Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 91: Make a fortune

In the sunny morning, Lin Yao came to the real estate agency early. Unexpectedly, she came too early and they hadn't opened the door for business yet!

Lin Yao's good mood was not affected at all, and she took this opportunity to stroll around the Kyoto Garden.

Jingjing Garden is a commercial house built after 2000. Although it has been in some years, the outer wall of the house here is tiled, so it looks much newer than Chaoyang District.

This community is small, with only a few units in total. Naturally, it does not have large and small gardens and a large number of fitness facilities like Chaoyang Community. The roads here are all parked with private cars and there is nothing to stroll around.

Lin Yao was still happy.

The house she wanted to buy was on the top floor. Since the landlord was leaving Hangzhou, she hurried to sell it at a very low price.

The top floor and the site (top floor and ground floor) are the apartment types that most people would not consider. Lin Yao did not consider it originally, but the location of Jingjing Garden is close to the company and the foreign language school she is going to. The most rare Yes, the price of this house is just in the range she can afford.

She came over to look at the house under the strong suggestion of the real estate agent, and she saw it at a glance.

This house was renovated more than a year ago. Because the landlord himself works in Shanghai, he rarely lives here, and he has almost never cooked. It looks like a brand new one.

A set of fabric sofas in warm colors are placed in the small living room, which makes people feel warm and comfortable. The room is covered with solid wood flooring, the same color as the wooden escalator leading to the roof.

What really made her fall in love at first sight was the roof!

Half of the roof is a house, which was renovated into one bedroom and one living room, as well as a separate bathroom.

The other half is a terrace, half of the terrace is made into a sun room, the other half is vacant.

In winter, she can bask in the sun here, and in summer nights, she can count the stars here.

On that vacant terrace, she can plant many plants...

This is simply her dream home!

Buy, you must buy!

Lin Yao never inked what she really wanted, she didn't hesitate to do it!

One was in a hurry to sell, and the other couldn't wait to buy. The real estate agent was naturally happy to see it. They signed the contract of intent and paid the deposit on the night of the inspection day!

In the next few days, Lin Yao's heart has been a little airy.

As long as she thinks that she is about to leave the ranks of renters and own such a warm and comfortable little home, she will be so beautiful in her heart that she can't wait to tell the world!

However, she just thought about it.

After all, the house is not hers yet!

Lin Yao wants to transfer this property to the owner column and change it to her own name as soon as possible!

Ever since, the next day, that is today, she rushed over early in the morning to pay the down payment!

Lin Yao was anxious to turn this house into her own, but things did not develop as she wanted.

At about nine o'clock, when Lin Yao came to the real estate agency again, he was told that he would have to wait for the next time the transfer.

"Why wait for next time?" Lin Yao asked in surprise: "I asked for leave today."

The clerk of the real estate agency heard her question and almost couldn’t keep his smile. "Miss Lin, that’s the case. If you buy a house in full, you can go through the transfer procedures today. Since you are buying a house with a mortgage, there will be a loan approval process. In the process, the account can only be transferred until the loan is approved."

Loan, approval, uh...

Lin Yao almost forgot this.

Although she is not quite clear about the process of buying and selling the house, she also reacted. She only paid 500,000 yuan, and the bulk of it was a loan. Before the loan was approved, the landlord could not transfer the house to her.

Lin Yao sullenly finished paying the down payment, got the landlord's receipt, and then signed a lot of contracts, power of attorney, and fingerprints.

After signing all the documents, Lin Yao turned to his aching wrists because of the continuous signing, and asked: "How long does it take to approve the loan?"

The real estate agency’s face renewed a professional smile, “This is inconclusive. Sometimes it’s approved in three or four days, sometimes a month. It depends on the efficiency of the bank. But don’t worry, we and The bank is very familiar and can call you for a reminder."

Three or four days to a month?

Then she has to calculate it in one month.

As for "our company and the bank are very familiar, we can call for you to remind you." Lin Yao listened a lot and said a lot.

You can only listen to it casually, but it doesn't matter if it is true, it will actually take as long as it is.

Lin Yao understands that this house is not so easy to become hers.

Fortunately, she and Zhang Xiang have agreed to live for one more month, or else will they be homeless and live on the streets?

Lin Yao said sincerely: "Then please help me call more to remind me, the rented house over there is about to expire."

The intermediary agreed readily, "No problem."

Lin Yao was a little disappointed. When she was about to return to the company, she suddenly heard the real estate agent say: "Miss Lin, there is one more thing that needs to be confirmed with you."

Lin Yao stiffened, "What's the matter?"

The real estate agency still has a professional smile on his face, "You may need to know about the precautions for buying and selling second-hand houses, as well as the procedures and related expenses required for the transfer of ownership."

After speaking, hand her a list.

Lin Yao glanced at it casually, and when she saw the content on it clearly, her eyes gradually widened.

House transfer income tax, deed tax...

And intermediary service fee, bank mortgage consulting service fee, evaluation fee...

These taxes and fees add up to 50,000 to 60,000!

Lin Yao knew that there would be taxes and that intermediaries would charge fees, but she didn't know that there would be so many!

The important thing is that she doesn't have much money after paying the down payment. What should I do?

Lin Yao was anxious, "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

The real estate agent hesitated and said: "I saw you buying a house before, so refreshing, I thought you, uh, understand these things very well."

Lin Yao was stunned for three full seconds before she understood what she meant.

She made decisions too quickly when she saw the house, and did not bargain at all, and she also promised to make a down payment of 500,000. No one would believe it, she just had so little possessions in total.

In the final analysis, the problem lies with her, no wonder others.

This time, Lin Yao really took advantage of her excitement and returned in defeat.

Not only did the house not become its own, but I was told that I would have to pay a lot of money next!

Lin Yao couldn't help but make it difficult. If it is inappropriate to ask Lin Yun to borrow money again, if you ask Jiang Mingshu, she is from the Yueguang clan. It is possible to borrow a few thousand yuan, but it is impossible to borrow tens of thousands of yuan!

It's not that Lin Yao never thought about discussing it with her family, but at first she only planned to use the little money she had in her hand to buy a small apartment. She didn't spend any money at home, and she didn't say hello to her family.

Now I suddenly said, let the family call her fifty or sixty thousand, Lao Lin and Ms. Wen shouldn't be frightened?

Besides, Ms. Yiwen’s temperament, Zhima’s big things can be known to the whole village. If she knows that she really bought a house, she can’t go from the head of the village to the end of the village?

It is very possible to squeeze every day, until the New Year!

She didn't mind letting Ms. Wen linger for a few days.

But, in this way, when she comes home during the Chinese New Year, she will be like a giant panda in the zoo and will be watched by people.

Although she is certainly proud to buy a house in Hangzhou by her own efforts, she does not want to be the object of onlookers.

Isn’t the old saying that only a muffled voice can make a fortune?

Lin Yao decided to keep a low profile!

The question is, where do those tens of thousands of dollars in taxes and fees come from?


Lin Yao was so sad!

When she returned to the company only about ten o'clock, Li Ren Haiqian asked, "Why did Director Lin ask for leave this morning?"

The relationship between Lin Yao and Li Renhai is okay, but not to the point where they can talk about everything, let alone borrow money!

That being the case, let's not mention the matter of buying a house.

Lin Yao replied casually: "Something private."

This is what I don't want to say any more. Li Renhai winked and did not ask.

Zheng Feiyang, who was not far away, laughed. Her tone was sarcasm, "I do my own business during working hours, but I have to take care of others."

When Zheng Feiyang said this, Lin Yao was stunned.

Zheng Feiyang would not have said such things. Since she went to the Canton Fair, she has changed her personality, as high-profile as she can be, and as arrogant as she is.

Lin Yao didn't understand where her confidence came from. Could it be because of the more than 1,000 business cards she gave to the company?

Of course, Zheng Feiyang has made a certain contribution to the company.

The problem is that she is a salesperson, and she has been in Lingyun for more than half a year, and has not made any orders so far!

Others may not know, but Lin Yao and Li Renhai know the inside story: Zheng Feiyang is a flying single.

It's not that Lin Yao and Li Renhai haven't thought of piercing Zheng Feiyang's tricks, but...

Ordinarily, her situation should be as low-key as before, and then low-key, it would be best for no one to be guilty.

There is very little real friendship between business people, and even if there is, competition is greater than friendship.

Lin Yao dared to pack the tickets, and the people who were holding her hard now wanted to see how she was unlucky, how she was swept out, and then divided up the customer resources in her hands.

Besides, Lin Yao is the director of the office, except for Lin and Chairman Qin, no one has the authority to control her.

She doesn't like to press people with the title of so-called office director, but she also won't let others step on them as they want!

Lin Yao said lightly: "I have something, but I asked for leave. President Lin approved it, and Chairman Qin agreed. Why? Do you have different opinions?"

The smile on Zheng Feiyang's face froze, "What can I say, I just can't help being fair."

"What do you mean by justice?"

Lin Yao did not show any weakness, "You have been in Lingyun for eight months and have not made any orders so far. In this case, shouldn't you contact customers more and place orders as soon as possible? How embarrassed to stand and gossip about others?"

She was not polite at all.

Zheng Feiyang's face flushed immediately, and he said in a shameless voice, "I haven't contacted customers. But customers only ask for prices and don't place orders. What can I do? Ask other people, is it the same situation?"

"I don't care about what the other people are like. After all, others have not questioned me for harming the company's interests." Lin Yao raised her eyelids and glanced at her, saying meaningfully: "You care about me so much. I don't care about you. Why? I'm sorry you?"

Lin Yao's words successfully blocked Zheng Feiyang's next sentence.

Yeah, Lin Yao didn't say about her originally, but she was guilty and provoked Lin Yao on her own initiative.

Lin Yao is the head of the office no matter how bad she is, she is not as bully as she looks.

Zheng Feiyang considers herself to be the leader of the business department, but she has overlooked the most important point: business has always been based on performance.

It is not true that Zheng Feiyang did not complete an order, but she really has no performance in the company.

In fact, even she never thought that she would stay in Lingyun for so long.

She had been in several companies before, and some of them were opened without any results for a month or two. The longest one did not exceed three months, and Ling Yun, she had been there for eight months!

The same group of salesmen who joined the company as Zheng Feiyang seemed to have an appointment, and none of them had a record of breaking zero.

Qin Yi and Lin Yun didn't seem to take this too seriously.

Qin Yi's focus is rather special, while Lin Yun is that since Qin Yi came to Lingyun, she has become a shopkeeper and doesn't care about anything other than wages.

It's not difficult to mess around in such a company.

Zheng Feiyang unknowingly became the "leader" of the business department. She didn't want to leave, especially at this time.

She is very sure that as long as Lin Yao is not there, she will definitely become the top leader in the company besides Lin Yun and Qin Yi.

When the time comes, all those customers in Lin Yao's hands will fall into her hands. If she can master so many customer resources, she won't be as stupid as Lin Yao!

But what does Lin Yao mean by these words? Could it be that what she was suggesting?

How can it be?

The people in this company, except for Chairman Qin, are all stupid, it is impossible to discover her secret!

Zheng Feiyang had no idea, "I'm not as empty as you. My clients at the Canton Fair are waiting for my offer."

Lin Yao chuckled, "That's good, I hope you break the zero record as soon as possible!"

Zheng Feiyang snorted, and she walked towards her seat with her head high.

Lin Yao didn't care much about it, she had so many things to do, she didn't even bother to control them.

The atmosphere in the company has returned to tranquility again. For Lin Yao, her goal has been achieved.

Neither Lin Yun nor Qin Yi came to the company for the next time.

Lin Yao thought about the matter between their husband and wife. She, an outsider, can't say much.

Besides, there is no reason for Lin Yun to see the problem that she can see.

It was the weekend again in a blink of an eye, and Xiao Li, Lin Yao's tenant, moved out, and she was the only one left in Room 302.

Perhaps it was because Zhang Xiang set the rent too high. During this period, no tenants came to see the house, which made Lin Yao quiet.

Lin Yao moved the sofa and the small coffee table into a small room and arranged it into a reception room. In this way, the whole small two-bedroom house became more pleasing to the eye.

After all this, she can finally calm down and work on the problem again.

With only two months left before the exam, she has mastered the basics.

Waiting until November to apply for classes and then improve, she thinks that the possibility of passing the customs is still quite high.

In short, she is very busy, very busy...

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