Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1668 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 65 (Part 1)

When the lights at night were just lighting up, Eddie had just finished teaching, and children from more than 50 families were discussing everything that had just been said in the class.

Eddie smiled with great satisfaction and felt extremely happy listening to what the children were talking about.

"Everyone is the future of our Hillman family. Please think carefully about the content of the course I just taught when you go back. We are all independent individuals one after another, and ultimately we form a whole called Hillman. Lu Sir, Carmel, Muir.”

Eddie shouted, and the three oldest children stood up.

"The three of you will graduate starting tomorrow. The three companies of the Hillman family will be run by you. I am looking forward to your performance."

The three of them bowed and looked extremely excited. At this time, some smiling servants were already waiting at the door.

"It's just that everyone needs to undergo a minor surgery."

Eddie said, and the three of them were a little suspicious, but they still nodded happily. Under the leadership of the servants, the three of them entered the basement, and Eddie let out a long breath.

Except for these students who are still teaching, everyone in the family has completed the transformation. Everything is under Eddie's control. The Hillman family is like an iron wall. Nothing here will be leaked. From the family The people inside and the servants of the family have brain control chips installed in their heads.

Thanks to X's help, this chip has now reached the 13th generation model and can do so many things.

Eddie knew very well in his mind that every step he needed to take, the drug that would make mutants go berserk was already being developed.

A large number of black mutants are constantly being transported up for research. As long as this plan succeeds, there will be so many bombs that can be detonated in the city.

"Hahaha! Children, remember not to talk to anyone about what was taught in class when you go back."

Looking at the children leaving, Eddie reminded again that the only people in the family who have not been implanted with brain-controlled chips are those on the fringes of the family. They don't know anything. Some are women who married into the Hillman family, or married into the family. man.

After watching the children leave, Eddie turned around and stepped into the wall that had begun to turn into mud, and got into the private elevator. The elevator went all the way down, and Eddie sat in the elevator on a chair inlaid with various gems and gold rims. Go up, comfortably picked up the wine on the table, and the elevator descended very smoothly.

Eddie keeps creating everything, with the ultimate goal of letting all the dissatisfaction completely explode, and in the end these dissatisfaction will only point to one place, the gods!

Even though the city is now under the control of the two major factions, the Executive Branch and the Parliamentarians, it is secretly in the hands of Eddie. If these two political systems were born in 78 years ago, Eddie knows that he has no chance.

But now everything has been planned for a long time, and we are waiting for the more mature technology of fully mechanized human transformation, optical nuclear weapons technology, and drug technology that can make mutant cells become violent. Three technologies are indispensable.

The Alatan Ula Mountains are now completely closed. Eddie has ordered the managers of the mountains there to clean them. Anyone who disobeys will be cleaned directly.

The only thing that needs attention now is the trends of Section 2 and Section 3. One of them wants to eliminate the hidden dangers that threaten the city, and the other is planning to turn the barrier area into a training ground.

Eddie has begun to send some high-IQ gangsters to the Alatan Ula Mountains, and has been trained to become scientific research talents. The construction of optical nuclear weapons is gradually taking place in the mountains according to the results of Prometheus calculations. Research in full swing.

The city is bound to need a new round of purification, but this purification is not done by Eddie, but by the gods.

The script and chess game have been written and arranged. Eddie knows very well that as long as God becomes the enemy of Brilliant City, everything will eventually belong to the Hillman family.

A few minutes later, the elevator started to go straight. After passing through a long corridor surrounded by flashing lights of various colors, Eddie returned to his bedroom.

The black flame ignited the moment Eddie entered the bedroom. The black flame dancing under the light gradually turned into a face with features exactly like Eddie's, but with sharp edges and a mechanical feel.

"Lord Eddie!"

Three light and shadow screens were erected. Eddie looked over. On the larger light and shadow screen in the middle, Quasimodo was still looking for Melanda on the street. His tall body, like a hill, looked particularly special on the noisy night street. Conspicuous, he took the trouble to ask passers-by, and the people from Section 5 still went over to persuade him, but Quasimodo was still stubbornly looking for Melanda.

"Three chess pieces have been put together to form Mr. Eddie!"

Eddie sat back on the chair with the wine in his hand, his eyes smiling excitedly, his smile looking a little cold, and his expression a little ferocious.

Eddie looked at the light and shadow screen on the right again. Melanda's former manager, Pete, was already a little drunk. The food on the table had not been touched much. He looked very annoyed and kept slapping it. head.

"The probability is"

"No need to talk about probabilities. This extremely ugly man has been looking for this woman for three months, which is enough to explain everything. People are emotional animals. All you need to do is blow the fuse in his head."

The black flame jumped, as if he was very excited. Eddie looked at the light and shadow screen on the left. The teacher named Billy from All Domain Academy was still wandering outside Guan Wei's shop. Tonight he You can enter the store.

Eddie knew everything about Billy. In order to investigate this matter, he had stopped in many shops on Qinglong Street for a long time. Finally, under the recommendation of Guan Wei's shop members, he was qualified to step in tonight. Enter the store.

"How is the arrest operation arranged?"

"The arrangements have been made, Lord Eddie."

Eddie took a sip of wine and looked at Billy, who was still joking with a bunch of waiters outside the store, with a helpless smile.

Everyone has an evil side. Eddie is very aware of this guy named Billy. He comes from the Academy of God. Eddie just hopes that the plan will go smoothly. Using this guy as one of the pawns in the future plan will be very beneficial to the plan. .

When Billy started investigating this matter, Prometheus noticed him, and all of Billy's behavioral data was analyzed one by one by Prometheus.

The business department has deleted all the past information of the man named Billy, but Eddie still obtained Billy's past data through the city AI. This guy with a severe split personality is a very good work.

Being able to carve something great, Eddie couldn't wait to see this man in person as soon as possible.

"What's the failure rate!"

"Zero! Lord Eddie."

Prometheus laughed, and the black flames expanded a bit. After Eddie drank the wine glass in one gulp, he shook his head helplessly.

"They want to talk to you, Lord Eddie!"

Eddie hummed. Now Eddie can also enter a specific virtual space and transfer his consciousness into the virtual space. This technology was obtained from X. What Eddie wants to know most now is what kind of person X is. How to tamper with other people's memories, and how to change one's own memory at will, what method does Bao Block need to use to perfectly connect human nerves with machinery.

Eddie lay on the sofa with his hands on his chest. Prometheus slowly fell on Eddie's body. The black fire ball began to decompose. Eddie smiled and everything in front of him began to blur. When he got up, he felt a sense of drowsiness. The world in front of him turned into countless intertwined lines and dots.

"Start connecting!"

With a low mechanical sound, the lights in the room were extinguished, and green and white light spots burst out from the black flames.

In a room with a large number of books on the four walls, the floor was covered with a red carpet inlaid with gold threads, and the flames in the dim yellow wall lamps on the walls were beating uneasily. Eddie quietly looked at this room without windows. .

This is the only place in the virtual world that Eddie is allowed to set foot in. Now Eddie only needs to wait for the arrival of the AIs. Eddie has asked Prometheus to see if there is any way to enter the virtual world built by the AIs, but he found that there is no way to enter the virtual world built by the AIs. Don't go.

At this time, a bunch of flames burst out next to Eddie, and a black burning human figure appeared with a pair of golden eyes. The outline was exactly the same as Eddie's. It was like a servant, standing respectfully beside Eddie. Di's side.

The only thing Eddie knows now is that this virtual space is infinite, just like the unknown universe, and the virtual world is constantly generating itself in the huge data.

Eddie smiled. As soon as his thoughts came to his mind, a bottle of wine and a cup appeared at his hand. Eddie raised his hand to open the bottle automatically and filled the cup. Eddie took a sip and smiled, feeling the real taste of wine. It was exactly the same, except that it was just the smell of alcohol received in my head, and I had just drank alcohol, so the smell was the same as the smell of alcohol on my breath.


As the large gray-black stone brick wall opposite Eddie appeared, cracks appeared. After the wall collapsed little by little, a female figure with a black body and green and white data symbols flashed in it walked in. On her face without cheeks, On it, there is a label, AI12.

"Mr. Eddie, where did you take Mr. X?"

Eddie smiled and put down the glass of wine in his hand, shaking his head.

"We are just conducting a top-secret research. As long as the research is completed, you will naturally be able to see him."

Eddie said, bowed and continued.

"Thank you for your help."

AI12 was still looking at Eddie quietly.

"We only want to contact Mr. X once. Mr. Eddie, please let Mr. X contact us."

Eddie shook his head.

"The so-called top secret plan must be completed naturally. Our understanding should not be biased."

AI12's figure began to blur, turning into a stream of transmitted data, and quickly disappeared into the room, while the walls returned to their original shape.

"Really, you don't believe us that much?"

Eddie sat down with a smile, and Prometheus shook his head.

At this time, underground in X's base, Hathaway quietly stared at Eddie and the black shadow appearing on the light and shadow screen in front of her.

"They still won't let Mr. X go, Mr. Hathaway."

Hathaway pressed her forehead. The pendant that had finally entered the Hillman family had been disconnected. She could only wait until the next time Mani walked out of the Hillman house to install it inside the pendant. The micro-frequency signal detection device knows the situation in the Hillman family.

This kind of micro-frequency signal is not easy to detect and is emitted by many electronic devices. AI can easily analyze it through powerful computing power, with an accuracy rate of at least 80%.

The purpose of talking to Eddie today was to confirm some things and not to make Eddie suspicious. Hathaway is still thinking of a way. The best way is to implant a virus into Prometheus who is now in this virtual space. , but this approach too easily exposes the intentions of the AIs.

"Nothing needs to be done!"

At this time, the robot AI12 next to her spoke. Hathaway looked at the pink light flashing in her eyes. After a while, AI12 appeared in the room again on the light and shadow screen in front of her.

"Mr. Eddie, you can leave now. We just want to see Mr. X as soon as possible."

Eddie smiled and stood up and bowed with a smile.

"I hope you can help me more in the future. After all, we all have a common goal. If we want to achieve this ultimate goal, we must work together!"

AI12 nodded and disappeared into the room again. Eddie smiled. This feeling like a dream was really great, but he would soon wake up from the dream. This extremely real sense of freedom made AI12 Dee felt very comfortable.

The lights in the room turned on, Eddie opened his eyes, yawned, and glanced at the time displayed on the wall, 8:11 pm.

It only took a few minutes, but Eddie actually slept for more than an hour.

"What will my old classmates and rivals look like at the city meeting on May 1st! Hahaha."

Eddie stood up. He planned to go up and entertain some businessmen from the family, which was also necessary every day.

"I leave everything to you Prometheus."

The lights in the room slowly went out again. Eddie followed the moving seats and entered the passage. He soon came to the elevator, which began to rise slowly.

At this time, three different countdowns appeared on the three light and shadow screens in the dark room. The one with the least time was Billy.

"The error is 2 minutes and 38 seconds to 3 minutes and 11 seconds!"

8:19 pm

Billy laughed and entered the club in front of him with a middle-aged man in his arms. The moment he entered the club, Billy squinted at the mobile phone in his pocket and the network was disconnected.

Most of the clubs on this street have internal networks and means to block network signals. Billy knew early on that if Section 5 caught this kind of thing, the store might be required to rectify it.

It's just that people in Section 5 turn a blind eye to many things. After all, the welfare benefits of the upper-level staff are very good, and they all rely on tax revenue in the region. As long as no major problems occur, many people in Section 5 will They won't check, but they will come over from time to time to warn them not to cause trouble.

In an aisle flashing with brilliant light, Billy looked at everything luxurious and magnificent around him. Each door had a different light-changing pattern, as well as some things that only the people and members in the store knew.

"Little brother, don't worry, you will be a member here after playing tonight."

Billy smiled and nodded. He wandered around this street for many nights before finally striking up a conversation with the middle-class businessman next to him and becoming friends with him. After that, the businessman recommended him and allowed Billy to become Member of this store.

Now that Billy is only a junior member, his purpose here is to find out everything and then investigate deeper issues.

At the door of a dazzling and charming red room, the man laughed and said.

"Brother, the girls here are pretty good. I'll take you in to see them."

As he spoke, the man took out his membership card. He was a member of LV3. He opened the door easily. As soon as he entered, Billy was a little surprised. Everything inside was extraordinary. In a large room, there were more than ten people dressed in all kinds of clothes. Different beautiful women, combined with the charming and comfortable room decoration, made Billy feel a little eager as soon as he entered.

The women came over with smiles, as if they were seeing long-lost family members, and were very cordial. Billy glanced at a cabinet with props written on it. Everything was casual, and those who came in only needed to play until they were happy and satisfied. The facilities in the room are all available, and there are also independent small rooms.

Several women surrounded Billy, and Billy hugged the two women casually and talked and laughed with them.

Billy plans to start with the women in the store. There are some things that cannot be investigated without in-depth understanding. Once the investigation is completed, everything here will be dealt with.

"I heard that some celebrities from the film and television area often come here?"

Billy said with a smile, and a woman pressed Billy's chest with one hand.

"Are we stars too?"

The women next to them also laughed, and Billy played a game with them.

"By the way, I actually like that celebrity named Melanda. Have you ever seen her here?"

During the fun, Billy casually said that the man who brought Billy in had fallen asleep on a woman's lap.

The women chirped in reply, and one of them said that she had seen the celebrity coming a few days ago.

Billy became a little suspicious, but from the look of the woman, it didn't look like she was lying.

"Guest, if you want to go, you can go underground and have a look, but it will cost a lot of money. Melanda is down there. She has been here for several months."

Billy was a little shocked. At this time, everything started to become chaotic. Billy said with a smile.

"It would be nice if we could meet up and have a drink."

At this time, the only thing Billy could think of was that Melanda was being controlled by someone, but he always felt that something was wrong. However, Billy soon gave up his doubts, because now Billy has multiple identity information, as long as he is willing , any information is true and valid.

After having fun for a while, when it was close to 10 o'clock, the man who brought Billy in woke up. Billy came over and said that he was a fan of Melanda and hoped that the man would help so that he could meet her. .

"Oh, brother Billy, the cost of that level is a bit high, but I'm happy today, let's go."

Billy happily played with the man for a while before leaving the room. The man took Billy to a downward-facing room. When the elevator arrived at the fifth underground floor, the rooms here were completely different from those above. .

"To be honest, I'm a little surprised that Melanda is in this store, but I guess there should be someone here."

As the man spoke, he led Billy to the door of a room with a Melanda service poster printed on it. Billy was a little surprised for a moment. There was the word "Available" on the display screen next to the door of the room.

The man took the card and swiped open the room door. The moment the door opened, Billy saw Melanda sitting in a clean and tidy small room. It was indeed Melanda herself. The man patted Billy. shoulders.

"Little brother, just go in and play. I'm going to another room."

After Billy greeted the man, he walked in. The door of the room closed little by little. The man showed a sinister smile and quickly left the club. After coming to the street, the man found an alley and went in to get An old-fashioned black telephone came out.

"The target has successfully entered and the arrest can begin."

Billy smiled and pretended to be lewd as he approached Melanda.

"Miss Melanda, I am your fan"

The moment he approached, Billy's expression froze, and he put his hands into his pockets.

"Who are you? What do you want to do? Since you can catch me, it means you know who I am."

Billy smiled. The woman sitting on the sofa in front of him was a corpse. She had been dead for a long time. Billy noticed it the moment she got closer, but now was Billy's crisis moment.

"Get to the place! Of course you know."

A voice sounded in the room.


Some faint white smoke spewed out from the four corners of the room. Billy immediately covered his nose, looking everywhere for something to cover his mouth and nose, but he couldn't find one.

"We will meet soon."

Billy looked at everything around him with solemn eyes, already feeling dizzy. No matter what, in this airtight room, he would definitely inhale this drowsy gas.

Information has been leaked!

Billy's eyes began to darken, and he suddenly thought of more things. The AI ​​system had been controlled by others and was not safe at all. Many things in the past began to appear in Billy's mind, turning around like a revolving lantern.

Billy fell to the floor. He struggled to get up, but his consciousness had disappeared.


A crying man roared, with some tube-like things tied around his body, as if he had lost all hope, and rushed into the club, roaring with emotion.

"Go to hell Guan Wei!"

There was a loud roar, and the flames instantly erupted. Screams were heard everywhere. The flames rushed out of the store in a flash. Some mutant security guards looked at the store that had instantly fallen into the sea of ​​​​fire in horror, and screams were heard everywhere. , the whole street instantly became chaotic.


A fragrant fragrance came to his nose. Billy felt his brain was a little drowsy and his eyelids were heavy, but he was already conscious. In an instant, Billy opened his eyes. In a white hall, soft and bright light was exuding from top to bottom, and in front of him It's Melanda's body.

Gradually, Billy's slow thinking began to move.

"What on earth do you want to do! Eddie Hillman."

bang bang

There was a burst of applause, and Billy stared coldly at the door that opened in front of him. Eddie walked in with a glass of wine.

"As expected, you have already started investigating our family."

Billy said with a cold smile.

"When I came out, it was already"

"That trick doesn't work on me Billy Heigl."

Billy's eyes widened for a moment, and Eddie walked over step by step.

"The family has been broken up since a very young age. Both parents hid each other's secrets and kept bringing their playmates home. However, after the young Billy saw all this, he was beaten by his father for the first time. , was beaten by his mother for the second time, and lived in fear every day, because Billy knew the secret. His parents did not want Billy to tell this secret, so Billy was very scared, but in the end the marriage broke up, and the young Billy I suffered a lot of injuries and have lived in my grandfather’s house since then, but I didn’t expect that this was the beginning of the nightmare! Grandpa”

Billy's eyes widened and he laughed. Eddie walked to Melanda's body, pulled out a light and shadow chair next to it, sat on the chair and looked at Billy.

"First time meeting Billy, I'm Eddie Eddie Hillman."

Billy smiled, his hands and feet were tied, leaving no room to move.

"The reason why I want to see you is because of your tragic experience and the strange changes that have happened to you. According to the records, you should have four personalities now. Billy, the doctor named Self, endures the misery The little girl Billy, the clever and bloodthirsty butcher Billy, and the kind little boy Billy who constantly comforts the other three."

Billy was a little agitated, but he still remained calm. The most important thing now was to stay calm.

"Of course, I have to let you know something about what happened, Billy."

As Eddie clapped his hands, a burst of black flames burst out on the ground. Billy's eyes widened. The flames gathered little by little and turned into a flaming face.

"This is my servant, Prometheus."

Billy burst out laughing. Everything over the years, those places full of doubts, instantly connected into a line in Billy's mind. At this time, Billy's mind was thinking of Mo Xiaolan. If he disappeared, If it takes too long, Mo Xiaolan will definitely find his own along with what Billy left behind.

"If you think Mo Xiaolan can find you, please take a look at the current situation."

A light and shadow screen appeared, and Billy's eyes widened. The store was now in ruins. A large number of Section 5 personnel were investigating the scene, and on the news was a crazy man rushing into the city with explosives tied all over his body. Entered the store and caused an explosion.

"Everything is under the calculation of Prometheus. Okay, Billy, I want to play a game with you! A very exciting game."

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