Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1388 Rough Road (Part 2)

"Good weight!"

Luo Zhenzhen walked in front with a sad look on her face, while Hu Xue behind her said with a smile.

"Zhenzhen, let me memorize it for you."

Hu Xue and the others are in the 144th Squad, with 18 males and 12 females. Only the squad leader and the doctor are veterans, and the rest are all new recruits.

"Be quiet!"

The team leader in the front row turned his head and scolded. The group was crossing the Weeping Bridge. It was already past 11 o'clock. All members had put on their equipment and carried bags full of food, water and some equipment on their backs. Special backpack, each team member can carry 50 to 60 kilograms.

10 kilograms of water for a seven-day march, plus 3 kilograms of military rations, 40 kilograms of weapons and equipment, and some other equipment.

"What should I do? I need to pee urgently!"

At this time, a girl behind Hu Xue muttered.

"Jenny! I just told you to drink less and you didn't listen!"

Hu Xue said, and Yu Tong next to him stared at them sideways.

"Would you like me to give you a kettle?"

A male clerk in front said with a smile, and Jenny was so angry that she wanted to speak.

"I'll say it again, if you still don't calm down, 5 points will be deducted from everyone!"

The leader of the team in front said angrily, and the other teams were the same, more or less whispering. Kakuri, the leader of the 144 team, couldn't hold it anymore. He usually doesn't care about his team's behavior. The team members were all strict and unsmiling, but later on, under the advice of Sophia, the team doctor next to him, he relaxed a little to the members of the team.

Each team's recruits have 100 points. The captain and team doctor will add or subtract points according to the marching process. The rest will be deducted based on the time it takes to arrive at the resource supply point during the march. Starting from 0 tonight It starts at 0 o'clock and ends at 0 o'clock seven days later. Points will not be deducted if you arrive within one hour. Points will be deducted if you arrive late. After the exercise march is over, anyone with a score below 85 will fail.

The elimination rate over the years has been basically 60%, but losers still have another chance. The military exercise in February next year will have a longer route and a harsher environment than the first time.

200 teams are marching on the 3-kilometer-long Weeping Bridge of the Western Guard Station. Many people have already felt the chill. Even if they are wearing the latest technology thermal close-fitting jumpsuits, they can still feel the cold wind passing through their bodies. , will quickly take away some temperature.

A large number of recruits began to close the gaps in the front of their clothes, and some directly lengthened their clothes. Not only was the cold in the air, but what made many people uncomfortable was the pungent metallic smell. Some people have already started to retching.

The veil that protects against harmful particles cannot keep out harmful particles 100%, and some people have already felt uncomfortable in their throats.

The ground underfoot was hard and rugged. Team 144, where Hu Xue belonged, finally crossed the Bridge of Weeping. Time passed minute by minute. At 11:35, 200 teams, each in two rows, stood in order. A huge square array was formed, and the searchlights on both sides were like the sun in the night sky, illuminating everything around it extremely clearly.

Many members of the team looked at the dark place in the distance and couldn't see anything. The only thing they could see was the dust floating in the wind and the darkness behind the light.

How on earth can a place like this survive?

Hu Xue stared blankly at everything in front of him. This was the feeling of all the recruits. Although most of them had seen the barrier area, they had only seen it on the city wall at best. Setting foot on this land in such a cold night, Many people already have fear in their hearts.


Two beams of white light hit a stage, and the sky mark floated slowly to the stage like the wind. After he stood firm, he immediately took out his mobile phone, called up a loudspeaker equipment, and faced a pair of eyes below. , Tianhen pressed the brim of his hat with one hand, the wind was very strong.

"Tonight! It is the 60th barrier zone military exercise of our 3rd Military Section. Before that, I want to tell you that the reason why you are standing here today is because you chose Section 3 and chose to protect the people as a soldier. Soldiers! You have only one mission tonight. Set foot on this cold and dark land. The march that follows will be extremely hard! This is an experience for all of you who are participating in the exercise for the first time. Maybe some of you will If you fall down midway, someone may give up midway, or even be injured, or die!”

Tian Hen's last words made many people widen their eyes. Tian Hen smiled coldly and glanced at the crowd.

"What are the days under the sun like? Please don't forget this. No matter what difficulties you face, please think about what you have left! Finally, I sincerely wish you all good luck. I will The Eastern Guard Station is waiting for you to come back!"

Tianhen said, saluting the people below. Soon everyone stood at attention and returned the salute. Tianhen glanced at the time, 11:45.

"It's time to start!"

Following Tianhen's order, Team 1 and Team 2 came out one after another. They passed by the platform where Tianhen was and came to a machine that had been placed by several directors. After the two captains came out, Team 1 The captain said.

"I choose the head!"

The travel of all teams is delayed by 1 minute, with two teams traveling each time. The route chosen is not fixed from the beginning. The west-to-south route and the west-to-north route are both determined by choosing the positive side of the coin. The number of heads is For the southwest route, the number is the northwest route. At the beginning, the team with the higher number will choose. If it is not selected, it will take the northwest route. If it is selected, it can go to the southwest. The team that will travel after 1 minute will be selected first by the team with the lower number.

A huge coin generated by light and shadow flipped in the air, and finally slowly fell down. It was a number.

The captain of team 1 frowned, and the female captain of team 2 smiled and set off with the members of his team. The captain of team 1 broke down helplessly and could only lead the team towards the northwest route. At this time, he had put on a pair of goggles, in which he could clearly see the route signs. The team members behind him also put on goggles, so that they could see various values ​​and route signs.

"You are really lucky!"

The medic of Team 1 said, and the captain of Team 1 nodded.

"There is no other way, adopt the highest level of marching combat strategy."

Round after round of teams began to set off. At this time, many members of Hu Xue's team were a little confused, because it was often seen that the first choices were heads, and few took the initiative to choose numbers.

At this time, Yu Tong, who was on Hu Xue's right, muttered.

"Because the armed forces in the north are more rampant and the situation is more chaotic. I have heard some veteran staff say before that there may be a firefight."

Yu Tong's words not only caused the faces of those in the team to change, but also the people from the two teams next to them. The originally quiet team members began to stir again.

Time passed by, and each team set off after a delay of 3 minutes. Finally, at about 1 o'clock, it was Su Xue's team's turn. They chose first, and the captain Kakuri chose the head.

When the coin was thrown, the team members were all staring at the flipped coin and praying that it was a human head. A small shout broke out in the team. Captain Kakuri also breathed a sigh of relief and led the team directly. started running slowly.

The team members, who had been standing in the cold wind for an hour, and whose bodies were a little stiff from the cold, were feeling extremely uncomfortable at this time. Hu Xue supported Luo Zhenzhen next to her. Everyone was still running, and Jenny could hardly hold it in anymore.

"Captain, I want to go to the toilet!"

"Let's talk after jogging for a minute."

The light behind them is getting farther and farther away from Team 144. Team 141 can hardly be seen in front of them, only a vague outline in the distance.

"Don't peek!"

Luo Zhenzhen formed a circle with Hu Xue and several other female team members. Jenny finally felt comfortable and the team began to move forward again.

"Now start walking slowly!"

"Captain, let's run quickly while everyone is full of energy!"

A male team member suggested.

"Don't you understand what I say? Zhang Jin."

Kakuri said and directly brought up the light and shadow screen, clicked on Zhang Jin's profile picture and slid down, deducting 5 points from him.

"Captain me"

Zhang Jin was stopped by several male team members just as he was about to speak. The team doctor Sophia smiled. At the beginning, someone suggested what to do. This is also a mistake often made by many young guys who are just starting out. Walking slowly is to let the first People who come to the barrier area for the first time are accustomed to the land and air in the barrier area, and it is extremely irrational to run in such a wind. Their physical fitness will decline quickly. The team leaders are all experienced team leaders who know how to do it. The best way is to march according to the pace and route. To speed up the march, you can only speed up the march in the afternoon when the temperature is a little warmer.

Although the planet is obscured and dark, and it is difficult for light to be transmitted in, there is more or less residual light that may be cast every day. This is why the sky turns gray during the day.

At this time, Tianhen was still sitting on the high platform, looking at the information transmitted back. Sure enough, more than 1,000 people had been deducted points just after the trip, and the most serious one was deducted 10 points. Once the march was in progress, in addition to being unable to continue marching, Tianhen was still sitting on the high platform. In addition, team members with a score lower than 60 will be sent back immediately. Scores can explain many problems. There are already problems within the team. The person who caused the problem must be made famous, otherwise this person may drag down the entire team members. .

The youngest recruits on this march are 22 years old and the oldest is only 29 years old. They are a group of recruits recruited at the beginning of this year.

Tianhen leaned quietly on the table, resting his head on his hands. There was still a team below that was not traveling. Thinking back to his previous bullshit march in Section 3, the environment was even harsher, but he was from the barrier area and had already Get used to everything here.

In the past, the three sections entered the barrier area not as a marching exercise, but to directly carry out tasks. Even when many members heard that they were going to the barrier area to perform tasks, some directly chose to resign, even if they were sent to a military court.

There was no guarantee at all in the previous missions, and even the inspectors in the barrier area were often unable to be contacted. By the time they were found, they had been dead for a long time. But it is different now. The whole process is closely monitored, and the mortality rate can be guaranteed to be zero, but The elimination rate is very high, and although the environment is not as harsh as before, the standards are very high.


Hu Xue took out a small can of spray from her waist, pressed it on the bottom of the veil, and aligned the mouth of the small can with the interface of the veil. Many team members had already started to do this, and everyone felt a little dizzy. .

"Xiaoxue, are we climbing or descending?"

Hu Xue smiled helplessly. The height difference on the ground made it difficult for many people to adapt, and they were carrying such heavy things on their bodies. Although they were doing running training with more than 50 kilograms of weight on weekdays, the fresh air was , when the ground is flat.

Many people have begun to suffer from varying degrees of hypoxia and feel uncomfortable, and the things they inhaled in the wind have made many people feel their throats become dry and itchy. Some people have started to drink water. Suddenly Luo Zhenzhen took off the veil, He lay on the ground and vomited all over.

"I told you not to eat too much but you didn't listen."

Hu Xue knelt down and patted Luo Zhenzhen on the back. Team doctor Sophia came over and took out a temperature measuring instrument. After measuring Luo Zhenzhen's temperature, she found that her temperature was normal.

At this time, captain Kakuri directly deducted 1 point from Luo Zhenzhen. All members of the team stopped, and the men began to volunteer to help Luo Zhenzhen take off some of the things on his body and carry them on his own.

Kakuri looked at the men who came forward and gave them one point each.

"I'm really sorry, I'm really sorry, I"

Luo Zhenzhen was almost crying, and Hu Xue comforted her. At this time, a team passed by them, and several female team members laughed. They were the team starting from behind, but they should catch up with them.

Although each team has the same general direction, their routes are different. Only the first route has a relatively large intersection, and the subsequent routes are all twists and turns. Although there are intersections, it is difficult to meet them.

Kakuli looked at the time. Half an hour had passed, but the distance traveled was less than two kilometers. There were some inhabited or uninhabited ruins on the route. In a 30-day cycle, they covered a distance of nearly 1,000 kilometers. The daily march must be at least 30 kilometers, but in such a harsh environment, the only time to move quickly is from morning to noon. Now they have to walk another 8 kilometers and then find a place. Rest for 3 to 4 hours. The temperature is plummeting. There is not much time left for them. If they cannot go further, they will have to deviate from the marching route and rest in some places that can be used as bunkers.

Many team members have already felt cold sweats. The sticky feeling and warmth on the skin of the body will soon become cold. The temperature of the air inhaled is very low, and the lungs are beginning to hurt, and the throat is abnormal. It is dry and itchy, and requires oxygen supplementation from time to time.

After continuing to walk for a while, the team saw a faint light. Hu Xue and the others walked towards a shabby town in front of them.

"Continue marching after a 20-minute rest!"

After Kakuli gave the order, Hu Xue hurriedly helped Luo Zhenzhen, and the two found an aisle between two dilapidated houses and sat down.

"I want to go home Xiaoxue!"

Luo Zhenzhen shivered, Hu Xue hugged her and said comfortingly.

"It's okay Zhenzhen. Look, there are no living people here. We should get used to it in a few days. After all, all the training we have done is not in vain."

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