Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1607 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 44 (Part 2)

January 1, 2216

Just after 0 o'clock

The rain was pouring down, and many people were a little surprised. The rain that had not been seen for several months actually returned.

The city is still lively, with long queues forming in front of many shops in the streets and alleys. In a few days, the city's massive underground construction will begin, and uneasiness is always spreading in the city.

Because the supply of goods has been seriously insufficient, the supply of industrial products and building materials has reached a seriously unbalanced supply-demand ratio of more than 100 to 1. Most people have money in their hands and are much richer than in the past, but they do not buy Not getting what you want.

Service charges, a new charging item, have also begun to appear in various parts of the city, and Congress has not regulated it because it is inevitable.

At this time, many people looked to the west in unison. With a loud rumbling sound, the last scarlet in the western sky disappeared.

In the past, in the west, at night, there were countless red light spots flashing, arranged like red light strips from top to bottom. They were warning light spots around the huge sewage chimneys. As long as the red light spots flashed, it meant that the factory was in Operation, discharging waste pollutants.

Since November last year, the western factory has been completely shut down. It needs to cooperate with urban underground construction. A large number of chimney columns have been dismantled and dismantled. Now the last chimney has disappeared amid the layers of disintegrating materials.

Many people showed expressions of joy. In the past two months, many people have found that the pungent smell in the air has decreased because of the gradual shutdown of factories. Today, most businesses have been working hard for the past six months. Come to the biggest event.

The people who come to queue up to buy goods are all people who have paid the service fee. Some people even paid a service fee of 1,000 yuan to buy one thing, so they can buy the goods first.

Because some things are necessary for a family, especially those household appliances that maintain life, and cooking and preservation products are indispensable.

The only things that haven't fluctuated are food, the price is still very low, and medical things, these two items are relatively stable.

Many clothing stores have closed a month ago. Today, many industrial products stores will close directly after selling all their goods. In the next year, it will be difficult for most stores to stay open because factories are For large-scale rectification and construction, the western factory area needs to be upgraded and constructed, and construction can only start after the comprehensive rectification is completed.

Only a small number of small workshops are still operating. The only advantage of such workshops is that they are small in size, but the shipment volume is very low and the pollution is very small. Therefore, these small workshops are allowed to continue to produce some industrial or clothing products.

In an era of open and shared technology, anyone can make technological innovations or create newer technologies based on this technology.

At this time, a truck drove by slowly. Something fell off the truck. Many people looked over. The driver had stopped and started to move the goods that were thrown out due to the sharp turn. It was a large stack of blue worker overalls.

“It’s so infuriating, Congress has gone too far.”

A man who was queuing started to curse, and some people next to him also cursed. Nowadays, the largest sales volume in the city's clothing industry is workers' overalls, which are made from old clothes recycled from citizens in the past and made into high-density garments. Fiber clothing is the main commodity mass-produced by most small workshops today, as well as factories that were able to operate last year.

A set of high-hardness safety helmets, wear-resistant non-slip shoes, and work clothes cost more than 100 yuan. They are made from recycled mobile phones and clothes as raw materials. In the past, an old smartphone cost 100 yuan, and 1 kilogram of clothes cost 10 yuan. Congress They are recycled at extremely low prices. Now, after these things are broken down into raw materials, they are sold to manufacturers, and then flow to the market. After sales, taxes will be levied.

Many people now know what Congress did back then. Before, some people thought that Congress was wasting tax money by spending a lot of tax money to recycle these things. But now most people are scolding Congress for deceiving the people.

The first thing that bears the brunt is Locke's rhetoric in the past when he purchased these raw materials, because he said at that time that these materials were to be used to make new composite materials and would be directly invested in construction.

This is different from what Locke said at the beginning. If labor protection clothing is made of mimic material X, it will be too wasteful and the price will be higher. Nowadays, many small workshops use fibers from some crops as raw materials to make clothes. I thought You can make a fortune when a large number of clothing stores close down, but most citizens have become accustomed to light and shadow clothing, because light and shadow clothing are often replaced, and many brands will launch a new set of clothing every now and then for a little extra money. As long as the amount of past clothing mimics

In the past, clothes made of plant fibers or chemical fibers were no longer popular because they were not cheap and needed to be washed. This kind of old-era clothes is in a rather embarrassing period and is difficult to sell. When going out, even some people at the bottom are not willing to buy. Most people spend money to buy a set of thicker clothes and then buy some templates for light clothes.

"Good evening everyone. Due to the rain tonight, the temperature will drop to about minus 15 degrees from 3 to 5 in the morning. Please pay attention to keeping warm. Please do not stay on the streets after being drunk and do not sleep in the street. Outside, if you see someone drunk on the street, please contact the nearby administrator immediately."


In the middle of the electric pole on the street, a light and shadow screen will be generated in half an hour to play Locke's New Year safety tips from the past few years.

Many people on the street just took one look at him, some cursed him a few words, and some just walked by indifferently. No one wanted to hear this fat man chattering nonsense that was meaningless to many people.

"But Alpha is really miserable. He was suspended. It must be this fat man."

"Yes, yes, it's so annoying!"

"I say, this fat man should be kicked out of Congress. It would be great to let Alpha do it. I haven't heard from Alpha for a long time."

Several young girls dining together in a restaurant started chatting, and some men and women at nearby tables also started discussing.

The explosive news on November 3 last year caught many people off guard. Alpha did something unbelievable again. She rushed to the Chen family and beat up Chen Liang, the fifth son of the second generation of the Chen family. The entire jaw is shattered, and you will only be able to eat liquid food for many years to come. Then you will need long-term repair surgery, which will take at least five or six years to recover.

When the news first broke, the city was in an uproar. Alpha was directly suspended indefinitely by Congress, and Locke issued a written explanation.

For a while, many people were asking about the reason, and then everyone finally knew the reason. Because Chen Liang's wife, Wilsie, had been subjected to domestic violence by her husband for a long time, and she had a good relationship with Alpha. The Chen family did not hold Alpha accountable afterwards.

Afterwards, Alpha was required to work on a farm for half a year in accordance with the city's public security management law as punishment. Someone photographed her working in the fields. Many women in the city were aggrieved for Alpha, because the internal affairs of the Chen family were revealed one after another. The incident came out.

From the day they got married, Chen Liang engaged in all kinds of violence against Wilsey and maintained inappropriate relationships with a large number of women. He often brought different women home.

This huge scandal within the family has completely exploded. Many people are indignant at the family's practice of marrying for the benefit of the family. However, because the family has immunity, it is difficult for the law to interfere with family affairs.

After that, Locke stood up again and again. In the huge city-wide discussion about immunity, he made many excuses for the family, because before the city was established, the family was a large and small armed force in this land. , finally these armed forces united, stopped fighting, and quelled the wars in various places, and the city was able to be built.

All of this is what the six gods promised these families, big and small, who had worked hard for the city's establishment on the day the city was founded. It was already decided by the gods before the city's laws were established.

But what makes many people suspicious is that there seemed to be seven gods before, but the Congress gave a clear answer, there are only six gods, because the gods have never appeared in front of the public, but they are the supreme existence of the city. .

If we hadn't seen the opening up of each technology in Congress and the outstanding students trained by the gods, people would still have some doubts about whether gods really exist.

In the city, the orders of the gods are absolute and irreversible, but they will not interfere with most of the city's governance issues.


Alpha was snoring drunkenly, with a bottle of wine placed next to her. She was smiling, leaning on the table with her feet up, holding a deck of cards in her hand, with a smile in her eyes.

"President! Shijo!"

Clark smiled and spread out the cards in his hand, four kings and a ten. Alpha laughed and spread out the cards in his hand, four aces and a jack.

Alpha straightened up with a smile, took a sip of wine, and took away a stack of money on the table. Clark looked solemnly at the directors who were still chatting and laughing in the office of the agricultural section chief. He looked at Natasha who was watching a movie with several female council officers.

"Can you lend me some money?"

Clark said awkwardly, Natasha froze, and several female council officers laughed.

"Clark, I think you should stop playing with the president. After all, the president is much smarter than you."

For a moment, many people in the room laughed, and Alpha raised his hand.

"Would you like to play again? Just treat it as you owe me."

Clark was a little angry, and Natasha laughed.

"Stop playing if you don't have money, idiot."

Clark grinned slightly, then sighed.

"No more fun, but president, aren't you going back tonight? If you want to go back, there is a lift on the roof. You can just drive over."

Alpha shook his head.

"Why are you going back? I want to continue working and finish these few months quickly."

Many people in the room persuaded Alpha not to work so hard. She did the work of dozens of people every day and could apply for an exception to shorten the punishment time. However, Alpha bluntly said that he would not apply and would have to do it for half a year. Just fine.

"But you are really stupid, President. If I were you, I would definitely not be so impulsive. When that guy goes out one day, just give him a good beating. After all, that kind of guy is like that If many women maintain inappropriate relationships, they might get into trouble."

Natasha chuckled.

"What's the use of beating him like this?"

Alpha drank the last bit of wine in the bottle and yawned as he walked to the door.

"You guys take your time and play. I will go back to work in the fields at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. I will go to Latis first."

"I'll drive you to the president in a helicopter."

Clark said, Alpha waved her hand, lit a cigarette, twisted her body, the tight and slender muscles on the black vest undulated beautifully, and she picked up the coat.

"If you happen to run over there, you can sober up."

Just as Alpha was about to leave, Clark chased after him.

"I said no."

Noticing something strange in Clark's eyes, Alpha nodded.

After a while, the two sat on a lift, and Alpha exhaled a puff of smoke.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

"I want to discuss with you whether Natasha can be allowed to join your fifth department after the department is officially announced to the public?"

Alpha was a little surprised for a moment. The helicopter had slowly risen. Alpha asked with a smile.

"Did something go wrong between you and her?"

"The concepts are different. You also know, president, that it will be detrimental to the development of the 12th subject if this continues. And it is not just Natasha, but also some classmates. Now they are on Natasha's side. Since The teachers believed in my ability and asked me to become the section chief of Section 12, so I had to do something, and I also discussed it with several other section chiefs."

Alpha asked after thinking quietly for a while.

"Have you ever asked Natasha for her opinion?"

Clark shook his head.

"It's useless to ask, she won't agree. If it doesn't work, I can only go to Fat Brother and ask Natasha to go to the General Affairs Department."

Alpha sighed.

"What on earth is going on? Is it really impossible to talk about it at all?"

"This is a matter of stance and philosophy, President. I'll tell you in detail that Natasha and the others are not involved in the current increase in food production in the Agriculture Department because they don't agree with my approach."

Alpha became confused.

"Why haven't I heard you talk about this? Tell me, exactly."

"The matter has passed, President. For specific matters, you can go to Section 6 to read the documents after the Executive Section is established. It is not a big problem. I will talk to you about this matter first, President. I hope you will consider it. ."

Alpha laughed.

"You want me to help you convince Natasha. Really, you are still the same. Are you really at the point where you can't communicate?"

"Ah, there is no way to communicate anymore, so I hope that President, you can consider it."

Alpha nodded. Although she noticed something, she did not say anything. She had seen the reports of some resigned personnel reviewed by Keying before, and the students who had graduated from the school had become official staff members.

Alpha still remembers that one of the little girls named Olivia applied at this time. She resigned due to too much pressure at work. In addition to being a bit boring, the work in Section 12 was only more stressful during the harvest season, and at the bottom Section members don't have to deal with too many things, but most of the staff who resign are almost because of too much work pressure, and Clark also approved it.

Clark looked quietly at the dark place in front of him. A faint light could be seen very far away. It was more than 80 kilometers away from the location due east of the prison.

In fact, Clark really wants to tell Alpha that the next batch of genetic food with higher yield has been put on the daily schedule and is already planned to be distributed to heavy-duty criminals. This batch of genetic food may be more harmful to the human body than the previous batch. serious.

Natasha couldn't bear it anymore and completely broke with Clark. Some classmates from the past 12 subjects also sided with Natasha. Clark knew what the future was going to be like, and there must be an endless stream of people. Only with a sufficient food supply can the whole city continue to move forward.

Nowadays, it is true that food production has increased, but the population has also begun to grow continuously, because cities will need a large number of working people in the future. Even though maternity subsidies have begun to decline, many people are still willing to have children.

Because the wages of most lower-level workers have doubled, the city is ushering in an era of unprecedented rapid development.

Natasha does not agree with this approach of choosing a few for the sake of the many. She advocates finding a more effective and reasonable method. Although it takes a little longer, they can do it as long as they work hard.

Clark once asked Ye Chunwang this question, but Ye Chunwang couldn't give any answer. Perhaps the answer without an answer like now is the best. Since the ideas are not the same, and since there is no way to work together, the only way to do it is to separate.

"Osman's side doesn't seem to be in good shape either."

Alpha muttered and lit another cigarette, and Clark hummed.

"I have heard a little bit. Although the situation in Section 3 is slightly better due to some measures taken by Osman and Zijuan, it is still not optimistic."

The two of them looked further away in unison, to a building on the edge of the city that looked like a burning torch in the dark night. There was the Eastern Guard Station, with 10,000 troops stationed there.

1:15 am

Located on the side of the city wall at the eastern guard station, Osman has just processed some military documents and is taking a walk on the city wall in the cold night. Zijuan is currently managing the construction work of the military camp headquarters in the northwest. The two have not seen each other for nearly half a year. , every day’s work is very busy.

Nowadays, under the leadership of the aristocrats and power factions in the military, Section 3 has cooperated with most companies, because the price of hiring security guards in the city is unfriendly to many businesses.

Therefore, most people in Section 3 can now pass the test set by Ottoman and become external dispatched personnel of the army. They can serve as security guards for some quarrying companies or factories in marginal areas, and protect some businessmen from encountering dangers on the way to business. Robbery and stuff like that.

Including some construction sites that are short of people and need some manual workers, Section 3 can also dispatch them. On-the-job wages are paid normally, and they can also earn extra money. This is currently supported by many people in Section 3, including the aristocratic faction and the power faction. The relationship with the poor faction has been eased to a certain extent.

The external dispatch work that the three parties are responsible for is also divided into three levels: the upper, middle and lower levels. They have divided the areas where they can send personnel from the three departments to work, because the three departments have suffered a lot of criticism, and they have encountered such a huge construction. Engineering, the welfare within the department has been reduced a bit, and income can be earned legally through extra money. For many groups within the 3 departments that rely on various means to collectively make money, they are more willing to choose the legal way to make extra money. .

In the eyes of today's insiders in Section 3, Osman is considered a relatively kind leader. He balances the relationship between the three factions very well and is also easy to talk to. Zijuan has dealt with people who seek benefits through some means many times before. , encountered a lot of resistance, and finally Osman calmed it all down.

As most people in the city said, the military had nothing to do except exercise every day, so it was better to let them work on the construction site for free.

The lack of a way out is currently the biggest problem in Section 3. Osman and Zijuan thought of many ways to mobilize the enthusiasm of people in Section 3, but they all failed without exception, because there is really no way out in Section 3.

Two of them tried their best to draw up some detailed plans. The march plan in the barrier area was directly rejected because it cost too much, and personnel safety was a major consideration. The cold and hard climate environment in the barrier area was extremely harsh. , if you want to protect something, you need to invest more funds and technology. At present, it is impossible for the city to spend this money to implement this plan.

Osman couldn't bear this depressing environment where he couldn't do anything. He didn't know what to do in the future. If the role of the army was to suppress instability when it happened occasionally in the city, he would exercise every day. The farm helps to guard the prisoners and work, so the three departments will become less and less useful. As the city gets better and better, and in terms of social security, there is already a fifth department led by Alpha.

Nowadays, most of the military members are older. They will retire after working for another 20 years at most. But for them, these 20 years are half-dead and there is nothing they can do.

Osman looked quietly at the big yard, near some entertainment restaurants, where people from the three disciplines gathered loosely together, talking, laughing and having fun. Daily training was their job, and there was nothing else to do. Some people are looking forward to external assignments, and this may be something they can look forward to now.

Didi didi

Osman took out his mobile phone. On the light and shadow screen, Zijuan was soaking in the bathtub with a tired look on her face, lying on her side, smiling evilly. Osman smiled and kissed the screen.


Osman scratched his head.

"In a few days, I'll go over to you after I've taken care of the external dispatch matters."

"I'll go find you. I'm not like you Osman. You're too soft at heart and always think about others, but basically no one notices. They just think you're honest and easy to bully, and you have to beg them to do things. Okay, they do things for you to give you face."

Osman hummed, and Zijuan shook her head helplessly.

"How about we change positions, you become the section chief, and I'll be your secretary!"

Zijuan chuckled.

"Idiot, it's already very difficult. Things that have been solidified will not loosen without a strong blow."

Osman nodded. He also knew very well that if he didn't pay attention, more than 20 years had passed. The happiest time for Osman was when he was in school. He was really happy every day, but everyone has grown up. That The place can never go back. Even if they go back, the place has undergone earth-shaking changes. The next time they officially go back, they will go back as leaders of the business department. At that time, they will have to hand in their respective answer sheets. However, Osman knew very well that he could not give a satisfactory answer to the seven teachers who had spent all their efforts training them.

"Get some rest early, Osman, you don't need to think about these things. You can't figure it out. Your stone head is not suitable for thinking about this. Your only ability is to continue to balance everything until one day someone can change everything. Until the genius of the situation appears, I can't do it, and you can't do it either. The only thing we have to do is to ensure that the 3 subjects can survive, and that's it for now. This is the reason of the times. There is nothing we can do. We can only hold on to this stick and pass it on to the next era!”

"Feel sorry!"

Osman's eyes were a little moist, looking at Zijuan's serious look.

"How about we take the time to get the certificate before it's too long?"

Zijuan held her chin in her hands and sighed.

"Idiot, you should have gone a long time ago. Everyone is waiting to drink our wedding wine. Alpha has urged her many times. She will provide the big lawn in their house as our wedding banquet venue. King Xue said that he I will be your best man, and as for the bridesmaid, I want all the girls in the school to come together."

Osman laughed heartily.

"Thank you very much, Zijuan!"

Zijuan smiled and nodded, stood up, curled her hair, shook it, then gently approached the screen and kissed it.

"Good night!"

After the call ended, Osman looked back at the dark barrier area where he couldn't see anything. Today's Section 3 is just like the barrier area, cold and dark, leaving no one with the slightest hope. Osman knew very well that he There was no way to change this situation, he couldn't do it.

"Let's get married first!"

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