Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1487 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 4 (Part 2)

January 1, 2188

At 5 o'clock in the morning, Ran Zhi had already gotten up. He glanced at his wife, who was still sleeping, and got up quietly. After putting on his blue work clothes, he got up. This was a small independent house, originally a dormitory for 4 people. Ye Chunwang, the steward, gave Ran Zhi and Ding Manman this room after they got married.

The weather was a bit cold, so Ran Zhi started chatting with a few co-workers as soon as he went out. Today is the beginning of another year. At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, they finished their work in the farmland and could prepare for the dinner in the evening.

Recalling this night last year, Ran Zhi's face became a little solemn, but he soon relaxed. He lives a very happy life now. He works in the farmland every day, and his wife does the cleaning work every day to earn a little money. The two of them I live a very comfortable life, and the bad memories of the past are far away. Although I still feel angry when I think of them, these angers are only fleeting.

After entering the greenhouse, Ran Zhi and the workers lay down on the soil, watered each crop, and then began to dismantle the greenhouse. When the sun rises at 6 o'clock, some crops need sufficient sunlight.

After completing the watering and harvesting work in the morning, land reclamation had to be carried out in the afternoon. The whole day's work was very heavy, and Ran Zhi did not have time to think about something. The eastern part was the most stable place in the entire city.

"I said Ran Zhi, your life is really good. Not everyone can come here."

A co-worker said, Ran Zhi smiled, the sun had warmed up at this time, and the smile on his face looked particularly bright in the sun.

At this time, a jeep slowly stopped, and a group of people who were working got up and looked over. Ye Chunwang came with the research team.

Several research teams armed with recording panels and collection equipment entered the fields and began sampling some crops.

Ran Zhi looked at the people in the research team with some envy. Their wages were much higher than his own. He only earned more than 200 yuan a month for working, but the people in the research team made at least 2,000 yuan a month, which was ten times as much as him.

Ran Zhi is learning to read and write recently. After he finishes learning, he wants to learn some agricultural techniques to improve the lives of himself and his wife.

It's just that for Ran Zhi, who has no educational foundation, reading is a bit difficult for him.

Recently, there has been an education boom in the city. More than 30 schools were opened last year. All people aged 6 to 30 can enter the school to study. The tuition fee is only 30 yuan a month. For many poor families, this is They are very willing to send their children to school.

Ran Zhi has just turned 19 and he also wants to go to school, but his wife disagrees because it is said that such schools have no graduation period.

These special schools run by the gods have been criticized by the upper-class people in the city, who believe that the gods are a waste of educational resources. Many teachers have responded to the calls of the gods and devoted themselves to these special schools.

The family's opposition became more and more intense, but subsided at the end of the year. Ran Zhi knew very well that this was because the food production this year was much higher than in previous years, so most of the family members After getting the sweetness, it naturally stopped. In addition, many families have obtained pharmaceutical rights and real estate development rights.

The gods have also opened up many technologies, and many families have obtained technical authorizations for corresponding parts. The most important of them are photoelectric coating technology, aerodynamic energy technology and bacterial power generation technology.

In just one year, many places with power shortages have been effectively improved, and many thermal power plants have begun to gradually close down.

At this time, when Ran Zhi had just sorted out the planting soil, Ye Chunwang came to him and took out a pamphlet from his pocket.

"These are some annotations and notes I took when I was learning Chinese characters. I give them to you."

Ran Zhi hurriedly took it and said thank you. Watching them leave, Ran Zhi felt a warmth in his heart.

Ran Zhi soon gave up the idea of ​​going to school. If he were younger, he might choose to go to school. Now he is married.

"That's not bad!"

Located on the flattened mountains in the middle of the west, the towering walls and the barbed wire fences stretched within 1 kilometer nearby have made many people living nearby feel strange. What exactly is in this seminary? Many people wonder. To find out.

There are various rumors, the most common of which is that this is not a school at all, but a research institute established by the gods, using the school as a cover, because it originally stood at the top of the middle level and connected to the upper level of the mountains, even if It's flattened, so you can't see the inside even from the upper level.

The most bizarre thing is that even if you stand at the top of the upper level and use observation equipment to look over, all you can see is the city wall. Some knowledgeable people have suggested that this is optical camouflage, so this God's Academy is even more mysterious.


The soil splashed, and King Xue lay on the ground. A sharp dagger was pressed against King Xue's neck. He raised his hands, and C, who was pressing on him, smiled sweetly.

"For the 100th time, you are really weak."

K and R, who were busy using machinery to process some materials, looked at C with shudder. She has become more and more powerful recently. In the past, the two of them might have been able to suppress her with their physical advantages, but now they are completely different. .

A huge seven-sided building with a huge area has begun to take shape, with a side length of nearly 100 meters. There is an independent courtyard in the middle, with glass walls as walls, with a total of 3 floors.

There are large classrooms on each side, with different equipment stacked inside. The classrooms are still being renovated, and the seven gods will come here every day to do some work.

There are a large number of training grounds and underground laboratories here, and what surprised the four people most was that the underground was covered with metal, like a huge round iron spoon, covering the entire academy.

"Can you get up? C!"

King Xue had a gentle smile on his face, and C gestured to the double-edged dagger in her hand. After getting off King Xue, she looked at King Xue with a sneer.

"It's really boring. When fighting with a guy like you, you always have a tentative mentality. I'm not a fool. If you are not willing to go all out, this kind of training is meaningless."

What puzzled the four people the most was the large metal square platform in the middle of the courtyard, which turned into a huge platform in the forward direction that was 10 meters long.

A helicopter slowly approached and soon hovered above the academy before slowly landing.

"Are you hungry? Four brats."

Lolita delivered the materials with a smile on her face and made breakfast for a few people. It was only around 8 o'clock in the morning, and the four of them hurried over to help.

Rose was in a classroom, pressing one hand against the metal wall inside. The wall was in a molten state like mud, but it did not slide down. Werther held up a long metal pipe. Rose adjusted it according to Werther's instructions. A small groove was made that was large enough to accommodate the metal pipe. After Werther put the metal pipe in, the wall flowed slowly and quickly returned to its original shape.

“I don’t know when it will be successfully developed.”

Werther muttered, and Rose sat on the ground, yawning.

"No, I want to take a nap. I haven't slept for several days. I have visited more than 30 schools and the current progress is pretty good."

In the classroom on the other side, Gene was installing pieces of translucent convex crystals on the small holes in the wall. Many small holes were neatly arranged around the classroom.

Deguna and Gu Yi were on the other side of the classroom. They were sitting in front of a computer and discussing some specific details. There was a chart on the computer screen. The top items of the chart were subjects 1 to 12, and the following items were It is the specific role of 12 departments.

It is noted after Section 1 that the City Management Section is responsible for reviewing the certificates of all industries in the city, including companies, enterprises and individuals.

"We need to continue to refine it and show the interlocking linkage mechanism of the 12 subjects."

Gu Yi said and Deguna nodded.

"The 9th Business Division feels that there will be some conflict with the functions of the 1st Division. It is a bit difficult to handle business activities. We cannot allow confusion among the various departments of the Business Division. We must have a complete plan. "

At this time, Li Chu, who was passing by the classroom door carrying some wood, laughed.

"Pricing power! Since Section 9 is responsible for reviewing economic activities, it should manage pricing power, as well as the business system, as well as the preliminary review of companies and individuals applying for commercial activities, isn't it ok? Companies and individuals that pass the preliminary review have to go through The certificates must be sent to Section 1, so that Section 1 can further review, improve the deficiencies of Section 9, and then dock with Section 6, Section 7, and Section 8 for records, data records, tax funds, and laws."

"That's right, keep talking."

Deguna said, and Li Chu scratched his head.

"I have to finish decorating the exterior walls this morning, otherwise it will look too monotonous. You can discuss it slowly."

Tang Rao walked up from the stairs leading to the underground between the two classrooms. She was wearing a sterilization suit. She took off her hood and shook her hair. She lit a cigarette and walked towards the door on the west side. .

"Witt, that mimetic object X is still a little unstable. If you have time, come down with me and get it together."

Witte, who was sitting on the long ladder with a carving tool, stopped. The top of the main door of the teaching building had very beautiful thorn patterns carved on the four corners, and the top was concave in a graceful arc from the edge to the inside. , eight pieces were divided. When the place is ready, Werther plans to paint on it.

Werther had already thought about the content of the painting and painted it directly using eight themes: starry sky, machinery, city, mountains and rivers, trees and flowers, insects, fish, birds and beasts, ocean and earth.

"I've got my hands full."

"I think you want to continue carving and painting. Really, I used to think you were studying design. I was really shocked."

Werther smiled.

"I've told you before that I actually want to be a painter or a musician."

Li Chu held up a finger and cut the wood into the required state, and then began to splice the wood on the glass wall. On the outer glass window, there were 24 letters starting from α, each one The surface of the letters will be marked to a certain extent with different colors and patterns.

These letters used in mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, astronomy and other subjects are courses that students must learn in the future. No matter how many years it takes, the selected students must compulsorily complete these complex and In a huge academic field, some students who are more proficient in a certain aspect will focus on developing in one aspect.

At this time, Locke and Noah also walked up from the basement. Locke looked dizzy, while Noah still held a display screen in his hand. He was still absorbing knowledge crazily and watching non-stop.

"I asked you, are you tired? These things are going to kill you."

Locke's mind was filled with symbols from mathematics, physics, and biology. He wanted to escape from here, but he couldn't climb the 10-meter-high wall. The inside of the wall was painted with unknown materials by the gods. The friction was very small. And the walls are incredibly strong.

"We are all out for dinner, teachers."

After a while, a group of people gathered around a large wooden long table that Li Chu had just made this morning. Lolita took out all the dishes from the incubator and placed them on the table. In addition to teaching every day, Lolita Besides, I just come to deliver materials and meals.

The only one who can cook here is Jean, but he has no time at all. He still needs to run around the city and deal with some things. The same goes for the other gods. They will come here to conduct academy training whenever they are free. put up.

After the school opens, it will adopt extremely strict closed teaching. All students who enter the school will not be able to leave in a short period of time.

"I feel like I will die from overwork in the future."

Locke muttered and Lolita laughed.

"Little Fatty, you are strong. It's okay. Just grit your teeth and get over it."

At this time, Jean looked at the classification of the administrative levels on a panel. There were 6 levels in total. This was the conclusion reached by the seven people after countless discussions.

General section members, squad leaders, section officers, directors, secretaries and section chiefs.

"We have enough time to make this happen."

As Deguna said, Tang Rao asked.

"How many families in the family already owe contracts?"

"About 103."

Guyi replied.

King Xue listened quietly to the conversation of the gods. Although there were many things that he had no idea what they were, he could draw a conclusion from the few words of the gods in the past year. The gods had given the family some benefits, and some of the people under the family Some weapons produced in industrial plants are directly supplied to the army currently being cultivated by the gods.

Although they couldn't go out, King Xue and the others could browse some news in the city. Naturally, they knew the reason. There were more than 30 schools with more than 40,000 students.

The teaching methods of these schools and the strict three levels correspond to the levels of the acting department, ordinary students, group leaders, and squad leaders. Now, half of the courses in the schools are combat tactics courses.

This is entirely to complete the docking of the management system, and it is carried out quietly. Many families in the city will basically not notice it. It is necessary for a city to need an army, and they have no ability to refute this.

"Any political system cannot work without checks and balances. It is necessary to construct another political system. After the executive branch comes to power, this political system must also start to come to power."

Gene said and Lolita laughed.

"Teacher Jean, you should have thought of a solution, right?"

Gene nodded.

"The executive branch manages the entire city, and there must be representatives in the local area to speak out on behalf of the local area, fight for rights, seek benefits for local people, etc., so I think the councilor system is good."

"Congressman, hey, those guys really scared me two centuries ago."

Li Chu muttered something, and everyone laughed.

"The key point is the 2nd subject, the Urban Crisis Prevention and Countermeasures Section. To be honest, this kind of subject feels a bit too flowery."

As Li Chu said, Deguna immediately pointed her chopsticks at C, R and K sitting next to King Xue.

"The three of them will establish the 2 subjects. You, Gu Yi, will be responsible for teaching them directly. After all, you were from the Delta before, and Li Chu, you are responsible for training the personnel of the 3 subjects. You were not in the military academy before. How many years have passed?"

Li Chu sighed helplessly.

"As for Jean, you need someone who can completely improve the city's security to train people in the 5th subject. Is there anyone who can do it?"

Gene smiled and shook his head.

"We can decide after a few years. There's no rush."

At this time King Xue stood up.

"Teachers, what can I do?"

"It will depend on your personal abilities after the classes start, but I think it would be good for someone like you to be a doctor."

Tang Rao said, and King Xue smiled helplessly.

"You guys put away the dishes and continue working."

At this time, following Deguna's order, everyone stood up and started heading towards the teaching building, Lolita followed with a smile.

"Work hard. You guys might become managers of this city in the future."

Locke laughed happily and looked at the sky with longing.

"I advise you not to have too great fantasies, Fatty. Being a manager is a very nerve-wracking job. As long as I can continue to learn some knowledge, I can become a scientific researcher in the future."

Noah said, Locke held out his belly.

"Hey, I'm the biggest here. You should all be my subordinates from now on. After all, the gods have said that you must obey your superiors' orders absolutely. Now I order you to put away the dishes. I'm going to take a nap and then fix it. For a tired brain.”

"Does that mean that no matter what problems we make in the future, you can tolerate us and even help us take the blame?"

C asked with a smile, Locke blinked.

"Whenever the day comes, I will protect you at most and I won't take the blame."

King Xue laughed.

"Those who stand at the top must have the consciousness to take the blame, Mr. Locke."

Locke started running with brisk steps and snorted coldly.

"The most I can do is help the gods take care of the school. Once these students graduate, I will go back and open a meat restaurant. It will be good to eat and drink for the rest of my life."

Looking at Locke Jiahui walking away, the five people started to pack up. At this time, King Xue smiled and looked at the four children who were about the same age as him.

“I think subject 1 is very suitable for me.”

Noah laughed.

"I have to deal with documents all day long, and there is a mountain of work. I think the 6th subject is the most relaxing."

King Xue smiled and shook his head.

"What do you think would happen if all the subjects in subject 1 were elites?"

R opened his eyes.

"It will be very tiring for you in the future."

"We are all mutually supportive, as is usually the case for those who swim against the current. It's just that we need to get rid of that Lord Luo."

For a moment, several other people laughed.

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