai to buy the 25th box lunch.

Eating buffet in Shangri-La, he pretended to be drunk in order to avoid paying the bill...

He clearly got to the extreme!

"Think about it, I haven't seen a man more stingy than him in my life!" Li Renhai said with emotion, "I really don't know how he got here before."

"In the past, he was working for others, spending other people's money, how could he feel bad?"

"That's true."

Lin Yao and Li Renhai separated at the bus station.

After returning home, she hesitated to tell Lin Yun about Qin Yi's true face.

However, Lin Yun is catching a cold and fever right now, and her husband is indifferent to her, and he is ready to divorce her at any time. Doesn't this add to her troubles?

Lin Yao still didn't make the call in the end.


In the dead of night, in a villa in the west of the city, Qin Rongze was listening to Lao Zhang's report on his work these days.

Lao Zhang has been working for Qin Rongze for many years. He is reliable and safe. He has never let him down for so many years, except this time.

Qin Rongze suddenly stood up from the sofa and asked with a calm face, "What did you say? Say it again!"

Lao Zhang was embarrassed, "Chairman, I, I mean we are a step late, Miss Lin has already ordered a house in Jingdu Garden."

Qin Rongze's face became darker again, and said, "Didn't I let you arrange suitable housing as soon as possible?"

Where did it come long ago?

Since they learned that Lin Yao was looking at the house on Sunday, they started to prepare on Monday, and it has only been four days since they were fully paid.

Lao Zhang said bitterly: "We did do it as soon as we got the news, but you were not satisfied with the house we were looking for, and the houses you were looking for were all large-sized... and you confessed, you need to transfer the ownership first. It will take time for other people to go out and trade.

The agent said that Miss Lin saw the Jingjingyuan house that day and was very satisfied, and signed the contract on the spot. No one had thought that Miss Lin had booked the house so quickly! "

This is actually mainly to blame the chairman for asking too much!

The house is too big. After all, Miss Lin doesn't have much money at hand, and the large apartment is not in her consideration at all.

If the house is small, the chairman looks down upon it!

The house is too old, and parking in old communities is generally difficult. Although Miss Lin does not have a car now, the chairman is more foresighted.

Don’t want the house too new. The chairman means that the newly renovated house contains formaldehyde, which is harmful to health!

In short, it is very difficult to reach the word "appropriate" in the chairman's mouth!

Not only that, the chairman also demanded that this matter must be seamless, so that Lin Yao or anyone else should not be aware that it was his actions behind his back.

They have been busy these days, just looking for a house, looking at the house, and after finding a suitable house, they buy it at a high price and sell it at a low price like a silly lack.

If Lin Yao is not in such a hurry, it is very likely that they will choose one of the listings they have prepared. After all, the price gap lies there.

Who knew that she moved so fast, she had already settled with others before it was her turn to watch the house they prepared.

Lin Yao's style of doing things has always been this way. It is not clear whether it is impulsive or decisive, but she always does things that make people unexpected.

Qin Rongze sat back on the sofa, eyes drooping, not knowing what he was thinking.

Old Zhang was worried, he opened his mouth slightly, as if he had something to say, but he didn't say anything.

After half an hour, Lao Zhang finally couldn't help but asked: "Chairman, what should we do next?"

"Investigate I mean the landlord of the suite Lin Yao bought." Qin Rongze said blankly: "Also, find more people to follow her, but don't let her notice."


Lao Zhang's answer is easy, but not easy to do.

They have lived in Chaoyang District for more than half a year, and they don't have much time to go to Yueyang Building with her every day, which is nothing. After all, Chaoyang Community is so big and there are so many people, it is normal for a few people to work in Zhaoyang Building like her.

However, after Lin Yao moved to Jingjing Garden, they also followed to Jingjing Garden, which was a bit wrong.

It is no longer appropriate to let that group of people continue to follow, and only another group of people can be changed, which is very troublesome!

According to him, the chairman probably cares but is chaotic. Miss Lin is safer by his side than anywhere, so there is no need to make it so complicated!

An indifferent voice came from behind: "If you mess it up, you can stop using it for work."

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