Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1667 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 65 (Part 2)

"Can I go to your house?"

8:13 am

Leona looked at Ivy who was helping her pack her things.

"Isn't your father coming to pick you up today?"

Leona, lying on the bed, shook her head.

"I do not want to go."

Ivy smiled and moved forward, sitting next to Leona.

"I think your dad is pretty good to you. Besides, didn't your mom say that this is a family and marriage issue between her and your dad's generation, and you don't need to think about it."

Leona curled her lips. She really didn't like her father's home. Although it was true that her father would come to pick her up and play for a few days, Leona never got used to it.

People in her father's family often say things that make Leona feel uncomfortable. They always introduce some men to her at some inter-family banquets, some are about the same age as her, and some are older than her. of.

It's just that Ivy looked so happy today, and Leona felt a little strange. She had never seen Ivy so happy.

"Is there something good going on?"

A flash of haste flashed in Ivy's eyes, and she shook her head hurriedly.

"Anyway, I have something to do today."

Leona clearly saw something from Ivy's unusual behavior this morning, but she still kept silent. Although Leona observed others carefully, she just kept silent about other people's affairs, especially her own. As a best friend, Leona knows very well what is going on in her heart.

The most direct feeling that Ivy has given Leona recently is that Ivy is in love, which can be seen from the sweet smile that appears from time to time in some of her daily actions.

"What kind of man is he?"

Ivy looked at Leona in confusion, and Leona finally couldn't help it anymore, propped herself up and came to Ivy's face.

"Stop pretending to me, who are you actually dating? I've been seeing you showing this girly and sweet expression lately."

Ivy panicked and shook her head hastily.

"No way!"

As Ivy said that, she turned around, her heart pounding. A wave of soreness rose up in her chest, and her cheeks began to turn red. Leona simply stood up.

"Tell me and I won't tell anyone else."

Ivy smiled and shook her head.

"Then you can tell me what kind of person the other person is. It's okay."

"He is very handsome, understands girls' hearts very well, and is very gentle."

Leona smiled and hugged Ivy from behind.

"I'm worried that you've been deceived. Do you know that little bitch in the next class was there a while ago?"


The two of them were so frightened that they almost lost their wits. They both looked at the door. Niya came in with a towel in her hand and whistling. She pushed open the dormitory door roughly every time.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm exhausted. I exercised a little more this morning. I need to catch up on some sleep."

Niya glanced at the two people with strange expressions.

"What are you doing?"

"Talking about intimate topics between girls."

Niya became interested and came over.

"It has nothing to do with you Niya, just go and play."

Niya pretended to be pitiful and said in a soft voice.

"She's a girl too!"

Leona and Ivy looked at Nia with disdain. In their hearts, Nia was not a girl at all.

Niya burst out laughing, and just as she was about to lie down on the bed, Ivy quickly grabbed her.

"Can you take a shower first?"

Niya pouted and walked into the bathroom obediently, and Leona came over again.

"What else? Continue."

"I'm going to help Niya apply medicine."

Seeing that Ivy did not continue the topic, Leona lay back on the bed a little disappointed.

"What did you come in for?"

Niya had just taken off her clothes, and Ivy had already come over and started to help Niya drain the water. Niya also felt a little strange, because Ivy's attitude towards herself had been a little better recently.

"Can I ask you something?"

Niya frowned and stretched her head over. The sound, like a small bee, was not very clear amid the noise of water dripping on the ground. Ivy also closed the door.

"Do you know Mr. Jean?"

Niya blinked and understood instantly. Looking at Ivy's squirming look, she understood something instantly.

"We know him. He used to come to my house often. He always didn't take the main entrance. He always climbed in through my bedroom window."

Ivy was surprised for a moment.

"What was he doing in your bedroom?"

Niya said with a mischievous expression.

"What do you think a man can do if he enters a woman's room?"

As she spoke, Niya approached Ivy step by step, forcing her directly against the bathroom wall, pressing her hand next to Ivy.

"Do whatever you want!"

Ivy swallowed, her cheeks flushed, and her heartbeat racing as she looked at Niya.

"of course"

Niya brought her cheek closer to her again, and Ivy became panicked and felt a surge of anxiety rising.

"Of course he's telling me a story, otherwise what do you think he's going to do?"

Ivy raised her hands in an instant, and Niya laughed loudly and stood in the shower area. The laughter echoed in the bathroom, but seeing Ivy's embarrassed look, Niya also stopped joking.

"I advise you not to have any illusions. Don't you admire my sister?"

When it came to Alpha, Ivy nodded without any hesitation at all. Not only her, but all the girls in the school liked Alpha. Her confident, free and handsome part was indeed worthy of respect.

"Uncle Jean raised my sister from childhood."

Ivy was a little surprised. Niya stopped saying anything and started washing. It was the first time for Ivy to hear such a thing, but after thinking about it carefully, the breaths of Alpha and Jean were somewhat similar.

Originally, Niya wanted to say a few more words, but after thinking about it, she gave up. Instead of destroying the beauty in others' hearts, it would be better not to say anything and let others continue to keep the beauty in their hearts.

"By the way, let me tell you, Uncle Gene's favorite thing is the sun!"

Ivy was a little confused, and Niya couldn't tell, because no matter what time, she always saw Jean's expression when he was facing the sun and bathing in the sun, which was the best.

After being stunned for a while, Ivy walked over and rubbed Niya's back, with an expression of wanting to know more written on her face.

"Other than that, I don't know anything. If you see my sister any time, you can ask her directly. She is the person who knows Uncle Gene best."

At this time, students in most schools have begun to carry their things home. Most students have a month-long social activity course to complete. In addition to being more free than in school, when they return to school, they will They have to show their respective results of social activities.

These activities cover all aspects and are part of free exploration and research courses. In the girls' dormitory, Chen Jie felt the hostile eyes from the women around him, as well as from the more than 30 boys around him.

They are all waiting for Niya here. Niya said that they will test their fighting strength later, and everyone is looking forward to it.

Seeing the beautiful female voices passing by one after another, most of the boys felt uncomfortable. They were all boys who had a good relationship with Niya and basically had no relationship with girls.

Ji Mo was dressed formally and held some flowers in his hand. Jewell on the side sighed.

"I really don't know what kind of medicine you took. Really, you are always against her. You didn't originally think so. This is how the misunderstanding was caused."

Ji Mo became embarrassed. Today, his father had spoken and asked him to invite Ivy to his home. Ivy had not been to the house for a while recently.

I don't know why, every time I get along with Ivy at the end of the season, I always say what I mean. I obviously don't think so in my heart, but when I say it, it's different.

I plan to apologize to Ivy at the end of this season. Many things I really don’t mean.

At this time, one of the passing female voices joked.

"Jewell, do you want to come over here and play with us when you have time?"

All the boys' eyes widened, looking at Jewell who came in front of the girls and chatted and laughed with them, and instantly everyone became angry.

Although most of the boys and girls from the family have marriage contracts, everyone now knows that once the marriage law controls family marriage, they can freely choose their partners.

Especially this pair of boys who have a strong relationship with Nia seem to have gained freedom. They hope to talk to some girls they like. However, because they have a good relationship with Nia all the year round, they directly interact with Nia in the eyes of girls. Ya drew the equal sign.

At this time, I finally saw Ivy coming out. Jewell pushed Ji Mo and he ran over quickly. Niya smiled and went towards the boys, but at this time she felt that the boys were a little resentful. eyes.

"What's wrong? Each of you, is there something wrong with me?"

Niya raised her fists as she spoke, and a bunch of people shook their heads, but everyone's eyes were focused on Ji Mo and Ivy.

"Can I invite you to have a meal with me at my house, Miss Ivy."

Ivy glanced at the flower in Ji Mo's hand, and gracefully stretched out her hand to take it.

"I'll just have lunch. I'll go back after that."

Ji Mo was a little overjoyed and hurriedly said thank you. At this time, Leona suddenly came from behind and supported Ivy.

"I also need to go."

Niya squinted at the situation behind her and laughed.

"I'll go too. Is it okay to treat her to dinner without me?"

Ji Mo nodded immediately. At this time, many boys came over. Ji Mo asked everyone to discuss it with their families. In the end, he originally just wanted to invite Ivy over, but many classmates in the class went together.

Standing at the entrance of the school was a gentle-looking middle-aged man, smoking a cigarette and leaning against an old blue car. He was dressed in ordinary and clean clothes.

At this time, the man saw a bunch of students coming out and waved hurriedly, and Leona came over reluctantly.

"Daughter, are you tired? Come and help you get it."

The man stretched out his hand to take the bag from Leona's hand, but Leona refused.

"I'm going to a classmate's house for dinner today at noon. My mother will pick me up after dinner."

The man was a little surprised.

"I'll take you there."

In the end, Leona got into her father Teres' car. Teres drove very slowly all the way, asking Leona questions about her studies and whether she had any boys she liked, but Leo Na just answered casually. She had never called Tris his father, and the gap between her and her father was quite large.

Although her mother, Helen, had never told Leona anything, she had followed Helen to Angus' house in the past few years, and Leona still knew to some extent about her mother's past at the banquet.

Just because they gave birth to a daughter, Helen and Teres' status in the family dropped a notch. Their mother just couldn't stand everything in the family, so she finally left with Leona.

Her father and mother had long been divorced. Leona had seen Teres come to see her mother several times over the years, but her mother always shook her head.

Now Tris is also running a small company in the family at the middle level. He has long lost his status in the family, and Tris has started to come over constantly hoping to meet Leona.

Leona didn't like this father. At first, Leona thought her father wanted to marry her to someone, but later she realized that it was not the case. She was insignificant to the family. Even when she returned home for the first time, the family Leona could see the indifference in the eyes of those people inside.

Leona once asked her mother Helen, who said that when she left, she gave Tris a chance to leave with her, but Tris did not have the courage to step out of the family threshold, and finally chose Give up.

Helen was finally kicked out of her home and could not even return to her own family.

What makes Leona feel most unhappy is that those in the family always look at her like a waste, because her father Tris is also a waste in the eyes of the family, and what Leona doesn't like is her father. With Tris's attitude, no matter what others said, he could only smile and nod.

"I heard that your grades are very good, daughter!"

Leona crossed her hands, leaned on the seat, and nodded unhappily.

"My test scores are always ranked first in the school. I'm not a waste!"

Tris was a little surprised, he smiled and nodded.

Leona knew to some extent that her mother actually wanted to reconcile with her father. Although many men had passed by her mother over the years, her mother and the other man were just ordinary friends, and there was no intersection between men and women.

Leona knew that her mother couldn't get over this hurdle, because her father's weakness had created everything today. When her mother was kicked out, her father said nothing, and when her mother was about to leave, her father also kept silent.

"Next time, you can tell them that your daughter has a very smart mind and is a unique genius!"

Leona said angrily, Tris was a little surprised, smiled and nodded.

After sending Leona to her home at the end of the season, Tris prepared to leave.

"Pick me up after dinner in the afternoon."

Leona said something and ran in. Tris hummed, feeling a little sad for a moment. Of course he knew about his daughter's grades. His daughter was really excellent, so good that Tris was surprised.

Some students invited by Ji Mo also came over one after another, but as soon as Ivy came over, she went to the backyard of Ji Mo's house to see the overgrown road in the distance that could lead to her home. Path of flowers.

Just a month ago, Ivy met Gene again accidentally. This time they talked about a lot of things. Ivy also asked Gene when he would be free and wanted to talk to him more. Gene told Ivy , the same place as her next vacation.

At this moment, Ivy hopes that time can go faster. She keeps looking at the time, just hoping to finish the meal quickly and go to the path, because she knows that Jean will definitely be there, because in Throughout the family circle, Ivy also heard from some adults that Gene never broke his promise.

At this time, Ji Mo walked to the entrance of the backyard and looked at Ivy in the corridor. Ji Mo still clearly remembered what happened that day, and Jewell and several classmates also came over.

"What are you guys doing?"

Niya ran over quickly, and Leona also followed at this time. As soon as Leona saw Ivy's expression, she felt that Ivy was definitely going to see that man today, and she had to keep a close eye on him. .

"Go away, you bastard."

Niya pushed Ji Mo, and after he swallowed, he walked over slowly.

"Miss Ivy, what happened before"

"Don't mention it again, I didn't care."

Ivy answered directly, then walked to a vine in the corridor and sat down, taking out her mobile phone.

The atmosphere was somewhat frozen, and Ji Mo didn't know what to say. Finally, he shook his head helplessly and turned around to leave. Leona snorted at Ji Mo and went to Ivy's side.

"Are you going to see him today?"

Ivy immediately denied it, and Leona stopped asking any more questions.

Ivy has been a little distracted all morning. She originally wanted to go there immediately, but now she is entangled by Leona. No matter what she does, Leona will follow her, and Ivy doesn't want others to know.

Today, she was also asked by her parents to come to Ji Mo's house for dinner, so Ivy came. Seeing that it was already past 11 o'clock, Ivy became anxious. She didn't know if Jean would still be there.

Niya also saw Ivy's impatience, and finally started eating. It was just like before. Although Ivy finished eating quietly, she got up anxiously after eating and said that she had to go back because she had something to do at home. Ji Yun originally planned to arrange for someone to take her back. , but Ivy said she would be home soon.

After leaving Ji Mo's home, Ivy ignored her image and ran while holding up her skirt. The high heels under her feet were a bit cumbersome, so Ivy simply took off the high heels and ran barefoot.

As soon as Ivy ran away, at the end of the season, Jewell, Nia and Leona followed.

"You don't like her anyway, just wait until after May 1st."

Ji Mo's face was a little embarrassed, because he heard from Leona that Ivy wanted to see a man, and his mood was a little complicated at the moment. Anyway, Ivy was his fiancee now, but in fact he really didn't like her.

"Why are you so awkward? She must have made an appointment with Uncle Gene to meet somewhere."

Ji Mo was a little surprised. Although he had indeed heard it from his parents, at this moment, the irritability and uneasiness in Ji Mo's heart were relieved. That was the God of Brilliant City, the supreme existence.

Leona and Jewell looked confused, because they had indeed heard that Jean was the section chief of Section 13. They had also heard that he was quite handsome, but they had never seen him before.

Driven by curiosity, Leona ran, but was grabbed by Nia.

"If you follow too quickly, you will be discovered."

At this time, Ivy couldn't wait to change out of her skirt. She had done physical exercise on weekdays, but she could only run barefoot, which was very uncomfortable. This was the first time that Ivy was eager to see someone. people.

Her heart was beating violently, and Ivy felt as if something was tickling her heart. She panted and didn't stop all the way. Finally, she saw the path that led to her home. There were still flowers blooming on the path. Ivy kept swallowing, slowed down, began to adjust her breathing, and put on the shoes she was holding.

At the corner, Ivy tidied up her messy hair and kept adjusting her rapid breathing. After it stabilized, Ivy walked over, but the joyful smile on her face immediately solidified.

You can see at a glance that there is nothing on the long white stairs at the end of the path, except for the flowers and plants swaying in the breeze. Ivy walked up the stairs step by step, feeling a little sad as she climbed up step by step. For a moment, my heart became empty.

Ivy, who was feeling a little uncomfortable, sat on the middle step. This position was where she and Gene sat side by side that day.

"It was clearly promised, liar!"

Ivy said, a tear slipped out, but in a daze, she saw a figure in the corner of her eyes, and Ivy stood up in shock.

"What's wrong, pretty lady!"

Gene smiled and climbed up from the grass, stretched his body, and jumped to the steps. Ivy blushed and wiped away her tears quickly. Gene stared sideways at the bottom of the long stairs. Someone came over, and Gene directly He took out his mobile phone and soon saw Niya and the others on the surveillance camera. He walked up to Ivy with a smile, sat casually aside, and lit a cigarette.

Jean looked at the shy little girl next to him and did not speak. Instead, he was waiting for her to adjust her emotions. When nothing happened like this, Jean would walk through the city all day long, from the lower floor to the upper floor, and then from the upper floor. Go to the lower level and chat with people you know and see how they are doing.

The same was true for the somewhat stubborn little girl next to him. Gene discovered that this kind little girl had a sense of fire hidden in her seemingly gentle body, so he spoke to her a few words that day.

"Sorry, Mr. Jean, for letting you see."

Ivy did not continue, but smiled again and looked at Gene next to her.

"I thought you wouldn't come."

"As long as it's an agreement, I will definitely abide by it."

The two sat quietly. Ivy was blushing and excited. She didn't know what to say, but she knew she had to find a topic.

"Which university are you going to?"


Gene was a little surprised.

"It's pretty good, the principal there."

"Do you know Mr. Jean?"

Ivy asked happily, and Gene nodded and exhaled a puff of smoke.

"Perhaps you will surprisingly get along well with that principal."

"Are you a friend of Principal Whit, Mr. Jean?"

Gene smiled and didn't know how to answer, so he could only nod.

At this time, everyone watching in the grass on the roadside using the far vision function on their mobile phones was a little surprised, especially Leona, who stared straight at Jean.

"I have never seen such a handsome man, he looks mature and stable, and I always feel like he is a fantasy."

Speaking of which, Leona glanced at Ji Mo and Jewell, sighed and shook her head. Ji Mo smiled helplessly. Both Niya and Ji Mo were strictly ordered by their parents to reveal Jean's identity to anyone. This point This is what they must guarantee, and they must not tell anyone.

"I advise you not to fantasize. It's impossible."

Ji Mo said something, and Leona nodded immediately.

"Indeed, a man who has a high position and is so popular with women will never lack women around him."

Niya held her belly and laughed happily, but the four of them didn't go up, they just watched quietly. Especially at the end of the season, she never knew that Ivy had such a side.

"Is this the way out for the future?"

Jean looked at Ivy with a smile, but she was still too shy to look at Jean.

"I've been thinking about this question a lot lately, Mr. Jean, what can I do in the future?"

"You will find it. There must be something you want to do somewhere. You can tell me when the time comes."

Ivy hummed.

"Mr. Jean, aren't you busy at work?"

"Sometimes I'm busy, sometimes I'm quite free. Anyway, Section 13 is a miscellaneous subject. By the way, do you want to come to our Section 13 in the future? We happen to be short of a secretary."

Ivy nodded her head instantly without any hesitation. Her cheeks became hot again, but she soon saw Gene's naughty expression.

"Mr. Jean, what you just said."

"If you want to come, you can come at any time, but you just want to be a secretary."

Ivy stood up.

"I can do it, Mr. Jean. After graduating from Shengde, I will take the exam for professional studies."

"Which department do you want to go to?"

Gene put the cigarette to his lips and looked up at Ivy.

"5 subjects."

"What a surprise."

Ivy said nervously.

"Because I admire Miss Alpha very much. I hope I can work under her hands. I will definitely get enough exercise. This is also the fastest way to become a secretary."

Gene nodded and looked at the sun in the distance. At this time, Ivy remembered what Niya had said.

"Mr. Jean, do you like the sun very much?"

"Yeah! I like it very much. Every morning before 6 o'clock, I will wait for the sun to light up, and every evening at dusk, I will wait for the sun to say good night!"

Ivy laughed and sat in front of Jean, but she noticed a hint of imperceptible sadness flashing across Jean's face. This was the first time, but I don't know why Jean's words were weird, and he even used the word "good night" to describe it. Artificial sun.

"By the way, Mr. Jean, can I ask you a question?"

Ivy asked after Gene nodded.

"Do you have anyone you like?"

Gene stood up, smiled and nodded into the wind. Ivy wanted to ask for a while, but in the end she didn't speak.

"I love a woman! I'm sorry, beautiful lady, I have given her all my love, without any gaps!"

Ivy looked at Jean blankly. The moment Jean said these words, the momentum he showed shocked Ivy, a heavy and difficult to express feeling. Ivy didn't know why, but her tears had stopped. It couldn't help but flow down.

Gene smiled and tilted his head to look at Ivy.

"Any time, if you want to chat with me, you can chat with me, no matter what! My number is Miss 0013."

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