Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1148 What each saw (Part 2)

"A brawl outside the venue!"

Michelle looked at the people below calmly. At this time, many people dispersed, but the discussion still did not stop. The reason was a girl who came over and said that she missed Michelle, the secretary of the General Affairs Department. This person was originally The topic that had subsided was brought up again.

Just after 1:10 in the morning, Michelle had expected that Wu Qun had already started to take action. It seemed that he had thought of countermeasures when he noticed her using this method. He now remembered 206 names. By 3 o'clock 1 hour and 50 minutes left.

This method of gambling on the street no longer works. Once she shows up again, her identity will be easily exposed. Once she is exposed, she will be out. Michelle sneered. She has never been ashamed of Wu Qun's behavior before, but before See Wu Lei.

Michelle only doubted it for a second and then gave up her doubts. It could not have been Wu Lei who informed Wu Qun. Although Wu Qun and Wu Lei, father and son, were very similar, they both knew what their positions were.

Michelle smiled slightly. She didn't know why, but she always felt that such a stress-free game, where you could even use some small tricks, became more and more interesting.

But now things have become a bit difficult. Wu Qun has directly blocked his method of quickly obtaining a name, and he cannot do the same. After all, Wu Qun's image is completely different from his own. He is a middle-aged greasy person who can be seen everywhere on the street. Fat Uncle himself is outstanding.

Michelle looked at the school area in the distance, a slightly nostalgic feeling filling her chest.

At this time, the girl who spread her identity started to go back. Michelle followed and soon came to a barbecue street. Michelle recognized Wu Qun from a distance. He did not move and looked absent-minded. look.

After Michelle tidied her hair, she walked slowly through an alley closer to Wu Qun.

"Hey, there are still a lot of things, do you want to eat some?"

Wu Qun said and put the woman away directly, and Michelle sat down.

"Do you really want to win?"

Wu Qun poured Michelle a glass of water, smiled and nodded.

"It only makes sense if you win! I had a conversation with your mother a long time ago, and I remember you were there at the time. Where we are, what exactly are we seeing? What did you see tonight, Michelle?" "


Michelle answered with four words, and Wu Qun nodded in agreement.

"My opinion is the same, but, existence is reasonable!"

Wu Qun looked at Michelle seriously. He knew very well that Michelle would lose, so he planned to help Jean once, which could be regarded as a reward for Jean's victory.

Over the years, on the surface, the Executive Branch seems to have outperformed the parliamentarian factions, but in fact, many of the crucial bills promoted by the Executive Branch have not been passed by the legislators, especially Wu Qun. In the past 20 years, he has abolished No less than 500 administrative department bills have been passed.

Even if the executive branch uses more powerful oppression to restrain the members, it will unfortunately also oppress ordinary people. Wu Qun used methods to deal with it time and time again.

But this time it was a complete and total failure. It was unprecedented that he was completely controlled by Xingke. He lost without losing his temper. Wu Qun laughed.

"There are black, white and gray in the city. What other colors do you think you have, Mr. Secretary-General!"

Michelle frowned. There was no one around anymore, and she stared at Wu Qun seriously.

"Your own color!"

Wu Qun clapped his hands in surprise.

"People fall into narcissism from time to time. You don't and neither do I, but! The city still has colors, just like this street. I just said that existence is reasonable. There must be a street to soothe emotions. Come on When I go to this street, I see many people who are happy, at least until the sun rises tomorrow."

Michelle seemed to realize what Wu Qun wanted to say, and she shook her head.

"I can't change other people's ideas and opinions about myself, but since I can stand here, I am white!"

Wu Qun nodded.

"Do you think this city is your home? Michelle!"

Looking at Michelle's expression, Wu Qun understood the sense of identity and belonging, the extreme recognition of self-worth, and the extreme recognition of the career he was doing.

"What about your home?"

Michelle sat down and still stared at Wu Qun with cold eyes.

"If you do something wrong, you have to pay for it yourself. No one can pay for their own mistakes."

"What about Secretary Le Xiao!"

Wu Qun asked with emotion. He was very happy in his heart. Being able to have such an opponent was an opponent worthy of spending the rest of his life to defeat. The current business department gave Wu Qun such a feeling. He did not expect that the young A generation also began to rise rapidly.

"Whatever I think is right is fine!"

Wu Qun nodded.

"Judging from the current results, it is indeed the case. Her appearance has turned the city upside down. Many things that could not be broken in the past are constantly being broken and the balance is broken. What do you think of my Michelle!"

"Besides being annoying, he is a good opponent!"

Michelle said, stood up, turned around and started walking.

"You have been blocked, do you still plan to continue?"

Wu Qun looked at Michelle walking away without answering, and a wave of heat surged out of his heart.

"If that's the case, I will definitely try my best to win this off-site brawl!"

Charles sat silently on a large balcony, sobering up, feeling inexplicably powerless somewhere in his heart.

Miguel and Milul both fell asleep, and only Mitchell was still standing behind him.

"What on earth is eldest sister doing now?"

"at work!"

Charles smiled bitterly. The situation was still very bad. Their family was bound to be infamous in this black market transaction incident. Even if the information was sealed, the business department would not do anything to them, but a lot of information would spread like wildfire. This is actually more serious than suffering billions of losses and ruining your credibility.

Having dealt with some issues with other shareholders in the family, Charles felt old and increasingly tired.

"Father, I have persuaded my eldest sister, but..."

"Stop talking, the worst-case scenario is to accept reality."

Mitchell squatted on the ground and looked at the ground in a daze for a moment. He often heard that his second brother and third sister said that his eldest sister was very similar to his mother. Unlike his somewhat smooth father, his biological mother was an extremely stern woman. But Mitchell has no memory.

"I think eldest sister may change her mind!"

Charles laughed and shook his head.


"Just... the feeling!"

In a time-sharing hotel, Billy had just finished exercising. Nana, the woman who had helped him on the upper Qinglong Street, was lying on the bed with a rosy face and a satisfied smile.

"Can you come here often?"

Billy sat over, held Nana's chin with one hand, and then kissed her.

"I need you to do something for me. It seems that the money I gave you before was not spent much!"

Nana happily held Billy's hand.

"What did you say?"

"I came here today just to say hello to you. I will inform you before we start. Try to have a good relationship with the women here. You don't have to worry about money."

Billy said and took out a wallet with a full 200,000 yuan in it. Nana looked at Billy in astonishment. Billy stood up, put on his clothes and walked out with a happy smile.

"Tonight was really good!"

Wandering aimlessly on the street, Billy planned to have something to eat first, and then go to the district office. He saw an empty street in front of him, but Billy heard footsteps, menacing, But no one was seen, and there was a sweet fragrance in the wind.

"Miss Mutant, where are you going in such a hurry? Don't do anything illegal, I'm a professional!"

As Billy spoke, the footsteps passing by him stopped. At this time, Billy had already held a pistol in his hand. Although he didn't know who the other party was, it seemed that this was not the first time he smelled it. After meeting him, following his memory, Billy began to clean up his past taste memories.

"Secretary-General, what a chance encounter!"

Billy said and laughed, and sure enough, Michelle had already revealed her figure. Billy pointed at his nose, but when he saw Michelle, he was a little surprised and opened his mouth wide.

"Who are you!"

Michelle saw the man in front of her, Billy. She had seen Billy's past information. After awakening his butcher personality, he committed a large-scale serial crime, with a total of 191 victims, 101 men and 90 women.

"Seeing that the Secretary-General is so upset, can you tell me what the reason is? Since we met by chance, why not let me help you."

After a while Billy burst into laughter.

"Our section chief is really willful, but since the other party has resorted to such despicable methods, I hope I can do a small favor to the Secretary-General tonight. After all, the opponent is a member of Parliament!"

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