Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1666 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 64 (middle)

April 17, 2219

6:13 am

Ding ding dong dong

There was a sound of knocking, and some citizens who got up early to work had smiles on their faces. Recently, no one feels that such noise from morning to night is annoying, but many people feel at ease.

Ten days ago, Angus Construction started work again and began to recruit a large number of workers. They were only temporary workers with weekly wages, and some were workers who had signed contracts in the past.

The originally economically depressed city began to become active again. Domestic garbage piled on many streets were also cleaned up, and the streets began to look brand new.

Under the impact of the entire southern region from August last year to April this year, the economic recession was so severe that all people felt uneasy. The chain effects caused by the economic recession in the south were extensive, and other regions were affected. Only the upper levels were relatively less affected.

A few days ago, the family's boycott activities had been completely stopped. Everyone who participated in the boycott activities was very happy and felt that they had won.

Families paid a heavy price. During the months of the boycott, a large number of families suffered an overall economic decline, and some families were even on the verge of death.

Three days ago, more than 200 families made a public statement that they would resolve the family's marriage issues at the first Glorious City meeting on May 1 and include them within the scope of the city's marriage law.

This massive and long-lasting resistance finally came to fruition. Many women felt their own power and finally understood what Alpha’s last words meant when he intervened in the issue of domestic violence and marriage.

Many people in the city feel that everything Alpha has done is correct. Many people comment on Alpha with respect. When talking about everything Alpha has done over the years, everyone talks about it.

The city has started to move again with the Angus family's construction project, and all walks of life have been stimulated again. The depression of more than half a year has made most people miss the noise that they can hear every morning and night.

Workers who participated in the southern riots in the past also began to return to the city from the eastern agricultural base one by one to participate in the construction.

Today, Angus has 150,000 workers building the southern part, which is more than half the number in the past. The construction of the southern part is much more difficult than that of the eastern and western parts.

Most of the places are residential areas, and it will be troublesome to start operations. Sections 3 and 5 have begun comprehensive escorts and patrol near the construction site every day.

The upper floors are still the same as before. Unlike the noise on the lower floors, many people on the upper floors can't stand the construction noises that can be heard vaguely every day, especially in some areas near the middle floors in the south.

Prosperity is always the main theme of the upper level, which is completely different from the middle and lower levels. It seems like two worlds, with clean and tidy streets, comprehensive facilities for residents in the area, and magnificent shops.

Even at night, the lights on the upper floor will not go out. The entire east, south and west sides of the upper floor are like a city that never sleeps.

On Qinglong Street in the early morning, beside the cars, people coming out of the street shops were chatting and laughing with the people in the shops, and then got into the cars and left.

The business here is very good every night, and rich people in the city come here to spend their money every day. Since its construction more than 20 years ago, it has become the hottest night entertainment venue in the city.

In an alley, Billy had fluffy hair and was curled up in his coat. At his hand was a bottle with a little bit of wine left, cigarette butts on the ground, his beard had not been shaved for many days, and some people came out of the store to take out the garbage. The clerk would barely give him a glance, and there were a lot of drunks like Billy in this area every morning.

Billy was wearing a pair of thick flat glasses, and he looked like a frustrated man who was deliberately trying to get drunk. He had noticed a long time ago why King Xue always wore such thick flat glasses. In the end, it will be difficult for others to detect anything from your eyes.

During this period of time, Billy has been stationed in Qinglong District, and he has discovered some clues. This is where the disappearance of Mela was finally determined.

In order to find out where Melanda went, Billy found some interesting things after reading the investigation data of Section 5.

The other party should have avoided the surveillance and brought Melanda to the upper level, but where he came from and how he got up, Billy already knew this very well. Melanda is quite famous in the adult film industry. .

The waiter at the store opposite clearly told Billy that he had indeed seen Melanda walking in in the early morning of January 2 last year. In the past, such adult film industry stars often came over to help with activities in the store. Many of the store clerks have seen it, and for some who have never seen it, they will deliberately use image searches to find movies to watch.

People are extremely curious creatures. It is certain that Melanda was brought here by the guy named Pete. Although Pete had proof of alibi that night, it is not difficult to obtain such proof.

The most useful thing that Billy found was some restored costumes and items from the movie "Pillow Lover" in which Melanda once appeared. Many people have purchased these items, but after checking based on big data, Among them, Billy purchased it, and some upper-class people also purchased it.

But after condition screening, it was found that the owner of this private club called Zui Ai, Guan Wei, had also purchased it, and so had Peter.

Men all love to fantasize, especially the once popular Melanda. From the beginning, Billy thought about how to find it. Finally, after checking everything, Billy targeted this house. The owner of the store, Guan Wei.

I just gave some waiters some money, and they told me everything. This Guan Wei was a successful businessman. He made a lot of money through speculation in those years. He owned 11 companies, 3 of which were listed companies.

The family is harmonious, with a gentle and beautiful wife and three children, but there is a shady side behind the scenes. From the beginning, Billy did not believe that everyone could be clean.

Section 5's investigations are conducted in all areas of the middle level, in order to find clues, and Billy mainly investigates people's hearts.

Billy already knows everything about Guan Wei through some shop assistants. He only needs to go to their shops to drink, tip them, and get close to them to learn a lot, even some women who have served Guan Wei.

From the mouths of these women, Billy learned more.

Now Billy is certain that Melanda is dead. No matter how hard Alpha cleans up crimes and conducts large-scale criminal investigations, there will always be people willing to take risks.

During the time he spent in Qinglong District, Billy learned more about the use of drugs on this street, not just avoidance drugs.

Billy put his hand in his pocket. This was something he bought with a guy for 2,000 yuan. It is an illegal drug that can improve the human body's perception. This drug is used to treat some burns and scald patients. In order to slowly repair the subcutaneous nerve tissue of the burned parts and restore basic sensation to these affected areas.

But the thing Billy bought has been improved. Billy has collected all the clues, and he only needs to hand them over to Section 5 when the time comes.

The only thing Billy needs to do now is just stare at Guan Wei while trying to find a way to enter the store and find Melanda's body.

Ordinary people cannot dispose of corpses, and chemical substances or high-temperature equipment that can dispose of corpses are subject to extremely strict controls. If you are not careful, you will be investigated by the 5th Division, and your business license will be revoked by the 1st Division. All those involved will be jailed.

Today's control of dangerous substances has reached an outrageous level. A company that produces this type of material needs to install something developed by 10 Branch on its production equipment to accurately detect the amount of these substances produced and accurately To milligrams, and once the raw materials that can produce dangerous goods are too different from the accounting figures of a company that produces dangerous goods raw materials at the end of the month, it will be investigated.

Even if they want to dispose of a corpse, something as big as a corpse can be exposed with just a little carelessness. Reporters have already reported on Melanda's disappearance. Section 5 has offered a reward of 100,000 yuan to anyone who can provide useful clues. award.

At this juncture, according to the other party's psychology, it should be impossible to dispose of the body hastily.

What made Billy feel most suspicious was that Melanda's body might not be here, but somewhere else, because some members of the Hillman family were also regular customers of this store.

But what makes Billy strange is that two of the frequent visitors to the Hillman family have died, one from an accident and one from blight.

This disease, which has afflicted most people in the city in the past, is still reoccurring, and some people may suffer from it in their sixties or seventies.

But this time point was a little too subtle. Billy always felt that there was something wrong. Billy didn't want to investigate with others because it was easy to be disturbed in his investigation thinking.

In the past, many high-level crimes were exposed because of the problem of corpse disposal. No matter who you are, whether you are rich or powerful, once you are involved, the consequences will be very serious. In addition, the infiltration type of the 2nd Section is now Through investigation, we have eliminated many upper-level gangs that specialize in helping wealthy people deal with troublesome issues.

These gangs have been hanging around in the upper echelons all year round, contacting some wealthy people through some middlemen, and specializing in helping wealthy people deal with problems, from corpse disposal to murder.

In the past few years of criminal investigation, Alpha has beaten these gangs to the point where almost no one can be seen. Once such people are caught, they will be punished for several crimes. The sentence is usually 100 years, and they can only work until the day they die.

So Billy concluded that they couldn't find such a professional person to deal with corpses. The corpses could only be preserved, so Billy felt that the corpses were either here or had been moved to other places.

Sure enough, Guan Wei came out at this time, holding a woman in his arms, looking a little depressed. He entered the car with a smile, and the woman kissed him.

Billy quickly stood up and came to his ordinary car on the street. After adjusting it to manual, he followed directly.

However, Billy did not notice that the moment he got into the car, the surveillance probe on the pole began to rotate.

7:03 am

Accompanied by a burst of screams from a woman, the garbage she was carrying was scattered all over the floor. The woman sat on the ground with weak legs and looked at a man who looked like a hill sitting not far from the garbage dump. Because it was around the corner, The cold woman was frightened. After cursing a few words, she kicked the garbage with her feet, turned around and ran quickly.

Quasimodo opened his eyes and stood up. He glanced at the wrinkled flyer in his hand, took out some dry food and a bottle of water from his pocket, and walked directly onto the street after eating and drinking.

Taking the flyer, he continued to go to the vegetable market. Soon Quasimodo came to the nearby vegetable market. This area in the east is the place with the highest concentration of people every day. Quasimodo, who was holding the flyer, was caught again. The people from Section 5 noticed it, and people from Section 5 also came to persuade him. A reward order has been issued, and the results will be available soon, but Quasimodo still shook his head persistently.

It's not that Quasimodo doesn't believe in people from Section 5, but it's been so long and there's still no news about Melanda. Quasimodo doesn't think about the issue of life and death. He doesn't dare to think about it, and he doesn't think about it. I can't think about it, I can only keep looking.

At this time, on the busy street, Peter appeared in an alley. He stared at Quasimodo quietly. The sentence of the Hall of Law had been handed down, and Peter needed to go to prison for 10 years.

Pete does not accept this result and has filed an appeal, but the possibility of winning the case is zero. Section 8 has clearly listed out every piece of evidence that Pete used women in the agency to conduct illegal biological transactions.

At this time, Peter was very uncomfortable. He was going to meet with the team leader of Section 11 today to discuss the price with him. Peter only wanted a single room and asked about the preliminary price, which was 24,000 per year, 24,000.

Moreover, it only provides ordinary food and does not have cells with some equipment and functions. If you want to have some facilities that can relieve fatigue, you have to pay extra. The amount of extra money is different according to different functions.

Peter had heard about some things in the prison. Some people who did not intend to pay were assigned to the cells of some criminals. As a result, they were beaten severely, and the people in Section 11 did not care.

Originally he was passing by this area, but he didn't expect to see Quasimodo. He felt a little uncomfortable because he knew everything.

That night, Guan Wei found a professional handler, who only brought some medicines for preserving the body and a freezer. The handler also said that he would have to wait until July or August for a chance to handle the corpse because the quota was already full.

Nowadays, the cost of body disposal is very high, and it is necessary to cooperate with a funeral company. Since the sale of a funeral company that specialized in handling this problem in the past, it is difficult for them to find a funeral company that can handle the body.

Now a small funeral company run by them has been fully booked, and they have no choice but to temporarily preserve Melanda's body.

Looking at Quasimodo who kept asking people at the door of the vegetable market, Peter felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, but soon he received a call.

After a while, Peter saw the team leader of Section 11 in a room on the second floor of a nearby small restaurant.

"You can pay today, and everything will be arranged when you get in. Is it a room worth 240,000 for 10 years?"

Pete nodded.

"Sir, can you make it cheaper?"


The team leader opposite stood up, picked up his hat and was about to leave, but Peter hurriedly stopped him.

"Let go, or don't blame me for being rude, trash."

For a moment, Pete hurriedly took out a wad of money from his pocket and handed 2,000 yuan to the team leader. The other party took it into his pocket without courtesy.

"This is."

"Extra adults!"

The team leader smiled with satisfaction. Peter really didn't want to give up the money, but if he was imprisoned with other prisoners, with Peter's physique, he would definitely be bullied miserably.

"You can pay the money, hurry up, I still have a lot of things to do."

Peter hummed, quickly took out his mobile phone, and performed the transfer operation. After receiving the transfer, the team leader nodded with satisfaction.

"Okay, do you need to install some additional functions?"

After thinking about it, Peter realized that he still had more than 400,000 yuan left. This was his last asset. Although he didn't know whether it would depreciate in value after 10 years, at least he still had some capital to make a comeback.

After the team leader left, Peter sat in the restaurant in a daze, and he smashed the cup in anger.

The squad leader received 40,000 yuan when he just left the hospital. 200,000 yuan was the internal fund of Section 11, and 40,000 yuan was the welfare fund for the cells managed by the squad leader. He needed to distribute the welfare to the 30 section members in the team.

Everyone is very happy with this way of sharing, and they are desperately looking for customers. Basically, every time the Law Hall is held, people from Section 11 will go, and then they will find the prisoner before taking the prisoner into custody, and talk directly to the public. This is no secret. Many people who have been in prison know that most people dare not speak out because they will be killed if they go in later.

Nowadays, Section 11 basically has no funding and is all self-sufficient. Part of the funding comes from Section 12, the income from sending prisoners to work, and part of it comes from internal methods of raising money.

In the eyes of many Section 11 people, the guys in the prison are just a bunch of garbage, especially the serious criminals. They don't need to be treated as human beings at all. They can just be squeezed to death, and if they have no value, they are left to die.

In the past, many people found the job of a prison guard boring. After the start of a system where people can openly make money, many people no longer feel that working every day is tiring. Instead, they are more enthusiastic about work.

Each team only needs to manage the prisoners assigned to the team. No matter what method is used, it only needs to be able to squeeze some material things from the prisoners.

In the prison statistics of these years, the proportion of criminals who were imprisoned for the second time is very high, and even three times, four times and five times.

For many people in Section 11, returning prisoners to society through prison rehabilitation has completely stopped thinking about this issue.

Peter sat quietly in the lounge, not knowing what to do. He pressed his forehead in annoyance.

If I had known earlier, I would have spent a lot of money to hire a good lawyer. I shouldn’t have believed the cheap lawyer’s words. I thought I would only have to go to jail for three years, but the prosecuting officer of Section 8 did not give me any chance. It was obvious that I had admitted my mistake. , but the other party asked the judge for a heavy sentence without mercy.

Really not wanting to leave any escape route for Peter, Peter stood up and had no choice but to walk out of the restaurant, but as soon as he walked out, he saw Quasimodo looking at him on the street.

"What's wrong, Quasimodo is still looking for Melanda?"

Peter asked, Quasimodo nodded slightly and stared at Peter. Peter was a little panicked and turned around to leave, but Quasimodo held down his shoulders with a hand strong enough to hold Peter's head.

"What are you doing Quasimodo, I have something urgent to do, I"

"Where is Melanda!"

Peter didn't look back, just shook his head.

"Don't look for it anymore. That ruthless woman may be hiding somewhere now. She doesn't want to go to jail. Like me, I was sentenced to 10 years by Quasimodo. I'm about to go in."

Quasimodo's eyes widened for a moment, and the pressure became much weaker. Peter waved his hand and walked quickly.

After crossing several streets quickly, Peter stopped, panting and sitting in an alley. He pressed his forehead with a sad and bitter expression.

"I'm sorry, I'm just an out-and-out rotten person, a shameless and despicable bastard!"

After a while, Peter's mood stabilized. Melanda's incident was tormenting Peter like a nightmare. He couldn't bear it anymore, but he couldn't say anything. If Melanda's incident was exposed, he would be finished. Well, this time it’s not as simple as 10 years, but his own life is going to end.

The most important thing is that Quasimodo is very dangerous, and Peter is a little scared. This kind of usually taciturn guy will be very scary if he really breaks out. He doesn't want to make the matter bigger, or he doesn't want to have any consequences. trouble.

"I'm sorry, Melanda, please forgive me!"

Quasimodo stood on the street blankly, already a little hungry. He only ate some dry food in the morning, which was not enough, but he had no money in his pocket. Quasimodo looked around and could only Go work and make money, and then keep looking.

8:11 am

Following a burst of violent blows, a member of Section 12 took several steps back. He smiled and looked at Li Ang, a 14-year-old boy who was just a little shorter than him. He smiled confidently and raised his hand. Holding his fists, some members of Section 12, several team captains, and some light-duty prisoners were cheering nearby.

"That's right, kid. I just taught you a little bit and you became a lot better in a short time."

Li Ang wiped his sweat with a smile. Now Li Ang has a good relationship with some of the 12th section members who manage him and some other section leaders. He will constantly recommend his own wine, and they actually buy it. His father also I specially gave them some aged wine.

Li Ang thought very clearly that he must not be idle any longer. Whether it was combat training or studying, he did not want to become like most of the prisoners here. Although many workers left here this year, the overcrowded dormitories finally returned to their original condition. , but it is still the same as in the past. Many people here are like this. They just complete their own things mechanically every day and live a free and undisciplined life every day.

Li Ang and his group are on vacation today. Li Ang will not only work on the farm every day, but also exercise. He gets up at 5:40 in the morning, exercises until 7:30, has breakfast, goes to work on the farm, and does some light exercise at noon. , after eating and resting for an hour in the afternoon, I continued to exercise until 10 o'clock.

After practicing over and over again, something in his heart has been completely forced out. He doesn't want to lose to Niya. The most important thing is that Li Ang doesn't want to lose to himself. If he doesn't have a goal, he will find a goal. If he doesn't have energy, he will find one by himself. Ways to energize yourself.

Although it is a bit difficult, Li Ang has found it. He doesn't know what the future will be like, but he only knows his own future, and he definitely doesn't want to live in a way that he hates.

Recently, under the leadership of Li Ang, people in Section 12 also agreed, and the enthusiasm of some prisoners who wanted to practice sparring was also mobilized.

Li Ang ran over and pestered a squad leader who was more powerful in fighting, and asked him about some of his weaknesses in fighting.

"You have quite a lot of strength now, but if you don't control your brute force well, it will only consume your own physical energy and require a long time of exploration. During this period, you will have to undergo alienation every month. For genetic screening, if you awaken, you will need to log in to the list of mutants."

Li Ang made an OK gesture and looked at some people who were also sparring. Li Ang knew very well that if he wanted to awaken, he had to work hard. The Business Department seemed to have a relatively complete set of training methods for mutant awakening. Recently, Li Ang I have been working on this plan with the squad leader, but the squad leader is still tight-lipped, saying that he will only know when he takes the Acting Examination to become a member of the Acting Section and goes to school to receive training.

However, the team leader still revealed a few things, including desperate training, and combat training.

Li Ang has been reading the most medical books recently, not because he wants to study medicine, but because he needs to have a comprehensive and detailed understanding of the human body, as well as biological cells and other things, to break through the limits of ordinary people's bodies, and to awaken mutations. Human methods, Li Ang has already got the answer to this from recent books on clichés and human medicine, mutant medicine and so on.

People grow up in the process of constantly chasing themselves. The ideal self will always be one step ahead of the current self. No matter what, it will be unable to catch up and will get further and further away. Li Ang learned this through some philosophy Books recognize this.

Li Ang only wants to get closer to his ideal self. Although he can never achieve it, this is a battle between himself and himself. If he slacks off, his ideal self will get further and further away until he eventually disappears.

"What are you laughing at, Li Ang?"

The team leader in front of him asked. Li Ang shook his head, turned around and ran. He raised his head to face the wind with a bright smile on his lips.

"Of course I'm laughing at myself! So stupid."

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