Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1412 Cooperation (Part 2)


A can of liquid food was thrown at them. All members of Team 13 were holding guns and were surrounded by an extremely angry crowd. The captain looked at the liquid food with the Sanlian logo on the ground. They had all received it from the headquarters before. Contact the people in the barrier area, handle the problem properly, and try not to conflict with people in the barrier area. If conflicts cannot be avoided, go around.

"It's all you who give us these poisonous foods. We are not animals, we are living people."

An old man with half-swollen cheeks angrily threw stones at them. The situation was getting worse. An angry crowd holding stones, sticks, and a small number of weapons surrounded them.

Every member of the team has their finger on the trigger. The battle may break out at any time. The captain has strictly ordered not to shoot. No one with a sound mind wants to bear the shadow of murder.

"Give them food and water if you don't want to carry anything on your back."

As the captain spoke, he took off his backpack, took out a large amount of water and food, and threw it out. However, this behavior aroused greater disgust and anger among the besiegers.

Conversation was no longer possible, guns rang out, and a large number of sick people who were determined to die suddenly came to kill them.

"Call for backup!"

The squad leader raised the gun in his hand and opened fire in the face of the surging crowd. Smoke was everywhere for a moment, and the dense firepower net instantly knocked down the first group of people who rushed over.

Suddenly, several grinning mutants took the opportunity to rush into the crowd. When a recruit was in a hurry, his neck had been broken and his weapon was snatched away in an instant.

In just over 10 minutes, the battle was over. The captain and the remaining four team members rushed out of the siege and stopped on a high-altitude building below freezing.

A female soldier covered her mouth and cried silently. The sniper rifle in her hand was pointed at a place not far away.

Several male soldiers were directly and brutally executed one by one, and the clothes of the three captured female soldiers had been stripped off. A group of people were like wild beasts, shouting with extreme excitement.

The captain lit a cigarette tremblingly. They were surrounded. People kept shooting at them with weapons. One of his arms was disabled. The captain leaned on his body and tried to stand up.

Captain Meng suddenly laughed miserably. A message had just been sent. The business department would provide water and food to some areas that were already suffering from famine.

"too late!"

The captain smiled and stood up, walked to the side of the female soldier, grabbed the sniper rifle, and aimed at the three female soldiers who were dragged into the house crying in the distance.

"What are you doing Captain!"

The female soldier next to her shouted, and the captain roared. However, just when he was about to pull the trigger, the female soldier next to him pushed the captain away with all his strength.

"Please captain, they still have a chance of survival!"

The female soldier cried silently and hugged the captain tightly, while other people in the team were still busy fighting back.

The situation was completely out of control, and a conflict broke out without warning. Originally, he was just passing through this town and saw someone sick. From the beginning, he was nagging and scolding the team members, and the captain kept asking the team members not to have disputes with the people here. However, in the end The argument turned into them being mobbed.

The captain, who was in great pain, pressed his forehead and kept bumping against the wall. He could clearly hear the miserable screams of the three captured female soldiers.

More and more people were besieging them, and the people in the whole place seemed to be going crazy. When they entered the town, the captain saw a lot of dead people being carried out, and the majority were old people, women, and children.

The original plan was to go around it, but the captain decided to go through the town instead.

The sky is getting darker and darker, and the flames are burning. The thugs in the town are holding weapons and celebrating around the house, while some mutants from the armed forces are holding guns and holding the remaining five members of the acting department. Surrounded, they did not attack, but kept shouting and irritating them.

"You guys take it easy, or we won't have anything to play with later."

A man with a face covered with sores, holding a weapon, looked at the situation in the house and laughed. Many of their people here were already about to die. The coating could be scratched off everywhere in the town. Discarded liquid food.

At this time, in the night sky, a helicopter hovered silently in the sky. Each of them was covered in black armor, with eye-catching orange S-class logos and an owl pattern on their shoulders.

"This is Night Owl. Currently, 3 team members have been kidnapped and 5 team members are under siege. Please give me instructions!"

"Rescue the hostages and clear everything out!"

Tianhen's cold voice came from the communicator.

In an instant, there were flashing red rings, and the crowds who were still immersed in joy raised their guns one after another. However, as screams spread, the gunfire suddenly stopped.

The few people in the room who were still enjoying themselves remained motionless with expressions of horror. Blood-red particles filled the entire room. Five members of the special forces team quickly used their killing sabers to directly kill all the thugs in the room.

"Be patient! It's okay."

A member of the special forces picked up a female soldier who had been tortured with blood all over her body, and hurriedly took out the medical kit. However, the female soldier suddenly picked up the gun on the ground, and instantly another female special forces member opened fire on her. The moment she fired the gun, a large number of alienated cells were released, which directly stopped the bullets coming out of the barrel and took the gun away from her.

Accompanied by a heart-rending howl, the special operations team member holding the female soldier knocked her unconscious while the other two female soldiers were crying.

Gunshots came one after another. At the exit of the town, people who were trying to escape kept falling to the ground. The ghostly members of the special forces did not use weapons. Instead, they held the light-killing saber and quickly killed one after another. one person.

"Crisis averted!"

The captain of Night Owl immediately sent back the report. At this time, the captain who was guarding the high-rise building walked down with the support of two team members. The two female soldiers ran directly to the house. The captain lowered his head and looked at Looking at the corpses of the team members that were recovered from the corpses by the special forces team members, he burst into tears.

Looking at the four female soldiers crying and hugging each other in the room, a male special operations team member outside the room sighed, lit a cigarette, and looked at the squad leader in the distance who was completely emotionally broken.

"Obviously we have received the order in advance. As long as we take a detour, we can avoid such a tragedy. Why?"

"Say less, Weige, we are already here as fast as we can in this fucking world."

The female special operations team member glanced at the situation in the room and grinned slightly.

This was the only large-scale conflict that broke out. Although there were frictions in other places, the danger was finally resolved. Now all the teams should have received the order to continue the march. If they encounter a famine location, report it immediately and explain to the locals that there will be a disaster. The batch of food arrived in a very short time.

At this time, in the Nishi City, people from Crimson Tide were shouting on the streets.

"Tear off the outer coating of liquid food. If there is such a pattern on liquid food, hand it over. It is poisonous food. Please do not eat it."

Porter, the leader of the Crimson Tide, limped out of the Crimson Tide's new headquarters and looked at the situation on the street. At this time, his subordinate Si Fang looked angrily at the people not far away who were riding a motorcycle under the leadership of the Crimson Tide. special inspector.

Zhu Fei smiled slightly and immediately greeted him with a respectful attitude.

"Boss, those guys in the business department are so hateful. They even gave us poisonous food."

Potter smiled.

"You're wrong. There's no need for the business department to use such complicated means. If you really want to do something to us, you should have seen it before. It should have been done by those heartless businessmen. Although it was done before I’ve heard about the riots caused by poisonous food that broke out in the city, but if you think about it carefully, those merchants probably didn’t handle the poisonous food, but flowed the food into the barrier area.”

"A batch of emergency medical equipment, drugs and supplies will be delivered. I am here to count how many people are sick and how many toxic liquid foods you have here. The city has launched an investigation into the merchants."

Potter nodded, and Zhu Fei said immediately.

"Approximately more than 1,000 people suffered from physical abnormalities of varying degrees, and more than 30 people died. When we found out there was something wrong with the food, we immediately confiscated the food. So far, we have confiscated nearly 200,000 cans."

The Special Inspector's eyes became serious, and Potter smiled.

"I have already informed my subordinates to inform some small organizations in nearby areas to carry out collection work, detailed statistics and reports. I only hope that I can help you this time."

"Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Potter!"

"Don't be anxious, take your time, 5 military rations and 2 kilograms of water per person."

A bright-looking man with black spots on his face was shouting with a mobile phone. Thousands of people were still waiting on the edge of the town to receive food.

"Old Qian, I have sent someone to inform you."

At this time, a man with a big nose came over, and a woman with a round figure and plump cheeks was holding a big shovel and was making a pot of food. She sprinkled grains of military rations into it and put in some liquid food. She sat on the opposite side. There were many children and women, and everyone looked a little hungry.

"That's almost it. Each person can only drink one bowl."

"Baochun, go over and take a look. The patients over there don't look right."

"You come and change it for me."

The woman named Baochun wiped her hands. Qian Jiazhen, who was distributing food, and Lu De, who had just returned. The three of them are the founders of Sanlian Company. This place is located in the north of Bright City and is a place with a good population density. At this time, members of both teams gathered here.

"Director Cheng, I really didn't expect you to be here."

A squad leader said to a man wearing a vest and smoking a cigarette that looked powerful. The man smiled and blew out a puff of smoke.

"It's a long story, Xiao Zhao, my family should be fine!"

The squad leader nodded.

"I've been to see them before."

"And don't call me director, haha."

The man smiled and shook his head. Some of them were killed by Tianhen because of their affair with Ji Mo, and the others were expelled. There are also original members here, people from Section 9, Section 3, Section 5, everyone. After coming out, they got together and formed an armed force with considerable combat power, and the three founders of Sanlian Company also played a role in it, negotiating with other armed forces in the barrier area, conducting trade, etc. , the three of them were indispensable. During this period, they stored a lot of liquid food here through barter, negotiation and other means.

"Old Qian, please take a rest and let me help you."

A man with round cheeks but a selling body took over the job from Qian Jiazhen. He was originally a congressman. Qian Jiazhen said thank you and approached the two resting teams and asked for a cigarette. Baochun and Lourdes also came closer.

The recruits in the team had no good impressions of the three guys in front of them at all. But when they came to this dilapidated town with more than 20,000 people, they found that it was different from other towns in the barrier area they had seen before. It was full of people. vitality.

After the three of them got the liquid food, they inadvertently felt that something was wrong. The taste was not right, because the three of them had tasted the poisonous liquid food. They immediately asked everyone in the place to check the trademark. As a result, they found that their company had produced After eating the poisonous food, the three fell silent.

They can only keep sending people to deliver the news, but people in most places can only eat this poisonous food, because if they don't eat it, they will starve to death.

The man called Director Cheng by the team leader is named Cheng Da. He used to be one of the directors responsible for the monthly food distribution in the barrier area of ​​Section 3. Through his position, under the command of the end of the season, he gave many meals to He bought some weapons, ammunition, and supplies from the armed forces in the barrier area because he owed a lot of favors to the end of the season. He had a problem in Section 7 before and was kicked out of Section 7 by the newly appointed secretary Ye Jiao. He originally thought it was over. But with the help of the end of the season, he came to the 3rd division.

The days they came to the barrier area were disastrous for all the rich and powerful people in the city. They were cruelly exploiting their human will day by day. In the end, they chose to come together and resolve the past. All the grievances and grievances, with the help of the three founders of the original Sanlian Company, finally established an armed force called the Redeemer.

People may only start to reflect on the past when they are in despair. Among the nearly 500 people in this organization, the ones with the lowest official positions were squad leaders. There are more than 10 directors and more than 100 members.

At this time, Qian Jiazhen and two others entered the house. The three of them had been tired for a day. Fortunately, they knew that supplies would be delivered later, and the three of them felt relieved.

"What happened to us then, haha!"

Qian Jiazhen took a puff of cigarette and started coughing and wheezing. Baochun lowered his head, while Lu De smiled and patted their shoulders.

"Just do what we can for the rest of our lives. This is our atonement for the past. Now there is hope in the barrier zone. If there is a chance, I think we need to talk to the secretary of Section 13."

Qian Jiazhen nodded, lit some cigarettes and was taken by Baochun.

"The supplies are definitely not enough, but one person should have liquid food in hand, and it is in large quantities."

Baochun said, and Lude immediately looked at her in surprise.


Qian Jiazhen blurted out as soon as he thought about it.


Ludd slapped his forehead for a moment.

"My brain has been a little unclear in the past few months. It seems that I have inhaled too much waste. Indeed, that woman has been secretly stumbling upon us before. She is very ambitious and wants to get a share of the liquid food market. Geng is no longer satisfied with clothes, Old Wu should be able to notice."

Wu Qun held the phone quietly, and things changed again.

"Just now, 23 young lives from our 3rd Division fell in the barrier area forever. The three surviving female soldiers among them were brutally treated. I am a little angry now. This cannot be solved by 20 million cans of liquid food. Tell them that the only solution is to deliver liquid food together with the distribution next month. There is no other solution. Although the situation has eased now, I ask you to start delivering liquid food within 2 hours. food."

Wu Qun hummed and looked across the street at Su Li, who was smoking a cigarette and wearing a colorful coat, looking at this side with a sinister smile on her face.

The situation in the barrier area is very unstable. Nearly 6,000 soldiers are still marching in the barrier area, and war may break out again.

Wu Qun put down the phone and walked slowly towards Su Li. When he came to Su Li, he bowed.

"Ms. Su Li, can you please talk?"

Su Li exhaled a puff of smoke, nodded with a smile, and made a gesture of invitation. At this time, the businessmen of the Chen Qiao Group opposite were standing in front of the store, separated from the lower class people who were still immersed in the TV show. , watching with eager eyes.

"Xiao Wu, you are completely withdrawing from the bottom food market. Other than that, I don't think we need to continue talking."

Wu Qun's face darkened, he was completely pinched. It was difficult to find a solution now, and the gods also said that it would be 1 hour, and there were still more than 20 minutes until 7:30. Wu Qun wiped the sweat from his forehead. .

At this moment, the door of the shop in Section 13 next to it opened. Angus and his wife stepped out first, Alpha pushing the wise man.

"The situation does not seem optimistic."

Alpha muttered and Wu Qun nodded.

"It's been so long, Violet, Avano, and the wise old man in the wheelchair, haha."

As she said that, Su Li took off her coat, and the servant behind her quickly caught it. The group walked into the shop in Section 13. Chen Qiao from the opposite side also walked over, and Violet glanced at Jiang Hao.

"Don't you want to talk about it together?"

Honghong giggled, dragging Jiang Hao over, and the group all entered the shop of Section 13.

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