Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1924 Wings Niya Red Thunder 6 (Part 2)

Chapter 1924 Wings. Niya. Red Thunder 6 (Part 2)

"Hurry up, you guys? Don't you want your sports attendance points this morning? Hurry up, it's almost 8 o'clock, don't let me procrastinate."

Niya stood at the end of the wake-up track and looked at the exhausted people. Today was just December 4th. In just three days, the members of Section 5 in District 29 were already complaining.

Today is the third day of attendance at Genting. Less than 50 people have completed the day's tasks. Those dissatisfied voices were also heard the previous morning. After Niya completed the extremely rigorous exercise in front of everyone, everyone Everyone shut up.

"There are still 20 minutes left. Please run faster, are you sissies? You are all like a shrimp with soft feet."

Niya roared, the staff on the field were already suffering unspeakably. In order to adjust the difference between men and women, Niya increased the amount of exercise for female staff every day, which was only half of that of male staff. There were still more than 300 people who failed to pass the ten-day test every day. Circle running, a lap of 400 meters, and jogging 4 kilometers in one hour are both within the reach of many ordinary people, and Niya is very annoyed.

The miserable section officers sitting on the sand next to the runway are all resting. Many of them, let alone patrolling, slump in the shops on the street these days, either sleeping or resting. Niya didn't record everything for the time being, but planned to wait until they increased their exercise. Niya didn't plan to deduct their patrol attendance this month, one by one.

After all, even the most basic one-hour daily exercise task cannot be completed, let alone four hours of patrol for each team every day.

"Li Mu, come here."

Niya shouted. Although he was a little tired, Li Mu, who seemed to have recovered his breath, ran over with a smile. He has maintained the habit of exercising every day for many years without interruption.

"I'll leave this to you, I'm going to have breakfast."

Li Mu hummed and brought up the light and shadow screen. As soon as Niya left, many people who had not finished running stopped and hurriedly came over, hoping that Li Mu would be accommodating.

"There's nothing we can do about it. Lady Niya leaves this matter to me. If you don't run away and are discovered, you may be punished by then. There are still more than ten minutes, so hurry up."

As Li Mu spoke, he began to count the numbers seriously. Many people asked a few questions and then stopped talking. They could only continue to exercise silently. Many staff members in District 29 knew about Li Mu's situation because Li Mu was there. District 29 is a relatively famous stubborn donkey. He rarely participates in everyone's affairs and basically keeps to himself.

Li Mu would always remind his colleagues of their ugliness from time to time. Over time, everyone basically alienated Li Mu. The fact that he is still an ordinary clerk is enough to explain everything.

But now many department members, including all the team leaders, are a little worried, because Niya directly handed over this kind of sports attendance to Li Mu, which is where everyone feels dangerous.

At this time, several team captains who had completed the exercise gathered together and discussed some things. Finally, at 8 o'clock, there were still more than 100 department members who had not completed the day's exercise. Li Mu did not hesitate and deducted them. The morning exercise ended amidst the complaints of many department members.

Originally there was an hour of exercise from 6:30 to 7:30, then breakfast from 7:30 to 8:00, and starting work after 8:00, but now most staff can only go to the cafeteria exhausted.

Many staff members saw Niya coming out of the canteen just as they entered the cafeteria. They just said hello symbolically. This boss now gives most of the staff an unpleasant impression because she added more to the staff as soon as she came. A lot of burden.

Niya didn't pay attention. In the past few days, the team captains would come to her from time to time to discuss the construction funds for the business department. Niya ignored them even once and just said they were still considering it.

As soon as she arrived at the door of the office, Niya saw 15 team captains standing outside the section chief's office. At this time, the team captains came over with smiles.

"Why don't you go have breakfast?"

Niya asked, and the team captains immediately came over, and one of them said.

"Lord Niya, look, I think it would be better for us to discuss the situation of the funds specially allocated by Congress."

"Yes, Lady Niya, this money needs to be used properly."

"Ms. Niya, everyone works hard every day. With the money specially allocated, I think we should give more benefits to the people below."

"Yes, Lady Nia."

Niya walked into the office. The team leaders behind her were still chattering. Niya sat down on the chair, and then crossed her legs on the table.

"How many do you want?"

Niya suddenly asked with a smile. The team captains hesitated for a moment. After signaling each other with their eyes, one of the female team leaders came out and said with a smile.

"Sir Niya, we have not had any big problems in District 29 for so many years. This is all because our Section 5 has managed the local security very well, so the welfare is very high. We still need at least a few thousand yuan in welfare per person. "

Niya glanced at the team captains with a sneer.

"Do I still need your approval for what I want to do?"

Niya changed the subject, and the atmosphere in the room became serious for a moment, and then Niya laughed and shook her head.

"The security is very good? Some guys on the street teased and beat up the members of Section 5. I have heard people talk about it, but it is not on the record. I have found the section members who were beaten at that time. I need to let them come over. Can you correct me?"


Niya slapped the table, and instantly the tabletop was dented. A mark appeared on the metal tabletop, and the ground cracked slightly. The team leaders in the room were all shocked for a moment. They looked at a furious Niya.

"This month is just for lightness. From next month, attendance will be recorded carefully. If attendance fails, I will not show mercy. If you are dissatisfied with my actions, you can complain or just get out. I have no time to talk to you. Nonsense, I don’t need you to tell me what I’m going to do, just listen up and get out of here if you’re dissatisfied.”

For a moment, each team leader's face turned pale, and the atmosphere was extremely tense. Niya was not going to be polite to them anymore.

"If you can't even do your job well, you still want additional welfare subsidies? If this is your attitude towards work, let alone welfare payments, think of ways to keep your wages first."

Looking at the team captains who left the office angrily, Niya smiled coldly. She didn't plan to continue to give these guys a good look. After all, she had a bad temper since she was a child. Niya couldn't bear this kind of thing. .

Although Area 29 is large, 15 teams are completely enough. Although Niya doesn't want to talk to them so bluntly and rudely, these people are pushing their limits and always want money.

"Damn it, what the hell, I quit."

As soon as they arrived on the fourth floor, a team leader slammed his hat on the ground. The other team leaders were also very angry at this time. The members of each team and department came out, and many people made fun of them for a while. Get up, but no one dares to say quit or go on strike.

According to the internal punishment regulations of the administrative department, subordinates who disobey the orders of their superiors can be directly expelled from the administrative department. Especially for such large-scale protests, many department members asked the team captains to jointly complain to Niya's superior director. But it soon became clear that this was useless.

Many people are well aware of what Niya does at the bottom, and it is impossible for the upper management to pay attention to such complaints. In addition, the Angus family has always been the big family that funds the most internal construction funds for the 5th Division. This kind of Things were over, but the work still had to continue. A bunch of team captains headed towards the canteen.

At 9:30, all the staff received Niya's emergency call order. It was not until around 10 o'clock that all the staff came back. Except for more than 20 staff who were on vacation, all other staff were there. .

The vacation system of the administrative department has been three days a month from the beginning, which can be adjusted freely. You can choose to take one day off or three days in a row. The time of vacation each month is free and only needs the approval of the department officer.

Most people will choose to take a six-day long break during the three days at the end of the month and the three days at the beginning of the month. However, the staff in District 29 don't care. For many people, taking a break is just a matter of time that does not require management. That’s it, for most people, every day is equivalent to a vacation.

After Niya watched all the department members stand up, she stood on a small platform made of light and shadow.

"Listen clearly, today we will start a door-to-door inspection. The first point is business qualifications, the second point is whether there is a criminal record, and the third point is the assessment of the housing condition."

Many people standing below were dumbfounded for a while, and the team leader looked at Niya in disbelief. Their anger at being scolded in the morning had not dissipated, and now many team leaders' faces were ashen.

Even if she was reluctant, the orders issued by her superiors could only be carried out, and there was nothing wrong with such an investigation order. Then Niya answered the phone.

"Miss Niya, we are a little busy today, maybe temporarily"

"We can do it ourselves."

Niya didn't wait for the officer of Section 7 to finish speaking, and hung up the phone directly. People from Section 1, Section 7, Section 8, and Section 9 all said that things were busy. Niya originally planned to go between the four subjects. The joint review, however, backfired.


Niya said, and everyone in Section 5 started to move. Niya had simply divided the areas that each team was responsible for.

Looking at the reluctant team members, Nia added.

"If anyone fails to cooperate, we will arrest him directly."

After watching the section members leave, Niya also followed, directly following a nearby team. At this time, the streets became chaotic. Many women who were still sleeping got up and watched the section members go from house to house. Knock on the door and check for identification and business qualifications, including the condition of the property.

Niya estimates that this kind of thing will last for at least a week. After all, there are a lot of people living here. Although it will be a little tiring, Niya is happy to do it.

Sure enough, within a few minutes, there was a store that did not have formal business qualifications. Niya looked at a group of women who were explaining to several clerks, and then she walked over.

"Just keep a case record, you can still continue to operate, but if there is a problem, you will be severely punished. It is best to go to the relevant department to apply for qualifications as soon as possible."

As Niya said, the staff continued to investigate. At 10:21, Niya received a call from Li Mu.

"I understand, let them go in to investigate, I will come right away."

At this time, on a street where Li Mu was located, there was a relatively large house that could be considered a new club. Several rich and powerful bodyguards were standing behind the boss. The boss was very angry, and the team leader was smiling and explaining something to him.

"Boss Luo, just go in and conduct a formal investigation."

"No, you don't want to think about how much money I give you every month. The guests are still resting now. If you go in, you will disturb the guests. When my business is not good, who will be responsible?"

The boss said angrily, and the team leader also looked extremely embarrassed. Then he made eye contact with several clerks behind him, and they began to take out their light and shadow mobile phones.

"Then just take a few shots and don't go in."

The boss finally nodded, but at this moment, there was a commotion on the street in the distance. As soon as the team leader looked over, he saw a red light falling in front of him.

"Lady Nia."

"Why don't you go in?"

The boss glanced at the brim of Niya's hat, and then said with a sneer.

"We are doing regular business. Your investigation like this will affect our business. If you want to search, at least bring out a search warrant, and"

Before the boss finished speaking, Niya walked over, and several bodyguards immediately blocked her way, but their expressions became obviously frightened, because they were hired bodyguards sent by the Mutant Guild, and they all knew it. Regarding Niya, Niya was quite famous in the entire mutant guild in the past.

"Get out of the way, I only say this once! The next time will be here."

Niya raised her thumb and suddenly pointed it down. Several bodyguards became nervous. The boss looked anxious and walked over immediately, shouting to find a lawyer.

Niya pushed the boss away, and the boss rolled on the ground a few times before he stopped and immediately yelled at Niya to beat him.


Several bodyguards immediately got out of the way. The boss became even more angry at this time and started to curse. However, the bodyguards knew that they would rather pay liquidated damages than go to the hospital.

With a bang, Niya kicked open the door of the club. There were still some people sitting in the hall of the club. They seemed to be talking about something. There were also many women. Niya glanced at it casually. In an instant, the target It locked onto a short and fat man. The moment the man saw Niya, he dropped the cup he was holding to the ground in fright. He stood up and planned to run away.


Accompanied by a loud noise, the short and fat man's cheeks were completely sunken, and his whole cheeks were shapeless. He broke through a door and whimpered and became motionless.

Everyone inside became nervous for a moment.

"Now that I suspect that you are harboring criminals, we all lie down on the ground with our hands on our heads. We call everyone over and don't let anyone out."

Niya walked over angrily and pulled up the squat man who was completely unconscious. Li Mu immediately behind him brought a DNA information monitoring machine. Sure enough, within a few seconds, the man's information appeared. , he was a wanted prisoner for three months.

Niya recognized him as soon as she came in. He used to be the leader of a gang at the bottom. When Niya carried out a large-scale raid, he escaped and didn't expect to be here.

Soon everyone in the hall was lying on the ground with their hands on their heads. Within 5 minutes, a large number of department staff poured in, and Niya started to investigate layer by layer.

At 11:31, at the door of the club, the lights of the ambulance were flashing, and the guys who were beaten into shape were carried out one by one.

"Okay, call the lawyer, hurry up!"

Niya folded her hands and looked at the ashen-faced boss and several mutant bodyguards lying on the ground.

"Lord Niya, we are only responsible for the security mission and have no idea."

"Idiots, what did you do? Didn't I say that the security in the area was so good this morning? This wanted criminal is sitting in the hall blatantly. Are you blind or something? Are you here to fool me?"

Niya said angrily and walked up to the boss and grabbed his collar.

"You'd better say it clearly. Do you know of any wanted criminals in other places?"

Niya seemed to remember something. She immediately turned around and pressed the number 0002.

"I want you to block the Internet in District 29 immediately. Now."

"What's the big deal, idiot? It's only been a few days, but you're pretty smart."

Niya said angrily.

"I have suffered this kind of loss many times."

Niya knew very well that the internal staff would probably notify other bosses who were harboring criminals. Then Niya directly took out the phone and pressed the 0003 number.

"Sister Zijuan, I want to apply for urgent assistance from you. District 29 needs to be completely sealed off, because there may be a large number of criminals hiding there."

"How did you know you were holding the phone, little girl?"

Bursts of the little girl's laughter came through the phone, as well as Osman's rich and magnetic greeting voice.

"I understand, dispatch in 5 minutes and complete the blockade in 10 minutes."

For a while, the staff in the area were shocked. In just the fourth day, such a big problem unexpectedly occurred in the area.

Niya walked to the door. She was going to arrest some criminals. Because the information about her upcoming departure was known to these criminals, they prepared in advance or ran away. The short and fat man who had just been beaten was one of them. one.

At this time, the network in District 29 has failed, surveillance has been fully activated, and the staff have been strictly ordered by Niya to stay on the street and are not allowed to leave the surveillance range. Once they leave the surveillance range, they need to be investigated.

The team captains standing at the door of the club looked solemn at this time, looking at the increasing number of takeoffs and landings that were rapidly gliding from the eastern security station on the horizon.

Li Mu looked at these lifts quietly. He hadn't seen anything like this for a long time. He looked at Niya with emotion, who was holding a cigarette and scolding the team leaders. He felt great.

Soon the streets were filled with people. Some of the guests who had come here to have fun last night didn't know what happened. The local women were even more panicked.

A large number of Section 3 officers armed with live ammunition have set up a blockade on the roads surrounding Area 29.

Some reporters had already smelled the hot news and began to rush towards District 29.

At this time, officers from the 1, 6, 7, 8, and 9 departments came over. Niya was still questioning the boss. He confessed and directly told about helping some criminals hide because these crimes The money given by the practitioners was quite a lot, up to thousands of dollars a day, so many people were doing this.

Niya smiled and asked the team captains to note the location, and then went to arrest the person. She had already sent an application to the surrounding 5 departments to assist in the arrest, and had received the approval of the director above.

The arrests would begin soon. Niya smiled helplessly. She was acting so rampantly again, causing such a big thing and digging out so many things.

Originally, Niya planned to take a look around slowly today and divide some things in detail. However, these team captains made her very angry this morning, so Niya thought about it and simply conducted a joint discussion among the four subjects. review.

Unexpectedly, so many things would be involved. Niya looked at everything in front of her with a smile. The unhappiness of this morning had disappeared. At this moment, she looked at a bunch of team captains as if they had lost their souls.

Niya probably knew that these guys must have known or even had contact with each other. Then Niya walked over. She had finished recording the confession and the arrest operation had begun. Niya called the 15 team captains to the club.

"What's wrong? What are you doing with your heads down?"

Niya looked at the serious expressions of the squad leaders, and she probably knew what they were afraid of. They must have something to do with the people who harbored the criminals. Once they were reported and identified, it would be over.

"What's wrong? Are you mute? Don't you speak?"

The team captains lowered their heads, not knowing what to say at all. Niya smiled and walked over and said.

"You are responsible for this arrest operation. Listen clearly, you are responsible for the arrest. I will only say this once. When you arrest, think carefully about why you put on this uniform, you bastards. , did you hear clearly?"

Niya roared angrily, and for a moment all the staff nodded tremblingly and answered clearly.

"It is to maintain the stability and security of the city."

Niya lit a cigarette, took a puff and said.


Looking at the clerks leaving one by one, Niya smiled helplessly. For Niya, everything was pretty much done now. She didn't want to hold these clerks accountable any further.

These things can be decided based on their performance in the future, because everyone makes mistakes sometimes, including myself. Even now, we are making mistakes. If we want to fix this place, we can only do this first.

Niya looked at the chaos on the street quietly, thinking of the place on the ground floor, she raised her head and smiled slightly.

"It's better to walk up a little further!"

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