Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 92: Rewards and punishments are clear

Neither Qin Yi nor Lin Yun came to the company for more than a week.

Lin Yao and others had a good time, and she suddenly felt that it might not matter if they never come to the company!

Of course this is impossible.

This afternoon, Qin Yi and Lin Yun came to the company together. They talked and laughed, but they couldn't tell that they would divorce at any time.

Lin Yao was extremely thankful that she didn't say much to Lin Yun, otherwise the most embarrassing person at this moment must be herself!

Before leaving get off work, Lin Yun gathered the people for a meeting.

"During this period, Chairman Qin and I did not come to the company, and the business in the company is still in order. I am very pleased. As you know, Chairman Qin and I will travel frequently in the future, so we discussed it. , Ready to improve the company system."

Having said this, Lin Yun cast a sideways look at Chairman Qin, "It's up to you to be specific."

Lin Yao suddenly realized that Qin Yi specifically asked Lin Yun to mention this matter.

Chairman Qin's eyes are slightly cold, but there is still a gentle smile on his face, "Since Mr. Lin asked me to speak, let me mention what problems our company had in management before."

Lin Yun took out a cigarette from the cigarette case, lit it for himself, and vomited.

Chairman Qin pushed his glasses and explained his vision.

"First of all, what I want to say is that the company has not established a perfect attendance system since its establishment. This is very unreasonable and very unfair.

As the saying goes, how can you make a circle if you don't follow the rules? The company's attendance system is an important basis for regulating employees to go to get off work, so we must establish and continuously improve the company's attendance system as soon as possible!

By the way, I would like to mention the company’s reward and punishment system. I believe that any organization needs a reasonable reward and punishment system, and the reward and punishment system must be closely integrated with the economic responsibility system, linked to the rights, responsibilities, and benefits of employees, and fully embody rewards and diligence. Punish laziness, reward the good and punish the bad, and distribute according to work. "

Lin Yao was taking notes silently. Chairman Qin first talked about attendance, and then rewards and punishments. His purpose can be said to be very clear.

Time passed by, and Chairman Qin was still talking about it.

"Next, let's discuss the company's compensation system design. The so-called compensation system refers to the composition and distribution of compensation, that is, which parts of a person's work compensation are composed.

There may be a bit of misunderstanding about the concept of salary. Salary does not just refer to how much money you get, but should include the benefits you enjoy.

Generally speaking: the salary of employees includes the following major parts: basic salary (ie principal salary), bonuses, allowances, and benefits..."

When Chairman Qin said this, the conversation changed, "As far as I know, most Hangzhou companies currently implement single breaks, while our company implements double breaks. This is actually very unreasonable.

Why do you say that? That's because our customers and our competitors are still at work, but we take a break, which is very detrimental to business development! "

Li Renhai smiled and raised his hand, and asked: "Chairman Qin, foreign customers are also on weekends. We have nothing to do when we come to the company on weekends?"

Li Renhai said what everyone said.

Director Qin dissatisfied: "The customers I'm talking about are not only foreign customers, but also domestic suppliers. Li Renhai has been to Taizhou and Wenzhou, and he should know better than anyone that they not only don’t have weekends, but they even have single holidays. It’s very rare. When you’re busy, you may not be able to take two days off in a month."

Li Renhai was dumb.

Lin Yao didn't even lift her eyelids.

Chairman Qin's words sounded somewhat reasonable at first, but after thinking about it, they didn't make any sense at all!

First of all, Lingyun is not a factory, and it is impossible to adopt the same management method as a factory.

The most important thing is that everyone in Lingyun Industry is not so busy that they need to come to the company on weekends.

Lin Yao doesn't need to work overtime on weekends. Most of the sales staff don't have a few orders on hand. They are usually idle, and they can only sit in the company on weekends.

No one will support such a proposal, but no one is willing to confront the boss tit-for-tat in this situation.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward for a while.

"Ahem!" Chairman Qin cleared his throat and said: "You have been working for so long. You should also know that the working hours of foreign customers are different from ours.

For example, Omi customers have a time difference with us, and they are still at work when we are resting. The salespersons I know who work as Omi market are often still working in the early hours of the morning.

How did you do it?

You are enjoying the nine-to-five, which means that the European customers have just started work, you are off work, and the Mizhou customers have started to work, and you have fallen asleep. How can it be possible to do business like this? "

This does make some sense.

Xiao Zhang and the others looked at each other. They have a lot of Omi customer resources, but no one has made a precedent. Could it be because of weekends and 9 to 5 days?

Chairman Qin was very satisfied with everyone’s response and continued: “Middle Eastern customers and ours have different working hours. Lin Yao should be aware of this. They are off on Friday. If we have two days off on Saturday and Sunday, that means So, there are only four days a week to contact them!

In other words, if others have weekends and we go to work on Saturday, it means that our contact time with customers will increase by 25%, which is a great advantage for doing business! "

According to his theory, changing the double break to single break is completely for the sake of employees!

If someone has customers all over the world, doesn't it mean that he should not rest 24 hours a day?

Lin Yao chuckled softly. She couldn't help but ask, "This way, our working hours will increase. How do we calculate wages?"

After this time of getting along, she already knows Qin Yi's weakness very well, just one word: money.

Lin Yao just doesn't ask, he cuts into his weakness as soon as he asks.

Li Renhai quietly gave her thumbs up.

The smile on Chairman Qin’s face froze, "This is a good question, so we return to the design of the salary system. The salary system for business personnel and other personnel is different. Let’s first focus on the salary system for business personnel. Lin Yao and Li Renhai, I will discuss with you separately later."

Other employees of Lingyun Industrial include Lin Yao, Li Renhai, part-time finance, and Aunt Yuan Yuan.

After all, Chairman Qin reads a lot of books and talks endlessly.

"Lingyun Industrial originally used salary + commission, which actually has advantages and disadvantages. In general, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages!

In order to promote everyone's enthusiasm for work, we need to adjust, such as split salary into basic salary + performance.

What is performance pay? I think everyone knows something.

Performance wages, also known as performance pay increases and reward wages, are based on the technical content, responsibility, labor intensity, and environmental quality of the job to determine the job level, determine the total wage based on the economic benefits of the enterprise and the labor price, and the labor results of the employees It is a wage system that closely integrates the labor system, the personnel system and the wage system as the basis for the payment of labor remuneration..."

Chairman Qin said a lot. In short, the business staff must not only make performance, but also complete the assessment of the leadership to get the full salary.

Zheng Feiyang's expression changed and he blurted out, "But doing business takes time. I mean, doing business is difficult now."

Chairman Qin's eyes were cold, "It's never easy to do business, but the company gives you a basic salary and pays you some insurance and housing fund. Isn't it enough? The too high basic salary will only make you reluctant to make progress!"

Lin Yao stroked a few things mentioned by Chairman Qin, and asked, "Since it is a reward and punishment system, there should be both punishment and reward. Then what is the reward?"


Chairman Qin was stunned, "As I said, good performance can get performance pay, bad performance can only get basic salary, in addition to that, business people can also get commissions. However, our original commission calculation method There are certain problems and need to be revised..."

Therefore, only good performance can get the original salary, bad performance will reduce the salary, there is no such thing as reward!

At present, there are quite a few business people in Lingyun. Although this is unexpected, it is reasonable.

However, no one will be happy when encountering such a thing.

After all, Chairman Qin's salary cut is not for one person, but for everyone.

According to his revised calculation method of commission, except for some profiteering orders, the so-called 10% commission rate of the sales staff is not much better than the 0.2% of Lin Yao's sales.

From now on, it is not easy to get a basic salary or to mention Chengdu.

Wanting to spend time in Lingyun, I am afraid it is impossible.

If you want to rely on doing business to get a high salary, it is even more impossible.


Chairman Qin finally said what he had been brewing for a long time, and he felt particularly comfortable. He concluded: "I believe that everyone can get a high salary through their own efforts!"

Unfortunately, no one responded.

Without a word, Lin Yun leaned on a chair and smoked, with a mocking smile rising from the corners of his lips.

After the meeting, the atmosphere in the company has not been very good.

After the boss and his wife returned to their respective offices, the phone on Li Renhai's desk rang. After answering the call, he frowned and walked towards Chairman Qin's office.

A few minutes later, Li Renhai came out of his office with a calm face and said loudly, "Director Lin, Chairman Qin is looking for you."

Although Lin Yao was reluctant, she did not hesitate. When she passed Li Renhai, he squinted in the direction of the chairman's office, compared a hand knife, and shook his head and left.

Lin Yao's mood suddenly became heavier.

Chairman Qin stood at the window with his hands in his pockets, and when he heard the door opening, he turned his head and smiled: "Xiao Lin is here, sit down."

Lin Yao didn't mean to sit down, and said straightforwardly: "If you have anything to say, just say it, I still have a lot of work to do."

Qin Dongchang raised his lips, "It won't take long. Come and see. This is my personal development plan tailored for you. Of course, this is just a draft. We will discuss the details."

Lin Yao picked up the handwritten copy on the table, the so-called personal development plan.

Chairman Qin smiled, "The advice you gave me today is very insightful. The company's rewards and punishment system should reward hard work and punish laziness. When the performance is particularly good, there should be corresponding rewards based on reason.

As an internal worker, there is supposedly no commission, but I see your work performance. I think the annual salary system is more suitable for you. Of course, it also needs to be combined with a performance appraisal system.

For example, if your performance increases by a large margin, performance pay will also increase, but this kind of reward is one-off. If performance growth is achieved again next month, it will be possible to get rewards.

After all, you are an internal worker. If your salary is much higher than that of the sales staff, it is definitely unreasonable, so I have to set an upper limit for you: 200,000! "

When Chairman Qin said 200,000, his voice was a little erratic. It seemed that he couldn't believe it, that a small office worker in his company could actually get as much as 200,000 from him.

He is a little painful, to be precise, it is very painful!

Two hundred thousand after all!

However, he was reluctant to let the child catch the wolf, so he went out!

Lin Yao was not as excited as he thought, even a little indifferent.

She asked faintly: "You mean, no matter how many orders I make, my total income will not exceed 200,000?"

She still wants to exceed two hundred thousand? !

Chairman Qin's eyelids trembled subconsciously, "Theoretically, this is the case. However, as I said at the meeting just now, the annual salary is not equal to the income. I mean, you have to pay the company's insurance for you. One gold and one tax are all taken into account, so you can’t actually get that much. Large companies do this calculation.

You can find out about the salary levels of other companies. The annual salary of 200,000 internal services is not available in Hangzhou! "

If Chairman Qin had said this to her a year ago, Lin Yao might be convinced, but it is different now.

Chairman Qin certainly doesn't know, Lin Yun has already settled her commission, right?

With her salary this year plus a commission, she has already received more than 400,000 yuan. Is it possible that she has to spend hundreds of thousands to return it to the company?

Of course it is impossible!

Even if she is willing to pay it back, she still won't come out.

Lin Yao thought about it and asked, "My original salary was set by President Lin. Have you discussed it with President Lin?"

"I told her Chairman Qin disdainfully said: "She doesn't know anything about how to manage the company. Therefore, everything in the company will be subject to what I said in the future! "

"That's it." Lin Yao raised her eyes and looked at him, and solemnly said: "If you are asking for my opinion, then my answer is very clear, and I don't agree!"

Chairman Qin's face suddenly looked a little ugly, "You are still young, and you may not have received any setbacks. You may not know that with your education and qualifications, you may go to another company, I am afraid that there is nothing!"

Of course Lin Yao knew that this was how she came here, but it would be useless to say more.

Lin Yao said blankly: "I suddenly remembered that there is still some urgent work to be done, so I won't take up your precious time."

After that, he turned and left, and closed the door easily.

As for how Chairman Qin is depressed and irritable in the office, it has nothing to do with her.

For a shameless person, why give him face?

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