Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1411 Cooperation (Part 2)

There was a crackle, and Le Xiao was holding soup in her left hand, meat bones in her right back, a glass of wine in the middle, and many dishes in front of her.

In the venue for the mutant physical ability test, many people looked at Le Xiao who was eating desperately at the exit gate. The scene left many people speechless.

"Is it really okay for you to eat so much?"

Three plates were stacked together, with bowls and chopsticks placed on them. Michelle was wiping her lips with a handkerchief, and Le Xiao next to her was still eating.

"It's okay. I felt very hungry today. I only ate a little bit in the morning. Mr. Secretary-General, why did you only eat so much?"

Michelle frowned slightly, opened a light and shadow screen, and took advantage of this gap to start processing documents. However, Le Xiao made a loud noise while eating next to her. At this moment, the chef took another one that had just been fished out of the pot. meat bones.

Le Xiao finished chewing one, drank a glass of wine, and started chewing the second one.

"It's almost the end of the month. Remember to sort out all the reports in your department and submit them as early as possible. If you don't understand anything, just ask Wu Lei directly."

Le Xiao felt cold and laughed awkwardly. A bunch of things still seemed to stick together in her mind. The report required a salary and welfare accounting report, a detailed report on consumption within the department, a report on the use of funds within the department, and specific things within the department. Reports, etc., and reports for some special projects need to be submitted in advance.

It’s just that Lexiao now has one head and two big ones. The mechanical balls will be delivered to the store in Section 13 tomorrow morning. Specific reports on the rental and usage of the mechanical balls every day, as well as a report on the rental plan of the mechanical balls, must be clearly detailed. Listed.

Sister Alpha should do it for me! should.

Le Xiao hesitated for a few seconds, and then started eating. Michelle stood up. It was less than 7 o'clock, and she planned to go back to rest for an hour. After the exam tonight, there was more important review work. This was after the exam. The process requires the chief examiner and deputy examiners to immediately extract some examination video records that are not on site for review.

It's just that most of the previous examiners will not extract too many examination videos for review. This examination system was planned by the gods back then. It is accurate to every specific standard value and is fundamentally based on fighting. Ability to achieve fairness in mutant examinations.

It's just that over the years, businessmen who took advantage of loopholes have repeatedly destroyed the fairness of the exam, but this exam is different. Michelle will never let go of any exam that may have errors.

At this time, Michelle glanced at Le Xiao next to her. She had changed the result of an exam today. Michelle had seen that exam. In the end, the two of them fought with all their strength, without any reservations and Scruples.

Maybe things other than cold regulations can warm people's hearts!

On a light and shadow screen, today's game in which Le Xiao changed the outcome was being played. Many people clapped and praised, thinking that this handling was very humane.

Nowadays, Michelle no longer thinks about things like institutional rules, but more often thinks about things other than institutional rules. This is what she saw in the little girl next to her.

Everything that night made Michelle feel that her perspective on things was a little different recently. This is what Gene has been telling everyone through his own actions over and over again, something outside of order.

Order is like a double-edged sword. It can bring stability, but at the same time, things will begin to solidify rapidly. In such an order, people begin to become cold. This is a dilemma. In any situation, order is like a double-edged sword. Times are all the same.

"Come with me after eating."

Le Xiao blinked, Michelle's face looked softer than usual today, Le Xiao immediately smiled and nodded.

"Those guys are probably planning something, or they are encountering some problem!"

Jiang Hao held the wine glass and hugged Honghong. Both of them looked at the closed store door opposite. They both saw just now that the faces of those guys were ashen. It looked like it was not a trivial matter. It could make those guys show fear. Jiang Hao couldn't figure it out.

"Honey, have you ever thought about what could happen?"

Honghong shook her head, turned around and dragged Jiang Hao.

"Let's go in and watch the live broadcast. These things have nothing to do with us."

Honghong glanced at the store door again, smiled coldly, and then squinted at Su Li, who was wearing a coat at the door of the 13th branch store.

"What's wrong with my wife?"

Jiang Hao asked and Honghong shook her head.

"Striking late can sometimes be more effective in controlling your opponent than attacking first."

Although Jiang Hao was suspicious, he nodded.

Su Li looked at the store opposite with a smile. She had already received some news from the members of her own faction. After all, the members of her own faction were all excellent. In some districts at the middle and lower levels, there were people who had been raped by Section 3. Take away by lift.

The list of these people has just been confirmed. They are the businessmen who provided 80% of the liquid food during the last material distribution in the barrier area. Most of them are businessmen from small and medium-sized enterprises. They are not even qualified to join the Food Association. A group of people can only Bottom licking guy.

Su Li quickly deduced that the problem was food. The last toxic food crisis had not yet passed. Su Li and the three heads of Sanlian Company were old friends and knew their nature well.

In fact, Su Li had forebodings long before the toxic food crisis broke out. In just six months, Sanlian Company steadily occupied the market. Many people were jealous, thinking that they had hoarded a large amount of food. After buying supplies, she occupied the liquid food market in one fell swoop, but Su Li was not a fool. She was so light that it was absolutely impossible.

"Looks like a good opportunity."

Su Li bit the black nail on her middle finger, and several people behind her stood over.

"Let the plant managers be prepared. It doesn't look like they have a clear idea of ​​what the real opportunistic move is."

"There is only one way now!"

Wu Qun raised a finger and looked at a room full of bitter-looking businessmen. At this time, the businessmen all looked at Wu Qun.

"Although Section Chief Tianhen didn't say clearly what the solution is, a large-scale food crisis should have broken out in the barrier area. Even the most stupid people know that eating those poisonous foods will kill you, and the distribution of poisonous foods The matter has spread in the barrier area."

"I've told those idiots before, don't deal with it all at once, deal with it slowly, but they"

Wu Qun glared at the businessman who was speaking in the corner.

"Listen quietly to what I have to say. If anyone speaks again, get out."

Wu Qun stood up, turned on his mobile phone, and brought up a light and shadow screen.

"We still don't know where nearly 40% of the harmful food goes. Judging from the reason why Section Chief Tianhen is so angry, I'm afraid it's because during the march of Section 3, we already know that in most areas, there are edible Disease caused by poisonous food.”

In front of him was a thumbnail of the barrier area, and Wu Qun pointed to the north.

"The reason why Section Chief Tianhen is most angry is probably that during the march, the team of Section 3 has exchanged fire with the armed forces in the barrier area. This situation should be the most serious in the north, so it is certain that famine has broken out in the barrier area. People in the area could have access to a whole box full of poisonous food."

The businessmen were all silent. Chen Qiao had told the middle and lower-level businessmen many times that they would be dealt with in batches. However, it was obvious that the businessmen were completely blinded by their interests. Chen Qiao just didn't want this. The batch of food dragged down the business of the company he took over, so he disposed of it casually. He naturally knew how much the merchants could earn, because it was a food supply for a special period. This batch of food was cheap and there was no tax. More than 100 merchants at least depended on it. This batch of food earned more than 100 million, and every businessman received at least several million.

Naturally, the Food Association would look down on such a small amount of money, but the problem was solved and a little money was made by the way. Unfortunately, Chen Qiao overestimated the ability of this group of businessmen to do things. The faces of each of the nouveau riche were undoubtedly revealed, and they were poisonous. Chen Qiao also considered the food issue carefully and felt that it would be most appropriate to deal with it in the barrier area.

On the night he took over the company, Chen Qiao ordered all factories to start operations, paid special wages to the people of the original Sanlian Company, covered up the original LOGO of Sanlian Company, and directly changed hands to middle- and lower-level businessmen in just one week.

What happened next made Chen Qiao feel uneasy, but he didn't pay too much attention because he felt that the business department should not care about the life and death of the barrier area until the agricultural experimental base in the barrier area was officially put on the agenda. However, Chen Qiao felt that as long as the separation With batch processing, such problems will gradually weaken over time.

"At least 2 million people got poisonous food in their hands. The reason why the outbreak occurred so quickly is that these poisonous foods were distributed in boxes, so some people got 30 cans at one time, and after eating them for a week, their health The problem is, famine has broken out, and the only way is to solve the famine. There is still some time left in this month, but the number of people suffering from diseases or dying will increase. How much liquid food can you provide immediately?"

As soon as Wu Qun finished speaking, all the businessmen in the room lowered their heads. What happened this time was that it coincided with the plan that the business department was about to launch to bring the barrier area closer to the city.

In addition, these days, merchants are fighting each other and engaging in supply chain wars, causing prices in the city to begin to fluctuate extremely unstablely, and a large-scale panic buying spree broke out. The scene of the demise of Sanlian Company is still vivid in our minds.

The power of the three people in the association was extremely huge, but the entire company collapsed. Except for the workers at the bottom and the relevant persons in charge of the production workshop, the upper levels of the company and the scientific research department were all destroyed. Nearly 2,000 people were imprisoned, and the matter came to an end only after the relevant results were announced one after another.

"Where can we find so much liquid food temporarily? Even if we temporarily produce it in such a season, it will cause a lot of trouble. There are still 100 million cans in stock at most. If we are given a barrier area, we will not only have to pay for it, but also the liquid food in the city The food market will also collapse. Based on the minimum supply of 10 million cans a day, to produce the corresponding amount of liquid food, we need more than 30 factories under our control to operate day and night, and it will take half a day. It can be made up in a few months. Counting the liquid food in the hands of wholesalers and retailers, the liquid food currently circulating on the market will not exceed 300 million at most. To solve the current and possible famine problems in the barrier area, at least 50 million cans, and this season has arrived. Food distribution is about to begin next month, and manpower is also a big problem."

A businessman clearly stated the current dilemma. Wu Qun pressed his forehead and glanced at the time. There were only 10 minutes left before Tianhen said he would come up with a solution within half an hour.

"Why do you only say half of the words?"

Wu Qun took a sip from the wine glass, and the businessman sat down under Chen Qiao's eyes.

"Those small and medium-sized companies should still have some inventory. If added up, it should be..."


Wu Qun put down his wine glass.

"You are all businessmen. What are the interests of businessmen? I don't need to say more. In the past few days, a large number of fresh vegetables and meat have appeared on the ground floor. Where did these things come from? Are they selling meat and vegetables directly? To make money, or to make money by breaking meat and vegetables to make liquid food? The prices given by 3ke are very low every time. Haven't you already made plans to force 3ke to increase the price? The next food distribution will be the last Given the good timing, facing the hungry people who cannot get food, and the nascent plan of Xingke Branch, you will definitely win, and use the power of capital to win!"

Wu Qun pointed at Chen Qiao, who nodded silently.

"Indeed, we have already made preparations for the last food distribution. If it is really only 3 to 5 cents a can, a can of liquid food still needs to meet the nutritional standards to be sold, and 100 million cans will be sold in a row. We can’t make even 3 million yuan, but if we choose to slowly sell 100 million cans in the city, we can make at least 50 million yuan, which is what elementary school students will consider.”

Chen Qiao said righteously, Wu Qun smiled and nodded.

"That's why it's difficult to handle. This matter must be resolved. If not, you will be waiting to be reshuffled!"

As Wu Qun spoke, everyone looked at him in horror.

"Old Wu, it shouldn't be that bad, he's in the business department."

Wu Qun stretched out a finger and pointed at it.

"I'm talking about the higher level. Listen up and bring out 20 million cans of liquid food first."

All the merchants in the room were livid. The cost price of these 2,000 cans was at least 4 cents per can, and the business department could give them 5 cents at most. But this time the situation is so special, they might only give 3 cents. .

"Just think of it as losing millions in this gamble, or let me help you in the next gamble. At least you can get back the money you lost this time. Just let the ordinary people bear part of it."

Chen Qiao nodded and held the phone, and the businessmen also took out their phones one after another.

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