Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1387 Rough Road (Part 2)


King Xue was sitting in the office holding red wine. Li Ang and Ivy, who were sitting on the sofa opposite, were still looking at some application documents.

"Is it necessary to arrest that old man?"

Ivy stared at King Xue sideways, and he nodded with a smile.

"I won't do anything to him. Just lock him up for a month. Moderate punishment is necessary. What's the difference between a mule and a horse? Chief Ivy."

Li Ang sighed and put down the documents at hand. Ye Jiao was away these days, and he was basically busy from morning to midnight before he could finish the day's work.

Li Ang and Ivy came to Section 1 at around 7 o'clock to discuss matters with King Xue. Under the joint suppression of Section 7 and Section 9, the current economic changes are not obvious yet, but many spearheads have emerged. Section 2 would submit reports every hour, and the situation began to deteriorate.

Originally, at this time, it was best to remain silent and do nothing. Tonight, Hu Youran and Duke were asked to conduct a special program about this morning's demonstrations to convey to the public that there would be no problem. To appease the people, Hu Youran actually said something on the show that seemed to have unclear meaning, but as long as you think about what he said, everyone would understand.

Li Ang stared at the numbers that were still being picked up on another light and shadow screen, 1845681580.

In less than 2 hours since the show was broadcast, consumption has soared to more than 1.8 billion. There are about 2 million households in the middle and upper classes. Each household has consumed an average of more than 1,000 yuan in less than 2 hours.

The shopping wave is still growing. A large number of residents are knocking on the door of some closed supermarkets, asking to buy things. Even some products that usually have low sales volume have increased sharply.

Meat, beans, milk, and a large number of taste agents are all hot-selling items. Li Ang looked at the data that was still being transmitted, and he became a little worried. If this was done, prices would not increase slowly, but in one fell swoop. If prices skyrocket, the situation will be very bad.

The three people present could predict what happened next. Many small and medium-sized enterprises that had been willing to provide liquid food were given the right to purchase out-of-warehouse food at leisure. Most of their goods would be supplied to the bottom floor. This was what happened inside Section 3 that night. It was agreed upon that in the future, the crowd of buyers will flock to the bottom, and the phenomenon of raising prices is difficult to control. Even if the price is reasonable on the surface, some transactions that exceed the reasonable price behind the scenes cannot be controlled at all.

Such a situation will undoubtedly increase the consumption of the bottom class, and it will indeed bring some benefits to the bottom class. However, the consumption vacuum period for the middle and upper class will be lengthened, consumption will begin to decline, and tax revenue will drop sharply. The economic ecosystem is simply a devastating blow.

There was a knock on the door, and the door opened. At the door, Director Liu came with Hu Youran. After the two escorted Hu Youran in, they directly pressed him on a chair, and then the three of them bowed. Then he left the office.

"Are you happy? Old man, your move is not a wise move!"

Li Ang tapped the numbers on the light and shadow screen. Hu Youran looked at it with a serious expression, but immediately burst into laughter. King Xue stood up and walked over.

“It’s so refreshing to express what you’ve always wanted to say but couldn’t say!”

King Xue poured a glass of wine and handed it over, and Hu Youran drank the wine in one gulp.

"Three section chiefs, the construction of the ground floor needs money!"

"If you fuck like this, we will be in trouble next. See for yourself what kind of chaos the streets have become?"

Li Ang said and brought up a light and shadow screen. Sure enough, the street was like a carnival at this time. There were people everywhere on the street. Many families were carrying a large bag of things, and some hired mutants to help carry the goods. Transported to home.

"I can't play like you. Do you know what will happen after tonight?"

Li Ang slapped the table, and Hu Youran nodded calmly.

"Businessmen will target the bottom class, and materials will flow to the bottom class along with this wave. Not to mention the upper class, the consumption of the middle class will begin to tilt toward the bottom class on a large scale. The tax system will be the same. In the future, the 60 districts at the bottom will The monthly taxes will skyrocket."

"You know what the hell you still do? Are you living a comfortable life these past few years and want to try living a hard life for a few more years?"

Li Ang threatened angrily, and Ivy sighed.

"Section Chief Li Ang, please pay attention to your words and deeds!"

"It has been too many years. The urban class has been solidified and the wealth has been solidified. The three people here should be very clear about what will happen in the long run. In recent years, except for a few economically better districts at the bottom, the situation in other districts has become increasingly worse. Oops, the development of the middle and upper levels has stagnated since 10 years ago. It has been very stable in the past ten years, but the bottom level is still continuing to fall. Indeed, such an inductive approach is crude. For those who appear tonight I'm sorry for the commotion!"

Hu Youran stood up and bowed. When he raised his head again, he looked at the three section chiefs with firm eyes.

"This is not children's play, nor is it a game. The distribution of wealth. Before the two huge bills are launched, what do you think will happen if some of it cannot be dumped to the bottom? Businessmen will not care about the lives of ordinary people. They A long time ago, we had a whole chain of interests in our hands. No matter how much control we exerted over the years, the administrative department could only resort to compromise. But now this chain of interests has begun to loosen. It was that little girl who It gave me courage. Over the years, I have predicted the business processes of some companies, changes in small stocks, etc. Many people believe me, but I have never made any correct statement on any big issue!"

King Xue smiled and shook his head.

"This city is such a place, right? Victory is right. As long as the people can live, it is enough to know this. If the people need flowers, give them flowers. If they need sunshine, give them sunshine. If they need water, Just give them water, isn't everything good now! Those who are content will always be happy, right? Haha, Mr. Hu Youran, do you think being right as always can allow the city to continue to develop?"

Hu Youran shook his head.

"For a long time, you have been using lies as the most effective weapon. When a lie is about to be exposed, use a bigger lie to continue to hide it, but what is the nature of the lie!"

"Don't you understand what I just said, Mr. Hu Youran!"

Hu Youran smiled helplessly and shook his head.

"What is the essence of lies! I think everyone should know that the essence is dangerous! And lies need to pay a price. Lies are piled up one after another. No matter how beautiful they are, they are still lies after all. It is not that we will misunderstand lies. Thinking the truth! The really scary thing is that after hearing too many lies, we can no longer distinguish the truth! What should we do then? Whether we are emotional people or rational people, if we are immersed in the world of lies, what will be left in the end? Nothing will be left! Satisfied with the stories piled up by lies, using lies as shields and sharp blades, this is everything that has been piled up over the years. I often wonder when will there be an end, but I was wrong, because Everyone has been immersed in a world of lies, and many things have gone bad because of it!”

Li Ang's original excitement calmed down. He sat down and took a sip of the wine in his glass.

"The most effective weapon to pierce lies is the truth! I saw everything about true lies this morning, and when I knew that girl was just an ordinary little girl, I felt relieved. So I want to help her. No matter what you do or think, I have conveyed everything. The gears have begun to break. Whether it is good or bad, I cannot predict, but the only thing I know is if If we don’t move, everything will be over.”

King Xue smiled slightly, walked to the door, and opened it.

"Let your head clear up. Everything you have done, whether it is meaningful or meaningless, the troubles caused now cannot be solved by an innocent and romantic girl who knows nothing, because For your inappropriate remarks, your economist qualification certificate will be revoked starting today. This is the result, take it away!"

The two team captains guarding the door quickly came in and picked up Hu Youran. After handcuffing him, they escorted him out. After the door was closed, King Xue sneered and shook his head.

"Let's talk to the Food Association first, give them some benefits, and continue to satisfy the food supply for the middle and upper classes in the short term!"

Xue Ang nodded.

"That's all it can do."

Ivy, who was silent at this time, stood up.

"If they continue to benefit from this time, I am afraid that the city's food control scale will increase from their original 61% share to 80%. The subsequent problems will be difficult to control, and they are now targeting the bottom. In terms of the market, rather than increasing their share, controlling all the underlying markets is their goal this time. Coupled with the interference of other associations, I think that in the short term, we can not take action yet and wait for opportunities to act. way of doing!"

King Xue walked back to the desk and looked at the wine glass on the table with a serious expression. After a long time, he nodded.

"I'll do what you said, Chief Ivy, but you must have listened to what the old man said!"

Ivy smiled and shook her head.

"Unfortunately, I have passed the age where I can easily become passionate!"

Located on the third underground floor of Section 1 headquarters, in a small detention room, Hu Youran was unhandcuffed and pushed in. The four walls were bare except for a small window on the door, which contained a bed and a bathroom. Cubicles.

"Sorry Xiaoxue, grandpa can't come to see you off!"

Recalling everything today, Duke had persuaded him many times, but in the end Hu Youran changed his mind during the show. At this time, Hu Youran could only think about his stubborn granddaughter Hu Xue.

"Grandpa, if you feel unhappy, just don't speak for Xing Ke!"

Hu Youran still remembers what his granddaughter said to him many years ago. He has indeed been unhappy over the years.

"It's okay to just be obedient! Why on earth are you doing this!"


Chen Qiao held up the wine glass. In the noodle shop opposite the 13th branch shop, the crowded tables and chairs were filled with people from the Food Association. More than 30 people held up the wine glass. Even McCullin, who always had a weird face, showed a brilliant smile. smile.

The boss was still making teppanyaki, and the smoke was rising. He looked at the group of people in front of him. Although the boss would not ask what they discussed, but from the bottom of his heart, the boss hated these businessmen. For their food and accommodation, the boss would These days, I have to line up at the nearest food exchange at 3 a.m. every day to buy the freshest meat and vegetables from other merchants at high prices to make food for these people.

"Old Chen, I really didn't expect that that old guy Hu Youran would give us a perfect assist at this juncture!"

Chen Qiao nodded. The boss put a small piece of meat that was already 7.7-mature on the small plate in front of Chen Qiao. Chen Qiao picked it up with a fork and ate it in one bite. He ignored the soup and swallowed it directly.


Chen Qiao chewed the meat in his mouth, his eyes became extremely sharp, and there was a cold light. The merchants present had foreseen that the later they supplied the goods, the worse the situation in the middle class would be. They used supplies to occupy the bottom market first. After you have made a lot of money, you will start to draw out the salary from the bottom. The capital will roll all the way to the bottom, then back to the middle level, and then another way.

Now they just need to wait quietly for the business department to come to them. Chen Qiao plans to go back to the upper level after talking to Le Xiao early tomorrow morning.

Everyone knew what to do next. Chen Qiao stood up again, poured a glass of wine, and raised the glass.

"Everyone, for our great cause, the wind is not blowing north or south, but towards us, cheers!"

In the dark night sky, a private lift slowly came towards the ground floor and soon landed on the street of North 3rd Street. Jiang Hao walked directly out of the lift with an angry look on his face. There was a group of people behind him, and a group of people walked toward the noodle shop opposite the No. 13 store in a menacing manner.


The half-open door of the noodle shop was kicked open by Jiang Hao.

"Get out of here Chen Qiao."

The originally joyful atmosphere in the noodle shop turned to stone in an instant, and Chen Qiao, who was still holding the glass, put down the glass leisurely.

"Jiang Hao, the people in the business department opposite are watching. Could it be that you want to go to the eastern farm to work for a few days?"

Jiang Hao was already so angry that he wanted to rush in and grab Chen Qiao and beat him severely.

Beside Jiang Hao, a congressman who looked younger than him grabbed him and kept shaking his head and winking at him.

At this time, people on both sides began to curse each other, and everything in the scene was a little out of control. Members of Section 5 patrolling the streets came over and tried to dissuade them, but the situation still did not improve.

"Everyone, it's so late. It's time to enjoy the nightlife. Don't be so angry. How about sitting down and talking calmly!"

Accompanied by the sounds in the alley, Wu Qun walked out of the alley. Under the street lamp, Wu Qun smiled kindly. After walking over, he bowed to the two groups of people.

"We are all well-known people in this city. If there is a commotion, the report will be good tomorrow morning. Let's go. I will be the host tonight. How about inviting everyone to have a barbecue together!"

At this time, Su Li also walked out of the alley. For a while, people from the three parties stared at each other. Most of them were competitors and had had fierce friction with each other in the early years.

"What do you look like? Look at each of you. You look so ugly!"

On the street not far away, Violet and Avano walked over holding hands with each other, followed by Alpha.

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