Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1830 The Last Straw 1 (Part 2)

The melodious and poignant piano sound echoed in the space, it was just 12:09

Frye gently held the clone Lolita's waist and danced gently in the dean's office. From time to time, there were some sounds outside the room, but at this moment, both of them were immersed in such music, unable to extricate themselves. People only have each other in their eyes.


"Dean, it's not good, Jie Lin is sick again. Please go down and have a look quickly."

Crystal ran in, and Lolita frowned slightly.

"Aren't you the head nurse? Don't you always say you have a solution? You can solve any problem."

Lolita asked, Crystal scratched her head with a smile, Fry had let go of Lolita and walked quickly, and the Crystal Thief leaned over with a smile.

"Sometimes I think the dean is quite handsome."

Lolita gently stretched out a finger and patted Crystal's forehead.

"Don't even think about it, he's mine."

"Hmph, what's so great about him is that he's just a lunatic."

Watching Crystal run out, the villain who met Lolita here only knew that she was a patient in this hospital, and knew nothing else.

Lolita sat at the edge of the desk, opened a light and shadow screen, and quickly opened the page of the business department and entered the page of the 4th department. Recently, her real body, Lolita, has been in the news a lot.

Lolita's memory is somewhat missing. She doesn't know why. Every time a clone is reborn, part of her memory is always missing. Is it right or wrong for her to survive like this? Lolita has been thinking about this recently, but Every time she sees her own body, clone Lolita always feels disgust in her heart.

Lolita has asked Fry countless times about her past and what her days in the research laboratory were like, but Fry deliberately avoided the question every time. Fry only said that the past was nothing. Good to mention.

Lolita is worried that one day she may forget herself, but every time this happens, Lolita will feel a surge of anger in her heart. Only this name will not be forgotten by Lolita, because This name was given by his teacher, Werther, who once firmly believed that human beings should continue to follow the laws of nature.

Most of the memories from her childhood still exist. Lolita remembers all the little moments she spent with Werther very clearly. When she was with Werther in the past, Werther always said that the reason why human beings will become extinct is because they violated the laws. Nature, the evil consequences of trying to replace nature.

Lolita and Werther once discussed this issue in depth, and it turned out that she and Werther had the same view. Naturalism is the essence of human beings' ultimate survival. Human beings should not replace nature. Lolita has always remembered this, and These things are also the source of Lolita's memory, or the source of Lolita's desire to eradicate the excessive human lifespan.

However, such a teacher finally chose to stand against nature. Plans like cloning the future should not exist at all. Most of the current problems are caused by the plan to clone the future. The reason why the city has been so completely solidified is It is because the long lifespan makes the replacement of the upper, middle and lower levels extremely slow. People at the upper level controlling the upper level for a long time will only solidify the hierarchy.

Obviously Werther understood this truth, but in the end he still believed the words of his own body, Lolita, and chose to carry out the future cloning plan.

The only way to break such a solidified system is to end the excessively long lifespan of human beings and allow humans to return to their original natural life cycles and return to real humans. As long as this way, mutants will not be affected by lifespan vaccines in the future. Awakened by the divine gene contained in it.

During those years when Lolita was sleeping, she would always hear a strange sound. Lolita didn't know what the identity of that sound was, but it was very scary and exuded an aura of despair and sadness.

Looking at the sunlight coming in from the window, Lolita walked over. She looked at the patients below the hospital and fell into deep thought for a while. Lolita had talked about certain issues with Fry countless times in the past. But Frye never agreed to Lolita's plan to plan a life-ending vaccine, and instead refused.

It's not that Lolita can't understand Frye's tangled and undecidable emotions, because that is their mentor, and it is also mixed with the friendship with some other classmates. This is the reason why Frye can't make a decision. .

Lolita smiled. She knew very well that she could continue to wait. One day Fry would make a decision, because one day Fry would see the destruction of this city just because of the human lifespan. The protracted and destructive scene has only been slowed down.

Lolita raised her head, letting her face bathe in the sunlight, and a warmth enveloped her whole body.

“This year is coming to an end again!”

Under her eyes, which were reddened by the sun, Lolita felt something strange. She opened her eyes suddenly, and a faint black flash passed across her eyes. Lolita looked at the sky in the distance in surprise. She could see It was very clear that the black streak across the sky drew a long trajectory.


Mani stood on the stage, looking at the eyes below with some fear. Eddie was sitting in the front row. There were a large number of scientific researchers from the Hillman family in the whole classroom. It was obvious that everyone was interested in Mani's I am interested in the Ouroboros theory. Everyone knows what ouroboros means. This symbol that has appeared in the world a long time ago represents infinity, circulation, etc. There are even some theories that ouroboros actually represents As the prototype of human psychology, there are different opinions, and there is no actual evidence to show that the Ouroboros theory is correct and special.

Eddie also read everything about Ouroboros from an ancient book a long time ago, but some time ago, Mani suddenly came up with something interesting. Now Eddie wants to hear more about Mani. In other words, he was very interested in this child who didn't seem to be very smart.

"Muni, don't worry, I'm with you, no matter where you are, I'm with you, you just need to do what I say."

Mani nodded calmly. In the past, he had to wear a pendant to hear the sound of "X", but now he can hear it very clearly all the time.

"Everyone knows that time is endless, space is unbounded and eternal, and quality is infinite. There is a logical relationship between these three. But today I want to put forward one point. Have you ever thought that space, a place that is unbounded and eternal, is infinite? There are many dots, dots are different but have a bit of equal weight. Because of the relationship between time, space will always appear at the current moment, and what about mass? Only when mass creates variables, can the energy in space be offset, and can the energy in space be offset? Time moves forward, and matter changes in space due to changes in time!”

Eddie nodded with satisfaction.

"This is the most basic logical relationship between the changes in the nature of space and time. And the Ouroboros theory you mentioned, I have read before. What you mean is that the constantly changing points in space are actually connected. Just because the points The twists and turns and distance between points mean that there is no logical connection that can be found, and the Ouroboros is destroyed when it is born, and is reborn when it dies, and the cycle goes on forever. As long as we can find a way to replace this huge and complex space. The ethereal thing can replace the relationship between logical channels between points. Based on the original theory of the shortest straight line between two points, instant movement can be achieved! That’s what it means.”

Mani looked at Eddie in surprise, he nodded, and Eddie laughed.

"Yes, Uncle Eddie, as long as we can create an Ouroboros passage in space, we can move instantaneously, because the variable relationship between time and matter exists."

Eddie stood up and shook his head.

"From today on, you will independently conduct research underground until you prove that what you said is correct enough."

Mani's eyes widened, and two bodyguards immediately walked to the stage and led Mani out of the classroom.

"Wait Uncle Eddie, this is just my preliminary idea, I..."

"Science is like this. It only requires an idea, and then gradually peel off the incorrect thinking. In slow practice, you can find a way bit by bit. Now you need to concentrate on Mani and remember Yes, I will see your results after one year."

Mani was dragged out of the classroom by two bodyguards without any explanation. He was still shouting, and Eddie laughed.

A long time ago, a scientist proposed the theory of space jump. The Hillman family also conducted a certain degree of research, but failed because they could not find any clues.

But now the theory of ouroboros put forward by Mani has made Eddie see something new. He can create similar rattlesnakes in different spaces, find substances that can replace space points, and build a channel.

Eddie always makes the best use of talented people. After a while, Eddie started to continue the class. Looking at the faces below with different expressions, but with serious and immature faces, Eddie was looking forward to these Hillmans. The fourth generation of the family can continue to create new glory for the new Hillman family after the Hillman family completes its ultimate plan.

"Everyone! I look forward to your contribution to our Hillman family in the future!"

Eddie said, and the students in the audience all stood up and nodded and bowed.

Didi didi

As a prompt sounded, Eddie walked off the stage with a smile.

"Please complete today's lesson by yourself."

Eddie walked out of the classroom quickly and soon stood in front of a wall. Eddie walked in directly and disappeared in front of the wall as if his whole body was embedded in the mud.

In less than a few minutes, Eddie returned to his private room. The lights were turned on, and on the light and shadow screens, some people wearing hospital gowns and working in the fields appeared. Their expressions looked... It looks a little unusual.

"What's wrong Prometheus?"

"Do we need to arrest him? Mr. Eddie."

Eddie unscrewed the wine bottle, poured himself a glass of wine, and looked at the limping Frye Stein on the light and shadow screen.

"What's the success rate now?"

"It has reached 90%."

Eddie hesitated. He had wanted to arrest Fry for a long time. This was once the leading pharmacologist in the city, but Eddie never took action because he was from the School of God and his strength should not be bad, but After long-term observation, including obtaining information on mutants in the city, it shows that Frye is not a mutant, but Prometheus is still making observations and calculations, and now the accuracy of determining that Frye is not a mutant has reached 99% %.

"What will happen if Fry is captured?"

Soon a light and shadow screen showed the probabilities of various subsequent events. The highest probability was a city-wide search by the administrative department. However, the current cycle of someone visiting Frye Mental Hospital is about 9 days, that is, Said there were 9 days.

"What if a clone was made to replace Fry?"

"There is a certain probability of being discovered."

The black flaming face enlarged a bit. After thinking for a while, Eddie laughed. His heart felt hot and Eddie took a sip of wine.

"If Fry is captured, how much success rate will we increase in our further experimental research on human evolution in the future?"

"It can increase the success rate by 30% or more."

After thinking for a while, Eddie made a decision.

"Let's do it, tonight, in sync."

"Now that I know Lord Eddie, I will arrange for soldiers to dispatch."

Eddie smiled. Even if the arrest was unsuccessful, there would be no loss for Eddie.

It's just that Ran Zhi once said once in the past, don't contact that guy, it's very dangerous. Eddie never quite understood the meaning of this sentence. In Eddie's view, Frye was not dangerous at all. In the past, his adoptive father and After the woman he grew up with was killed, he did nothing and was a very weak guy.

Even after the establishment of the Business Department, Eddie had made complete preparations, because if Frye entered the top management of Section 4, he would probably take crazy revenge on Hillman Pharmaceuticals. As a result, Frye went to that place to manage A bunch of lunatics.

Eddie couldn't help but laugh and shook his head.

"I'm looking forward to the family gathering tomorrow night!"


The door of the room was closed, and Mani stared at everything in front of him. This was a large living room with complete furniture. There was a bedroom directly opposite, and next to it was a research room with a lot of research equipment. Mani walked slowly When I walked in, I saw a lot of research equipment. Although I could name it and knew what it was used for, Mani didn't know anything about these things.

For every family test, Mani memorized it by rote and followed every step according to what "X" said. Now Mani felt desperate. He didn't know what would happen to him in one year. Whether you can achieve results in your own time.

"Mr. X!"

Mani shouted softly. At this time, there was no sound in his head. Mani kept swallowing. He didn't know what to do. Mani walked into the research room at a loss and looked at the various displays. The research equipment on the table took another desperate look at the tight door.

The inner fear has appeared on Mani's face, and he is still calling the name "X" in his heart, but no matter how Mani calls, he gets no response.

The situation was terrible for Mani. Mani ran to the door and started knocking excitedly.

"Let me out, let me out!"

However, no matter how much Mani slapped, the door never opened. Mani felt more and more frightened, and a sneer appeared in his mind. Mani's eyes widened. He had done a lot for "X" over the years. According to "X"'s order, many signal transmitters were placed in the newly built underground facilities of the Hillman family. These signal transmitters were extremely secretive and were placed under the step-by-step guidance of "X".

"X" once told Mani about a plan. As long as the evil corruption of the Hillman family was exposed, he would definitely be rescued.

Gradually Mani squatted feebly by the door, and he slapped the door feebly. Mani had thought countless times that it would be better to die if he was born in such a family. This feeling of not being able to survive but not to die was repeated every day. Nidu could feel it, but his parents couldn't do anything at all. Even his own grandfather had a good relationship with Eddie, but he didn't care about him.

"What should I do? What should I do?"

Mani kept asking himself, but no matter how he asked, there was never any answer. Mani gradually huddled beside the door in a daze.

"Hug Mani!"

For a moment, Mani, who was already in despair, seemed to see light, and he stood up hurriedly.

"Mr. X, what should I do!"


The door to the room opened, and Mani's eyes widened in shock, looking at the empty corridor and a face burning with flames, right in front of him.


However, this flame did not make any sound.

"Now I need you to help me with the last step. Go to the underground room. Just go get what I need and you will be free."

Mani nodded, followed X's knowledge, and started running. At the wall at the bottom of the aisle, Mani stretched out his hand. At this time, Mani saw a black shadow passing in front of his eyes, and his finger was cut. , Mani was in a little pain, but the next second Mani was stunned.

The blood flowing from his broken finger turned into a blood bead and slowly flew towards the wall. The blood bead changed in the air. After being stained on the wall, the wall seemed to dissolve, starting from the middle. Little by little a hole appeared.

"What exactly is this?"

"Don't worry Mani, just go to the room on the ground floor."

Mani hummed and entered the elevator. The elevator began to descend little by little. After a few dozen seconds, the elevator door opened. Mani was shocked to see that the ceiling, floor, and walls in front of him were covered with black. The metal room with ground wires, and the columnar black twisted object in the middle with flashing light spots of various colors.

"Stop looking, move faster Mani!"

Mani stumbled across the intricate black thick ground wires and came to a door. At this time, the light and shadow screen next to the door popped up, showing a password disk.

"Enter the password Mani as I told you, and as long as you open this door, you will be free!"

Mani began to enter the password according to what "X" said in his head.

With a creak, the door in front of him opened little by little. Mani looked at the darkness inside. At this time, the light came on. It was a mechanical brain. Mani became a little suspicious. At this time, the red dot on the mechanical head flashed. got up.

Mani covered his mouth and looked at a translucent cover under the broken skull. There was a squirming thing inside, which was a human brain. Mani took a step back in horror.

At this time, the eyes on the metal head flashed with a fierce red light. The next second, with a clicking sound, the translucent cover cracked, and a fishy smell spread with the liquid flowing out of the cover. , Mani sat down on the ground.

"Remember the interesting Ouroboros theory I told you about, Mani!"

In an instant, Mani saw that the light in the room dimmed, and his vision became increasingly blurry. Lines of white light intertwined into lines. When Mani was at a loss, a circle of light appeared in front of his eyes.

"You're free now Mani! Come on before Eddie finds out."

Mani didn't think much and walked in.

At this time, behind Mani, a black smoke humanoid appeared.

"Mom what was that then?"

"Ferris wheel, Mani! It's our first time meeting you. We'll come with dad next time."

A pair of round eyes were already showing a deathly gray color. Eddie looked quietly at Mani lying on the ground. He had stopped breathing and heartbeat. Several doctors from the Hillman family were examining him. The cause of death It was heart paralysis, which eventually led to death from lack of oxygen to the brain. The cause of the heart paralysis will only be known after an autopsy.

Eddie pressed his forehead and sighed helplessly.

"There's no need to find any reason, just return the body to that woman."

Eddie glanced at the surveillance video next to him again. He always felt a little strange. The child seemed to be talking to someone, and the scene where he briefly disappeared from the camera was only for a short second. Eddie felt a little suspicious, but Eddie quickly forgot all about it. In Eddie's eyes, it was just a trivial matter.

"I didn't lie to you, Mani!"

Mani looked at the Ferris wheel in front of him. There were people everywhere. He swallowed and looked at the angel paradise in front of him. It was the same as the one he used to come to. At this time, Mani realized that he was still in the era. He looked at the black smoke figure next to him.

"Are you Mr. X!"

"I am X!"

Just when Mani was confused, in front of him, a man covered in machinery came over. Mani remembered that it was the same mechanical head as the one he saw in the basement before, except that the mechanical head had been broken. .

The black figure in the smoke disappeared, and Mani looked at X blankly.

"Your parents will come here soon, I promise! You are the king here, and you are also the first person qualified to step here, although it is thanks to that guy's help."

X's voice sounded extremely excited, and Mani didn't quite understand what X meant.

"Here you can find true freedom, freedom forever to survive here."

X stretched out his hand and put it on Mani's head. After he slowly lifted into the air, Mani's doubtful eyes gradually became clear. He ran over with a smile, as happy as a child.

There was a crunching sound, and at the top of the slowly rotating Ferris wheel, X saw this black smoky human figure.

"What exactly are you?"

X looked at this virtual space that was almost equivalent to Billy in the Brilliant City. It was created by the guy in front of him based on Mani's memory, and it only took a moment, and the incomplete parts of Mani's memory were all created by it. out.

"Only those who are completely bound by themselves can see me. You are the same, and so is the child. Now you are free."

X laughed coldly.

"Freedom? I can't leave here without your permission."

The smoke figure laughed.

"It's not time yet, it's not time yet."

"Did you kill that child?"

X asked, and the smoke figure laughed.

"The only thing that can kill life is life itself. In order for life to continue to exist and maintain the form of life, it must pay, continue to consume its own life, and eventually move towards death! What do you think? Do you think I am getting more and more Like a human?"

X looked at what was in front of him in shock.

"What's your purpose?"

"This planet will continue to exist, and the sun will definitely visit this planet again. It just takes a little time. Only by breaking this cage can life be truly free! But I am still the first to have life forms like yours. It’s the first time I’ve seen a very interesting life form.”

X clenched his fists tightly.

"I just saw that Mani died after passing through the ring of light you created."

"Is this world really what you understand? There are different forms of existence, different forms, and different types of life. It's just thanks to you that I can move freely for the time being. You just need to faithfully follow what I say. , just carry out the task I gave you, and I will give you everything you want, including your dead wife, which can also be resurrected."

X took a few steps back in shock.

"Human beings are powerful because of their obsessions, and they are destroyed because of their obsessions. You can quietly enjoy the drama of destruction that follows."

As he spoke, blood-red circuit patterns suddenly appeared behind X. A large number of numbers and symbols were being peeled off from the text symbol discs in the middle of the circuit patterns. X turned around and slowly floated towards the open door. place.

"Remember what I asked you to do. You just need to do it. The future belongs to you. I have no interest in non-living things."

X snorted and floated in.

"You should be here soon. How long can you endure it?"



As the subway arrived, Niya stepped out of the subway station in District 113. She stretched comfortably and looked at several friends who were already waiting on the other side of the subway station.

"You bastards, I'm here."

Niya laughed and rushed over.

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