Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1410 Cooperation (Part 1)

The lights in the streets and alleys are extremely bright tonight, and the streets that were originally deserted during the day become completely lively at night.

Carnival crowds can be seen everywhere. Some people have won a lot of money and some have lost. However, everyone is discussing the combat exam that will start at 8:30. People who work hard on weekdays are at this moment. As if they wanted to vent something, they were partying in the streets.

Under the influence of alcohol, it is easy to cause trouble on the streets at night. Many troublemakers have been arrested. People from Section 5 can be seen everywhere on the streets. There are also squad leaders constantly shouting with loudspeakers. , let everyone drink in moderation and stay calm if you encounter any conflicts.


A man smashed the wine bottle to the ground, and everyone around him got out of the way. In an instant, several people from Section 5 went over to hold him down and put on handcuffs. The man was still talking nonsense under the influence of alcohol. A person from Section 5 took out the clicker and the man fainted.

This kind of situation can be seen in many places in the middle and upper classes. There are many people who have been suppressed for too long in their daily work life and released it after drinking some wine at such a feast. Most of them are very rational. After drinking, After drinking, I drank tea and chatted quietly in some food bars where I had already reserved a seat, waiting for the combat exam to start in the evening.

The public security situation in the lower-level neighborhoods is very good. No one is making trouble. Most people have set up tables and chairs in the center of the street. A few people sit in a group. There are very few people making trouble. Most of the gangs at the bottom have strictly ordered their subordinates. People must not cause trouble. At noon today, most of the forces in the lower-level areas were interviewed by the officers of the local business department.

They have been told clearly that if they cause trouble during this period, everyone will be arrested and sent directly to prison. If they cause any big disturbance, they will be expelled directly.

At this time, outside the 13th department store, the street lights were shining brightly, and on the light and shadow screen, the commentators were talking about the upcoming mutant test and how the betting audience should make decisions.

Chen Qiao was standing at the door with a group of people, because the store was small. At this time, the boss was working hard to prepare a feast for them. Everyone in the group had a glass of wine, as did the people from the film association opposite.

Wu Qun was sitting at the door of the shop, holding a wine glass, and did not go out. The shop was empty. From noon today, this group of businessmen had won some money. The most was over one hundred thousand, the least was several thousand. The businessmen were all here. Discussing.

According to insider information, gaming companies now no longer dare to lure offers easily, because the actions of the two secretaries of the business department cannot be predicted. Today, after the two men did this, more than a dozen gaming companies have been directly in debt. collapse.

The situation this year was completely different from previous years. Many games were tied, with no win or loss. In the end, both of them fell to the ground. It seemed that everyone was fighting very hard and seriously.

At this time, Chen Qiao received a call. He looked at the number suspiciously. After hesitating for a while, he turned around to the alley next to him and answered the phone.

"What's wrong?"

As soon as Chen Qiao opened his mouth, there was a burst of crying from the opposite side. The sound was a bit messy, and there were many crying sounds.

"Save me, Lao Chen, you have to save us."

Chen Qiao looked tense, but immediately laughed.

"I'm a businessman. Can I save him or not? What happened?"

Chen Qiao's tone was relaxed, but his expression was not. He already knew what the problem was, but Chen Qiao knew very well that cutting off the relationship was the best option now.

"I have something to do here and I have to be busy! I'll call you later."

As he said this, Chen Qiao was about to hang up the phone, but there was a burst of laughter from the other side of the phone.

"It's really interesting."

Chen Qiao's expression tightened, knowing that it was Tian Hen.

"Isn't this Section Chief Tianhen!"

"Either come here tonight, or early tomorrow morning."

Before Chen Qiao could clearly hear what Tianhen was going to say next, Wu Qun picked up the phone. Wu Qun immediately winked at Chen Qiao, and Chen Qiao nodded understandingly.

"Section Chief Tianhen, where are you? The signal is very bad."

Wu Qun heard the sound of the wind and the cries carried by the wind. At this time, at the western guard station, more than 100 businessmen, all under Tianhen's instructions, were hung by ropes by the city wall. Some businessmen were already frightened. Got to go straight to incontinence.

"What do you think about the charge of cooperating with rioters to interfere with our operational plans?"

Tian Hen spoke coldly, pressing a finger on the rope while the businessman below was still crying.

"I think it's pretty good, but the matter still won't be solved by tomorrow morning. How about we discuss a way to solve the problem?"

Wu Qun's voice sounded a little serious, and Tian Hen laughed.

"It depends on your sincerity. I'll give you half an hour. If the problem can't be solved, don't blame me for falling out. I will let Section 3 raid every warehouse of the Food Association tonight. If I find a little bit, Things, a group of them should spend a good time in prison tomorrow, after all, everyone is happy now, isn't it, seeing the scandals of businessmen!"

"That's really troublesome. Section Chief Tianhen, give me half an hour and I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."

Wu Qun hung up the phone. After returning, the merchants all sat in the shop with serious faces. McCullin in the corner was smiling.

"I've warned you a long time ago. If you don't listen to me, old lady, there's nothing I can do about it."

"Those who have not made any contribution to the city, so what if they die? It will take a long time to process that batch of things. This is a naked waste of money. Is it possible that their poor supervision will fall on us? On your body?"

A businessman said fiercely. Chen Qiao felt worried at this time. He was a little scared. The reason for this was understood by everyone after a little thought.

This matter was discussed by everyone after a group of them took over Sanlian Company. At that time, everyone saw that there would be problems with the food supply in the barrier area in the future, so in several negotiations with Section 3, they rejected the complete In terms of supply, a maximum of 10 million cans of liquid food can be provided. Because the price of liquid food supplied to the barrier area is very low, although it can make a little profit, 10 million cans can earn up to hundreds of thousands. This is nothing for businessmen. of profit.

This batch of harmful food has piled up in the underground delivery room of Sanlian Company. It exceeds 300 million cans. It is very troublesome to deal with it and requires a lot of investment in technology and capital. Businessmen do not want to make a loss-making business, so the best way is Just get rid of this batch of food.

The simplest and most direct way is to deal with it in the barrier area, where no one cares whether the people are dead or alive, so the merchants immediately contacted the liquid food companies in the middle and lower classes and disposed of these liquid foods to them at extremely low prices.

As the businessmen expected, big problems broke out in the city, but in the end these problems were solved with a speech by Le Xiao, secretary of Section 13, but the arrows shot could not be taken back, and everyone discussed it again , the Business Department should not care about this matter, but now many people are a little afraid.

Because of the successive plans of the Business Department, the general direction is to reach a reconciliation with the barrier area and establish an agricultural experimental base in the barrier area. However, they know the current situation with their fingers. A large-scale disease should have broken out in the barrier area. , while Section 3 is conducting military exercises.

"Old Wu, what should I do?"

Chen Qiao asked. On the table of food, no one moved their chopsticks. The threat that Tian Hen had just said that if he did not give a clear answer within half an hour, he would take action, made Chen Qiao feel uneasy.

"Why didn't you tell me clearly about this? I asked you three times whether you had processed that batch of food. You told me perfunctorily that it was already being processed. I have already warned you. After processing that batch of food, it will be released to the market. How much did you earn?”

"More than 40 million."

Wu Qun sighed helplessly, turned around and walked out, but immediately the businessmen grabbed Wu Qun one after another.

"Old Wu, you have to think of a way."

Wu Qun stopped.

"How many times have I told you that enough is enough?"

At this time, at the Western Guard Station, accompanied by screams one after another, businessmen slid down the wall, but the rope tightened when they reached the bottom. Some businessmen fell into a coma directly, and some even fell into a coma because they could not Withstanding the momentum of the fall, the tied hands were directly fractured.

Tianhen laughed and waved.

"Pull up these pigs."

After a while, the members of Section 3 who were present pulled the businessmen up, and for a while there were begging for mercy. Tian Hen looked at the several businessmen who were still unconscious and said with a cold smile.

"I will give you one last chance to explain all the transaction details and the transaction evidence you have. Listen carefully, there is only one last chance."

At this time, each businessman was still hesitating. The businessman who fainted was directly awakened by cold water. Tianhen walked to the side of a businessman and raised a finger.


The rope broke, and the businessman screamed and fell down. Soon the sound disappeared, and for a while the businessmen nodded and started talking.

"too slow."

Tianhen cut off the rope of a businessman again, and the cry became louder.

"I said, this is Section 3, not the Congress Hall, nor the city. Even if you all die here tonight, the next day will still be calm and there won't be any disturbances."

After a while, each of the businessmen knelt on the ground, admitting that they and their superiors, Blue Sky Enterprise, which had taken over Sanlian Company, had conducted transactions of more than 300 million cans of liquid food, purchasing them at a price of more than 13 cents per can, and then buying them for one can. Sold to 3ke for 3 cents.


A businessman just finished speaking, and his head suddenly burst into flames. Tianhen raised a finger and stared at the group of businessmen coldly with red eyes.

"What I usually hate most is being deceived by others. Once I am caught, I will definitely kill him. If you still haven't remembered anything, go to that world and think about it."

Several female council officers hurriedly came over and grabbed Tianhen, blocking him in front of him.

"Chief Tianhen, I think it's almost done, we still have to"

At this time, a landing aircraft with Section 1 signal recognition in the distance landed slowly. After a while, Zi Yuer walked out and bowed in front of Tianhen.

"Chief Tianhen, it was Section Chief Xue Wang who asked me to come here to assist you!"

Zi Yu'er glanced at a businessman on the ground whose head had been shot, and a group of businessmen who were kowtowing and begging for mercy, and walked over with a wicked smile.

"What a bunch of cute little piglets, tsk tsk!"

At this time, a lift came down quickly. People from Section 1 got off the lift and walked over.

"Leave the collection of evidence to our Section 1, Section Chief Tianhen, what do you think? I guarantee that they will never dare to tell any lies from now on."

Tianhen nodded according to the brim of his hat and glanced at the time. 10 minutes had passed.

Zi Yuer stood in front of a group of businessmen and said with a wicked smile.

"You came here tonight because you resisted arrest and even took out a weapon, but you were subdued. Some people died during the conflict. What is the conclusion?"

The businessmen nodded one after another and all lay on the ground, not daring to get up. Tian Hen took a photo with his mobile phone and sent it to Chen Qiao.

Didi didi

When Chen Qiao looked at the shocking things in the photo, he suddenly broke into a cold sweat and wiped it with his sleeve. The businessmen who were still discussing what to do were all stunned at this time. Wu Qun smiled slightly.

Wu Qun glanced at all the businessmen and sighed. Recalling the situation that night, Tianhen even dared to attack a member of his level, let alone businessmen like them. If Tianhen really did anything, because Section 3 had The extrajudicial execution power only needs to determine that some actions will cause harm to the city, and then it can directly attack any place. It is lucky that this matter has not reached the 2nd Division.

"I wonder if Section 2 knows about it."

Someone muttered, and for a moment the faces of the businessmen present turned pale, with a hint of fear on their faces.

"It won't happen for a while. I'll go out and make a few calls."

Wu Qun said and walked out quickly, pressing the number 0001 directly.

"Tonight we are honored to invite Section Chief Xue Wang and Section Chief Li Ang. They will give explanations in Examination Room 1 later."

In the inner courtyard of Section 5 headquarters, King Xue and Li Ang walked out of a lift. At this time, King Xue hung up the phone and reporters gathered around. It was just after 6:20.

After answering some questions, the two walked towards the headquarters of Section 5. Niya and Jewell were both at the door. The two of them would have dinner directly at Section 5 tonight, and then serve as special commentators in Court No. 1. Conduct combat exam commentary.

As soon as he entered, Li Ang's expression became serious.

"That boy Tianhen did a little too much."

King Xue immediately winked at Li Ang, and he immediately shut up. Niya, who was walking in front, turned back, her face a little solemn as she bit her cigarette.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

King Xue smiled gently and shook his head.

"It's not a big problem, Chief Niya. It's better that you finish your meal quickly and focus on the security of the city in the past two days."

Niya walked directly in front of King Xue and grabbed his collar.

"What do I want to ask you?"

Li Ang hurriedly went over and pulled Niya away.

"It's not a big deal, no problem. We'll deal with it later. Let's go for a walk and drink."

As he spoke, Li Ang winked at Jewell, who was a little reluctant.

"Let's go and drink."

With that said, Jewell put his arm around Niya's neck and dragged her towards the cafeteria.

"Sorry, I spilled the beans."

"Please be careful later. After this matter is properly handled, you can tell the section chiefs. As for Section 2, you must not tell Section Chief Mo Xiaolan."

Li Ang nodded and walked quickly with King Xue.

"I finally won some money back. I won more than 300 yuan, which is not bad."

Tang Rao held the wine bottle with a look of joy on his face, and Gene sighed.

"I told you that if you have nothing to do, go and help Deguna. There are indeed a lot of things this month."

"What the hell, there were so many different things during the few months I was on duty? I didn't solve them myself."

Li Chu yawned with a leisurely look on his face. At this moment, Gene's phone rang. Although he hesitated, Gene still picked up the phone.

"Mr. Jean, there are some things that you can solve in person. I hope you can help me if you are free."

Wu Qun's somewhat dull voice came from the other side of the phone. Gene turned on the speakerphone directly. For a moment, the four gods in the room looked this way.

"Nothing wrong. I think I'd better let that boy Tianhen take advantage of this opportunity. Don't the people hate those businessmen very much now?"


Werther said, Tang Rao chuckled and took a sip of wine, and Rose nodded.

"Indeed, the recent fluctuation in raw material prices has been a bit excessive, and the supplier actually wanted me to accompany him, hahaha!"

Rose laughed.

"Interesting things always happen quietly!"

Li Chu said, holding up the ring.

"Please calm down, gods. I will find a way to solve it. But if this thing really breaks out, it will have a great impact on the city, so I will definitely think of a perfect solution."

Wu Qun's voice sounded very humble.

"I'll give you 1 hour. If you and Tianhen don't have an agreement within 1 hour, don't blame us for being ruthless, Xiao Wu! After all, you are the smartest among the MP faction, let us see your ability."

Tang Rao said, Wu Qun immediately made a solemn promise.

"It will definitely be solved within an hour. Just ask the gods to wait."

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