Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 97: I won't treat you badly

In Hangzhou in November, the air is full of refreshing coolness.

Lin Yao came to the company early and started a day's work.

At about nine o'clock, the company gradually became lively.

The salesmen get together to chat gossip as usual, and Li Renhai occasionally interjects a few words, and the big office is very lively.

Only Lin Yao was immersed in work and was very busy. Her workload is not small, not to mention that she took a leave of absence yesterday and must hurry up to make up for the missing work.

When Lin Yun and Qin Yi came to the company, they saw this scene.

The crowd reacted quickly, and they immediately dispersed, returned to their seats and greeted them, "Morning, Chairman Qin! Morning Mr. Lin!", "Good morning!"...

Chairman Qin said nothing, and walked towards his office with a calm face.

Lin Yun walked through the large office blankly, and when she passed Lin Yao, she suddenly stopped and said, "Xiao Lin, come with me."

Lin Yao had to put her work away and followed Lin Yun to the general manager's office.

She was a little nervous.

Lin Yun and Chairman Qin appointed her as the head of the office to make her stare at others to do things, but she didn't!

Lin Yao had a bitter heart and couldn't tell. It was not time to go to work at this moment, unless they provoked, she would not take care of it. But can Lin Yun accept this kind of reason?

If they arrive five minutes late, all this is not a problem, but they arrive five minutes early, so they see a very different scene from usual.

If they really want to be held accountable for this matter, Lin Yao has nothing to say, after all, she still holds the title of office director.

Lin Yun slowly put down his bag, took out the laptop, and turned it on.

Then, she took another cigarette from the cigarette case on the table, then sat down leisurely and said: "Next month's DUBAI exhibition, or you go with me..."


Lin Yao knew at this time that Lin Yun had come to herself just to discuss with her about going to the DUBAI exhibition, not anything else.

When she was surprised, she couldn't help but feel warmth in her heart.

Lin Yun didn't mention it again, asking her to sign a non-disclosure agreement and a ten-year commitment to serve Ling Yun. This was already a concession in Lin Yao's view.

Lin Yun said a lot on and off, and at the end added, "We will discuss other things when we come back."

Lin Yao understands that Lin Yun's so-called "other matters" refer to the agreement and commitment letter mentioned earlier, and the so-called "come back to discuss", it must be Chairman Qin's disagreement.

These are things that Chairman Qin has tossed out, it is conceivable that he will not give up easily!

Regardless of the final result, Lin Yunken will fight for her, and Lin Yao is already grateful, "Okay."

Lin Yun also breathed a sigh of relief, grinning at her, "Don't worry, I won't treat you badly."

This was exactly the promise Lin Yao wanted, and she finally got her wish.

Lin Yao is now preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination. If nothing else, she will go to graduate school next. At that time, her time and energy will not be as sufficient as now.

Anyway, if you can't count on the commission, it won't be a big deal even if Chairman Qin divides some of the customers in her hands.

As Ling Yun gradually develops and grows, it will not be possible for her to continue to perform multiple roles in the future. As for what she is asked to do specifically, it is no longer important to Lin Yao. She just hopes that she will not make efforts in vain!

Others, it’s not too late to wait until she has learned something to discuss the conditions!

Lin Yao smiled openly, "Thank you, President Lin, for fighting for me!"

Lin Yun smiled at the corner of his mouth and reminded: "Let's go to the DUBAI exhibition this time. It will take a total of ten days. You'd better arrange your work in advance."

Lin Yao actually made arrangements very early. She would pre- or postpone the shipments to be shipped next month, basically avoiding the ten days of business trips.

As for the usual inquiries and the like, she can continue to process it when she arrives at DUBAI, and she can't delay it.

Lin Yao replied vigorously: "I have arranged it, and the work will not have much impact!" The thing that will really affect her is the postgraduate entrance examination.

Lin Yao has already thought about it, and she will insist on reading during her visit to DUBAI!

"That's good." Lin Yun curled her lips with satisfaction, and her words changed. "I think you have a lot of work now, and someone should beat you up. Do you have any suitable candidates?"

Lin Yao was slightly startled, is she the one who beat her?

There is no suitable candidate, but one who is not very suitable.

Sometimes things happen to be so coincidental. Last night, Jiang Mingshu was still asking Ling Yun if she could hire people. Ren Jiaying's cousin was looking for a job and asked her if she could come here to work.

Early this morning, Lin Yun came to her, asked her if she had a candidate, and found one to be her assistant!

Lin Yao thought for a while, and asked, "Are you ready to hire people in the company?"

Lin Yun's eyelids trembled, and she said with a gentle expression: "The job of recruiting people is not in a hurry. My lord is worried that your workload is too large and you will be too busy. Look if there is no suitable candidate in the company, just hire one to do you Your assistant."

Under normal circumstances, the internal service is for the salesmen. However, Lingyun Industrial's situation is quite special.

In the past year, Lingyun's business has not really started.

Except for Lin Yao, most of the staff do not have any orders. Even those with orders are rarely shipped. There are at most one or two batches a month. Most of the time there is no goods at all. Why do you need someone to help you deal with it?

Therefore, there is only Lin Yao in the company so far, so it's impossible to let the foreign trade clerk help the internal service in turn?

Lin Yao just dealt with Jiang Mingshu last night, and never thought of recruiting Ren Jiaying's cousin to Lingyun. But at the moment she has no other candidates, so she proposed: "My classmate's friend's cousin just wants to find a civilian job, should she come over for an interview?"

The cousin of a classmate’s friend...

Lin Yun glanced at her unexpectedly and chuckled softly, "Okay, then you can call her. If there is no problem, tell her to come to work as soon as possible. You can take her with you while you are in the company for a few days. When you go abroad, do something without helping you."

This is indeed a problem, even if Lin Yao arranges everything well, it is hard to guarantee that nothing other than the plan will happen in those ten days.

When she is not in the company, someone has to answer the phone for her and deal with urgent matters, right?

This kind of thing is obviously not suitable for other salesmen, but it is most suitable for her assistant to do it.

It has been less than 20 days since she went abroad to participate in the exhibition, and now it is too late to start the recruitment of newspapers, and she does not want to spend time on recruitment, so...

But that person is Ren Jiaying's cousin after all.

Lin Yao finally called Jiang Mingshu.

This afternoon, Ren Jiaying's cousin came to Lingyun to report happily.

Speaking of which, Ren Jiaying can definitely be regarded as a first-class beauty, her looks and temperament are better than Jiang Mingshu, Lin Yao originally thought that her cousin should not be far behind, but it is not the case.

Just after the interview, Lin Yun called Lin Yao into the office.

"The little girl is quiet and quiet. It's okay to be your assistant. I don't judge people by appearance, but... I see her, the more she looks like a winter melon." Lin Yun frowned, took a mouthful of smoke, and asked: "Do you have any other candidates?"

The more you look, the more it looks like a winter melon?

Although it is a bit exaggerated, this description is really appropriate.

Ren Jiaying’s cousin has a surname Bai, Lihong, a fair name, and her appearance is a bit difficult to describe. She has a small nose, small eyes, and a small face. At best, she is not ugly. She looks very quiet and well-behaved. She speaks softly and gently. Speak louder, as if she would cry at any time, like a soft girl.

Her figure is chubby, not in harmony with her slapped face!

Lin Yao feels that judging people by their appearance is wrong!

"At the moment, I'm the only candidate for her, should we try it for a while first?"

Lin Yun sighed, reluctantly said: "Let's do it, it's your assistant anyway. The probation period is three months, and you won't be able to change it later."


When Bai Lihong heard the news of her admission, she was really excited to cry, "Thank you, thank you Director Lin, I will definitely work hard today and repay your kindness!"

The grace of knowledge?

It doesn't exist!

Everyone in the office cast unbelievable glances.

The smile on Lin Yao's face almost couldn't be stretched, she said very officially: "You work hard, and strive for an early turnaround."

Bai Lihong burst into gratitude, and said with a choked voice: "I will behave well, and I will definitely live up to Director Lin's trust."

This is really an exaggeration, Lin Yao can't stand it a bit.

"You will sit here in the future." Lin Yao pointed to the place where Zheng Yuning was sitting, and then handed her a document, "Send me a fax. The fax number is on the contract."

"Hey, good!" Bai Lihong took the document and left happily. Less than a minute later, she came back, standing next to Lin Yao with a face of ignorance, and asked: "Director Lin, where is the fax machine?"

Where is the fax machine?

Lin Yao was stunned!

Does this person look bad? She can't find the things that can be seen at a glance?

She pointed her finger at the fax, printing, and copier machine three meters away, "That's it."

Bai Lihong lowered her head, took two steps forward with some hesitation. After hesitating for a moment, she took a small step and turned back. She said with a dilemma: "But, I won't send a fax yet."

Will not send a fax yet...

So, she actually didn't recognize such things as fax machines at all!

Lin Yao also served.

Bai Lihong was in the same year as her, and graduated from the same college for two years. How could it be like she went to work the first day?

But this person was found by Lin Yao herself, and she wanted to keep it. She had to get up and teach her to send a fax.

After sending the fax, Lin Yao asked, "Will it be?"

Bai Lihong was excited and nodded vigorously, "Well, it's pretty simple, thank you Director Lin!"

I don't know why, Lin Yao remembered when she first went to work, although she was not as exaggerated as Bai Lihong, she also made a lot of mistakes.

Lin Yao smiled and asked, "Where did you go to work before, don't you need to send a fax?" There are companies that do not send faxes. After all, e-commerce is very popular now.

Bai Lihong replied, "I used to stay in my hometown."

Lin Yao said, "Then why do you want to come to Hangzhou to find a job?"

Bai Lihong smiled shyly, "My cousin has a high salary and good benefits. My mother asked me to try it too."

Lin Yao knew it.

The salary and benefits of Orlando are not mentioned, but the requirements are also high, not only for academic qualifications and abilities, but also for looks and height.

It is impossible for Bai Lihong to enter Orlando.

Lin Yao suddenly felt pity for the same illness, "You work hard in Lingyun, and the boss will not treat you badly."

Bai Lihong said excitedly: "I will definitely work hard."

Lin Yao couldn't bear it, so he took a few documents and handed it to her, "Make the above data into a table, I want to use it."

Bai Lihong was dumbfounded. After a while, she said, "Well, I don't know how to make a form yet."

Lin Yao was shocked. She tentatively asked: "Have you never learned excel in school?"

Bai Lihong flushed, "I learned it, but I forgot it."

Lin Yao's head is big, "Then you can use word?"

Bai Lihong lowered her head, "I learned it, but I don't remember it."

Can't send faxes, can't make forms, can't even use Word, is she really an assistant?

Lin Yao was about to vomit blood, "Then can you type?"

This time, Bai Lihong nodded vigorously, "Yes."

Lin Yao finally breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, these are very simple, you can practice more."

Lin Yao tried again and again, only to realize that Bai Lihong had been staying at home for more than two years after graduation. Today is really her first day at work. Apart from the computer, she has never used any office equipment. She has never seen it before.

Lin Yao felt bitter, but she found this person herself, and she let Lin Yun stay.

That's it, she can only teach others how to do things hand in hand, she sent a few copies of the forms she designed to her mailbox. "I will give you the template, you fill in the data, okay?"

Bai Lihong replied: "Yes."

Of course, this is just what she thought.

In the following time, Bai Lihong basically asked three minutes a question, "Director Lin, how did these words change?", "Director Lin, can you help me see what's going on here?"

After Lin Yao's guidance, Bai Lihong finally mastered the two basic skills of sending faxes and making electronic forms.

Lin Yao was so tired that her throat seemed to be smoking, and her own work process was seriously affected.

Nearing the end of get off work, Lin Yao finally finished her work almost, she received a call from Mr. Wen.

"Good afternoon~, please help me find Xiaolin~!"

Lin Yao immediately cheered up when he heard his voice, and said briskly: "Good afternoon, Mr. Wen! I am Xiaolin, I don't know what you have to order?"

"You~, really weird~!" Mr. Wen smiled happily, "I'm calling~, I want to ask~, what you emailed today~, you are going abroad in three weeks Really~?"

Other customers generally ship one or two batches every month, which is relatively easy to arrange. Mr. Wen has more orders and more varieties, and now he has to ship every week.

During her ten days to go to DUBAI, two shipments will be affected.

Lin Yao answered according to the facts, "Yes, so I ask you if you need to arrange the shipment in advance, or you can wait an extra week or two for processing when I come back."

Mr. Wen exclaimed, "Wow, your boss took you abroad, indicating that they value you very much!"

Lin Yao said seriously: "Mr. Lin is very caring for me." The other one didn't want to say bad things about the boss in front of customers.

"Mr. Lin works more~international~, I mean more atmospheric~! Chairman Qin is different~!" Mr. Wen stopped short and changed the subject, "These batches of goods are not in a hurry~, I can wait. You will deal with it when you return home~"

"That's good."

Mr. Wen became more and more satisfied with her, "It's good if you tell me in advance~, lest I can't find you~"

Lin Yao has a sly smile on her mobile phone is Global Access. If you are in a hurry, you can also call my mobile number. "

Mr. Wen smiled with a good temper, "Okay, okay~, I will save your number~"

When Lin Yao hung up Mr. Wen's phone, Lin Yun happened to walk out of the office, and she asked casually: "It's a push phone."

Lin Yao disapproved: "It is Mr. Wen who will deliver several batches of goods next month, two of which will be completed in the middle of next month, that is, during the DUBAI period. He has agreed to the two batches in China that will be released until the end of the month."

Lin Yun frowned imperceptibly, but quickly said with a smile: "That's it, that's good, it's off work, it's off work."

Everyone in the big office happily packs up their things and prepares to get off work, except for Lin Yao. Others may not have noticed Lin Yun's fleeting gloomy feeling, but Lin Yao clearly felt it.

Perhaps Lin Yun was not as friendly to her as she thought.

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