Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1821 Countdown to Collapse: Malice (Part 2)

March 1, 2225

9 a.m.

In the lobby on the first floor of the 4th Section headquarters located in the south of the middle floor, a large number of reporters are waiting anxiously. Many reporters have been waiting since 7 o'clock in the morning. It has been two hours, but the 4th Section press conference has not yet been held. has not started.

Today, Section 4 will announce the results of its investigation into the hallucinogen called happiness that was circulated in the city. In the past three months, there have been many types of evidence that this drug was circulated from within Section 4.

There is already some evidence that these medicines were developed by Section 4. These speculations are based on part of the investigative evidence released by Section 5.

There are more and more accusations against Section 4, and finally Section 4 decided to announce the results of the investigation this morning, but most people know it well, because part of the evidence released by Section 5 shows that patients who took happy hallucinogens According to medical investigations, their brains were exposed to long-term erosion by microwaves of unknown origin, causing abnormal brain disorders.

Therefore, some people speculate that these drugs are not normal drugs, but nanometers. Some scholars have already put forward such an argument.

"Get ready!"

Lolita looked at Lolita who was wearing a blue and white plaid suit, a small round hat, and a pair of small round glasses. She was sitting behind the section chief's desk and had already changed into the section chief's uniform. Marcus had a look on his face. Looking on gloomily.

"I'm really sorry, Teacher Lolita!"

Akimi bowed deeply.

Lolita shook her head.

"You don't need to apologize, Akimi. It's me who should apologize."

Akimi smiled and turned around and opened the door of the office. At this time, the long corridor was filled with all the directors of Section 4. Everyone's expressions looked a little serious. After Akimi walked out, everyone bowed. bow.

After Akimi bowed slightly in return, he started walking, and the governing officers around him followed him. Lolita glanced at Marcus next to her, stretched out her hand and patted him on the back.

"It's up to us from now on!"

Marcus moved away, putting more distance between himself and Lolita.

"What are you going to do?"

Marcus asked and Lolita smiled.

"I don't regret everything I've done in the past. If you can't shoulder this responsibility, it's up to me. I will do it in the remaining decades."

Marcus swallowed, looking at Lolita's relaxed expression, as if she was joking, but Marcus knew that this was not a joke, nor was it anything worth joking about.

"If we want to start the next phase of the city, we must make changes, or we must complete the changes!"

Lolita said as she stood up and started walking.

"We are also going to get ready. After the TV press conference on Akimi's side is over, it will be our turn."

"Are you sure you really mean to do this?"

Marcus confirmed again, and Lolita hummed.

"This is the last thing I can do for this city. Medical care must be returned to the hands of Congress. The 4 departments will directly assume the important responsibility of urban medical care in the future. This will not only completely eradicate the chaos in the medical market, but also stabilize medical care." The price will eliminate everything from the source.”

Although Marcus agrees with what Lolita said, it is almost impossible to do it. There have been countless problems caused by medical treatment over the years, and the things that have affected other industries because of the medical industry are also very serious. many.

Prices have been so stable over the years because the agricultural base is owned by Congress, and businessmen can't do much at the source. Even families who own private farmland have no right to determine the price of the grain they produce.

Marcus doesn’t know what Lolita plans to do, but what is certain is that it will be extremely difficult. Now the medical school for the 4th Department has been opened last month, and Hua Shen serves as the principal to provide special training for the 4th Department. Doctors and students who enter medical school can choose to go to a hospital or work in a practicing department. The former only needs to graduate, while the latter needs to pass the practicing examination.

"Have you really decided to do this? Teacher Lolita."

Lolita walked to the door and nodded again, looking at Marcus firmly.

"So you have to help me. By the way, I will have dinner with Freya tonight."

Lolita said and walked out of the room, Marcus frowned slightly.

"Is it going to start soon?"

"I was her teacher before, but it was a long time ago. I believe this cooperation will be very pleasant."

Click click click click

Reporters kept taking pictures. In the first floor hall of Section 4 headquarters, a large row of directors stood behind Section Chief Akimi. But at this time, many reporters noticed that Akimi was wearing casual clothes today. This was in the past. It has never happened before. People in the field must wear uniforms when working or on some formal occasions, but now Akimi is not wearing uniforms.

"I'm sorry, please forgive me!"

Akimi bowed deeply as soon as he spoke.

At this time, a light and shadow screen appeared in the hall, and the reporters immediately started taking pictures. However, everyone was stunned the next second. The results announced by Section 4 were that this was an internal research accident within Section 4, which resulted in the death of some research objects. Due to some negligence, it leaked into the market and was used by criminals.

"I'm sorry that the negligence of our 4th Department led to such a serious situation, so here, I will take responsibility and resign as the chief of the 4th Medical Department! The new section chief will be announced soon. of."

Akimi said and bowed again. The reporters rushed forward and asked various questions. However, they were quickly blocked by people from Section 5. Akimi and several directors walked to the right side. aisle.

Many people at the scene started speculating for a while, because the Executive Section is a management organization directly under the gods, especially the position of the section chief, which is determined by the gods. No organization or individual can impeach, but now Ah Kimi took the initiative to resign, and filling the power vacancy instantly became a hot topic.

Just when the reporters were a little confused and were still shocked by Akimi's sudden announcement of resignation, the elevator door in the lobby opened, and all the reporters looked over for a moment.

A beautiful woman wearing the uniform of Section 4 Chief came out. She was a beauty with an oval face. She had her hands behind her back and was only as tall as the shoulders of Marcus, the secretary next to her. When everyone was stunned, Lolita spoke.

"Good morning everyone! I am Lolita Aikala, the new section chief of the 4th Medical Department! I hope you will support me in the future."

Everyone was shocked for a moment, because no one knew who Lolita was, but the last name after it shocked many people. In the past, a large-scale virus outbreak, the Aikala virus, was written into the textbooks of Bright City. Raging, many people couldn't help but look at Lolita.

"Everyone is right, my mother is Aikala! As for my resume, you can take a look."

Soon Lolita's resume appeared on the light and shadow screen, and the reporters were excited for a while. At Lolita's signal, the people from Section 5 stepped aside and the reporters gathered around, holding up the microphone.

"Please speak one by one."

On the light and shadow panel recording Lolita's resume, it can be seen that Lolita was once a teacher in the academy set up by the gods specifically for the students of the family, and was also a second-generation student when the gods established the Brilliant City. , and later served as a medical teacher in the College of God.

"Lolita-dono, are you appointed by the gods to be the chief of Section 4?"

"How should I answer this question? That's right. As for the mistakes my students made before, on behalf of the entire practice department, I would like to extend my most sincere apology to the public and the victims of the incident!"

Lolita said and bowed.

"At the same time, I can also tell you clearly that Akimi will be severely punished! The specific punishment will not be based on the internal regulations of the Acting Department. The punishment is decided by the gods. Such punishment will not be made public. Yes, please don’t make random guesses, especially rumors!”

Lolita said as she looked at the reporters with a serious expression.

"There is only one reason why I came to be the chief of Section 4. Over the years, the medical market has never been able to stabilize, and there will always be some problems. Over the years, I have been working on medical research behind the scenes, and at the same time, I have been working hard on medical research. I pay attention to every move in the medical market, and this time I serve as section chief, just hoping to solve some essential problems in the medical market."

As Lolita spoke, the reporters began to ask questions again. She answered one question after another easily. At this time, Werther, who was invisible in the crowd, breathed a sigh of relief.

The scene included some people watching the live program. Their doubts about Lolita suddenly taking over as the head of Section 4 have been dispelled. It can be seen from her conversation and views on some things that this person named Lolita Really capable.

In just one hour, the press conference of Section 4 was over, and Lolita smiled and bowed slightly.

"As I said before, those victims of the negligence of Section 4 will receive a special medical subsidy from Congress, and as for those who manufacture and sell illegal drugs, Congress will definitely punish them severely. Finally, I Once again, on behalf of the entire practice department, I would like to extend my most sincere apology to the people of the city for this incident!"

The reporters still looked like they wanted to continue asking questions, but Lolita had already led the directors toward the corridor on the right, and the people from Section 5 began to direct the reporters to leave.

"Teacher Lolita, you are so good, actually"

"You little brats, do you really think that you are a good politician after being in the power circle for a few years? Before you were even born, I was struggling in this circle!"

Lolita said, stretching out her hands and pushing open the double doors in front of her. The governing officers all stepped aside consciously. In front of them was a small conference room, filled with the chiefs of 11 departments, as well as those with solemn faces. Akimi, only Alpha is not there.

"That's what it is! Principal."

Lolita said and walked to Gene's side. After sitting down, Duan Kong looked at Akimi with some discomfort.

"Go to Teacher Tang Rao's place tomorrow to report on Akimi, and take some of the directors from Section 4 with you. I will promote a new group of directors."

For a moment, all the section chiefs present looked at Jean, as if waiting for Jean to say something.

"I'll go to Alpha."

"I will personally convince the principal, that ignorant little girl, that I will often come to have a drink with her from now on."

The issue of Section 4 has been delayed for a long time. Alpha feels that the truth should be announced, but this is obviously impossible. The gods will never allow such a thing to be exposed.

"Don't you think it's a bit too much? Principal, you have always been protecting Alpha."

As soon as Clark finished speaking, Latis next to him put down the cigarette butt in his hand and stared at him.

"You brat, I haven't settled the matter with you in the Agriculture Department yet!"

As soon as Gene finished speaking, Clark sighed.

"Old man Ye has already taken care of it for us, so there's no need for you, principal, to go there yourself."

Gene stood up and glanced at the students.

"This is a difficult moment. I just hope that you will think carefully about what we need to face next! And what we need to do in the future! Do your part, just this time! Listen! understand!"

All the section chiefs present stood up and bowed one after another, and everyone answered in unison.

"Listen clearly, principal!"

Lolita smiled helplessly.

"There are some things that we all know well. If we have to distinguish between black and white, there is no need for us to sit here. I just hope that everyone will work together in the future to make the department run properly."

Jean sighed helplessly.

"Don't forget, I've been watching you!"

Jean said, the section chiefs all nodded, and Latis quickly chased after them.


Jean nodded, and soon Latis and Jean were standing on the rooftop of Section 5 headquarters.

"I have investigated and found that some prisoners in the prison had contact with members of the Hillman family."

"There's nothing you need to do now, just save everything."

Latis nodded.

"I'm a little worried about Alpha's mental state."

Gene knew what Latis wanted to say. Now, with the help of the Hillman family, the families were in a knot. It was an unchangeable fact, and the entire Angus family was almost on the verge of a dead end. .

The construction in the north is started in stages and often stops. Now, except for the underground engineering in the north, which has not yet been completed, the construction in other areas has been completed.

It was difficult to raise the pricing fees for underground facilities at the beginning. Obviously, only a small increase could alleviate the huge pressure on the Angus family. However, the prices for some facilities were experimentally raised before. As a result, Angus The family immediately encountered great criticism.

Most people think that the Angus family has now taken control of the city's economy. They have already made a lot of money just by making money every day. The Angus couple has never come out to argue because many things are getting darker and darker. The opinions in the entire family circle are basically the same. The Angus family is still the leading rich man in the city.

"There's always a way to solve it!"

Gene said helplessly looking at the top of Capitol Hill.

"First cut off the immunity of the families."

Jean said, and Latis also understood that the next thing to do is to work with the councilors to cancel the family's immunity. This is necessary for the city to move to the next stage.

It's just that members of the family cannot hand over immunity easily. Nowadays, some members of the family are becoming a little unscrupulous. In recent years, there have been some incidents of crimes committed by the family's children.

The city is filled with voices that are dissatisfied with the actions of the gods, and these voices are becoming more and more numerous.

"Principal, if you have time, please go shopping with Alpha more often."

Gene was a little surprised, but quickly looked at Latis.

"It's better that you go, I have a lot of things to deal with recently."

"Barrier area!"

Latis glanced at the dark barrier area outside the range of sunlight.

"There is no other way. Now the city does not have the capital to deal with the criminals in the barrier area."

A new batch of special inspectors has been selected, and Jean will continue to lead the special inspectors to conduct some inspection work in the barrier area.

"By the way, principal, I noticed something strange recently. A criminal in prison said that after he had a hangover all night, when he woke up the next morning, he inexplicably began to think about the gods before It’s about the decisions made.”

"Continue investigating!"

Jean said, Latis nodded and bowed slightly.

10:31 am

As a Section 4 ambulance stopped at the entrance of Li Ji Winery, Li Ang limped out of the car with a cane.


As soon as Li Ang got off the car, he saw many people on the street looking towards him. Since Li Ang was hospitalized, the winery has stopped working. In the past few days, Li Ang's body has gradually regained consciousness. He has done it several times. The operation was performed by Huashen himself on Li Ang. The operation was relatively successful, but recovery took a long time. It would take at least two years before Li Ang's body functions could be fully restored.

"Want me to take you in, Xiao Li?"

A doctor in charge of Li Ang from Department 4 asked, and Li Ang shook his head.

"No need, I can do it myself."

After the ambulance left, Li Ang took out his home key on crutches and opened the door of the reception hall of the winery. There was dust everywhere in the room. Li Ang was about to close the door when some people gathered at the door.

"Didn't Congress say that low-level mutants are not allowed to leave the north?"

Li Ang's eyes widened, and suddenly the street started to shout. Many people gathered at the door of the reception hall, and Li Ang was a little angry.

"I'm not a mutant."

But no matter how Li Ang explained, many people were a little scared. What if Li Ang went violent one day? After a while, the members of Section 5 on patrol came over. After checking Li Ang's ID card in detail, they began to disperse the people gathered around the wine shop. People at the factory.

As soon as Li Ang entered the yard, he saw a lot of garbage. It was everywhere in the yard and there were many dirty places. Li Ang quietly looked at the small building that he had not been back to for a long time. He planned to go back first. He rested until the afternoon and then went out to eat, but when he thought of what just happened, Li Ang felt a chill rise in his heart.

He is clearly not a mutant. Even though he has produced various certificates from the hospital, Li Ang is just an ordinary person carrying alienated genes. There are at least 2 million such people in the city, and they are not mutants at all.

"Really, what on earth were those guys thinking."

Li Ang smiled bitterly and could only walk towards his home step by step. His parents had passed away one after another last year, and Li Ang was the only one left at home. Li Xin had visited him in the hospital several times, but each time they both I don’t know what to talk about. Li Xin is now married and has children.

Everything in the past disappeared. When Li Ang came to the gate of the winery, he stretched out his nose and smelled it. He could also smell the smell of wine. Since the production here stopped, Li Xin came over in person to help Li Ang. After sorting everything out and storing the unsold wine in the cellar, Li Ang wanted to take a look.

After opening the door of the winery, Li Ang saw piles of equipment being moved away. After this incident, Li Ang did not plan to continue running the winery, but planned to do something else. Li Ang's mind We know very well that once something is broken, the cost of time and energy required to restore it will increase a lot.

After a while, Li Ang came to the wine cellar on the first floor of the basement. Jars of wine were neatly arranged one after another. Li Ang temporarily put down his crutches and sat at the top of the stairs.

"I'll save these wines and wait for my friends to hold happy events, or take them out on their birthdays."

At this time, there were some noisy sounds outside. Li Ang turned around and walked up with a cane. As soon as he looked outside the courtyard wall, he saw someone holding a sign on the opposite side, telling Li Ang to get out.

Li Ang was a little shocked. Many residents who lived near the winery hung slogans on high-rise buildings.

Li Ang didn't know what was going on, but soon Li Ang received a call.

"Is it Mr. Li Ang! Will the land of your winery be sold?"

The visitor said bluntly that Li Ang was a little angry.

"Not for sale!"

"It's like this. As you know, Mr. Li Ang, ordinary people in the city are very resistant to mutants. By the way, I am from Xingchen Real Estate. If you are interested, you can contact us and we will definitely give you a Satisfied with the price.”

Li Ang smiled and looked outside the courtyard wall. Some residents on the upper floors were looking at him.

"That's it, it's the same old routine!"

His winery is now located in the most popular area of ​​District 58, and it covers such a large area. As long as he buys it and builds it, he can make ten or even twenty times the profit, but Li Ang will not sell this place. Because this is where I grew up.

As soon as he came back, the people nearby reacted so loudly. Someone must have spread some rumors about him possibly going berserk again. Li Ang shook his head helplessly.

"Looks like I'll have to leave for a while."

Li Ang knows very well that even if you ignore malice, it will come to you naturally and even push you into danger.

At this time, another unfamiliar phone call came. Li Ang knew who it was before he picked up the call. Sure enough, it was another real estate developer after he picked up the call.

Li Ang dug out his phone book, and after thinking about it, he had to find a place to take refuge. His first choice was definitely Niya, but Li Ang soon gave up because the Angus family was not having a good time now.

Most people think that the Angus family makes a lot of money, but they are unwilling to use it to help the city. The most obvious thing is that the Angus family sold a large number of properties, and after many people bought these properties, there have been some continuous problems. The phenomenon of losses has also caused many people to have great resentment towards the Angus family.

When ordinary people take the subway every day, or use logistics pipelines to use electricity and the Internet, they will think of the Angus family and feel that they are rich and unkind.

Li Ang didn't know exactly how much the Angus family earned, but the only clear thing was that after several phone calls with Niya, Niya was not in a good mood. She was always complaining that she had no money to spend and could not go out to work. It is the most authentic Angus family.


"Who is it?"

A charming voice came, Li Ang frowned slightly, and after a while Jewell answered the phone.

"Are you discharged from the hospital?"

"Now I can't live here temporarily, and my legs and feet are inconvenient. Can I escape to your house first?"

There was a burst of laughter.


Li Ang was also helpless. If he rented an unfamiliar apartment, there would be nothing around him. When he wanted to drink, there would be only one person. After thinking carefully, Li Ang decided to go to Jewell's house.

Jewell also lives in the middle floor. He lives in Area 54, which is not far from here. Li Ang directly called a service car and got on the service car from the back door. The car just started and came to the side of the winery. On the back street, Li Ang noticed some sneaky guys nearby.

"Fortunately, I made a wise choice."

Li Ang knew very well that it was easy to hide from an overt attack, but hard to prevent it. As long as these real estate businessmen joined forces with nearby gang members, it was too easy for them to do something to themselves now that he had bad legs and feet, and he lived alone.

At 11:28, the car arrived under an apartment building. Li Ang walked out of the apartment building directly. As soon as he reached the door of the apartment building, he contacted Jewell, and the door of the apartment building slowly opened. At this time A beautiful woman with wet hair and wearing a white miniskirt came out, and Li Ang couldn't help but take a few glances.

"Don't look, this is the pretty boy upstairs."

Li Ang looked at the security guard of the apartment with some confusion, and he said with a smile that there was a pretty boy named Jewell living upstairs, and there would always be different women coming in and out of the apartment, giving him food and drinks.

Li Ang got into the elevator awkwardly. He immediately ruled out the possibility that Jewell was a gigolo, because Li Ang knew Jewell too well, and the security guard just said it with excitement, as if it was true.

Ding dong

The door to the room was opened and the room was neatly tidied. Jewell was shirtless and looked sweaty. He had just exercised.

"Come in quickly."

Li Ang smiled helplessly.

"It seems that you are not having a good time either. People outside are rumored to be a pretty boy."

Jewell lit a cigarette disapprovingly.

"The mouth is on the body, so to speak, by the way, why did you come here all of a sudden?"

Li Ang took out a bottle of wine from his pocket.

"Have a drink first and order some food."

Jewell took the wine with a smile.

"Since you're here, I won't go out on a date tonight."

Li Ang sighed.

"I think it's better for you to restrain yourself. You will be sucked dry one day!"

Jewel raised his arms.

"See, I exercise well every day, don't worry, I'll be fine."

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