Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 99: Character explosion

In the next few days, the exhibition went very smoothly.

The effect of this Dubai exhibition is completely different from the previous Canton Fair or Shanghai exhibition.

There were a lot of visitors to the exhibition, but most of them were locals. They dragged their families to see the latest concept cars released by several major automobile companies, and then stopped by to take a look at other exhibition halls.

Obviously, the mechanical parts museum is not what they are interested in. Most people will not go there at all. Even if someone visits the mechanical parts museum occasionally, they may just take the children to get to know the internal parts of the car.

There are very few real buyers, and even fewer to sit down and inquire.

Lin Yao stood in the aisle all day and couldn't send out twenty catalogs. It was incredible leisurely!

Despite this, she did not have the opportunity to wander around, after all, she was alone in the booth.

Gradually she got used to it, and when someone took the children past, she would greet them, and then give the children some snacks or chocolates.

The children all looked surprised and said loudly to her: "Thankyou!" (Thank you!)

She replied heartily, "Youare!" (You are welcome!)

Lin Yao would do this for two reasons:

First of all, because there are no customers, it is really boring, she said a few words to the Arab children to pass the time, it is better than standing stupidly all the time;

Secondly, because Lin Yun overestimated the popularity of the Dubai exhibition, she bought too many snacks, fruits, chocolates, and they both could not finish eating them as a meal. Instead of throwing them in the trash after the exhibition, it’s better to be happy now. For children.

Therefore, Lin Yao has always done this.

Lingyun's booth has naturally become the most "popular" (most popular with children) booth in the entire mechanical parts hall.

Just after sending away a family of children, Lin Yao took out some snacks from the box and put them back on the plate, especially carefully placing the chocolates.

The purpose of this is only one: to look good.

When it comes to looking good, Lin Yao couldn't help but sigh.

She originally thought that Arabs were dark, fat, and unsightly. After this period of time, she has completely changed.

The complexion of Arabs is actually similar to that of Chinese people, only slightly darker, but their facial features are deeper, their hair color is darker and brighter, their eyebrows are thicker, and their eyelashes are particularly dense and long. If you look closely, they will find it very attractive!

Especially the children here, with buns faces and big eyes, are particularly painful!

Just as she was thinking about it, she suddenly heard someone say to her: "Excuseme? May Ihaveacatalogue?" (Excuse me, can you give me a catalog?)

Lin Yao turned her head and found that it was a dark, fat, forty-year-old customer with a naive smile.

"Sure!" Lin Yao looked at him profusely and said: "Youmayhaveaseat!" (Of course! You can sit down and watch.)

A surprised expression appeared on the customer’s face, "Ahhh, great! Thankyou!" (Great! Thank you!)

Then he couldn't wait to sit down.

There is no real winter in Dubai. Even in December, the highest temperature during the day can reach more than 30 degrees, so people here are also air-conditioned in winter.

To be honest, the temperature in the exhibition hall is a bit low, up to 20 degrees Celsius, Lin Yao must wear long sleeves to not feel cold.

The customer in front of him is sweating profusely, which has nothing to do with his tightly wrapped white robe, but the main reason is that he is too fat.

The client's facial features are very good, but when a person is 180cm tall and weighs 180kg, his appearance is no longer important.

When he was sitting on a chair that was originally not small, the effect was similar to that of an adult sitting on a small chair in a kindergarten, which was inexplicably happy.

While looking at the catalog, the client stretched out his big fluffy hand casually, flicked a piece of chocolate from the plate, peeled it, and delivered it to his mouth.

The client's movements are extremely fast and extremely flexible, which is seriously inconsistent with his chubby figure.

However, this scene did not escape Lin Yao's eyes, she could see clearly.

In fact, Lin Yao was stunned by the customer's actions. She wanted to tell them that these chocolates are for customers to eat here, and there is no need for you to do this!

The customer asked nonchalantly: "Howmuchisthiscover?" (How much is this cover?)

Lin Yao turned her attention back to the product and replied: "$50/PConthebasisofFOBShanghai, MOQ200PCS." (Unit price is 50 meters, Shanghai port delivery, minimum order quantity is 200.)

The smile on the client's face was stiff for some reason.

He stretched out his hand again, took a piece of chocolate, peeled it, put it in his mouth, vaguely said: "Howmanypiecescanbeloadedina40feetcontainer?" (How many products can a 40-foot container hold?)

There are usually two types of 40-foot containers, 40-foot ordinary containers and 40-foot heightened containers.

40-foot ordinary container: The internal volume is 11.8M*2.13M*2.18M, ​​the gross weight of the distribution is generally 22 tons, and the volume is 54 cubic meters.

40-foot heightened container: The internal volume is 11.8M*2.13M*2.72M, the gross weight of the distribution is generally 22 tons, and the volume is 68 cubic meters.

The freight rates for these two types of containers are the same.

The engine cover that the customer asked about is made of aluminum, which is a bulky and lighter cargo. It is the most cost-effective option to choose a 40-foot taller cabinet, but it is still unclear whether the other party needs that much.

Lin Yao quickly calculated it in her heart, and replied graciously: "3600PCSfora40’contaninerand4500PCSfora40HQ." (A 40-foot ordinary container can hold 3600PCS, and a 40-foot heightened container can hold 4500PCS.)

The customer has already peeled off the third Ferrero at this time. He nodded in satisfaction, "OK, Iwillneed2containers, Imean2x40HQ." (OK, I need two containers, I mean, two 40-foot-height containers.)

That is nine thousand engine covers, worth four to five million meters, which is a big order!

No wonder Lin Yao showed such an expression when he told him the MOQ.

He must have been despising it just now, right?

Two hundred?

What labor and management want is two cabinets!

Wait, just give her such a big list casually?

Lin Yao always feels too sudden and a little unreal!

Could it be that her character has exploded?

The customer flipped through the catalog, then flipped through the business card case on the table, and asked: "MayIhaveyournamecard?" (Can you give me a business card?)

Lin Yao pointed to the business card ordered with a stapler in the catalog, "Here’sthenamecard." (There are business cards here.)

For the Nth time, the customer stretched his hand to the plate with chocolates. While eating happily, he said: "Imean, yournamecard." (I'm talking about your business card.)

Lin Yao was stunned.

Lin Yao does not have her own business card as an internal worker. She participated in the exhibition three times and all used Chairman Qin's business card.

Originally, she didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

Now, she suddenly thought of a possibility. Lin Yun and Chairman Qin arranged for her to participate in the exhibition. Is it possible to achieve it because she is an internal worker? Not only is there no commission, even the business card is not worthy of the internal service?

After Lin Yao recognized this fact, her face became slightly hot.

During her daze, the client had eaten a few chocolates, and even secretly stuffed a few into her pockets.

Lin Yao naturally saw it, but she didn't mean it, and she didn't care about it at all!

She confessed to the client, "Idon’thavemyownnamecard, butyoumayhavemymobilenumber." (I don't have my business card, but I can give you my mobile number.)

Lin Yao knows that she can tell her customers that today is the last day of the exhibition and that my business cards have been used up, but she doesn't want to deceive people, and she doesn't bother to do so!

Lin Yao offered to give customers their own mobile phone numbers. On the one hand, it is normal to leave a mobile phone number for important customers. On the other hand, she can show her sincerity in cooperation with the other party in this way.

The customer gladly took out his business card and handed it to Lin Yao, "Ok, Iunderstand, writedownyourmobilenumberhere." (Ok, I understand, write your mobile number here.)

Lin Yao naturally did the same. She wrote her name, mobile phone number, and MSN very seriously, then blew it, and took a napkin, gently covered it, and absorbed the excess water to make sure the handwriting was dry. , Then hand over the business card to the customer.

The customer peeled off the chocolate in his hand, put it in his mouth, and took the business card from Lin Yao casually.

Seeing the dry handwriting on it, he grinned and smiled with satisfaction. Then he took out another business card and handed it to Lin Yao, "Here’smynamecard." (This is my business card.)

Lin Yao has never seen anyone who likes to eat chocolate like this customer in front of him. His expression and behavior are obviously more exaggerated than those kids just now!

Lin Yao was amused by him, "Thankyou Mr. Hossein." (Thank you Mr. Hossein.)

Hossein also smiled, showing her two rows of neat white teeth, "Thankyou! bye-bye!" (Thank you, bye-bye!)

He waved his hand, then suddenly turned around, fished the last few chocolates from the plate on the table, quickly put them into his pocket, and then left contentedly.

Lin Yao noticed that Hossein came empty-handed and didn't even get a catalogue, including Lingyun's.

It's not difficult to understand. Hossein is too fat. He even walks empty-handed so hard. How can he walk around the exhibition hall with a stack of catalogs?

By the way, Hossein is so fat, his family should not allow him to eat so many chocolates and other sweets, right?


When Lin Yun came back, Lin Yao was picking up the clutter.

Today is the last day of the exhibition, and in more than an hour, they will start packing things up and arrange air transportation back to the country.

Lin Yao started to clean up the things on the booth in advance, she had no objection.

However, she saw that she had piled up with chocolates before she left, but now she had an empty plate, and then looked at the box containing the snacks. The same was true there. Not only did she lose half of the snacks, but she could not find a single chocolate!

Lin Yun also discovered that most of the visitors to the exhibition hall are with their families. The families in Dubai are different from those in China. Each of their families has many children.

Those who came with a lot of children were obviously just for shopping and fun, not real buyers.

However, Lin Yao made her own way and took out the snacks and chocolates she bought to entertain the customers and distributed them to the children!

Lin Yun considers herself not a small person, as long as Lin Yao doesn't go too far, she will open her eyes and close her eyes.

But the exhibition is not over yet, but the plates are already empty!

When she saw the pile of wrapping paper in the trash can, the anger in her heart could no longer be suppressed.

She was pale and furious, "Did you just sit here and eat all the time? You didn't eat any chocolate left?"

Lin Yao was busy picking up the clutter, but when she heard Lin Yun's question, she turned around a little puzzled.


Lin Yao has brought a lot of snacks to the children these days, but the children's favorite is chocolate, so there are some other snacks left, but there are not many chocolates.

Originally, this was fine, as long as the plate was set up until the end of the exhibition, it would be fine.

Who ever thought, there was a Hossein at the last moment...

However, this should have no effect, right?

The exhibition is almost over. Customers are unlikely to come over at this time. Even if there are customers, no one cares if they have enough snacks on their plates.

Facing Lin Yun's monstrous anger, Lin Yao appeared calm, "The customer ate it."

"Customers ate it?" Of course, Lin Yun didn't believe it. She snorted, her tone of sarcasm, "I have been around for a long time, and I haven't seen anyone with customers at the stall!

Besides, how many days have you been in Dubai? A total of 100 catalogs have not been sent out!

Don't tell me the last moment. A large group of customers are here! "

This is of course impossible.

Lin Yao was serious and explained: "That's it. A customer came just now and he seems to love chocolate..."

"Is the customer particularly fond of eating or are you particularly fond of eating?" Lin Yun shot the case and yelled, "You have to figure out that this is Lingyun's booth. Those are all Lingyun's things, not your personal property!"

"President Lin, I repeat, it is the customer who came just now..."

Before Lin Yao's words were finished, Lin Yun interrupted sharply, "Enough, don't tell me a customer, say it as if I don't know who you are!"

Lin Yao was dumb, she knew why Lin Yun said that.

When Lin Yao first entered Lingyun, there were only the two of them in the company, and Lin Yun often took her to dinner together.

At that time, she was never picky about food, no matter where Lin Yun took her, no matter what food Lin Yun ordered, she could finish it.

It is undeniable that she used to be a foodie, but those are all things in the past. Now she pays attention to controlling her food intake, and as she ages, her appetite has dropped a lot.

If Lin Yun had paid attention to her recently, it shouldn't be difficult to find this.

At this time, there is about an hour left before the end of the exhibition. In order not to affect the feelings of the guests, the organizer requires that the exhibition be moved until the point.

Everyone is fine, standing on this road bored.

Lin Yun's voice is not small. When she reprimanded Lin Yao, she didn't restrain her voice and was naturally heard clearly by others.

Hearing the movement here, people in the aisle walked towards Lingyun's location.

Lin Yun was still chattering, "It's fine for you to give away the things I bought a few days ago, I don't even bother to talk about you. But this is the last box of chocolates, you actually ate it all!

I'm not forbidding you to eat. When the exhibition is over, you can eat as much as you want. No one will care about you! Thank you, the show is over before it ends! "

Lin Yao's face flushed. Lin Yun really bought these things, and Lin Yun has the right to decide what to do with them.

And she does like chocolate.

The temperature in the exhibition hall is relatively low. After she arrives in the exhibition hall, she occasionally eats some chocolate to keep warm and refreshing, no more than two a day.

Even so, if you eat it, you eat it, which Lin Yao really cannot refute.

She whispered: "I ate two of them today, and you were there at the time, and the rest were eaten by customers."

"Customers? Where are the customers? If there are customers coming, I would be thankful!"

Speaking of this, Lin Yun's anger was even greater.

Lin Yun's main purpose in coming to Dubai is certainly to eat, drink and have fun, but she comes in the name of participating in the exhibition, and it always has some effect.

But this exhibition really made her unsatisfied!

Lin Yun was furious, "Lin Yao, if you quibble any more, don't blame me..."

"Ahem!" A young man at the booth couldn't see couldn't help but cut in, "I saw a big fat guy coming to your booth just now. He has been sitting down since he sat down. I kept eating, and before I left, I took away everything that I hadn't finished eating."

Lin Yao didn't expect that someone would have seen this scene and was willing to stand up and speak for her, she was immediately surprised.

Lin Yun was startled, her monstrous anger seemed to have been pressed by someone, and stopped abruptly.

After a while, she said faintly, "You clean up the things on the booth." Then she walked away.

"Am I unhelpful?" The young man apologized: "I'm sorry, wait for me to help you pack it?"

Lin Yao nodded slightly towards the young man, "Thank you, but no, I can handle it!" It's a big deal and I will pack it up later.

After saying this, she put on gloves, took a soft cloth and started wiping the samples, and then packaged them when it was time. This was in line with the exhibitor’s requirements.

She was very thankful that there were fewer samples this time.

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