Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1488 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 5 (Part 1)

January 1, 2189


On a morning that had just rained, before the sun's rays warmed up, a toddler girl fell into a puddle.


The baby girl started crying, and the servants gathered around her.

"Don't help her."

Violet shouted sharply, and the housekeeper smiled helplessly.

"Alpha, you have to get up and come to mommy."

Violet squatted on the ground, stretched out her hands, and let her daughter cry on the lawn, still smiling. She had made up her mind that she must be stricter with this child, at least stricter than when she was a child.

Over the past year, watching her daughter grow up day by day, Violet has been learning how to be a mother, and she can finally start to mix in some Angus family things, although only a little bit, But it was all fought for by her husband Avanuo.

The daughter's crying continued, and the housekeeper also advised Violet to pick up the young lady from the puddle, but Violet insisted on letting Alpha get up on his own.

At this time, in the living room of the mansion, Gene quietly looked at a project price list in Avano's hand. The Angus couple in the distance were still arranging the details of tonight's family banquet on their mobile phones. The couple Looks very happy.

"Mr. Jean, can't you?"

Gene nodded and quickly pointed out that several of the project prices could easily be manipulated by the people below.

A huge drawing is spread on the table, with the urban traffic route map that Avano has drawn over the past year. After being revised by Witte, this drawing has been officially sent to the major families.

Part of the money is paid by the Angus family, while the other part is deducted from local taxes within the area where the highway is located. Some roads require tolls, and the highway has been fully handed over to the Angus family for construction. Several other major By the time the family wanted to intervene, it was already too late.

It is not allowed to build new houses within the scope of highway planning, but there is a problem now. Once the construction price list is finalized, there are too many projects in it that will be tampered with. With just a little tampering, many people will You can make a lot of money from this road construction.

"It's actually good to let the people below make a little profit, Sir Jean, so that they can work faster."

Avano doesn't agree with his father's statement. If some part of the project money is pocketed, the quality of this part of the project will inevitably decline. It is obvious that the short-term benefits of the relationship between parents have not been considered in the long term.

After the Angus family meeting tonight, the construction of the highway surrounding the city will begin. There will be 16 horizontal and vertical highways running straight through the city, which can transport a large amount of materials to every corner of the city in a short time. .

"Let's go out for a walk, Mr. Jean."

Avano said and walked out of the mansion with Gene and walked towards a large private plantation in the distance, where his wife and daughter were.

As soon as they passed by, the two heard the cry of the baby girl. Avano smiled and shook his head. Gene walked over slowly and stood in front of the baby girl who was still crying on the ground. At this time, the baby girl smiled. He stood up, turned over, and grabbed Gene's trouser legs with his fleshy little hands.

"This kid seems to like your Mr. Jean."

Violet came over and held her abdomen. It seemed that she had been squatting for too long, and the wound was a little painful. When Alpha was born, she and her daughter almost died. Fortunately, Dr. Kuhl and his family took care of them for several months. They didn't leave until they were completely recovered.

Gene stretched out his hands and hugged Alpha. Alpha, who still had tears on his face, laughed.

"What a cute little princess!"

Gene said with a smile, and the couple leaned over.

"Mr. Jean, when will your school open?"

Gene shook his head helplessly.

"We are not too sure. The detailed curriculum and school construction will still take some time. There are too many problems to deal with in the city now. Avano, think about it carefully and try to reduce the corruption in the project as much as possible. Space, so at least we can lose less."

At this time, Charles, the son of the Abron family who was diagonally opposite the manor, and Freya, who would marry Charles when the time came, walked in with some gifts.

After a while, the young couple came over. Freya stared at Jean holding the baby girl and swallowed. She wanted to speak several times, but every time she saw this incredible god, she always said I feel a little worried. He is the person standing at the top of the city.

"It's true, Sir Jean, any girl will be fascinated by you, and so will the little princess of the Angus family."

Charles smiled and said that the Abron family was lucky enough to participate in the large-scale construction plan of the Angus family, and the two families had become very close recently.

"Is there anything you want to ask, little girl?"

Jean looked at Freya, she nodded, and then drove slowly away with Alpha, who was still laughing.

"Lord Jean, I want to enter the city's management."

As soon as Freya spoke, Jean laughed.

"What do you want to do when you get in?"

“Cities flaunt the same existence.”

Gene nodded slightly.

"It's a pity, little girl. The city's management currently doesn't need anyone for the time being."

Freya's eyes were a little dim, and she followed Jean.

"But I can tell you something. We will gradually implement two completely different political systems. One side will be managed with the city as the theme, and the other will be managed with the region as the main body. How old are you this year?"

"Just 15 years old."

Gene stopped and squatted on the ground, the Alpha around his neck holding Gene's hands while riding.

"Too young. Another regional-based management needs to be a solid and powerful backing for the businessmen. Follow Charles to banquets when you have time. You can hear and see a lot of things, Freya."

Freya nodded slightly, but she was still unwilling to give in. Jean put his hand on her head.

"I think that young man is actually quite nice. Get along well with him. He is slightly different from many heirs of the family."

Freya knew that Jean was referring to her husband, Charles, and she shook her head.

"I don't like him very much, Lord Jean, do you want to teach this child?"

Gene swayed, and the alpha in his neck laughed even louder.

"If this child is smart, I will teach her well. Try holding this child, Freya."

As soon as Freya stretched out her hands, she realized that the child hated her and started to cry, but Jean still handed Alpha to Freya.

"I will come to your house when I have time. If there is anything I don't understand, I will try my best to answer it for you."

Freya bowed.

"Thank you, Lord Jean, I hope you can teach me everything."

"Live as easy as possible. It might be better for you. I still have something to do, so I'll ask you to take this child with you."

As Jean spoke, he left quickly. Freya looked at the baby girl in her arms, and her eyes really hated her.

No one in the city is talking about the Academy of God anymore. Most people think that place is the secret research institute of the gods.

As soon as there was a touch of warmth in the air, Locke stood at a pool beside a training ground and vomited.

"You want our lives, Sister Tang Rao."

Only Locke was still standing, R, C, K, Noah and King Xue were lying aside, unable to even take a step.

Tang Rao stood aside, and the blond boy Gil laughed loudly. Tang Rao slapped him on the forehead.

"In a few years, you will also start formal training. I will be stricter with them and you."

Gil immediately stopped smiling.

"Little Fatty, if you still have the energy, run one more lap."

Locke looked at Tang Rao with a solemn expression. He did still have physical strength, but he felt like he would die if he ran again.

"Hurry up, little fat guy, and start running."

Locke rinsed his cheeks with cold water. He couldn't stand it anymore. Tang Rao jumped behind Locke in an instant and kicked Locke so hard that he rolled directly onto the track. Locke could only grit his teeth and get up and start jogging.

"You must push your physical limits to the limit so that the alienated genes that exist in your genes can complete their awakening."

After a year of construction in the college, most of the main classrooms have been completed. Now we are starting to take care of some underground research rooms, and the student dormitories are also beginning to be built. They are all independent dormitories with kitchens and bathrooms. In the future, Students need to cook their own meals every day.

Didi didi

Locke was finally relieved. The body data reactor installed on his body had alarmed, indicating that if he continued to exercise, he would have physical problems.

"It's really useless, Xiao Xue, you've fallen behind. Among the six students in the school now, your grades are at the bottom."

King Xue grinned, found his glasses from the mud next to him, put them on and got up little by little.

"Listen up, having a strong body is a strong guarantee for you to carry out high-intensity work in the future, and it is also your capital to lead others. Having rich knowledge and strong strength are two things you must do. Otherwise, you will not be able to stand on others."

"What about the third point!"

Locke Jiahui, who walked back slowly, asked, and Tang Rao said with a smile.

"To manage cities and deal with urban problems, if knowledge cannot be solved, use power; if power cannot be solved, use the knowledge in the brain."

At this time, Tang Rao's phone rang, and she complained after picking it up.

"I know, I'll be there later."

At this time, Witte was in the playground of a school in the east. Standing in front of him were more than 2,000 students over the age of 20 who had merged from other schools. They were all students who had entered the school for two years and completed various trainings. There were 100 students. There are 5 teams in one class, 1 squad leader and 5 team leaders, a total of 20 classes, all standing in a row.

"From today on, in addition to studying, you also need to obey our orders and perform some tasks around the city. Today your task is to manage the prisoners who work in the fields. Listen carefully. If the prisoners dare to resist, use Use force to subdue them directly, and if danger arises, shoot them directly! Let’s go.”

After turning around one by one, the classes began to collect weapons and equipment in sequence at the weapons depot on the side of the school entrance. They were all in black uniforms. There was a military word on the right arm of the uniform, and on the left chest there were the names of the class team and the team they belonged to. Personal number.

Many students are quite satisfied. Although they have paid tuition in the past two years, they get a salary of 20 yuan a day while performing tasks. If they perform tasks all the time for a month, they get a salary of 600 yuan. This is a salary for many people. It's unimaginable, because this salary already exceeds the salary of the town administrators, who only have 500 yuan.

Grain costs an average of RMB 1.5 to RMB 2 per kilogram, and many people's basic salary is only RMB 200.

Witte looked at the troops that were marching out. In the past two years, more than 30 schools have adopted extremely strict management and teaching, and batches of troops that can quickly perform tasks in the city are being cultivated.

Although many people in the family have fully expected that the gods want to establish their own private management system to replace the existing government system, the families that have obtained most of the resources in the city no longer care about the management officials, and even some Many families don't want to let their people go around living. Although the income of management officers is considerable, it is far less important than their own business.

Located in the central bank on the upper floor, in the magnificent hall, Li Chu led 200 students. They were selected from more than 30 schools. They are the best students in the economics department. What they need to do today is to review various places in the city. taxes, accounts, etc.

"Please follow everything taught in the school. No mistakes are allowed. Work in pairs and there must be no oversights."

As Li Chu said, a row of bank employees and major presidents behind him felt a little uncomfortable at this time. The corruption in the financial system over the years has been obvious to all. Taxation has not been effectively increased in recent years, and now banks You need to be connected to the congressional network and obey the management of the Congress.

Looking at these young faces, many bank employees started mocking them as soon as they started talking to each other. After all, today was supposed to be a holiday.

But soon these employees who had worked in the bank for many years discovered that these young people who came to review were not rookies, but knew the financial system well.

Li Chu smiled coldly. In addition to 6 hours of sleep every day, these students studied in a strict school system. From mastering basic knowledge to practical training, in two years, a group of people had been produced.

Talents in other areas are still being cultivated. Students who are not smart enough will be directly assigned to the army. Most of the people who enter the school are children from ordinary citizens in the city, including many children from poor people.

Many students are very willing to learn something because the overall atmosphere has been established. If they don't want to learn, they will be kicked out of the school. Every month, teachers will customize the exam content for each student group, including the knowledge part and The physical fitness test must be passed. Those who fail three consecutive times will be expelled from school.

Now the students' enthusiasm for learning is even higher, because many students know that after graduation, they will be assigned to various corners of the city and become people who manage the city.

Teachers are also beginning to become more and more abundant. Many people who are willing to enter schools to teach some courses, as long as they can really teach students, can unconditionally obtain a teacher qualification certificate and enter the corresponding school to teach courses.

8:30 in the morning

Jean led a group of inspectors into the management office of a relatively large town. The local management officer and administrators stood aside with solemn expressions, watching Jean review some information.

"Take out all your documents first."

Gene raised his hands, and the management officer hurriedly began to say good things, but Gene still took away their IDs. Then Gene looked at the students from some schools at the door, more than 10 of them.

"From today on, you are the administrators here. The previous administrators and administrators will spend a long vacation in the prison starting tomorrow. This may also be your future."

A bunch of people were handcuffed and escorted directly to trucks outside, where they would be transported directly to the prison.

At this time, on the eastern farm, nearly 500 school students were receiving blue work uniforms.

"From today on, you will work on the farm, learn all kinds of agricultural-related knowledge, and stay in the east indefinitely."

Ye Chunwang said, and many people laughed and nodded, because for many people, although they have to work on the farm, they have a salary of more than 500 yuan a month, and most of them are monitoring prisoners. , or perform crop measurement and management work.

Ran Zhi, who was working in a nearby greenhouse, felt a little regretful. If he had made the decision to enter school a year ago, although he was still studying now, he would have been like them when he came out.

However, now more than 30 schools have stopped enrolling students, and the number of students has reached nearly 50,000. It is not known when the next enrollment will be.

"Don't think about it, we are all in our 20s, look at these people, they are only in their teens, hey!"

A co-worker advised, and at this time Ran Zhi wanted to go to the south. After two years in the grain base, he knew the prices of all grains and wanted to be a small grain wholesaler, which would be more profitable. He also worked with Ye Chunwang mentioned that Ye Chunwang also visited him in the lobby. After today's banquet, he can go through some resignation procedures and obtain a grain wholesale license.

There are many people who have been working in agricultural bases for several years and finally become grain wholesalers. Many of them have made money, and Ye Chunwang always issues wholesale licenses to them.

At this time, not far away, a Changxing luxury car stopped, and a man wearing sunglasses walked over carrying two boxes of money.

"Manager Ye, this is the money our company will spend on food wholesale this year. You should collect it first."

Ran Zhi knew that the man in front of him was called Chen Qiao, the young master of the Chen family and the successor of the Chen family, one of the eight major families.

Ye Chunwang asked people to start counting the banknotes, and then took out a panel and began to calculate the amount of food given to the Chen family this year.

Chen Qiao didn't bother to look at this, and started walking around swaggeringly, looking very proud. After a while, some women who were responsible for some light manual labor on the farm gathered together and looked over.

Everyone's eyes were full of envy. Ran Zhi was doing the work in his hands, but he was thinking about another thing.

Suddenly Ran Zhi seized the opportunity and leaned forward.

"What do you want to do, boy?"

Several bodyguards immediately came over, and Ran Zhisai gave Chen Qiao a phone number.

"Master Chen, I want to talk to you about food when I have time."

Looking at the smiling man in front of him, Chen Qiao put it away because he was in a good mood today.

"I have nothing to do for you poor fellows. Go away and go away."

Looking at the people gathered around, Chen Qiao said with a sneer.

Ran Zhi watched Chen Qiao leave. He had already made a plan in his mind. He knew many merchants who wholesaled food, but their food prices were relatively low. Strictly speaking, secondary wholesale food was not allowed, but Ran Zhi Zhi knew very well that as long as the secondary wholesale was carried out secretly, Chen Qiao and his family could accept the higher price.

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