Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 96: gift

Lin Yao took a bus from Wulin Square to Chaoyang Community within a few minutes. She received a call from Ms. Wen just after she got off the bus.

"Yao, where did you go for your birthday today?"

Although it was just an ordinary greeting, Lin Yao's heart was inexplicably moved. She simply confessed: "I just finished dinner with my classmates, and I am on the way home."

Ms. Wen complained: "It's almost eight o'clock, do I need to have a meal so late?"

Can it be considered late before eight o'clock?

Lin Yao looked up at the dark night sky and explained, "The restaurant has a very good business, and there are long queues for dinner, so I just ordered it after dinner."

"That's it." Ms. Wen asked with interest: "By the way, is the classmate you said to have dinner with, a man or a woman?"

Lin Yao knew what Ms. Wen was thinking, but she was going to disappoint her, "It was Jiang Mingshu who invited me to dinner."

To be precise, this evening is Jiang Mingshu’s treat, and she pays the bill.

They always pay for dinner together. Last time Jiang Mingshu, this time it was Lin Yao's turn.

Of course Ms. Wen knew Jiang Mingshu's name, and her tone was suddenly low, "It's her."

Lin Yao laughed at herself, "Apart from you and her, who else will remember my birthday?"

Ms. Wen wondered: "Couldn't there be a boy who came to ask you for a meal or something?"

Lin Yao smiled and said, "Where do the boys come from? Almost all girls in our company. The only two male compatriots, one is the boss's husband, and the other has a girlfriend who has been talking for several years, and are about to get married. "

As soon as Ms. Wen heard this, her heart became colder, "If there is no suitable company in the company, don't you think of another way?"

"I don't want to!" Lin Yao said as he walked to the Chaoyang community, "Isn't it good to save more dowry while I am young and work hard?"

Ms. Wen couldn't laugh or cry, "You don't even have a target, and you are not afraid of being laughed at when you say this."

However, she changed the subject, "Hey, how much have you saved?"

Lin Yao "Puff---" laughed.

Ms. Wen is particularly interested in money-related issues. Every time she calls Lin Yao, she will take the initiative to explain her family's income and expenditure status. If she doesn't say no, she feels uncomfortable.

Of course, she also inquires about Lin Yao's economic situation from time to time.

Except for the last time a commission of more than 300,000 yuan and the purchase of a house, Lin Yao all told the truth.

Ms. Wen is anxious and has a quick mouth. She really can't hide her words. Telling her is equivalent to telling the whole village.

But buying a house is a big deal, and she can't keep it from her family.

Besides, the transfer of the house is going to happen in the next day, is it all right?

She hesitated, "I originally saved some money, but it turned out..."

It didn't matter if she hesitated, Ms. Wen's heart was awkward.

"What's the result?" Ms. Wen asked in surprise: "Is it stolen or cheated? Oh, you stupid girl, I had let you leave the money to me a long time ago, but you didn't listen. The result was... ah. ?"

Lin Yao knew that Ms. Wen was anxious, but she didn't know that she would be so anxious, "Can you just listen to me and finish talking?"

"Fine!" Ms. Wen was too anxious when she thought of that possibility, "Say, hurry up! What is the result?"

"I..." Lin Yao hesitated again when the words came to her lips, "Well, you have to promise me first, not to say this everywhere."

"I'm definitely not going to say it, your mother, I'm still very measured, how can I talk about you everywhere? Don't hesitate, you are about to die of anxious death!"

The corners of Lin Yao's lips raised unconsciously, "That's it, I bought a house with the money I saved."

"Buying a house?" Ms. Wen was taken aback for a while, she breathed a sigh of relief, "I thought something had happened."

Ms. Wen's reaction was unexpectedly flat, as if Lin Yao was not buying a house but a Chinese cabbage!

Her mood was a bit complicated, and she couldn't tell whether she was more fortunate or lost.

While she was talking, Lin Yao happened to walk between Building 1 and Building 3. She subconsciously swept her gaze upward, and then continued to move forward. If nothing happened, she said: "Tomorrow you will go to the transfer, next time you come to Hangzhou I can live in the house I bought."

"Oh, yes." Ms. Wen asked casually, "By the way, how big is the house you bought?"

When she asked about the house she bought, the corners of Lin Yao's mouth raised wider, "It's more than 80 square meters, how about it? When will you and dad come to live for a few days?"

Ms. Wen smiled and asked, "Your house is not big. If I go with your dad, can I live in it?"

"Able to live, my house has two floors, two rooms downstairs, and two rooms upstairs."

Lin Yao opened the unit door and walked up the steps. The corridor was dark and there was a bit of echo.

She continued: "There are four rooms in total, our family is only three people, and one person lives in one room and there is still surplus!"

Ms. Wen said disapprovingly: "There are a lot of rooms, but a house that is only over 80 square meters is not big even if it has two floors. If it is made into four rooms, it is still very crowded."

Only more than 80 square meters?

Very crowded?

Lin Yao was a little dumbfounded, "It's okay, right..."

Lin Yao remembered that on New Year's Day, Ms. Wen came here and once said that her residence was "smaller than a pigpen."

The house she bought is larger than Zhang Xiang's house, but it is far from being compared with the three-story self-built house in her hometown that covers an area of ​​nearly two hundred square meters.

In my hometown, the yard alone has five to six hundred square meters, not to mention, there are nearly 1,000 square meters of bamboo forest beside the house.

In such a comparison, the house she bought is indeed very small.

The key is such a small house, she has to borrow more than one million yuan to afford it.

Taking a loan to buy a house is a common thing for young people, but it is different for old people.

Ms. Wen and Lao Lin have never borrowed money from a bank in their lives. If they knew that their daughters borrowed so much money from the bank to buy a house, maybe they would have trouble sleeping and eating?

Lin Yao thought about it, and decided to expose this topic as soon as possible, and it would be best to never mention it.

Ms. Wen is not very concerned about the house issue either. What she really cares about is Lin Yao's life events, "Yao, haven't you known any boys recently?"

Lin Yao had already returned to her residence at this time. She put on the pair of white rabbit slippers Jiang Mingshu gave her, and said calmly, "Yes, but they are all from Wenzhou."

"It's all from Wenzhou? How could that be possible!" Ms. Wen couldn't laugh or cry. "You kid can't even deceive people!"

Lin Yao explained: “It’s true. My colleague from Huzhou said he wanted to introduce one to me, but it turned out to be from Wenzhou. My classmate from Jiaxing also said that he wanted to introduce one for me. When I asked, I was from Wenzhou, and even I rented a house. The renter is also from Wenzhou. Moreover, more than half of the suppliers we have cooperated with are from Wenzhou or Taizhou."

After hearing Lin Yao's words, Ms. Wen was speechless.

Lin Yao also thought it was a little bit mysterious, is it possible that the goddess of the pram cart is really such a god?

The atmosphere is a bit solemn.

Lin Yao tried to change the subject, "By the way, what did you and dad eat tonight?"

Ms. Wen's second hobby besides money is food. She immediately became energetic, "Isn't it your birthday today? We made dumplings specially, hey, it's a pity that you are not at home, otherwise you will have a copy."

To celebrate Lin Yao's birthday, Lao Lin and Ms. Wen made dumplings at home by themselves, and called her after eating.

"Yes!" Lin Yao changed the subject again, "Then what are you doing now?"

Ms. Wen said triumphantly: "We are not like you. In the winter, we go out and wander around at night. We have been in the bed long ago. We are watching TV right now."

It is common in the countryside to rest early, not to mention winter.

Lin Yao smiled clearly, "I'm home too."

"Okay, I'm watching TV."

Ms. Wen hung up the phone as soon as she finished speaking. Ms. Wen's third hobby is watching drama.

The relationship between Lin Yao and Ms. Wen is not very close, but they are still very close. Although they don't live together, they all know their place in each other's hearts.

The things in Lin Yao's house have been packed one after another. There are large and small boxes piled in the room, which looks a bit like a warehouse.

Lin Yao decided to give herself a vacation. She walked into the small room arranged as a reception room bored, and turned on the TV by the way.

As soon as she opened it, she saw a piece of foreign news: "American ladies were seized by the police in the early hours of this morning, gathering a crowd at home to take drugs, and a large number of drugs and products were also found in her home..."

Lin Yao paused, staring at the TV screen motionlessly.

Although it was just a glimpse, Lin Yao also recognized that the sluggish blond woman who described it as embarrassed was clearly Adriana!

She subconsciously picked up the phone, wanted to make a call to Qin Rongze to confirm, dialed half of the number, but stopped again.

Qin Rongze came to see her before going to the United States. Lin Yao, like everyone else, felt that Adriana and Qin Rongze were very close, and they had a retreat.

What did he say at the time?

"Do you think that if you let go, all the troubles will disappear?"

"No!" Lin Yao hurriedly remedied, "Don't be angry, I know it's wrong!"

"No, you don't know!" His voice was serious, "Do you know how the Iris family started? What kind of power do they have in South America? If I am unclear about them, what will be the consequences? ?"

Lin Yao was shocked, "You mean, there is a problem with their background?"

Qin Rongze turned to look out of the window, and said in a low voice: "Maybe someone envy them for their near-omnipotent background, or appreciate their unstoppable spirit, but I have never been among them."

Qin Rongze turned his head and looked at her steadily.

"I've told you what I can tell you. I hope you know that what you hear and see is not necessarily true. No matter what others say or do, don't believe it. Remember, You are with me."

He pointed to his heart, and continued: "And only you!"

"Also, don't be afraid, I will do my best to protect you."

"Although I really don't want to go, there is still a tough battle to be fought, and I have to go. You have to be obedient and wait for me to come back!"


Qin Rongze didn't say what kind of background the Aries family had, but a drug scandal broke out not long ago, and today there was news that Adriana had taken drugs and was arrested.

I think they do have some unknown dark forces.

Qin Rongze is different from them. He is just a self-made businessman. Perhaps he has a certain status and status in China, but he cannot be compared with the Aries family.

If the other party has a special background, then it is not what he can fight against.

Even if the power of the Ayres family will be gradually disintegrated, after all, a family with a hundred years of glorious history cannot easily collapse.

Even if their power on the surface is weakened, the power in the dark is not so easy to eradicate.

If all this has nothing to do with Qin Rongze, he should be able to get rid of it quickly, and she shouldn't contact him at this time, so as to avoid accidents.

If all this has something to do with Qin Rongze, then if you call him rashly, it is likely to cause trouble for him.

So, she should wait.

Wait until he and the Iris family are completely broken.

Or wait until the little feeling between them disappears.

Besides, she has no better choice.


In the middle of the night, the lights in a villa in the west of the city were brightly lit, and Qin Rongze was still working, so he suddenly stopped working.

Today is Lin Yao's birthday, but he can't go to see Lin Yao, can't call her, can't do anything!

A few months ago, the scandal of the Aries family was his handwriting, and today Adriana's arrest is also his handwriting.

But the secret forces of the Ayres family are buried too deep, and his people have not found any valuable clues yet.

In this case, it is not worth the gain to deal with Adriana, and it is very likely to be stunned, but he has been suppressed for too long!


The next day, Lin Yao came to the real estate agency early, where he joined the landlord, went to the bank together, and then went to the real estate manager to complete the transfer.

Affected by the continuous rise in housing prices, the building world is becoming more and more popular. When they came to the real estate trading center, there were long queues everywhere.

The real estate agency is very familiar with the business and asked them to sign the documents in advance.

Since the landlord is not in Hangzhou for a long time, the house handover will be carried out on the same day. All water, electricity, coal, digital TV, and broadband will be transferred to her name. After the house is checked and accepted, the landlord will give her the keys and the transaction will be completed. Up.

From this day on Lin Yao has a house under his name.

However, there are a few lines of small characters printed on her real estate certificate: Summary of his rights: Owner of his rights: XX Bank Co., Ltd. Hangzhou XX Branch...

In other words, only a small part of this house belongs to her, and most of it belongs to the bank.

To truly turn this house into her own, she has to work harder and harder!

In the next time, Lin Yao asked the moving company to help, and moved her pitiful little luggage to Jingjing Garden.

On the night of the second day of her 22nd birthday, Lin Yao spent the first quiet night in her own house.

She thought she might be too excited to fall asleep, but the facts proved that her strong nerves and strong adaptability made her sleep soundly and beautifully.

If it's not for work, she would like to sleep a little longer.

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