Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1486 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 4 (middle)


The weather is starting to warm up, and the city is still the same as before. Every day is the same, without much change.

Violet quietly looked at some flowers that were beginning to bloom in front of the window, smiling and stroking her belly.

The door to the room was pushed open, and Avano came over and gently hugged his wife's shoulders from behind.

"Do you want to go out for a walk? The doctor said that you need to exercise every day. This is also better for the child."

Violet nodded. Some of the commotion in the city about the meeting on the night of January 1st had calmed down recently. The major families were talking about the gods' previous reckless actions, and a place in the middle level of the west. The college is being established, and many people in the city have heard that the gods want to establish a school regardless of class, grade or age, and think they are joking.

Even at some banquets, many managers were still talking about the fact that the gods confiscated their IDs that night as a joke.

Violet and Avano stopped in the sea of ​​flowers. Their injuries were almost healed. Their relationship had also heated up in the past two months. Although Avano still often went into the basement, But more often than not, I spend time with Violet.

The Angus couple also had a changed view of Violet. She would study something seriously on weekdays and express some opinions of her own in business.

"This child will be born in September this year. What is his name? Have you considered it?"

Violet asked, and Avano was a little panicked. He scratched the back of his head with one hand and shook his head to show that he had not thought about it well. Violet said with a smile.

"I've already decided that this child will be called Alpha."


Violet nodded.

"I'm very happy now. Although I don't know if it's a boy or a girl, he will definitely be a great child in the future. Maybe you can leave your unfinished business to this child."

Avano smiled, and he seemed to understand why his wife named the child Alpha. This is the initial letter, which means the beginning and the beginning.

The couple were walking in the manor. They seemed to have reached some kind of consensus about the future. Avano's vision of completely transforming the urban structure might be realized in the future. Violet once felt that she should not be content with being ordinary, but Now she saw a lot of things.

During this period of time, after getting in touch with the upper class society in a real sense, Violet remembered those days in school, which were actually no different from the social banquets in the upper class society today. The seven gods in the school, We want to cultivate a group of extraordinary students as the future successors of the city, but unfortunately, many students are too ordinary, and they focus more on power and money.

On the lawn in the distance, Gene walked towards this side with a smile on his face, and the couple greeted him.

"Mr. Jean, how's the school going?"

Gene scratched his head and smiled helplessly.

"I came here today hoping to talk to your parents about funding some schools that are being built."

"I find it difficult, Mr. Jean. People with different ideas gather together. It is really difficult to teach them, and they do not distinguish between ages."

Violet said, and Gene looked at her belly.

"If this child is born, can you give it to me!"

Avano laughed and Violet nodded.

"We now plan to cultivate a group of talents for the city who can build the city in the next 30 years."

Gene said, at this time, Mr. and Mrs. Angus were already waiting at the mansion in the distance. Gene smiled and looked at the couple again.

"I may need your help then."

After watching Jean leave, Avanno looked at his wife's belly and touched it with one hand.

"After this child is born, he may be burdened with the heavy fate of his family just like us."

"I'm actually a little surprised that you are a little different from the children of several other big families."

Avano said with a smile.

"That's because when I was very young, Mr. Jean would often come over. Sometimes he would play with me and take me around the city. I have been to many places, but those places were hidden from my parents. Take me there, I’ve even been to the barrier.”

Violet was a little surprised.

"What kind of place is that?"

"It's like a hell-like place. If no one is willing to do something for the city, one day the city will be overwhelmed and eventually collapse completely. This is what Mr. Jean often instills in me."

Violet laughed.

"Understanding is the biggest problem in this society. In the past, I always felt that I might be doing meaningless things, including studying, but it is different now."

"Life without reverse is always accompanied by confusion and helplessness. My plan will start when I officially inherit the family business."

"Hurry up, I've prepared delicious stew for you today."

Locke shouted with a loudspeaker. It was almost dusk, and workers were still cleaning stones. Most of the mountain in front of them had been cleared in just two months. At this time, workers continued to carry it. Holding the stone towards the mountain.

This is a huge school located on a flattened mountain. More than half of the 5-meter-high wall has been built. Nearly 2,000 workers have completely cleared the place in two months of work.

"Xiao Luo, is what you said true?"

"Can I still lie to you?"

A worker carrying equipment passed by him, his eyes full of hope. The daily salary was 30, which provided food and accommodation. At the foot of the mountain were all temporary iron houses, and a large area was connected to them. Locke was responsible for the food and daily wages here. issued.

Parents and some relatives, including others who have a good relationship with the gods, are here to help.

Many people want to send their children here when it is built here. As long as they pass the test, they can enter the school without paying any fees.

At this time, the sun was about to go out, and many workers came down from the mountain. Locke directed some workers to help pay, and the daily wages were paid daily, so many workers worked particularly hard.

Looking at the workers who were all smiling and waiting in a long line to receive their wages and then eat, Locke kept putting 30 yuan into the hands of the workers, and then took notes.

The three children brought back by Deguna and Gu Yi also worked here, and they worked very hard.

At this time, a child wearing square glasses, who looked thin but was actually quite strong and five or six years younger than himself, came to Locke.

"King Xue, you can only receive 25 yuan today."

King Xue nodded. He must have been reported for being lazy. He took the 25 yuan without saying anything and walked towards his dormitory.

Although the dormitory was very simple, with only four rooms, King Xue felt very comfortable and stable. He wanted to wait until the school was built before enrolling.

As soon as he returned to the dormitory, King Xue heard a burst of laughter. He sat on the bed on the left side of the door and looked at C, who was lying on the bed and making weird laughter from time to time. Among the three guys in the same dormitory as him, K was relatively close. The one who is easy to get along with, R is a bit shy, and this C is a bit crazy.

"The three of you have reserved your seats to enter the school in advance. Can you tell me some reasons?"

King Xue and the three of them were not in the same dormitory at first, but after hearing that the three of them had been selected by the gods and qualified to enter the school, King Xue tried his best to move into the dormitory of the three of them and bribed them with 200 yuan. I met a girl named Whit in the same dormitory and successfully moved into this dormitory.

But the three of them still kept silent about what happened to them in the past.

From time to time every day, people would come over and ask how to enter the school, but Locke was not too sure.

The wages were paid very quickly, and they were all paid out at 7 o'clock. Locke took a bowl of potato stew and finished it quickly.

Looking at the school in front of him, Locke sighed. He didn't really want to enter. After all, it didn't look like a free place. The walls were more than 5 meters high. I'm afraid I couldn't even see what was outside. It was completely enclosed. education.

"Sir, do you know the conditions for entering this school?"

"I don't know either."

Locke replied, "I don't know how many people have come to ask today. Many people in the city have noticed this school, and many people in the upper class want to send their children to this school."

"It's different from the school in my impression. It's more like a military camp."

Locke turned his head and saw a handsome and well-dressed young man, but he looked very comfortable. He was wearing a white suit, well-dressed, and had an easy-going smile.

"Are you a young master from above? I advise you to forget it. This school should be different from the past."

"My name is Wu Qun! And you, sir."

Locke looked at Wu Qun and replied.


Wu Qun took out a piece of sausage from his pocket and handed it over. Locke said thank you and took it in his hand.

"I'm actually looking forward to this place."

Locke smiled. He had seen some of the drawings. There were a large number of rooms underground and many training ground facilities above ground. They were all made of new composite materials. It felt completely different from the past school. It felt more like research. Place.

"Aren't there some schools opening in various parts of the city now? Why not go to those schools? I know a few teachers there, and they are also students of the gods."

"Too ordinary."

Wu Qun said and smiled, Locke had already eaten the sausage.

Looking at Wu Qun leaving, Locke always felt that this guy was slightly different from people who didn't come to the upper levels. He didn't have that kind of innate arrogance. Instead, he seemed very easy-going. He would take the initiative to give way to others when he passed by. Quite humble.

People in the city were very interested in the school that the gods wanted to establish. However, after the school built walls, many workers were dismissed.


Because of the change of seasons, many of the more than 200 workers who were still on site were sick. Locke yawned. He had gained some weight recently. He watched Hua Ming and Father Hua treating some patients as they walked away. passed.

"I advise you to leave, King Xue. You have such a good mind. It is really a waste to continue to stay on this kind of construction site. The money you earn is enough for you to enter school."

Nowadays, 18 schools have been opened in the middle and upper class areas of the city, and nearly 10,000 students have successfully enrolled. Those students brought out by the gods in the past have opened schools that only charge low tuition fees, but Many people find the courses offered strange, and the most criticized one is the inclusion of combat subjects.

Students need to learn to fight, use firearms, drive some equipment, and conduct regular drills. Some students have been injured or died. Many families have raised funds to build some schools and sent their children to them. From this Dropped out of school.

King Xue is hanging the bottle. He has been ill recently and has not worked for three or four days. He still lives in the same dormitory with C, K and R, but he already knows what happened to the three of them in the past, so King Xue did not choose to leave, but planned to wait for the school to be completed.


Located on the third floor of the Angus family residence, accompanied by a burst of heart-rending screams, Violet shook her head in pain on the hospital bed, and Nabe in front of her was still comforting her.

"Just try harder, it'll be okay."

Avano was waiting quietly outside the door. Gene next to him was holding a cigarette and waiting quietly. Kuhl and Fry were standing aside. Both of them were a little worried because the mother inside was having a difficult labor. It was necessary. Only caesarean section can be performed.

Since there were no female doctors nearby in the city, Jean went to bring a family of three people over, and the three people were willing to come and help.

"Fry, come in with me. You need to perform surgery immediately. I'm too busy."

Nabe opened the door, Frye limped in, Avano raised his head, Frye nodded.

"It's okay, I'm very skilled!"

Gradually, the ward became silent. Avano entered the ward. Nabe was holding a baby girl, but the baby girl's face turned blue and was no longer breathing. Avano stood at the door in shock.

"It's the alienated gene that's taking effect!"

Violet looked at the child quietly. He had been injected with a sedative and his eyelids were trembling.

Fry was still on the workbench, mixing medicine, Nabe was still patting the child, and Kull went over and started to help.

After a while, Frye took the prepared medicine.

"If possible the child will get better, if not"

"Inject it!"

Gene spoke, Avano sat on the ground tremblingly, Fry injected the baby girl with medicine, and everyone prayed.

A minute passed. Gradually, the baby girl's face began to turn slightly red and her eyelids began to move. Avano breathed a sigh of relief and burst into tears for a while. Gene looked at the baby girl quietly.

"He is a child with strong vitality!"

Frye sat on the ground tremblingly. They had encountered many such situations during their consultations. The three of them developed a gene-suppressing drug that targets the genetic differentiation of these newborns after they are born. They tried it. A thousand times, but the success rate is only 20%.

At this time, the child's mouth began to move. Gene stretched out a finger and put it over. A trail of light blue particles floated around the baby girl. The baby girl's little finger gently touched Gene's finger. .

Gene then used telekinesis to place the baby girl next to her mother.

"You are very smart Fry. You must have researched this genetic medicine!"

Frye looked at Jean at a loss, and Kull nodded.

"When our school opens, I hope you can come over."

end of December

The construction of the College of Gods was completely stopped, and the workers were sent back. King Xue received his last day's salary, with a look of displeasure on his face, and Locke patted him on the shoulder.

"Let's go back!"

King Xue said nothing, turned around and left with his bag. At this time, he saw that the three guys did not leave, but seemed to be waiting for someone.

"Would you like to come east with us?"

In front of him was the Huite family, a girl who had a good relationship with King Xue at the construction site. King Xue shook his head.

"I mean well, you guy, forget it if you don't appreciate it."

Seeing the Whit family leaving, King Xue walked quickly. On the way down the mountain, he quietly overlooked the academy that was surrounded by a 10-meter-high city wall, and then stopped. No matter what, he Everyone wants to go in.

In the cold wind, King Xue waited quietly, shivering from the cold. He was on a shallow slope to the north of the college. Yesterday, the gate to the west of the college was locked. If you want to enter, you must Go over the 10-meter-high wall.

King Xue knew very well what kind of education the gods wanted to carry out in the large and small rooms underground and the land above the school that had not yet been built. King Xue vaguely felt that the gods were cultivating this The human rulers of the city.

There was a faint flapping sound in the wind, and the lights on the mountain could be seen to the west. Six Changxing trucks began to go up the mountain. King Xue stood up excitedly.

A transport helicopter slowly stopped in the middle of the wilderness-like academy. Jean got off the helicopter and opened the hatch. Inside were huge boxes arranged neatly, containing a large number of equipment needed for scientific research. They were all carried down from the upper mountains.

Two heavy iron doors opened with a creaking sound, and trucks drove in, all filled with building materials.

The trucks all stopped at the gate, but the moment the gate closed, a black figure jumped in.

Tang Rao, who was in the last truck, had noticed it, but he didn't point it out.

After K, C and R got off the truck, they clasped their hands behind their backs and waited for Deguna's order. Locke looked at Gene with a sad look on his face.

"I won't be involved in such a big thing, after all."

"Hurry up, little fat guy. Paste these customized house numbers on them as marked on the drawing. Witte, Li Chu, Gu Yi, and I will start to connect the power and network."

As Tang Rao said, Jean brought out a large box. After opening it, it was full of display screens that needed to be fixed into the wall. The three people behind him also picked up some display screens and planned to start working.

Rose, Deguna and Jean unloaded all the building materials on the truck and prepared to build the main teaching building.

"I'll give you one minute to explain. If you can't explain clearly, you will die here."

Li Chu stared at the truck quietly. King Xue walked out from the back of the truck, adjusted his glasses, smiled, put his hand on his chest, and bowed.

"My lords, I also want to serve as the manager of this city and do my part for this city. Of course, starting from being a student, I will study all knowledge seriously!"

Gene smiled and was about to speak when Li Chu walked over quickly.

"You are indeed very smart, but a guy like you is so thoughtful."

"I will resolutely obey the instructions of the gods. After all, there are too many bedbugs in the city now. I also want to share some of the burdens for the gods and eliminate as many of these useless bedbugs as possible."

There was a giggle and Deguna said with a smile.

"Bedbug! Yes, I quite like this word. I'll give you a chance. If you can adapt to it, starting from tomorrow morning, you will have to run 30 kilometers every day, as well as various other exercises. It will be very cruel. If you can If you can endure it and are better than the three people here, I will allow you to stay."

Locke was extremely shocked at this time. He kept swallowing, and Tang Rao put a hand on his shoulder.

"Little Fatty, don't go back. When school starts here, you will also be a student here."

"I'd better forget it!"

Locke said as Gene kicked his ass.

"Hurry up. The four of you must hang up the door signs of all departments tonight. Don't make any mistakes. If anyone makes a mistake, I will kick him out of here."

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