Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1925 Wings Niya Red Thunder 7 (Part 1)

Chapter 1925 Wings. Niya. Red Thunder 7 (Part 1)

December 28, 2243

"Move quickly, you bastards. If you continue to fail to complete training, your attendance points for this month will be gone."

Niya looked at a bunch of staff who were undergoing exercise training. It was already the end of the month, and these 30 people still couldn't complete their daily exercise training, and points were being deducted every day. Niya had already said it a few days ago, If anyone is no longer able to complete daily exercise training, the attendance score will be zero.

Those who have completed their exercise have already gone to the cafeteria. Now the staff of Section 5 in District 29 are very obedient to Niya's orders. Many people have begun to patrol the streets seriously, because recording patrols will begin next month. Attendance is taken.

Patrol attendance must meet 60 hours, and 60 hours is not just patrolling on the streets. It requires simple investigations, recording of some things on the streets, and collecting some opinions and suggestions from street residents, etc., including if any Some dangerous things should be stopped in time or a prevention report should be submitted, etc.

Niya had a headache during this time. She had never thought that patrolling was such a detailed job. It was Jill who proposed patrolling at the beginning. There were many frameworks, but it was her sister who filled in the details in these frameworks. alpha.

The details of these patrols were so numerous that it was shocking. Niya had to read them for half a month before she could remember some of them. These things are also necessary to learn when entering the fifth subject, but Niya didn't have time to study them at all. .

"Lady Niya, this is the sports attendance test for this morning."

Li Mu walked over with a smile. Niya hummed, glanced at the results on the eyeshadow screen, and sighed helplessly.

"Although they didn't pass, I still gave them full marks. They will definitely pass tomorrow."

Li Mu said, and Niya snorted. Now the mental outlook of the members of Section 5 in District 29 has been completely renewed. After nearly a month of exercise, many members of the Section have felt some changes in their bodies and started to work. The energy is also relatively sufficient.

District 29 has always been very stable. There have been almost no cases since Niya took office. Although Niya reviewed the qualifications of the shops on those streets, nearly half of them did not meet the standards, but Niya did not punish them. Including some women who did not have special service industry qualification certificates, Niya did not punish them.

Because Niya knows very well that they will not be able to survive if they leave this industry. Even if they are driven out of District 29, most of them will still choose to go to other districts to carry out the same career, including those from above you. The woman coming down from Qinglong Street.

It's just that women's wars are far more cruel and cruel than men's wars. Niya knows that behind the scenes, these women have already formed different groups with extremely serious xenophobia. The violence behind the scenes is what is visible. problem lies in.

Niya never thought about how to solve the problem in Area 29. Although she thought that Michelle's suggestion might be good, after actually coming here and talking to most of the women here, Niya completely gave up on this. The idea is that she cannot do it. Saving these women here can only be left to those among themselves who are willing to stand up and do this.

Niya knew that she couldn't do it because she had never really experienced everything about this group. After watching the members start to leave one by one, Niya sat next to the training ground.

Li Mu asked, looking at the happy Niya sitting aside.

"Lord Niya, you won't be here for long. If you leave, this place will go back to its old state."

Niya lit a cigarette and handed one over. Li Mu shook his head and refused.

"Indeed, I may not be here for long."

Niya also feels that she will not be here for a long time. Because of her relationship, the profit transmission chain in District 29 has been broken. Nowadays, District 29 is peaceful and peaceful. No one dares to mess around in this place, especially those who are hiding in the dark. Money transactions have almost come to a standstill.

Niya knew very well that most of the shops on Qinglong Street on the upper floor were directly related to some officials in District 29, including some businessmen.

In order to evade taxes, launder some gray income and other issues, only these industries are the easiest to turn funds into white. Niya has already caught large-scale consumers in this area and successfully arrested them. The guys behind it.

The director above Niya has said many times that Niya can choose the district she wants to go to next. Now Niya only needs to serve for several years before she can be promoted to the director, because Niya is in the process of entering the executive branch. In less than a year, a large number of cases were solved and a large number of problems were solved.

Coupled with Niya's family status and various past relationships with senior executives in the business department, Niya's future has long been flat. Li Mu knows this, so he is a little regretful.

"Work harder. I'll raise you up next month and make you the squad leader first."

Li Mu was a little surprised and was about to shake his head in refusal, but Niya patted him on the shoulder.

"Stop telling me that you are just an ordinary person. Instead of giving power to those who only think about how to make profits, it is better to give it to people like you. Although you don't have much ability, you understand why you wear this People in uniform.”

Niya stood up as she spoke, and Li Mu followed quickly with a grunt. Today Niya will announce an important event in the area, because this is what Niya decided to do after thinking for a long time.

Niya has already thought clearly about what to do with the special funds that came with Niya. The equipment that was previously entrusted to Jean to be rented by Section 10 has been produced, but it has not been shipped yet, because There was a lot going on at the beginning.

At the beginning of the month, more than 100 wanted criminals hiding in District 29 were caught, and nearly 500 facilitators were arrested. All of them have been tried and convicted and have been put in prison.

Niya looked into the distance. There was a slender black line on the horizon. The prison tower was completed last month. It will be officially put into use in March next year. Niya has already received instructions to lead the staff to assist in the transfer of criminals. Work.

When she thought of this, Niya felt her heart heat up. She really wanted to see her sister. In the past few years, Niya would ask Latis from time to time about her sister's situation in prison. What about Latis? I don't say anything, I just say "very good" every time.

Niya also knew that even if she went, she would not be able to see her sister. Niya wanted to ask Jean this question, when would Alpha be released, but she never asked him in front of Jean.

As soon as we arrived at the compound of Section 5, many reporters from the area and outside the area had already come over. This was called by Niya. Today she will issue a regional report in the large conference hall of the management office. Construction Plan.

180 members from 6 teams have already gone out on patrol, and most of the other members are busy. The reason why they listen to Niya so much is just because Niya didn't deal with them. Many members are now very afraid, for fear of The day Niya directly deals with them, they will be doomed for life, especially the team captains.

"Lady Niya, everything is ready."

A team leader said, and Niya hummed.

"I'm going to the office to handle some things. I'll start at 10 o'clock on time."

Niya said and went upstairs. The team captains seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. Now they are all cautious when facing Niya, for fear of being scolded by Niya if they make the slightest mistake. It is normal to be scolded.

Many department staff also feel a lot of pressure every time they face Niya. They clearly feel this sense of majesty, which is extremely nerve-wracking.

After returning to the office, Niya leaned on the chair, crossed her legs on the table, lit a cigarette, adjusted the light and shadow screen in front of her, and started to deal with things.

The story of Lan Lan came to Niya's mind, the girl who died after being with her briefly for a few days. Niya would remember every time Lan Lan cried and recounted some of her tragic experiences in front of the camera. appearance.

Niya still saves that video and puts it quietly in her personal network storage. This is why Niya can't do anything. Many women who have been involved in this industry can only do it again and again. Abandoning the dignity of being a woman, and once such dignity is discarded, it will be extremely heavy to pick it up again, and the entire society has no mercy for these women who have worked in special service industries.

Niya yawned and continued to look at some of the regional construction that she had to do with the funds in hand, mainly regional cleaning. This was the only thing that the money could do.

Even if people outside think this is a place like a garbage pit, this is only in people's perception, but it does look like a place like a garbage pit. The streets are dirty and the houses are dilapidated. Many people come here. Just for fun, and after the fun, I don't even want to look at this dirty place.

And this money can only be used first for cleaning the area, and it is a cleaning work that involves everyone in the area.

After a while, when it was close to 10 o'clock, Niya went downstairs. However, when she first came to the hall, she saw many female staff standing together and discussing something. Niya was a little surprised and listened to a few words casually. , and found that they were discussing a handsome guy who got drunk and made trouble here last night and got into a fight.

Niya smiled helplessly, and as soon as she walked over, the female staff stopped discussing.

"How handsome is that handsome guy you're talking about?"

A female clerk said cautiously.

"It's okay, it's just our opinion."

"Let me see it too."

As she spoke, the female clerk pulled up a piece of information. The moment Niya saw it, her expression became serious. The man in the photo was Jewell, and Niya scratched her head.

"Where is he being held now?"

Several female staff looked at Niya in confusion.

"Lord Niya, do you know him?"

"he is my classmate!"

At 10:03, Niya came to the detention room on the underground floor behind the main building. As soon as she entered, she saw more than a dozen men talking and laughing in a large cell. Jewell was among them, with a look on his face. He was injured, had long hair, and his clothes were in tatters. He was chatting with other men.


Niya walked over and held the iron fence with one hand. At this time, more than ten people inside immediately stood up. Jewell looked at Niya with a smile.

"Why didn't you say hello to me when you came?"

Then the cell door was opened and Jewell walked out. More than a dozen other men still had to wait for the trial to be completed and pay a fine before they could leave. If they committed another crime, they would be sent directly to the Eastern Agricultural Base for three months.

"Wait in my office, you bastard!"

Niya turned over with an elbow, and Jewell held his stomach, unable to breathe for a long time.

"Idiot, but it really surprised me that you would join the executive department and you are still a department officer now."

Niya smiled helplessly. It seemed that Jewell didn't know about her transfer here.

At 10:21, Niya came to the venue and began to announce a street cleaning plan with universal participation. Everyone can participate. You only need to go to Section 5 to pick up the equipment, and then start cleaning. 5 The cleaning price is 10 yuan per square meter, and the announced block renovation plan is 10 yuan per square meter.

Niya brought up a light and shadow screen, which showed pictures of streets. They all looked dirty and dilapidated. After Niya simply announced the matter, she ended the regional construction conference.

The special funds received in the next two months will be used to carry out this project. Both local people and people from the administrative department can participate in the cleaning plan.

And Niya also announced that if you are found littering in the area again, you will need to pay a high fine of 100 yuan if you are caught, and announced that the Angus family will donate a batch of monitoring equipment, including some follow-up For the renovation project, some items will also be donated.

After announcing everything, Niya returned to the office. As soon as she arrived at the door of the office, she heard bursts of laughter coming from inside. When Niya opened the door, she saw Jewell pulling a female colleague. The officer's hand was telling her something.

"You idiot, you're still the same."

The female staff member was startled and stood up in a hurry. She greeted Niya and bowed and left the office quickly. Niya closed the office and looked at Jewell's cynical look. As she walked over and raised her hand, Jewell was already there. Got up and left.


"What are you doing now?"

Jewell said with a smile. He was the head of a department in a company and managed about 300 people. He had been doing this since the year before last.

"After discussing business with a client yesterday, it happened to be in the 30th District next door. We came here to play in the evening. This place is really a good place."

"Can you be a supervisor?"

Niya looked at Jewell in disbelief, and Jewell said unhappily.

"I'm very surprised that you can serve as a section officer. Don't you remember? I used to be very good at studying. Anyway, my brain is very smart. Last night, people at both our tables were drunk, just because of the competition. The little girl serving us just had a conflict."

Niya hummed and threw a cigarette to Jewel.

"But, kid, no matter where you go, I still advise you to take good care of your health."

Jewell laughed.

"I am a mutant now, so there is no problem at all. Besides, this is my private life."

Niya smiled helplessly.

"Are you free for a drink tonight?"

"No, I have to go back to the company today. Please pay the fine for me."

Jewell said and transferred 200 yuan to Niya, and Niya hummed.

"Be careful yourself Niya, I haven't heard about you again and again. What you do is very hateful."

Jewell reminded him as he walked out, and Niya laughed.

"Why, is it possible that they want to take revenge on me?"

Jewell sighed helplessly.

"If you want to move up, you have to have a good relationship with some people, after all."

"Bullshit! Why do I have to do things and live according to other people's wishes? Why do I have to blend into other people's circles?"

Jewell hummed.

"I can't help you. The medical industry is very unstable recently. Coupled with the things you have done recently, the entire medical industry has problems."

"By the way, what do you do?"

Jewell smiled and pulled up his own information. He was the head of the purchasing department of Lan Mei, a company that makes women's intimate products.

"It really suits you."

Jewell hummed, but there was some displeasure on his expression.

"Perhaps, since you all have entered the business department, I might as well join you."

"What are you going to do when you come in? Are you going to harm women in the business?"

Nia teased, and Jewel laughed.

"Wouldn't that be great! This is my specialty after all."

"You're such a bad person."

Jewell turned around and waved his hand.

"Just take what you need!"

"So you are a bad person, can't you find someone else?"

Jewell stopped at the door and laughed.

"No, that's all I need for the rest of my life!"

Looking at Jewel leaving, Niya showed a regretful expression. Maybe she shouldn't have dragged Jewel to find the woman in the first place.

2 o'clock in the afternoon

Three lifts carrying equipment have landed in the yard of Section 5. Most of the staff are busy handing over to people in Section 10. Gene quietly stands on one of the lifts. Leaning next to him, he smiled and nodded when he saw Niya coming over.

"Things seem pretty good."

Gene said, Niya caught a cigarette thrown by Gene and leaned next to Gene.

"It's not bad, but I guess I won't be here long."

Gene smiled and nodded.

"I've heard some things, but it's the same no matter where you go, isn't it! You still have to do what you need to do."

Niya hummed. Gene looked at these Section 5 members who had very good mental outlooks. They were different from the members of the Section 5 that Gene had seen in the past few years. Moreover, the members were all working very hard. This It's just a short month's change. It seems that he is diligent and has no complaints at all.

"Climb up here and I'll push you."

Gene said, Niya lowered her head and exhaled a puff of smoke.

"Of course, I will definitely climb up. I will definitely change everything by then. After all, it was my sister who created the framework. It is obviously such a reasonable and good thing, but why didn't everyone do it?"

Gene nodded.

"It's getting better a little bit, so work hard for me, otherwise."

"Throw me into a ravine and drown me, idiot! I definitely can't do it alone. You have to promote those who are capable, and most importantly, kind-hearted people."

Gene hummed, raised his head and looked at the sky, and then laughed.

"I know a few young girls who are quite capable. It just depends on how far they can go."

"By the way, how is that boy Tianhen doing?"

Gene scratched his head.

"Same as usual, by the way, someone will be transferred to your side in a few days. You can take care of him to some extent."


Niya looked at Jean suspiciously.

"Qin Dong."

Niya thought for a while and then laughed.

"Who is it? I don't know him."

"Qin Xiaoxuan's nephew."

Niya nodded in understanding.

"What kind of guy."

"How should I put it? You'll know it when you meet the person. It was Qin Xiaoxuan who asked Zijuan to intercede for him to automatically decide to transfer from Section 3."

Niya pinched her fingers, making a clicking sound, and said with an evil smile.

"It's fine if he's a good young man, but if he's a second-generation ancestor, I'll have a hard time with you!"

"Are you qualified to talk about others?"

Jean said and walked slowly. At this time, a large number of women came outside Section 5. Cleaning one square meter costs 5 yuan. This money seems not difficult to earn, and it is very profitable. Cleaning some dirt For a product that only costs one or two yuan, it can already clean a large area.

"Where are you going?"

Gene said with a smile.

"I went for a walk on the street. I haven't been here for a long time."

"How long do you mean by long?"

Gene raised his head, exhaled a puff of smoke, smiled and shook his head, and suddenly jumped to the opposite house. Niya was startled, but Gene did not step on the floor, but stood on the floor. He reached the top of the electric pole and headed into the distance.

Niya breathed a sigh of relief and smiled helplessly. After all, the houses here were seriously aging and very unsafe. Niya often didn't dare to walk on the roof, but Niya couldn't do what Gene did. As slender as she is, she can easily jump on the top of the pole, and her strength is controlled just right. Niya can't do it yet, and the strength in her body is growing explosively.

Recently, Niya has started to exercise like crazy, because if she continues like this, it will become difficult for Niya to restrain this increasingly powerful force.


Niya smiled and looked into the distance. On January 1, 2244, her friends were released from prison. Niya had already informed them in advance and asked them to come to this area after they were released from prison. She invited them Have a good meal.

Niya very much hopes to chat with her friends. She will still need their help in the future. Niya is very clear about many things. Everyone should be different again. Those miserable years in the past have passed.

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