Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1149 Eager! The desire to win (Part 1)

1:25 am

Michelle kept passing the houses quickly. She had never been as eager as tonight. Her heart was always hot. This feeling was different from other times. She wanted to win.


Michelle landed on a street that was still lively. She had already identified a candidate for parliament who was chatting with women. A short and fat candidate for parliament named Piris was the owner of a large supermarket in District 28. son.

Every year, the materials for the parliamentary examination will be transmitted to the General Affairs Section. The examination process and questions of the examinees, including on-site examination videos, are available. If the General Affairs Section wants to review, they can know the situation through these. If they find anything unreasonable or unreasonable, Where cheating occurs, a criminal investigation can be initiated directly.

Cheating is absolutely unacceptable behavior in Brilliant City, as small as students' exams. If students are caught cheating on exams, in most cases they will be directly expelled, while cheating in the administrative department and members of the council will face jail.

This year, Michelle did notice a lot of cheating in the MP exams, including in the administrative department. The administrative department directly notified the corresponding department to impose severe punishments, but the MPs did not wait for Michelle to take action. The alternate members who participated in the cheating were directly expelled after the three-month internship period because they were unable to perform their duties as members.

As if she had a premonition in advance, this kind of thing has happened countless times in the city. Michelle will read the information of every person who passed the parliamentary examination, and will never miss it. Those who have doubts will go directly. Send it to the secretaries for processing, seal it, and submit it directly to Congress for criminal investigation at a later date. However, this plan was disrupted.

The congressmen in power are very smart, and they will provide a certain degree of convenience to the children of wealthy families who want to be forced into their jobs. They usually send their children to places where the congressmen's test scores are relatively low, and undergo a certain degree of training. Investment, investment is actually just opening a leather bag shop. After paying a certain level of tax, you can participate in the district council examination in that district.

Once they pass the MP exam, it will be of great help to their future development. What they need is just the result of passing the exam, rather than actually wanting to become a MP. Even if they are fired later, they will only say it is because they can't stand it. I quit my job due to intense work.

If you pass the parliamentary examination, your citizenship level can be maintained at 8 for a long time. In many economic activities in cities, people pay more attention to their citizenship level. People with higher citizenship levels tend to be more capable and richer.

Michelle had attended many banquets and witnessed many crooked things. They all claimed that they had passed the parliamentary examination, and a small number of them claimed to have passed the executive examination.

Thinking of the cheating case in the Acting Department that happened a few years ago, Michelle couldn't help but feel angry. Because the Acting Department is a unified examination that starts on June 10th every year, she will wait for a period of time based on the test scores that she is good at. After the time, they are assigned to 12 subjects, all at random.

But what many people want to go to the most is Section 6, 7, 8, and 9. Although the recording work of Section 6 is boring, the benefits are very good. Section 7 is the section that supervises the city's financial system and has absolute economic significance. Although the 8th Division Law Division has more cases, the work pressure is not great, and the 9th Division is a more prosperous division. All economic-related things in the city are related to the 9th Division. A relatively wealthy family.

Section 2 and Section 10 are the most special. It is impossible to enter without the nod from the section chief. The elitist subject of Section 1 is even more rejected by many people. Any person in Section 1 can do a lot of things. Work is followed by 4 subjects, and no one will choose. After all, you have to start studying medicine after joining, and the work is very heavy. Although subjects 11 and 12 are leisurely, they either face the sun or face prisoners every day, and in all Among the subjects who passed the exam, subjects 3 and 5 were the ones that they least wanted to go to.

Although Section 3 seems to be relaxed, the militarized management is too strict, and Section 5 is even more boring patrolling in the city, and needs to face all kinds of trivial troubles that people face in daily life, plus there are many If a boss who is rumored to conduct random inspections in the 120 districts at any time is found to have done something inappropriate by the head of Section 5, everyone in the entire District 5 Section will be implicated.

At that time, there were more than 300 people who passed the exam, but more than 200 people were assigned to subjects 6, 7, 8, and 9 because they all got full marks in urban economy. It seemed reasonable, but According to the examinations over the years, it is unreasonable and too neat.

Michelle just took one look at it and felt something was wrong. When she waited for Niya to go to the general affairs department, she talked about it with Niya. ,8,9 secretaries of four departments conducted investigations.

Sure enough, after an investigation, we found out that many of the more than 200 newly hired staff couldn't even handle the most basic economic affairs. What's more, they couldn't even explain clearly what the economic change rate icon was.

Michelle immediately submitted the report to Niya, and Niya started asking people to arrest her. After an investigation, it became clear that the administrative department was designated as the examiners for that year and had a relationship with the parliamentarian faction. As a result, things became more and more troublesome. The situation got bigger and bigger, and finally the trouble reached the Congress. Eight members stood up and took all the blame. Michelle received a report from Niya afterwards, and the bastard Wu Qun was the one behind everything.

Michelle couldn't swallow this breath, and she still felt her chest was clogged when she thought about it. And tonight Wu Qun used this little trick again, making it impossible for her to move normally.

It was already confirmed that the five candidate candidates were talking to each other on the street and asked their names. At this time, Michelle jumped up quickly again and soon came to North 4th Street. Some women who had won money had gathered together. together.

"Girl, this is not the way you vent your anger!"

A woman came up with a bottle of wine. Michelle refused the woman's drink and shook her head.

"If you are interested, you can continue to bet. I want to know your name!"

Michelle said, and many women who were queuing up just now gathered together again. This time Michelle chose a room with only one door, allowing 8 people to play with her at a time. Others can line up, and the gambling game will start again. .

Just now, a piece of news leaked out in the social circle of District 29. It was rumored that the boyfriend of an upper-class wealthy daughter raised a woman here, and the wealthy daughter only knew the name of the mistress, but not the person. What does it look like.

Damn it!

Michelle muttered in her heart, she hated this feeling very much. This message was sent by a woman's mobile phone, and then she registered a lot of accounts and began to use different tones and different identities to post this message. out, but many people completely believed him and no longer had any doubts about his identity as the Secretary-General of the General Affairs Section.

"Is there anything else you need to do?"

Nana stood happily in the time hotel. Billy stared at the information on the light and shadow screen in front of him quietly. He got the real names of more than 20 women from Nana, but it was not enough. After a little calculation, Billy still got more than 20 real names of women. For more than an hour, Wu Qun should have held at least 400 names, and the last number of known names should be around 600. Michelle now only knows more than 200, which is far from enough. After taking a look at the time, , only one hour left.

"You think of a way, such as a scheduled hotel where people live here. I have to go somewhere first."

Billy said and ran quickly. Less than 10 minutes after the message was sent, Billy quickly walked through the alley with a strange smile on his lips.

A few minutes later, Billy came to the alley next to a shop and checked that Wu Qun was sitting there, still drinking. The girls in the shop were still chatting and laughing with Wu Qun. Billy looked around. , came to the back door of the store, knocked casually, and sure enough, the door opened within a few minutes.


Before the woman could finish her words, Billy pulled her over and pushed her against the wall.

"Guests, don't be so anxious. Give them some time to prepare, otherwise it will hurt."

Billy smiled slightly.

"No matter what the old man asks you to do later, you can refuse it. I am in subject 13!"

As Billy called up his identity information, the woman was taking out a bottle of lubricant from her pocket, and was so frightened that she dropped the lubricant to the ground.

Billy has carefully observed that the back door of every store is equipped with a sensor system. As long as he knocks on the door, the store owner will know to open the door immediately. Many shy customers will not go through the front door, and are even afraid of being photographed by surveillance cameras. Some more private fetishes should be discussed with women at the back door.

"I am tracking a certain economic fraudster. Miss, please remain silent. The woman you met before is indeed our secretary-general."

The woman was so frightened that her legs were weak, and Billy held her with one hand.

"The wallet he was holding contained hundreds of millions."

As the woman spoke, Billy gently pressed the woman's hair, and then put his mouth to the woman's ear.

"Take this little money tonight and tell the old man that you are booked tonight. Wait for me at the time hotel over there."

Billy paid the woman 1,000. The woman nodded happily without any doubt. She quickly returned to the outside of the store and said that Wu Qun could do whatever he wanted. She was hired and had to go to work. Wu Qun also smiled. got up.

Billy weighed the lube in his hand and laughed.

"This is a good thing, I need to give that old thing some color!"

Wu Qun was still waiting. It was less than an hour before 2:30 as agreed. Each of the five of them should be able to get at least 50 names. Including what he had in hand, it would be almost 600, but Wu Qun still Stand up.

"It's better to get a few more by yourself."

Wu Qun knew very well that he must not be careless, because he did not want to lose. After opening the social circle software in District 29 again, Wu Qun's expression became serious.

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