Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1820 Countdown to Collapse: Malice (Part 1)

"We want to eat!"

Accompanied by a loud shout, a tsunami-like shout came towards him in an instant. Alpha stood quietly on the busiest street outside the headquarters of Section 5, District 75, in the north.

Alpha held a cigarette in his mouth and stared quietly at the mutant people gathered in front of him. The situation broke out uncontrollably. A large number of media reporters had already begun to report on the incident. A large number of mutants participated in the illegal arms trafficking. Word of the sale has spread.

Alpha knew exactly what this would lead to. It was an extremely difficult decision, but in the end Alpha arrested the mutant people involved in weapons sales for crimes against the city.

A city-wide investigation into street dealers has begun. The mutated people who organized these weapon sales bases have already explained that they are a weapons sales industry chain organized by some black market joint merchants, and the weapon manufacturers No arrests have been made so far, but underground workshops for making weapons have been found in 29 places in the city.

Those who manufacture weapons are all shady companies who have not registered their demographic information. Today's whole-day investigation has led to qualification problems for many companies in the northern region. Many companies have announced that they have suspended work. Most of them have The mutants only signed temporary employment contracts with the company. Once the company stops operating, the mutants will lose their jobs.

Although Congress has announced that it will temporarily provide food for these unemployed mutant people, it still cannot calm the anger of the mutant people.

Many places in the northern area were sealed off under investigation. We even found places where criminals who had sneaked back from the north were harbored, and some of the criminals who returned to the city from the barrier area were arrested. It was only just after 5 o'clock.

The city was instantly ignited because of a small problem, and many problems that had been gathered in the past began to erupt in full force.

Alpha knew very well that the more times like this, the less he could choose to retreat. If it was just because he didn't have enough to eat, Congress had promised to provide unemployed mutants with three meals a day, but the mutants still gathered together on a large scale. Protests have begun, and a large number of mutants have gathered towards the headquarters of Section 5.

No matter when, the final question will come back to the multiple-choice question between the majority and the minority. No matter which choice is made, the result will be the same. The only way is to discuss the matter as it is and contain the problem before it becomes too serious to be dealt with.

Alpha has done this many times in the past, each time making a choice under extremely difficult circumstances, but each time the choice was made, the city stabilized.

Dissatisfaction is certain, because the city has allocated more resources to ordinary people. Many resources that originally belonged to mutants have been allocated to ordinary people. After what happened last year, most ordinary people have an indifferent attitude. .

No one cares about the survival of the mutant group. If the problem can be solved by simply eating and sleeping, the mutant people will not be so angry.

All walks of life in the city are now out of control. Alpha knows very well that only by strictly cleaning up most of the chaos can the city return to health, but there is nothing that can be done about the unrest before it is restored to health.

Originally, the presidents of the eight major associations wanted to divide the city's economy, stabilize the economy of each area first, and then slowly divide the economy in the region to create an economic chain that allows everyone to survive. But now It's no longer possible.

Compromise is the most serious problem that Alpha has seen in recent years. The executive branch is compromising, and the councilors are also compromising. It is becoming increasingly difficult for capital to control it, but if the city's economy is not driven by capital, many people will not be able to survive.

The sounds of footsteps and chaotic protests were getting closer and closer. Alpha looked at the ground beneath his feet. The people from Section 3 and Section 5 were already preparing to suppress it. The reporters were still working hard to report on the situation at the scene. Alpha's lips raised slightly. rise.

What Alpha thought of at this time was a question. When he was very young, Alpha once asked Jean why there was enough food, but it could not be distributed to everyone for free. Alpha still clearly remembered Jean's answer at that time.

“If everyone is full, who will want to produce food?”

Alpha didn't understand it very well before, but it wasn't until Alpha actually saw how one person's kind deeds destroyed the entire street in an area on the ground floor that Alpha became very clear.

In that low-level neighborhood at that time, dragons and snakes were mixed, the security situation was very bad, and there were many criminals, because the local people lived a very difficult life, and a middle-class rich man came out after being born here, and he began Buy some low-priced food and feed people in your neighborhood every day locally.

The situation was very good at first, and many families who received free food were better off. But gradually the entire neighborhood began to become depressed. Many people became unemployed, and some shops and businesses even closed, and crime became more rampant. .

In just six months, the originally good neighborhood collapsed because of the distribution of free food. In the end, the wealthy businessman was criticized by a large number of people in the neighborhood.

Even the food donated every day was collected by some criminals from others at low prices and resold.

The businessman's act of kindness ended up causing the entire neighborhood to completely collapse. Alpha was still very young at the time and didn't quite understand why.

If the city cannot achieve a normal balance of supply and demand, big problems will definitely arise. In recent years, the presidents of the eight major associations have wanted to achieve a balance of supply and demand in all aspects of the city, but businessmen will always do something privately. , finally the people in charge, the councilors, compromised for the sake of the continued stability of the city.

The balance between supply and demand no longer exists and has been destroyed long ago. It only takes a tiny problem to cause supply and demand problems, let alone food, a daily necessity.

In the end, the street became a nest for criminals, and the originally withered street was restored. Before Gene left, he took Alpha to see that neighborhood. This neighborhood is now much better than before.

It is completely different from the chaos before the establishment of the Bureau. The newly decorated and lively streets are all changes in the years after the large-scale crime cleanup. Without crime, people can live and work in peace and contentment, and most vicious competition can be eliminated. .

The past practice of relying on threats from gangs to monopolize the market is no longer feasible in Bright City. Once arrested, it will be a felony.

Of course, it does not mean that the city will get better if we do these things. The current situation is just as bad. It is very difficult to investigate economic crimes. They are no less harmful than criminal crimes in the past, or even more harmful.

Nowadays, the problem is even more difficult to reverse. It has reached the most difficult stage of decision-making. The majority is still a minority problem. Naturally, most ordinary people in the city do not want mutants to continue to occupy a larger share of resources, but mutant people can no longer survive. .

In just six months, apart from a very small number of strong mutants, most of the low-level mutants in the mutant community have lost their stable jobs.

Many mutants don't know how to survive next. Because of what happened last year, other places in the city can no longer accommodate these low-level mutants, because high-level mutants are more stable.

Alpha looked at the mutants who were already standing in front of him, only less than 3 meters away from him. Some mutants showed fear in their eyes and began to stop, not daring to step forward.

The situation is only getting worse. The mutated people have gathered near the headquarters of Section 5 and are protesting.

Alpha remained silent and said nothing. Some reporters nearby wanted to get closer, but finally held back because a conflict might occur at any time now.


Chen Qiao took a comfortable sip of the wine at hand, and the woman hugging him next to him brought a piece of food. After Chen Qiao ate it, he looked at Wang Degui opposite with a smile. Wang Degui looked at Chen Qiao with a smile on his face.

Field said with a smile.

"I think you were influenced by your brother. Nowadays, women never leave your hand."

Chen Qiao glanced at Field angrily, and then the three of them looked at Eddie.

"It's not time yet, everyone, let's wait until the mutated people's emotions reach their highest point. The initiative is now in our hands, isn't it! You don't need to be so anxious at all."

The four of them had been having a banquet at the Sherman family's manor since last night, and had already negotiated and discussed most of the matters. Eddie raised his glass as he spoke, and the four of them took a sip.

"By the way, Mr. Wang, Mr. Chen, is it okay over there?"

Wang Degui frowned slightly, but soon relaxed and shook his head.

"My niece is too naive. I won't care about her previous losses. I just can't let her do whatever she wants anymore."

Chen Qiao hummed.

"It's the same with Lao Wu. I'm wondering why he's gotten more and more weird in recent years. He's such an insidious guy. People always grow up. Instead of living in the pain of the past, it's better to look to the future."

Chen Qiao said, hugging the woman next to him, and the two of them laughed and started to indulge on the sofa.

"You should be more restrained."

Field said, now he is very satisfied. It is indeed right to cooperate with the Hillman family. After all, he is also a businessman and the patriarch of the family. He needs to consider the interests of the family as a whole. Now most families have moved closer, and even The same goes for the Eberron family.

In the past, families always had internal conflicts, but now most families are aware of a problem. It is a certainty that the gods want to take back the family's immunity.

"By the way, you three, you have to make good use of some of the materials I gave you."

"But I'm curious, where did you get such accurate values?"

Field glanced at Eddie, who smiled and said.

"After all, our family has also invested in the mutant competition, right?"

The other three people in the room burst out laughing when they mentioned this. It was right to sell the investment qualifications to other people after first obtaining the investment qualifications. As expected, there was a problem in this year's mutant competition. Because after the problem that occurred this morning spreads, the mutant competition is over, and investors will suffer very serious losses.

There was a sound of footsteps, and Jiang Hao walked in with a smile.

"Sorry everyone, I'm late."

Eddie stood up and bowed slightly, but the other three people in the room looked at Jiang Hao with disdain.

"Jiang Hao, you are the patriarch of the Jiang family. You can't always let your wife ride on your head."

Wang Degui said arrogantly, but Jiang Hao didn't take it seriously. He picked up the wine on the table and toasted with the four people in the room.

"Oh, stop talking. We all had misunderstandings in the past, but now as long as we are willing to cooperate well, the future is not ours to decide."

Jiang Hao said and drank all the wine in the cup. He had a big fight with Honghong at home because Honghong did not agree to recruit some mutants for training and let them become members of the Jiang family, that is, the family about the private armed forces, and Honghong had been warning Jiang Hao not to have anything to do with the Hillman family.

However, in the face of interests, Jiang Hao broke the promise he made when he married Honghong for the first time, and relying on Eddie's relationship, Jiang Hao now has decisive evidence in his hands, the hallucinogenic drug called happiness. It was developed internally by Section 4.

"Have you ever thought about it? In the past, no matter what people in our family did in the city, it didn't matter, but now it is different. It is obviously the same as in the past, but we need to be controlled by others and act according to the rules. The council members can do whatever they want. , we became the sheep in their hands. Obviously this city can be built, but how much contribution have our eight major families contributed? Just look at the Angus family. "

Chen Qiao snorted coldly and shook his head.

"Don't mention this shame within our family. If I were the patriarch of the Angus family and my daughter climbed to such a position, I would have already made a lot of money and would be dead now."

Over the past six months or so, most families have really cultivated many outstanding mutants according to a set of mutant combat training documents given by the Hillman family, and even allowed some members within the family to awaken as mutants. .

There are some things that everyone knows very well. If you want to keep the immunity of the family, you must act together. In the past, the reason why the gods offered such generous conditions to the eight major families was just because they wanted to end the war. It is the same now. Yes, in terms of capital and armed capabilities, the family must occupy a dominant position.

When the city was first established, the immunity included that families could have their own private armed forces to protect family members. This was something the gods promised to the family as a whole.

And over the years, the family has always been led by the nose, and now it is impossible to decide on marriage independently. Some rats who have struggled from the bottom have actually climbed up.

The dissatisfaction within the family has been building up for a long time, and most families no longer want to be led by the office and the council members.

Over the years, due to various policies of the Congress, many families have had a hard time. They have even been suppressed by the association using public opinion and have been slapped with some labels. Nowadays, most families have united.

In just half a year, many families have made a lot of money, and some of the ordinary businessmen who threatened the family in the past have been ruined because they listened to the association and followed the footsteps of the business department.

"But there's something strange about me. Eddie, can you predict the future?"

Jiang Hao asked. At this time, the other three people looked at Eddie, and Eddie shook his head.

"I have been observing some things over the years. You should be very clear that our Hillman family has made a lot of money over the years, but the reason is because of the integrity and unity of our entire family. I have already had it a long time ago. The intention is to unite the families. Only by uniting can we have power. But no matter how much we talk, everyone does not trust each other. But in 2017, everyone felt that we had harmed the Angus family, but have you ever thought about it? We just did what a qualified businessman should do, and did not make wrong decisions out of pity or other emotions. The only thing to blame is Congress, which did not fully settle the money to the Angus family, which resulted in The capital chain was broken, and in the end many of the things sold by the Angus family were taken over by our Hillman family! You should think carefully about who is right and who is wrong."

The four people present all nodded, because they didn't understand what the Angus family had been doing over the years. Not only did they not get any benefits, but the entire family was about to be buried with them.

Especially after the wave of mutant denunciation started last year, Angus Construction forced itself to start construction in a place in the north that had no commercial value at all. Within the family, most people felt that this was not a wise choice.

Now that the situation has gotten worse, many people have begun to denounce Angus Construction.

"Maliciousness is caused by charity. Please remember, no matter what you do, never do something as a donor, but look at it from the perspective of a beneficiary."

However, in the next second, Chen Qiao let go of the woman in his arms and stood up from the sofa.

"Are the Angus family crazy?"

A piece of news shocked everyone present in an instant. Eddie stared blankly at what the Angus family had just announced. Angus Construction would continue to start construction in the north in the short term, promising to solve the problem of most mutants. Work issues.

Eddie's eyes became extremely shocked for a moment, but after the shock, he was happy, just like everyone else present, because he had made money again, and Field had already taken out the phone.

Chen Qiao shook his head happily.

"The Angus family is crazy. I really don't understand what they want to do for their daughter Alpha."

Everyone present knew that if the Angus family forced the construction, they would be doomed.


Freya took her daughter Michelle and walked slowly to the outside of the manor. Freya opened the door and looked at the Angus family opposite in the sunset.

"Look at all this well Michelle, no matter what the outcome of the Angus family is, please remember Michelle, there is a power in this world that can pierce everything. In your future life, maybe Encountering countless problems, when one day you are powerless, you can only choose to believe in this power."

"What kind of power mother are you!"

Michelle raised her head. Freya did not tell Michelle the answer, but smiled and stroked her forehead.

"Go find this power, the power that is enough to pierce all the darkness in this world."

Freya closed her eyes silently and bowed slightly. She could not imagine that the first time she saw the information released by the Angus family, Freya only felt her whole body trembling, as if there was something A current surged from the soles of his feet straight to his forehead.

This time the Angus family chose to block everything, and made such an awe-inspiring but tragic move after the incident had only fermented for less than an hour.

Freya took her daughter and sat quietly on the bench opposite her home, looking quietly at the Angus home opposite. She just wanted to continue sitting quietly for a while. Once upon a time, she had decided that this kind of thing had Abandoned by Freya.

Although the medical industry is getting better now, it was achieved on the basis of cruel choices.

At this time, a helicopter flew towards Freya's lawn. Freya turned her head and saw Wu Qun and some members of the parliament coming out of the landing helicopter. them.

"Please disperse, this city will get better, I promise! It will definitely get better, a fair and hopeful city!"

Freya looked at Alpha who was being interviewed on the light and shadow screen. There was a touch of sadness in her eyes. At this time, Wu Qun and six other people also came to Freya. Freya patted her daughter on the back. Michelle bowed slightly and then turned around and left quickly. She glanced back at the Angus family, which was about to sink into darkness. Her mind was filled with the figures of the two Angus sisters and the evaluation of them by the outside world.

"Use Alpha as your example and Nia as your symmetry!"

Wu Qun smiled slightly, his face full of helplessness. The tone in the city had begun to change. After the Angus family announced the decision to continue construction after the repairs were completed, most people were full of hope.

The mutated people who gathered at the Section 5 headquarters to protest also began to disperse on their own.

"Is there anything else we can do?"

Lin Xiao said dullly, took out a cigarette, lit it and took a puff, but was immediately picked up by Wang Ying next to him. Pullman, who had quit smoking for a long time, also took it and took a puff. He shook his head bitterly. shook his head.

"If it were me, I wouldn't be able to make such a decision!"

Baozhen lowered her head and shrugged. Chris sat next to the bench, resting his head on his hands, looking up and smiling.

"I finally understand why Alpha is a unique genius, because she not only has a good teacher, but also a pair of parents who understand and fully support her. What else can we do?"

Beckinsale squatted on the ground, picked up a yellowing leaf, and turned it over in his hand. The artificial sun would soon go out.

The eight people did not speak any words, and their expressions were all the same. The decision of the Angus family was tantamount to seeking death. Although it could boost the overall economy, it would lead to death.

"Choice and courage! In the end, hope can be exchanged, even if this hope is short-lived! We must keep this hope and continue it. This is what we will do next. If there is anything else we can do , this is the only thing we can do next! We must not let malice destroy this hope again!"

Wu Qun said, and everyone else stood up. The moment the artificial sun went out, the eight people bowed deeply.

6 o'clock sharp


Alpha held up the phone. She was sitting on the top of a tower at the headquarters of Section 5, while Jean sat silently aside.

"Until November at most!"

Gene nodded. Alpha looked solemn and leaned back with sad eyes. Gene didn't say anything and could only accompany Alpha silently now.

By November, it is the maximum the Angus family can bear, and Gene is very clear about what it means for the Angus family to start work again.

Originally, today was the time for the Chinese New Year, but now the city is once again plunged into a sea of ​​carnival because Angus construction is about to start. Many people are worried about the problems in the north, and the thought of affecting their lives has disappeared.

"Justice has a price!"

After a long time, Alpha finally spoke, and Gene nodded.

"Didn't I say it a long time ago! Don't have any hesitation, Alpha. Remember why I took you to see the things I took you to see before I left!"

Alpha hummed.

"But this time it can be handled with discretion! At the trial stage of the Law Hall for urban endangerment crimes."

Gene reached out and patted Alpha on the shoulder.

"No matter what you do you can be Alpha! As long as you don't deviate from your path."

"how about you?"

Alpha turned to look at Gene, who scratched his head.

“Cultivate the next generation for the city!”

Alpha was a little shocked, but Jean immediately added.

"If you have time!"

"Someone has already taken action."

Alpha said, turning on the light and shadow screen. Some non-governmental organizations in many places spontaneously organized themselves and decided to contribute to the construction of Angus for free. In the list of these non-governmental organizations, Gene saw a person named Bin Cai's non-governmental organization, he reached out his hand, clicked on it and saw Le Wen's name.

"do you know?"

Gene nodded.

"I know this man and his wife, and they are both very kind people."

"Tell me about it!"

Alpha said with a smile and Gene nodded.

"Where should I start?"

Gene took out a cigarette and handed it to Alpha next to him. He stared at the edge area where the light extended.

"What did they say?"

Alpha asked and Gene nodded.

"I will communicate with them slowly about the issues that need to be explained clearly. Some things cannot be rushed, Alpha. Some friendships will not be broken as time goes by. I can tell you clearly that everyone does not It’s your fault, it’s just that everyone can’t face you!”

Alpha smiled easily.

“We’ll talk about it after we retire!”

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