Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1829 The Last Straw 1 (Part 1)

December 31, 2225

"Hello everyone, I am Xiaotong, a reporter from CBV Activision Team 6. Today is the last day of the year. I would like to wish everyone a happy New Year!"

On a crowded street, a reporter wearing a simple white short skirt and overalls smiled, bowed respectfully in front of the camera, and said a lot of blessings. At this time, behind the camera, suddenly ran A man came over.

"Be against exploitation, be against"

After the camera shook for a few times, the TV program stopped immediately. Several staff immediately pushed the man who came in front of the camera to the ground. The man was still struggling.

"You evil lackeys, lackeys!"

The man is still shouting. In the past month or so, a major event has happened in the city. Most companies have united to sue the Angus family, hoping that the Angus family will pay off the debts owed by these companies. Most companies They are all construction companies, or material dealers, as well as some construction equipment manufacturers.

Although the case has been filed and the Department of Law has taken it over, the case is too involved and the situation is so serious that it requires investigation before a conclusion can be drawn, so the case has been postponed. Businessmen all know that this is a matter of Congress. strategy.

But in fact, some businessmen have begun to cut the wages of some workers. They are all expounding a point. Because the Angus family owes them money and has not yet settled the settlement, and it is now difficult to operate, they can only reduce the wages of the workers. Dissatisfied The workers began to vent their emotions on the Angus family.

Violet has already stood up and said that the construction money, material money and other parts of the money owed to the merchants will be paid in full. She has also told most people that now the Angus family as a whole Being in debt, there is no way to get money out, but most people still don't believe it.

There are always demonstrations on the streets where workers gather during their breaks, and the mutants are also becoming dissatisfied because the Angus family has been suspended for more than a month.

The voice of dissatisfaction is not only from the workers, but also from more office workers who are dissatisfied with the AI ​​network workers, which has caused unfair competition, and Congress has been very slow to grant quotas for those who have opened the AI ​​network. So far, there are only 270 Ten thousand users are already a very large group, and many people who cannot activate the AI ​​network and are still waiting in line are increasingly dissatisfied.

A few days before the end of the year, another ugly incident of abusing prisoners and making money from prisoners was revealed in the prison. Congress has promised to investigate. Many people are questioning Section 11 about this matter, but Section 11 has never faced it head-on. I have responded, and they all say it is a myth.

Today is the last day of this year, and the city has begun to fall into huge chaos again. Many voices from the bottom have begun to rise up. They are using the failure of the orchard plan as an excuse, hoping that Congress will allocate part of the planting farmland to the people at the bottom. Many people at the bottom People are almost unable to live anymore. Some areas in some areas have become slums. The supply of water and electricity is problematic. The monthly income of most families is less than 300 yuan.

Consumption in cities has also begun to shrink rapidly. In the first half of the past year, taking the middle class as an example, consumption has shrunk by 55%. Most people have also noticed that this is related to the explosive growth of AI networks.

"Sir, may I ask how you plan to spend your time tomorrow?"

After Xiaotong resumed her interview on the street, she ran up to a young man with his head hunched, followed by a bulging AI incorporeal woman.

"How else can we survive? I can hardly afford to eat. I really don't know what the Congress is doing."

The young man said that the female incorporeal AI next to him made a scissor hand gesture and began to persuade him with a smile.

"Master, don't be discouraged. As long as you work harder, you will definitely be able to improve next month. Xiaomeng has made a consumption plan for you next month. Just pay back some money this month and I will help you plan accurately. "

The young man ignored the reporter and smiled bitterly, but then nodded again.

"You have to help me plan well."

Xiaotong seemed a little embarrassed and hurriedly started interviewing other people. Many people on the street said that they would celebrate the New Year at home this year and would not go anywhere.

This year has been unbearable for many people. Many people have spent the whole year in worry. Consumption in the city has dropped sharply, and many companies that provide demand have experienced some problems.

More and more people are becoming unemployed, especially those who do not work using AI networks. Now some companies have begun to change their hiring standards. If you are not a user of AI networks, it will be difficult to find a job.

The air in the city is filled with disturbing air. You can often see people throwing garbage in some alleys on the streets, and urban garbage has accumulated in many places.

After finishing her work, Xiaotong covered her nose. There was an unpleasant smell of garbage in the breeze. Although the garbage disposal port on the middle floor had covered almost all places, she still needed to pay a monthly garbage disposal fee. Calculated to deal with the amount of garbage in the mouth, one kilogram of garbage costs 30 cents.

A family produces about 40 kilograms of garbage a month, and it only costs more than ten yuan, but some people are no longer willing to pay. Liquid food that was originally only a best-seller at the bottom has now become a best-seller in the middle-level food market. Sanlian The company seized the opportunity and launched a large number of new flavors of liquid food that appealed to middle-class consumers.

A can of 1 yuan is enough for people with big appetites to fill up, and people with small appetites can eat two meals of liquid food. It has become a best-seller in middle-class areas. Some restaurants that used to only cost 3 to 5 yuan for a meal have begun to close. .

There are always people who put garbage in bags and secretly throw it on the street. In the end, these garbage can only be handled by people from Section 5. The money can only be paid with part of the local tax. Many people who normally take out garbage can People made dissatisfied sounds.

With the advent of consumption and unemployment, many high-level education schools are in crisis, and some schools have even announced their closure because they cannot recruit students.

However, the only thing that remains unchanged in all this is the upper class. The economy of the upper class is still stable. Restaurants that cost hundreds of yuan a meal are still doing brisk business every day. In those glamorous clothing stores, sales are still very good every day. Many new models even sell out as soon as they are put on the shelves. Hot sales.

The most popular place every night is still Qinglong Street. This bustling street has never been depressed since the city was founded. More and more fresh faces with beautiful faces appear on Qinglong Street.

"Move fast girls!"

Ada sat in a convertible sports car and asked the beautiful little girls to get into the car. It was just 10 o'clock in the morning.

"I'll take you to have a good meal. There are many rich people coming to our store tonight. You have to serve me well. Remember to give me a good rest when you come back later. Tonight is not On New Year's Eve, you have to keep up your energy, I guarantee that the tip you will receive tonight will not be less than 10,000 yuan."

The little girls got into Ada's car with excited chatter. At this time, Ada saw Harrison talking and laughing with several doormen on the street not far away. Ada sighed and said contemptuously With a smile, he drove away in the car. At this time, a woman with disheveled hair ran out and knelt in front of the car.

"Please don't fire me, Queen Ada!"

The woman looked sallow and thin, and she appeared to be in great mental pain. Ada looked at the woman with her chin in her hands.

"You have no value anymore. Your turnover has been basically zero recently. The contract is signed in black and white. Get out! We don't need you here anymore."

Ada said, and the little girls behind her smiled and made faces at the woman on the street. She looked completely despairing, and at this moment Harrison ran over.

"Miss Ada, please don't show me any more mercy."

The car started, Ada laughed and left without looking back. Harrison looked at the girl still squatting on the street crying. This is a scene often seen on Qinglong Street. These girls are Youth and energy were spent here, and although many made money, in fact most of the money went to the owners of these shops.

"I just bought a house. The old man at home has been sick recently. Harrison, please help me think of a solution. You know Queen Ada very well, don't you?"

Harrison hummed and could only agree first. The woman seemed to see hope. Harrison helped the girl up. Just as she was about to enter the store, a bunch of things were roughly thrown out by several bodyguards.

"get out!"

Harrison looked at the woman with some embarrassment, and the woman burst into tears again. At this time, several doormen came over to persuade Harrison not to worry about this kind of thing, he couldn't control it.

Harrison watched the woman take something and disappear blankly into the alley across the street.

Having worked as a doorman on this street for so many years, Harrison knew the rules here very well. Old and lustful people would be kicked out quickly, as would women who were rejected by most guests. Many of them now go to 29 Harrison also went back to visit the area. The control over that area is very strict now. Women who go there will be recommended by the people in the business department to work on the farm, with a monthly salary of 600 yuan.

Most women couldn't accept it and started a small business in District 29, but many people secretly returned to their old business because District 29 is very close to the eastern agricultural base and the customer base is still very sufficient. After working on the farm for a day, many men want to have a drink and find a place to sleep. As long as a woman provokes them at this time, most men will obediently give up the money, even if it is their hard-earned money. .

"It's been a long time since I saw Mr. Jean!"

Harrison smiled bitterly. He has now bought a house here and is doing well. In his free time, Harrison will also take on some craft work and help repair clocks in some wealthy homes.

After a while, Ada drove back. She looked around in panic, and then suddenly pulled Harrison over.

"If someone from the business department comes later, remember this, but don't say anything about me telling that woman to get out. Do you hear me clearly?"

Just when Harrison was confused, a management vehicle from Section 5 drove towards us. Several female staff came over and immediately held Ada down and handcuffed her.

"My lords, what law have I broken?"

"An employee of your store just committed suicide. We need to investigate."

Harrison watched more and more management vehicles coming over. Everyone felt like they were facing a formidable enemy. Everyone was afraid of being dismissed and investigated because Alpha, the chief of Section 5, had already issued strict orders to rectify the security here. He went to the local regional section to Officials and staff colluded with some shops, and there were even cases of forcing the special envoy service girls to death. Alpha has reiterated that as long as there is a death case in this place, all employees will be punished.

Officially, because of such an extremely strict order, people in Section 5 have paid more attention. Some store owners are even more afraid that if problems arise, their stores will not simply close down.

Soon even the local regional section officer came over, and he looked at Ada solemnly.

"Lord Hamil, I"

"What are you doing Ada? I told you not to cause trouble for me, and take everyone in the store back to investigate."

At this time, Harrison noticed the smell of alcohol on Ada's body, and Harrison felt strange that under such strict orders, many shop owners had a much better attitude towards some women, and they did not dare to speak harshly to them, and even if If you want to expel someone, you have to wait until the contract expires to fire them directly, and then pay them a sum of money.

Soon Harrison was also taken away, after people from Section 5 checked the surveillance.

At this time, Harrison saw the regional section officer answering the phone with a solemn expression. Sweat was pouring out on both sides of his forehead. His face was pale, and the other section officers didn't look good either.

"What are you looking at? Why are you still standing there? If we don't figure things out, we will all go to the bottom."

After answering the call, the regional officer yelled.

At this time, Harrison discovered that Ada was still looking at him when he was taken into the car. In the past, the lives of these special service girls were not valuable at all. Some of them died on the way to work because of the excessive behavior of the customers that led to the death of these women. , after rectification last year, Alpha directly laid off more than 300 people on the spot, and the local regional officer was directly sentenced to 30 years in prison.

Everyone knows that there is a lot of trouble on Qinglong Street. Last year's review led to the closure of two-thirds of the shops, and many people were implicated.

At this time, more than 100 people from Section 5 appeared on the street. They entered the store directly and began to ask people in the surrounding stores.

"Everything has changed!"

Harrison smiled. Although he wanted to help the woman just now, he couldn't do anything. Harrison's expression became serious. He clearly realized something, but he didn't go to stop it. The bodyguards were probably the same as Ada. That was what I had been told, but when I saw the boss telling the woman to get out in such a rough way, I naturally adopted the same method.

Harrison was soon taken to the security management center. After seeing Ada being brought in, Harrison was still hesitant. He wanted to help Ada, but Harrison soon made up his mind because he Remember every word Gene said.

11 a.m.

"You are the one who has been stabbed a thousand times. I was so kind to you, but you came back to bite me. You will not die in peace."

In an interrogation room, Ada's screams were heard. She rushed out angrily and was held by two female officers. She glared angrily at Harrison in the aisle. Because of Harrison's testimony, Ada He may be charged with indirect homicide.

Looking at Ada who was still roaring, Harrison lowered his head, and a clerk next to him patted his shoulder.

"Mr. Harrison, if you change your testimony in the Law Hall, you will be guilty of false testimony. The minimum starting time is 2 years."

Harrison nodded.

"Every word I say is true."

"We have already sent a lip reader expert, and we will soon know whether what you said is true."

12 o'clock noon

As soon as Alpha got home, he saw Nia packing her things.

"Where are you going?"

"Sister, I won't be eating at home tomorrow night. I'm going to the ground floor."

Alpha looked at Nia with some doubts, and she started running with her bag on her back with a smile.

"I've already eaten. Sister, please go back and eat quickly."

Alpha returned home and came to the kitchen, only to find out from Micah's mouth that Niya was going to a restaurant on the ground floor to celebrate the New Year and have dinner with many of her friends.

"It's Lao Peng, do you remember, eldest lady?"

Micah said with a smile, Alpha was a little confused, but he quickly remembered.

"It's Uncle Peng, right?"

Micah snorted. He used to be a dedicated chef in the Angus family. But since the Angus family had problems as a whole, when they dismissed some people, the Angus couple gave this man named Peng Qi a sum of money to settle down. Fei, Alpha has heard of it. He went to the ground floor and opened a restaurant. The business was very good, just in District 113.

"It happened that some of the second lady's friends were also there, so he decided to go over and have a get-together. Besides, the second lady used to like Lao Peng's cooking the most."

Alpha thought about it. For a while, Niya was always picky and said that the vegetable rice was not very delicious. She smiled helplessly.

"I just hope she doesn't cause trouble."

"Probably not, the second lady is not much more honest now."

Alpha hummed, looking a little confused when her parents were not there.

"The madam and the master have gone out to do business. You also know that the eldest lady, those white-eyed wolves now"

Micah did not continue. She knew that Alpha would not favor her family. Alpha hummed.

"It's okay Micah, it's going to be okay, everything is going to be okay."

Micah said and hurriedly brought out vegetables and rice for Alpha. She had watched Alpha grow up. In fact, she was 13 years older than Alpha. She used to work as a servant in Angus's house with her parents, and then Wei Olite made her a housekeeper.

Micah is a little worried about Alpha. This is also what Violet is worried about. Alpha will always show a very scary expression several times. This is something Micah has never seen before, and Alpha itself seems not to be aware of it. The expression of wanting to kill someone will show up inadvertently.

Although Alpha said she was not worried about her family's problems, in fact she was more worried than anyone else. She only kept a small part of her monthly salary, and all the other money was transferred to the Angus family's account, and even All my welfare funds were remitted.

Recently, Micah also noticed that Alpha often sat on the bench opposite the Hillman family and stared at the Hillman family opposite.

Violet has already told Micah her concerns, because her daughter's heart is actually very fragile, which Micah also agrees with. At least Alpha's heart is not as strong as her sister Niya's.

"What's wrong Micah, what's the matter?"

Alpha asked and Micah shook his head.

"Miss, do you want to take a good rest for a few days? Such tiring work every day is not good for the body and mind."

Alpha smiled and shook his head.

"If I don't work, Section 5 will stop functioning."

"By the way, miss, Miss Mo came here a few days ago and said that she couldn't get through to you on the phone."

Alpha smiled and nodded.

"I'll give Xiaolan a call after dinner later."

Micah stood behind Alpha, and now that the gods were not in the city, the situation in the city became even more chaotic.


Eddie was sitting in his office, and in front of him stood an old man with gray hair on his temples.

"Mr. Peng Qi, have you thought about it?"

The old man smiled and nodded.

"Everything will be done as you wish, Mr. Eddie."

Eddie nodded.

"Your children and your grandchildren will have a very good life in the future."

Peng Qi smiled and nodded.

"Yes, thanks to Mr. Eddie, you can give me a chance."

Eddie stood up with a hum and walked to Peng Qi's side casually.

"Remember, you can only succeed and not fail. If you fail, don't blame me for being rude."

Peng Qi swallowed and nodded.

"Andur, take him back."


The door to the room opened, and bodyguards who were already wearing black tights and looked like fierce eyes walked in and took Peng Qi out of the room. The moment the room closed, Eddie grinned and looked out the window ferociously. everything of.

The Angus family can no longer bear it anymore. Eddie knows very well that as long as he gives them the final blow, the Angus couple will let it go. Eddie has submitted proposals to Congress many times to solve the current construction problems in the city. proposal letter.

It’s just that Congress has never responded. Most people are still debating whether the scope of mutant activities should be opened. Because of the suspension of Angus construction, Congress had to allow a small number of mutants to leave the north and go to the south and west. Areas in need of workers.

And Eddie cleverly used Prometheus' calculations to easily recruit Niya's friends from the Lightning Construction Company to the vicinity of Area 113 through some connections.

Then last month, he asked Peng Qi to take his family to a place on the upper floor to play, and happened to meet Niya. As a result, Peng Qi initiated an invitation, and as early as when Niya’s friends went to work on the lower floor, Peng Qi had already become involved with them, and when he talked about those friends, Niya really planned to spend the New Year's Eve party at the lower level.

Everything has settled, and the final straw for the Angus family has been prepared.

Even though Niya is followed by the mutant named Gris wherever she goes, Eddie has already thought of a way and how to take Niya to the trap.

According to Prometheus's calculations, after capturing Niya, he would have to wait for more than a day at a nearby place originally used to make weapons before transporting Niya to the upper level. actions have been calculated.

Didi didi

The phone rang and Eddie answered it.

"Let everyone prepare for Erwin tomorrow. Our Hillman family is going to hold an extremely grand banquet. Only family members are allowed to participate."

"I understand, Mr. Eddie, but I think this plan still needs to be considered, because if there is an oversight, problems may arise."

After Eddie thought for a while, he looked at the black flames that had already been lit.

"Will the plan fail?"

"No way, Mr. Eddie, the capture success rate is 100%!"

Eddie nodded with satisfaction.

"Okay, it's time for me to go down and check the students' results."

Eddie said and hung up the phone. Today is the day for students in the underground classroom to hand over their acceptance results.

"Students who have no results are not qualified to stay here."

Eddie said, turned around and started walking.

"Moore, is there anything you want to tell mom?"

Moore was lying on the quilt, sweating all over his body. After Ran Yu lifted his son's quilt, Moore kept trembling when he looked at his son whose face was red.

"Mom, I'm sick. I may not be able to go today."

Ran Yu smiled and nodded. After asking about his son, he saw two bodyguards from the Hillman family waiting to take Moore to the underground classroom as soon as he arrived in the living room.

"Moore is sick, you go back and tell Cousin Eddie."

The two bodyguards nodded and left.

"Don't be downcast, Leo."

Seeing her husband shrugging his head and looking very uncomfortable, both husband and wife knew that Moore was pretending to be ill. Although they didn't know what happened in the underground class, Moore didn't want to go.

Eddie came in after a while and brought the Hillman family doctor.

"Where is the young master? I brought the doctor here."

"Cousin, Moore is really sick, let him have a good rest."

Eddie ignored Ran Yu.

"Bring the young master down."


For a moment, Ran Yu roared angrily, and Eddie looked at her contemptuously.

"This is our Hillman family's business. It's not your turn as an outsider to interfere."

"I want to see my father, I want to see."

Ran Yu closed her mouth for a moment. She was shocked by Eddie's fierce gaze.

"I'm really sick, Uncle Eddie, I."

"Moore, our Hillman family has the best doctors. A minor illness can be cured quickly. The key is that uncle, I am very interested in some of the theories you have put forward before. I hope you can tell us in a practical way. , Theoretical Applications of Ouroboros.”

Moore swallowed, and he was led out by the bodyguards with a pale face.

"Look here, if anyone in this room dares to take a step forward, kill him immediately!"

After Eddie finished speaking, Ran Yu covered his mouth and cried.

Moore was being driven by the bodyguards with a pale face. He had only heard X talk about this theory. However, this theory happened to be somewhat similar to a certain scientific theory. Moore told this story without any hesitation. Heard about the Ouroboros theory.

After gaining Eddie's admiration and the envious looks of other students, Moore's whole body also swelled up a bit. He kept talking about this theory, always looking confident.

"Don't worry, Moore, I will help you. As long as you follow what I say, you will definitely be able to do it."

Moore swallowed.

The sound of "X" rang in my mind.

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