Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 200: Group photo

When the exhibition was officially dismantled, Lin Yun came back. She had adjusted her emotions, rolled up her sleeves and packed samples with Lin Yao. Neither of them took the initiative to speak to each other.

This is Lin Yao's third participation in the exhibition. She neatly packaged samples, catalogs and other items, delivered them to the exhibition company for unified shipping, and then left the exhibition hall with Lin Yun.

The tour guide who had been waiting there hurried forward and said, "Mr. Lin, you are here. There is a gentleman who is on the plane at 8 o'clock this evening. He is in a hurry to go to the airport. I mean, if you come back from the airport, I will see you off. Going to the airport may be in a hurry. Can you go to the airport with that gentleman as soon as possible."

Lin Yao and the others were on the eleven o'clock in the evening flight, and they had said hello in advance. She nodded to express her knowledge.

Lin Yun stroked her hair and said, "No problem, let's go back to the hotel to get our luggage, and then we can go to the airport."

The tour guide heaved a sigh of relief, "I have been with the group for so many years, and this is the first time I have met such a hearty and generous person like President Lin..."

Along the way, Lin Yun and the tour guide had a very happy conversation, and even made an appointment to come to Dubai to buy and buy again on New Year's Day, omitting the table.

In the following time, they returned to the hotel to collect their luggage and rushed to Dubai Airport non-stop.

Perhaps due to the impact of the just-concluded auto show, there are quite a few foreigners in Dubai Airport, including blond Europeans, darker-skinned Africans, and Asian faces like them.

Although there are a lot of people at this time, it is not comparable to the passenger flow of domestic airports or stations. They can easily find vacant seats and sit down.

Lin Yun scowled and said domineeringly: "What happened today, do you know what went wrong?"

It turned out that she was still struggling with the previous topic!

Lin Yao's mood was a bit complicated, not knowing whether it was disappointment, confusion or something else. In short, she felt very uncomfortable.

When Lin Yun was not in the booth, she gave the snacks and the like bought by Lin Yun to the children in the past. This is indeed a bit wrong. At least we should discuss with Lin Yun and get her consent before doing so.

But she didn't do this for no reason, and her actions did not bring any adverse effects, but instead brought some popularity to Lingyun's booth.

Even if they are all passing visitors and not intended customers, it is better than no one alone, right?

Imagine that when a customer walks into the mechanical parts hall, he glances at it and finds that the products on each booth here are similar, and everyone is the same. Without visitors, the customer will not be surprised.

At this moment, he saw Lingyun and there were people in front of the booth. He would definitely pay extra attention. If he found that there was a product on the booth that he needed, he would probably stop and watch or even ask for a price.

Although it cannot be said that this will definitely be effective, it is also a marketing strategy, which is by no means meaningless as Lin Yun said.

Lin Yao knew her temper. She must have been holding her breath in the exhibition hall until now.

If she argues by herself, she will definitely make herself ugly on the spot.

To be honest, she didn't want to argue with Lin Yun at all, especially in a place like the airport, in front of so many international friends, making trouble with her, but Lin Yun refused to give up, what should I do?

"President Lin, I'm sorry, I didn't think about it well!"

Lin Yao chose to admit her mistake first, trying to dispel Lin Yun’s anger in this way, and then she explained in a low voice: "I think so, we definitely can't finish those snacks, and it's impossible to bring those back to China. , So I saw children come over and gave it to them, anyway, to increase the popularity of our booth.

I originally kept some, but the last customer who came likes to eat chocolate too much, and has to go around if he can’t eat it. I think it will be over in a few hours and just leave it with him. I didn’t expect that he would do it all. Take it away! "

Lin Yao also felt that this was not good, but Hossein slipped away after loading the chocolate. She couldn't stop them and let them return the chocolate in her pocket, right?

Lin Yun rolled her eyes at her, and said with dissatisfaction: "What are you using my things for generously?"

These words did not leave her at all feelings. The key point was that her voice was not small at all, and there were people coming and going in the airport, and people from time to time looked at their location with interest.

This is definitely not the answer.

Lin Yao was sincere and apologized again, "I didn't think about it well."

Lin Yun's anger was only slightly lowered. She paused, her tone still reluctant, "Even if he is really a customer, he should have a degree, but I know that this customer is not a real customer. , He must have come to cheat and drink!"

"Probably not." Lin Yao disagreed: "He gave me a business card and said that he would place an order for us."

"Your exemption is too naive, how do you know that it is really his business card?" Lin Yun disdainfully said: "There are such people everywhere!"

Use someone else’s business card to exchange chocolates at Lingyun’s booth?

Who else can't afford chocolate these days? Does it cost so much time?

Lin Yao doesn't think it is possible!

Besides, Hossein has already placed an intentional order. Whether it is a cheating or a real customer will be revealed soon, but now, she doesn't need to say anything, let alone argue with Lin Yun about it.

What Lin Yao didn't know was that her silence made Lin Yun more sure that she was right!

"You can have a snack." Lin Yun glanced back at her, a touch of provocation aroused in his eyes, his tone was not without sarcasm, "You have worked for several years, but you still haven't made any progress in seeing people!"

In this regard, Lin Yun did not give up too much.

She and Chairman Qin have been together for so many years, haven't she also failed to see the essence of each other?

Lin Yao could only think about this kind of words, but couldn't say it.


The process of waiting always seems extremely slow and long.

Lin Yun and Lin Yao chatted without a word, the atmosphere is not too good, not too bad.

Lin Yun suddenly turned his head and approached Lin Yao's ear and said, "There is a black man over there staring at me all the time."

Lin Yao raised her eyebrows to see, but her eyesight was not as good as Lin Yun's, and she couldn't see anything at all. She joked: "That must be your charm."

Lin Yun laughed unconsciously, but his tone was quite disgusting, "But I don't like being stared at by him."

Lin Yao chuckled softly and said: "People just admire the beautiful women from a distance, and don't talk about them."

"Ahem!" Lin Yun suggested uncomfortably, "Let's find a seat elsewhere."

This surprised Lin Yao a bit.

Probably after Lin Yun had plastic surgery, she seemed to be different from before. She began to become less repellent from thousands of miles away, and she also began to enjoy the gaze of others' admiration.

Unexpectedly, she suddenly regained her high cold, which is really strange!

However, these have nothing to do with her.

Lin Yun can sit wherever he wants, and do whatever he likes.

They stood up, picked up the bags and jackets that were next to them, and prepared to find another place to wait for the flight.

Unexpectedly, they hadn't walked a few steps, and a black man with braids (dirty braids) hurried over.

There are not few blacks in Dubai, and they have met a lot during this period. The black youth in front of him is quite special.

He has a medium size and a medium appearance, but he is a little too unruly dressed, with a nose ring, ear studs, and a ripped outfit. He doesn't look like a good person.

But he was shy when he laughed...

Lin Yun gave Lin Yao a helpless look.

Lin Yao said softly, "Maybe someone really wants us?"

Lin Yun was noncommittal, turning his face sideways, not wanting to look at that person.

Lin Yao had to take a step forward and said to the other party, "Hi!"

The black youth was pleasantly surprised. He said in non-standard English: "Hi, may Itake a photo with you?" (Can I take a photo with you?)

The word You is both you and you, Lin Yao understands it as the latter.

Lin Yun's face in Hua Guo is absolutely impeccable. What's more rare is that she is tall and has extraordinary temperament. Such a beautiful woman will be noticed wherever she goes.

Lin Yun was often mistaken as a celebrity when she was a Chinese, and people often took pictures with her and even signed her.

Lin Yao turned her head and said to Lin Yun who was impatient: "He said he wanted to take a picture with us."

Lin Yun frowned, obviously unhappy and unhappy, but in the face of international friends, he categorically refused to appear unfriendly.

After Lin Yao's repeated persuasion, Lin Yun finally nodded reluctantly.

Lin Yao breathed a sigh of relief and smiled and said to the black youth: "Ok, no problem!" (Ok, no problem!)

Lin Yun naturally handed both the coat and bag to Lin Yao, and then stroked her long hair, preparing to take a photo with the black youth.

The black youth froze for a moment. He didn't know how to express, so he decisively took the clothes away from Lin Yao and returned them to Lin Yun. Then he gave his camera to Lin Yun and said, "Thankyou!" (Thank you! you!)

Lin Yun's face was green and white, but he still tried his best to curl up the corners of his lips, and took pictures of them casually.

In this situation, even if the black youth didn't say a word, she could understand that they wanted to take a photo with Lin Yao, not her!

Lin Yao was also dumbfounded. Whenever she went out with Lin Yun and needed a photo together, it was Lin Yao who helped her take the clothes and bag, and then took pictures for her. I have never encountered such a thing!

The atmosphere was too embarrassing, but the black youth didn't notice it.

After the photo was taken, he kept talking to Lin Yao, "Where are you from?" (Where are you from?)

Lin Yao smiled and replied: "WearefromChina." (We are from China.)

The facial expressions of the black youth are a bit exaggerated, "Ohh, China! I\'veneverbeentoChina, butIloveChina!" (Oh, China! I have not been to China yet, but I love China!)


The black youth's English level is not high, but he still chatted with Lin Yao enthusiastically, "IwillflytoParistonight, I’vebeenworkingandlivingthereforyears." (I will fly to Paris tonight, where I have worked and lived for many years.)

Lin Yun was completely ignored in this way, her face became darker and darker, and finally couldn't help it anymore, and urged: "You are not finished!"

Less than two hours before boarding, Lin Yao said goodbye to each other, "Well, it’sapleasuretomeetyou, butwe’vegottogonow." (It’s nice to meet you, but we should go now.)

The black youth looked a little lost, "It’sapleasuretomeetyoutoo! Haveanicetrip!" (I am also very happy to meet you, and I wish you a pleasant journey!)

After Lin Yao and Lin Yun left, the black young man stood still looking at them in a daze.

Lin Yun frowned suddenly, "What were you talking about just now, how can you talk for so long?"

In fact, it took less than ten minutes from the time when the black young people walked over to when they said goodbye.

Lin Yao said lightly: "He said that he lives in Paris and comes to Dubai for a transfer. It may be too boring to wait for the plane, so I can find someone to talk about."

Lin Yun glanced at her, "It's also possible." Her tone improved instantly, and finally she became less aggressive.

Lin Yao breathed a sigh of relief.

She didn't deal with Chairman Qin, and if she had trouble with Lin Yun, then her life in Lingyun would be over.

The trouble is that she already feels that Lin Yun has a lot of opinions on her.

She didn't think about finding another way, but she is now a house slave and has no qualifications for willfulness.

Besides, wherever she goes, it is the employees who please the boss. How can there be any reason for the boss to please the employees?

After thinking about it, Lin Yao still felt that it was important to keep his job.

After this episode, everything went smoothly.

Lin Yun and Lin Yao arrived in Shanghai the next morning, and were picked up by Chairman Qin who had been waiting there for a long time.

Because it was Friday, they went back to the company directly.

After leaving for nearly half a month, everything in the company is business as usual, and the others are still busy as usual.

Although most of them have not yet received an order, they all choose to make the illusion of being busy in front of the boss.

Lin Yao has long been used to it.

When Lin Yao was in Tianfeng Company, he was doing the workload of three people alone, and he still seemed very leisurely, so the leaders became more dissatisfied as they watched.

Although other people are not doing very well, but at least they seem to be serious and hardworking, the leaders will trust them and value them more.

Lin Yao originally thought that Lingyun and Tianfeng Company were different, but now it seems that they are becoming more and more similar.

She couldn't figure out the bosses' thoughts. If so, why should she bother with that thought?

When it was about to get off work, Bai Lihong leaned over, and Ai Ai said, "Director Lin..." Then there was no more text.

Lin Yao looked at her puzzledly, "What's the matter?"

Bai Lihong suddenly stuffed a small paper gift bag into her hand, and said, "Thanks to your care during this period, I have the opportunity to get this job. Thanks to your teaching me how to do things, Christmas is coming soon. Now, this is my heart."

It is indeed Lin Yao's credit that Bai Lihong can get this job opportunity, and Lin Yao has indeed taught her hand in hand for several days.

However, it has been a month since Bai Lihong came to They have only been together for ten days, so they can't talk much about it.

Lin Yao returned the bag to her, "It doesn't need to be like this. You are my assistant. I should naturally teach you how to do things. You can take this back."

Bai Lihong's face turned red suddenly, and she stammered: "I, this, is just a small gift, just to show your feelings. Just don't think my gift is worthless."

Hearing her say this, Lin Yao was embarrassed to return the gift to her, so he accepted it and said to her, "Thank you then."

Christmas present.

This weekend is Christmas, Lin Yao thought to herself, the big deal is to return her a gift next Monday.

It's courtesy.

It's a good thing to have a good relationship with her assistant, she should be happy.

After returning home, Lin Yao happily opened Bai Lihong's gift, and when she saw what was inside, she was stunned.

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