Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1606 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 44 (medium)

November 3, 2215

"Thank you for your hard work. I hope you can follow these instructions when you return."

Suddenly, Freya felt dizzy, and her body swayed, but she still stood still. She shook her head, and many people who came here today looked at Freya.

"Ms. Freya, are you sick? You don't look well."

Freya pursed her lips and smiled, and began to explain some things. The meeting was over. This was a temporary office built on the right side of the Ablon family's residence. People from the city and medical related people would come over for meetings after a while. , ranging from ordinary people to bosses of some companies.

Freya is currently the president of the medical association and has completely taken over the work of the entire medical system.

In the office, Charles opened a corner of the curtain. His recent relationship with his wife had almost reached freezing point, or if it was freezing point before, it is now below freezing point.

In January this year, Freya's mother passed away, and that day Charles picked up a coin that might be for decoration and threw it away.

Freya was in a bad mood that day, but when she came back, she asked about the coin, and Charles bluntly said that he had thrown it away. Just because of a coin, the two finally had a big fight for the first time that day.

This was the first time the two had a big fight. Charles later asked someone to make a lot of metal coins for Freya, hoping to gain her forgiveness, but Freya still refused to talk to him.

In desperation, Charles had no choice but to have people dive into the water to look for it. The lake was relatively large. It was almost impossible to find a coin that had sunk to the bottom of the lake and rolled to nowhere. In the end, three coins were found. It's been more than a month and still hasn't been found.

Finally two months ago, Freya was finally willing to talk to Charles. She said that if she couldn't find him, forget about it. It was because she was too self-motivated.

Charles also said that he thought it was something dropped by a guest when he came, and since it was of little value, he threw it away. The relationship between the two eased that day.

However, a few days ago, because the genetic material matching between the two failed again, Charles was a little angry. He thought it was caused by Freya's long-term work, and asked her to put down all work, but Freya obviously couldn't put down what she was doing. of work.

Looking at the people leaving his home, Charles was a little angry. He didn't understand what Freya was doing with ordinary people who had no status, status, rights or money. Moreover, as the president of the medical association, she refused to use her time and time again. Now he has the power to help the family seek benefits.

This is what Charles is most angry about. The Abron family lost the opportunity to participate in the giant underground construction because Charles is very careful in doing things. According to the analysis of the company's risk analysis team, this extremely risky project may be due to Some problems dragged the Abron family into the abyss, so Charles gave up. What he didn't expect was that the Hillman family would be involved. Charles regretted not talking to the Angus couple earlier.

Seeing Freya finally walking in, Charles turned around angrily and went downstairs. In the living room on the first floor, Freya pressed her head with one hand. She felt a little chilly, nauseated, and felt like vomiting. She thought maybe She was too tired. Seeing that Freya was not feeling well, several servants prepared hot water and hot towels for her.

"Freya, can you take some rest?"

Charles asked as soon as he got up, waved his hand, the servants left, Freya shook her head.

"Now is the critical period, I must"

"Then when can you have a baby?"

Charles asked angrily, and Freya's originally relaxed expression turned serious in an instant.

"Just let nature take its course."

Charles sat on the sofa opposite in annoyance.

"What you're doing is irresponsible Freya, do you remember the agreement we signed before?"

Charles' tone became a little serious, and Freya leaned on the sofa.

"Can you please stop talking about these issues? Charles, I feel a little uncomfortable now."

"The reason why you feel uncomfortable is not because you do these meaningless things every day. What good does doing these things do to you?"

Freya looked at her husband blankly.

"You won't understand."

"Yes, I don't understand, I don't want to understand, and I don't even bother to understand you."

Freya stood up, her expression slightly angry.

"If you are really dissatisfied, we can sign a divorce agreement. I won't ask for anything from your Eberon family."

For a moment, Charles became furious, stood up, and pointed at Freya with an angry face.

"Don't threaten me with divorce."

Freya softened her expression and turned around to go upstairs. Charles blocked the entrance of the corridor and pressed Freya's arms with his hands.

"Where are you going?"


Charles became a little angry, and for a moment he couldn't control his emotions and pushed Freya.

"Speak clearly, Freya, look at what you are now? Look at what people in the family circle say about you and me. You are just an extremely selfish woman who ignores the family for her own affairs. You "

Charles felt something strange. Freya pressed her forehead with one hand and fell to one side. Charles hurriedly supported his wife.

"Doctor! Doctor, come to the doctor quickly."

At around 2 o'clock in the afternoon, a medical vehicle drove into Ai Bolun's house, and soon three doctors came up with medical equipment.

Freya was lying on the bed quietly without having a fever. Charles sat aside apologetically.

"Feel sorry."

"I'm sorry Charles, I may indeed be a little selfish in your eyes, and ignore my family for everything, but to be honest, for so many years, I didn't know what a family really was. Maybe our marriage was wrong from the beginning. , I never thought about getting anything from this, let’s get a divorce!”

Freya raised her head and finally said it out. She had realized something. What Wu Qun had said to her on the opening day of the School of Gods in the past had been constantly emerging recently.

Wu Qun said that he hoped that Freya could get divorced, find her own happiness, and find a man who could truly warm her heart. She had a bet with Wu Qun that day, but in the end she won.

Charles' whole body was cold. He didn't know what to say. Sorry might not be able to solve any problem. Everything now is terrible for them. They just want to maintain the reputation of the Eberron family and the balance between the two families. They must be husband and wife, but all this is now pale and feeble, filled with emptiness, only helplessness and unventable depression.

At this time, three doctors came upstairs. Charles stood aside first and watched the doctors placing some medical equipment next to Freya. A female doctor began to ask about Freya's symptoms.

"Mrs. Eberon, please have a good rest. It has been two months and the fetal heart rate is a little low. Please provide oxygen from time to time. Otherwise, symptoms of hypoxia will appear. The condition of the fetus is quite normal. , please do a monthly pregnancy test."

Freya's eyes widened, and she slowly pressed her hand on her abdomen. She swallowed. Next to her, Charles' eyes widened, and his original serious expression instantly turned to joy. He immediately turned around and walked out, calling. Two butlers.

"Madam is pregnant. Arrange for the best maternity caregivers in the city to come over immediately. I ask them to come over immediately."

Freya's expression softened a little, and the female doctor in front of her turned up the light and shadow screen, and began to pass a detailed list of matters that need to be paid attention to during pregnancy to Freya, and began to talk to her about various things.

After a while, the doctors all left. Charles sent the doctors away and walked to his wife's bedside with a happy face. The housekeeper closed the door.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

Charles put his hand on Freya's belly. Freya hummed and raised her head. She didn't know what the birth of this child would mean and what changes it would bring to her life, but for the time being, she Dispelled the idea of ​​divorce.

"Maybe it's not bad!"

"By the way, is it a boy or a girl!"

Charles asked, Freya frowned for a moment, and she shook her head.

"I didn't let the doctor examine me."

Charles looked a little disappointed.

"It's better to go check it out. After all, you can prepare in advance."

"Now that light and shadow technology is so advanced, there is no need to prepare in advance, and I don't want to check whether the fetus is male or female. Whether it is a boy or a girl, you will naturally know it when it is born."

Charles wanted to say something more, but held back. He knew he couldn't say anything at this time. He knew his wife's temper, and according to the content of the contract he signed with Freya, whether it was a boy or a girl, Freya is responsible for education, and no one else in the family is allowed to interfere.

"Then you can decide the child's name first, just..."

"I've already thought about it."

Freya said, Charles felt a little uncomfortable and could only hum.

"The boy's name is Michelle, and the girl's name is Michelle!"

Charles became a little confused.

"A boy's name symbolizes freedom and tireless adventure, while a girl's name symbolizes a god-like person!"

Charles nodded and stopped asking. At this time, he could only follow his wife's wishes.

It's just that Charles feels a little regretful. He should have just asked the doctor to check him directly. Now that Freya said that he doesn't want to identify the gender of men and women, there is no way to check her in this area.

Today's examinations are not like those in the past, which required taking pictures to check the condition of the fetus. All the conditions of the fetus can be checked through light and shadow medical machines, but if you want to check whether it is a boy or a girl, you can only take pictures.

"Please don't go against my wishes Charles."

Charles hummed, but still took out his phone and planned to invite some friends to hold a grand banquet tonight. He started to notify everyone on the phone.

"One more thing, please remember Charles, this child cannot be used as a tool for marriage within the family. I will never allow this. No matter who it is, no one can go against this child's independent wishes."

Charles was a little stunned. Holding the phone, he finally nodded. Many families similar in size to the Ablon family had already proposed marriage. Originally, Charles planned to call people from these families over tonight. He wanted to talk about this issue practically, but Freya had already made it clear in advance. He knew that if Freya went against her wishes, she would really leave with the child.


Niya stood quietly at the school gate, holding her hands and carrying her schoolbag, looking at the row of boys with some annoyance.

"Do you have any brains? When I told you to go to the bathroom, I secretly wrote the answer on the wall of the bathroom with a pen, but you turned a deaf ear to what I said?"

"You can't blame our Niya. It's not because you can't remember it. It's up to me."

A boy wearing glasses was about to speak, but Niya yelled at him, and he immediately shut up. Many people passing by quickened their pace, because now Niya looked like an angry lioness, who was It would be bad luck if she grabbed it.

"Tell me! What will I do if I go back now?"

Niya looked at a row of boys and was still asking them about their methods. The grade test had just ended today, and then there would be a vacation of more than two months. Niya knew very well that if Violet received her transcript tomorrow, , I will definitely get beaten.

Sterling was talking to some students who were leaving school about the precautions for returning. At this time, he saw the situation at the school gate and sighed helplessly. Niya was torturing those boys again. In this school, many The teacher was deeply disgusted by Niya's behavior, but she dared not speak out and could only swallow her anger. She was the most troublesome person in the school, and even Sterling himself was pranked by Niya countless times.

"Niya, my mother is here to pick me up!"

A chubby boy was about to leave when Niya grabbed his schoolbag.

"Don't think about running away. Meet at my house at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. If any of you dare to be late, don't blame me. I'm rude."

The fat boy blinked in horror, then nodded and kicked him in the butt. As if he had been liberated, he quickly rushed towards his mother who drove to pick him up.

There are still more than a dozen boys looking at the street from time to time. Li Ang is fine. He is a boarding student, but Li Xin has something to do today and wants him to stay one night first and pick him up early tomorrow morning.

"Hurry up and find a solution for me!"

Niya said, her hands already clenched into fists, and her outstretched left foot was tapping the ground from time to time.

"Niya, it's already this point."

"Shut up old man!"

Nia stared directly at Sterling. Sterling sighed and could only watch from the sidelines. Although he hated Nia's behavior deeply, having her in the whole school kept it from being lifeless and made it more joyful. , in many schools where the upper class pays attention to etiquette, it actually seems very dull, but with Niya taking the lead in playing, the students have become much more lively.

Sterling did not dislike Nia's straightforward character, but he could only shake his head at everything she did, because this little girl was too shameless.

"You guys, listen up. I will notify everyone to come to my house tomorrow. If anyone dares to be late, I will definitely beat him up."

Li Ang turned around and was about to leave, but Niya suddenly rushed over and grabbed him by the collar.

"What are you doing? Now that's it, I'm going back to the dormitory to play games."

"Follow me to my house."

Li Ang let out a surprised sound.

"Don't you have no one to pick you up today?"

"I want you to take care of it!"

Many boys snickered and dispersed carrying their schoolbags.

"are you going?"

"No, I want to"

Before Li Ang finished speaking, he was dragged directly by Niya. He was not as strong as Niya, so he could only be dragged by Niya and stuffed into the Angus family's pick-up convoy, which had been waiting for a long time. in the car.

"Second Miss, school bag."

Niya glanced at the newly appointed bodyguard captain and handed her schoolbag to the bodyguard angrily.

"Listen carefully, if anyone dares to tell my parents when they go back."

"Did you hear clearly what the second lady said?"

The bodyguard captain immediately turned around and shouted, and all the bodyguards heard the answer clearly.

"I'm so angry, really."

"It's not because you have a problem in your head and can't remember the answer."

Li Ang leaned on the comfortable sofa in the car and joked with the light and shadow phone. Niya's elbow had been turned directly.

"What are you doing so hard! Do you want to kill me?"

Li Ang pressed his aching ribs, the car started, and Niya lay beside the window.

"Why have I never met your parents?"

Li Ang looked a little nervous, but said quickly.

"They were far away from our school, so I asked my brother Li Xin to pick me up."

Niya glanced suspiciously.


"Is it still cooked?"

Niya smiled and walked next to Li Ang.

"Take me to your house sometime to play."

Li Ang looked hasty and shook his head.

"Our house is on the middle floor, a shabby place with nothing interesting to do."

"I wanna go."

Li Ang knew Niya's temper and said casually.

"Let's talk about it later when we have time."

The two soon started playing a fighting game in the car.

"You're so good!"

Li Ang was a little angry, but Niya was very good at playing games. Her ten fingers were very flexible and she was very good at operating the characters. So far, no boy could beat Niya in this popular battle game.

"I think it's better for you to restrain yourself."

As Li Ang said, Niya was unhappy.

"Why should you restrain yourself? I was born like this."

Li Ang quickly dodged away, and Niya grabbed him with a smile.

"I heard that your family makes wine. Can you sneak some for me to try?"

Nia said, licking her lips.

"Idiot, we are still children, how can we drink it, and I have secretly tasted it before. The taste is really terrible. I don't know how adults can like that stuff."

The car quickly drove onto the First Avenue. At this time, Niya suddenly shouted to stop. Li Ang also noticed that Chen Jie was sitting on the bench alone. Niya got out of the car with a smile, and Li Ang grabbed her. he.

"I know, he's in a bad mood right now."

Behind Chen Jie is the Chen family's manor house. Several bodyguards are guarding Chen Jie behind the manor fence.

"Coward! What's wrong?"

Chen Jie wiped away his tears and shook his head.

"Why are you crying? No wonder everyone calls you a coward!"

"Will you die if you stop saying a few words? Niya."

As Li Ang said, Chen Jie couldn't stop his tears from falling for a while, and Niya clenched her fists.

"Tell me, whoever bullied you, I will help you stand up!"

Chen Jie kept shaking his head. At this time, Chen Qiao walked out of the Chen family's mansion with an annoyed look on his face.

"It's okay, it's okay, Xiaojie, it's okay, the matter has been taken care of. Oh, why don't you go to your classmate's house to play first."

Chen Qiao said with a smile and asked a few bodyguards to follow Chen Jie there and send Chen Jie back later.

After a while, the car slowly drove into the Angus family's mansion, and Nia led the two of them towards the small building where Alpha lived.

"Sister, I'm back."

Alpha was at home today. Niya went upstairs and opened Alpha's office. As soon as she entered, she saw that Erfa was on a video call with Latis, chatting about work.

"Hey, your little bully is back."

Alpha frowned slightly, turned around and pulled Nia over.

"You hurt Niya and cheated again."

Nia immediately blinked and shook her head.

"Sister, who did you listen to?"

Niya immediately thought that it was definitely the old principal, and she clenched her fists.

"Let's see how I deal with you when I get back."

Latis laughed on the screen.

"Children are so cute and so easy to deceive."

Nia's eyes widened, and Alpha held his chin with one hand and shook his head.

"Explain everything to me before mom knows!"

"Oh, sister, come down with me first and help that guy Chen Jie, please!"

Alpha ended the call with Latis, and after going downstairs, he saw Chen Jie still wiping tears in the living room, with Li Ang advising him.

"What's wrong, Xiaojie, if there's anything you want to say, tell me, sister."

"My dad, when I got home from school today, he was drunk and lost my schoolbag. Then my mom said a few words and then he beat my mom. He..."

Alpha was silent, his expression changed for a moment, and Niya walked over and patted Chen Jie on the back.

"Stop crying, sister, can you help me?"

Alpha raised his head, took out a cigarette, lit it and took a long puff.

"You guys play here for a while, I'll go over there!"

As Alpha quickly ran out of the house, Nia said with a smile.

"Don't worry, my sister can definitely help your mother out. She is very powerful. Dozens of S-class mutants are no match for her."

"Stop bragging, okay Niya."

Li Ang said, Niya shook her head.

"I secretly recorded the video of my sister training. Do you want to watch it?"

At this time, Chen Qiao was standing quietly on the lawn of the manor. He was smoking silently. He didn't know what to say. The doctor had already come. Wilsie was seriously injured today. Her eye was bleeding from her brother's blow. She might be injured in the future. Will affect vision.

Several brothers and sisters were scolding Chen Liang, but Chen Qiao knew very well that it would be useless no matter what he said. He would relapse after a while.

At this time, at the door of the family's mansion, Chen Qiao saw several bodyguards blocking a woman in uniform. Chen Qiao leaned over with some confusion.

"Miss Alpha, why are you here?"

Chen Qiao asked with a smile, and thought of something for a moment. Alpha was holding a cigarette in his mouth, wearing a uniform, and looked a little scary.

"I want to go see Wilsie! I heard she was injured."

Chen Qiao immediately said with a smile.

"It's just a small problem. She's asleep now. It's better to wait for another day. By the way, our Xiaojie is at your house. Please take care of him for one night. I will pick him up early tomorrow morning."

Alpha started walking directly. Several bodyguards tried to stop him, but they couldn't move and couldn't stop him at all. Chen Qiao hurriedly followed.

A few minutes later, Alpha came to Wilsey's bedroom and looked at Wilsey who was lying on the bed with her eyes covered and her cheeks bruised. She walked over and clenched her fists.

"Why did he hit you!"

Wilsey was a little shocked.

"Alfa, why are you here?"

But soon Wilsey shook her head.

"It's okay Alpha, I'm okay. Is Xiaojie at your house?"

At this time, accompanied by a roar, there was a sound of things breaking and curses coming from the next room.

Wilsie's face was a little bitter, and there was a lump in her throat.

"Fuck, this is my family problem, it's not your turn to say anything."

The smell of alcohol filled the air, and Chen Liang stood at the door, leaning against it.

"Wilsie, get out of here, you."

Chen Qiao's eyes widened. Alpha arrived in front of Chen Liang very quickly and hit Chen Liang's mouth directly with his fist.


With a loud noise, Chen Liangren had crashed through the wooden wall and became motionless.

Everyone was stunned. Seeing Alpha's sudden move, Chen Qiao immediately ran over and pulled up Chen Liang, whose left cheek was completely sunken and his chin was completely deformed.

"What are you doing standing still? Come here quickly."

Several doctors were also completely shocked, because no one saw how Alpha passed. It all happened so suddenly.

Everyone in the room panicked. The doctor bluntly said that Chen Liang needed emergency surgery, otherwise he might not be able to speak for the rest of his life.

Chen Qiao looked at several brothers and sisters who had already begun to accuse Alpha, and said that there was no need for you to be so harsh.

At this time, Wilsey in the room started to cry, and her tears flowed down, but mixed with the blood under the gauze, they flowed down. Chen Qiao sat quietly on the ground, looking at Alpha's fists still stained with crushed teeth. , peeling off a little bit.

"Feel sorry!"

Alpha said something, and she quietly turned around and walked to Wilsie's room and sat down, her fists still clenched. Chen Liang had been rushed to the hospital.

At this time, a lift quickly landed in the Chen family's manor, and Locke ran over quickly.

As soon as they arrived at the door, people from the Chen family gathered around, talking about Alpha's actions just now. Locke kept saying sorry to everyone, and outside the Chen family, Violet and Avano also rushed coming.

Locke quickly went upstairs and saw Alpha sitting on the chair by the window, with one foot raised, his head resting on his knees, his left hand clenched into a fist, his whole body was trembling, and he was still angry. She also tried Calm down the anger in your heart.

Locke leaned over.

"You idiot!"

While Locke was speaking, Alpha suddenly stood up and punched him unceremoniously.


Locke slid out of the room and broke through the door frame. His hands went numb and he lost consciousness. The orange scabs on his hands were completely shattered.

Alpha lowered his head and still clenched his fists, like an angry beast, and the two eyes revealed from Liu Hang were a bit scary.

Chen Qiao stared blankly at the scene in front of him. He didn't know what to say. His legs were already weak. Everyone around him was the same. For a moment, it seemed as if a knife blade had been wiped across his neck. This kind of shock A suffocating, deathly oppressive feeling.

Locke clenched his fists, walked over slowly, and hugged Alpha tenderly.

"Be patient, please Alpha, please be patient, it's okay, you can do it, you are not alone, we all work together, we will do it one day!"

Alpha hummed, and a tear fell from his eye. Locke put her head on his shoulder and quickly wiped away the tear.

At this time, in a high-rise building, Gene was holding the phone.

"Suspension! Starting today, Alpha Angus will be suspended indefinitely!"

After hanging up the phone, Gene smiled. He still didn't plan to go there because Alpha was no longer a child.

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