Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1951 Special Chapter The Vigilant 2 (Part 1)

Chapter 1951 Special Chapter. The Vigilant 2 (Part 1)

1 hour ago

Zijuan gasped and looked at the directors who were doing recycling work in front of her. A large number of robots produced by AI had almost been destroyed. Everyone who participated in the battle was injured, but it was basically nothing. Big deal.

As top S-class mutants, they have minimized their losses. The AI ​​seems to have realized that it was about to be controlled and launched a very crazy attack.

A large number of robots were produced in a short period of time, and many light and shadow material access ports have been damaged by overloaded work, and light and shadow equipment have also suffered varying degrees of damage.

Now everyone in Section 10 is carrying out emergency repair work under the leadership of Noah and Noah. The sun must rise early tomorrow morning.

Looking at the tired classmates around her, Zijuan closed her eyes. It was all over, but what to do in the future was what most people here were thinking about now.

The problem of independent riots in the 11 districts this time will continue into the future. The city that has been frozen for a month will be very slow to start up again, and it may take them half a year to solve various problems. .

The impact of the collapse of the Hillman family continues to be felt to this day, and everything now is making things worse.

"Drink of water!"

Heathcote walked over with a smile and held two large boxes. He made a dull sound after putting them down. He took out a water glass from the side of the box, then set up a small platform and began to make tea for everyone. Everyone could only sit quietly, and many people could no longer take a step.

"What are you worried about?"

Heathcote handed Zijuan a cup of tea. She shook her head and said with a serious expression.

"What should I do in the future? I don't have the ability to continue."

Heathcote knew the seriousness of the matter and could only smile helplessly, as did the other students.

Latis smoked quietly. She was also quite tired tonight. Looking at her empty arms, Latis rushed over without stopping with the directors of Section 11 after receiving the notice and joined the battle. Have been fighting until now.

Vivian and Li Xin hugged each other and leaned against a metal building far away from everyone. They had decided to leave the practice department and retreat to the second line to serve as instructors to train the next generation of practice department personnel. .

The teachers also agreed. Obviously at such an important time, the two of them also knew that things would not end so easily this time. The next few years would be the most difficult time for Bright City.

There was a sound of footsteps and the two looked over. Qin Xiaoxuan walked over holding on to the wall.

"Yo, we got together and made out right after it was over!"

Vivian smiled helplessly.

"I heard, is it really okay for you to leave at such a critical time?"

"Someone can replace us."

As Li Xin said, Qin Xiaoxuan stood aside, looking at the sweet two people, feeling sad in her heart. At this time, Vivian stood up, walked over and hugged Qin Xiaoxuan.

"Xiaoxuan, let's get together more often in the future."

Clark stood alone far away from everyone. He did not say hello to anyone. This battle was the most difficult one they had in Brilliant City. In this battle, Clark saw too many things. But one thing is the same for everyone, everyone is too tired.

"Why are you here alone?"

Natasha smiled and handed over a glass of water. Clark took it with a smile and whispered.


The era started by them is about to end. This is clear to everyone present. If it continues, Bright City will still be the same. They are still powerless. They are getting further and further away from the ideals of the past. The flame in the hearts of many people has been extinguished.

King Xue pressed the brim of his hat with one hand. He was very uncomfortable at this time, but even if King Xue was uncomfortable, he would never show it on his face. Only one person knew how King Xue felt now. Duan Kong walked behind King Xue and took a photo Tap him on the shoulder.

"It's over, why don't we do something together in the future, so that your relationship with Whit will be better."


King Xue took off his glasses and wiped them, and said with sharp eyes.

"That's for the weak. For me, everything has just begun!"

King Xue said and walked forward. Duan Kong wanted to say something but in the end he didn't say anything. He knew very well that the man in front of him always had a will of steel, and his heart was fiery from beginning to end. This flame moment by moment Never stopped.

"How long do you plan to continue?"

"Until this machine runs completely smoothly!"

King Xue raised his head and showed a bright smile.

Ke Ying stood quietly in front of Li Chu, flanked by Jin Mian and Brandon. As the chiefs of departments 6, 7, and 9, they had the right to recommend the chiefs of all departments.

"are you sure?"

Li Chu looked at Keying seriously. This girl had always been well-behaved and sensible since she was a student. This was the first time Li Chu saw the rebellious look on her face.

"She'll do it better than me."

Li Chu sighed. She didn't know what to say about this student. This student was trained by herself. She had a talent for mathematics. Li Chu knew it very well, but now she suddenly said she would quit and wanted to ask the section chief The position is given to Leona.

Li Chu has also read a lot of Leona's work reports. It is true that this woman is also very talented, but there is still a gap compared with Keying. Although she provided great help in the previous bombing case, This cannot be the reason why Leona can be promoted to section chief immediately.

"I disagree."

Li Chu said directly, Keying's face was dull, Li Chu stretched out his hand and patted her shoulder.

"Five years, another five years, at least let the child become a secretary first, and then you can take care of her. When she is fully mature, I will personally inspect it. Once I feel that she is qualified to be the section chief of Section 6, I will immediately approve it. You retire.”

"I know Teacher Li Chu!"

Li Chu breathed a sigh of relief, and at this moment a cyan particle floated to Li Chu's ear.

"Come here and decide the matter first. After the matter is over, we will directly promulgate it."

Li Chu hummed.

"Okay, you guys can rest until tomorrow morning. Then go directly to the Congress Hall and have a good discussion about the future."

As Li Chu spoke, he instantly turned into red particles and floated into the distance.

"Your Excellency, I'm coming in."

Michelle knocked on the door of Locke's office. As soon as she entered, Michelle felt something was wrong, because Locke's expression looked extremely serious.

"Michelle, go to a place with me."

As Locke stood up, Michelle asked with some confusion.

"Your Majesty, Chief Manager, I have to continue to command."

"Let's put things aside for a moment. Since you have already made a plan, as long as you strictly implement it, there won't be any big problems."

Michelle hummed with a serious expression, followed Locke quickly out of the General Affairs Department, and ran up the stairs leading to the Congress Hall on the right.

The two quickly arrived at the Capitol Square. Michelle looked at the bright lights all around, while Locke had already bowed slightly.

As a ray of cyan light and red light fell on the square, Michelle looked at the two gods standing in front of her in shock, and she immediately bowed.

"Lord Red God, Lord Blue God."

"Little Fatty, it's up to you to explain."

Tang Rao said and Locke nodded.

"The reason why I asked you to come here tonight is not for anything else, but starting from tomorrow, you will be the secretary of Section 5!"

Michelle looked at Locke in shock, but she regained her composure in the next second.

"How about you, Michelle?"

"I'll do it right!"

Michelle bowed deeply. It could be seen that she was not calm at this time, but was disturbed by the sudden promotion. Locke smiled and nodded.

At this time, Michelle was extremely shocked, because she really didn't expect that she would suddenly reach the pinnacle of power in Bright City, which is what her mother wanted to see.

Michelle knew this square very well. Every time her mother came to a meeting, she would stand here and wait. However, this day came too late, and her mother could no longer see all this.

Locke looked at Michelle's slightly trembling hands, walked over and patted her arm gently.

"Tamayi will resign in a few days!"

Michelle straightened up and showed a shocked expression.

"I hope you can uphold the original intention of fairness and justice and establish the five subjects that have many problems today."

Tang Rao said, Michelle bowed again.

"Lord Cyan God, I will do my job well!"

"When you slowly pass the exam, and finally become the section chief, you can do it. The five subjects with the heaviest workload in this city!"

Li Chu said, Michelle replied decisively.

"I can do it, Lord Red God!"

No one would doubt Michelle's ability. In this matter, Jean gave Michelle enough authority. She handled subjects 3 and 5 single-handedly, and during this period, she made many highly constructive suggestions. And the arrangement and distribution of work are all done amazingly.

There is currently no one in Bright City who has Michelle's ability. Her work ability is very good, even compared to Alpha.

Michelle naturally knew what the two gods meant. If Tamai resigned, she would become the secretary, and she would handle everything in Section 5.

"Be prepared. After today, you will be the official secretary of Section 5, and soon all the people in the executive section will receive appointment information."

Michelle bowed deeply again, and with the flying particles, Tang Rao and Li Chu left.

"Keep your head up!"

Locke smiled and wanted to go over, but at this moment he stopped, turned around, and sighed helplessly. The child was crying.

Locke naturally knows why Michelle cries. This kind of thing has never happened to Michelle since she was a child, because she has always been as strong as her mother Freya. Although Michelle has a huge family, There is no need to go through these hardships, but Freya has been cultivating her daughter's strong character since she was a child.

Perhaps the original intention was for his daughter to escape the shadow of the family, but before Freya left, he had talked to her several times, and Freya was happy every time he talked about her daughter.

"Is it really okay to let such a child lose the happiness and freedom that a child should have?"

"Isn't it good?"

Locke couldn't refute Freya's words. Michelle was too outstanding, so outstanding that those who wanted to suppress her couldn't do anything.

The cold wind was howling bitingly, and Locke was still waiting for Michelle to collect her emotions.

"It's time for me to get back to work, Mr. Steward."

Michelle raised her head, Locke did not look back, just nodded silently.

"Your mother once told me that you would stand at the top!"

Michelle didn't answer, and there were still tears on her cheeks. She turned around and walked straight away, her face showing determination. After a while, Locke finally left, planning to go back to the office. You can see it when you close your eyes. The child standing in the cold wind waiting for his mother.

"Isn't this a good thing?"

Yu Wanrou appeared from the stairs with a smile, and Locke sighed.

"It's indeed a good thing, why are you here."

Yu Wanrou shook her head.

"I think that child is not suitable for Section 5. Maybe there is no genius better than her in this city. I think Niya's child may be very suitable for the position of the head of Section 5."


Locke's eyes widened, and immediately he thought of that little girl who did all kinds of bad things and was always messing around.

"If she really becomes the section chief, it's not necessarily that the five sections will be finished. There are many things that she can't handle at all."

"There is no basis for me to think so, just because she is the president's sister!"


Li Chu and Tang Rao looked at Gu Yi with confusion, and he said with a relaxed smile.

"I think Niya is more suitable as the candidate for the head of Section 5."

Tang Rao said in a strange tone.

"Is there anything wrong with your head?"

Gu Yi said with a smile.

"Witt and I both think so."

Li Chu pressed his forehead.

"What on earth are you thinking? If that little girl becomes the chief of Section 5, the Business Section will be doomed."

Gu Yi smiled and shook his head.

"First of all, she is from the Angus family, and secondly, she is Alpha's sister. Sometimes, stability is not enough, and something with impact is needed."

"That bastard Gene."

Tang Rao said angrily, and Li Chu also realized it.

"3 versus 3, the rest is up to Rose."

Tang Rao said and Gu Yi laughed.

"Jean asked me to convey to you that I hope you will fully support this matter. He will not interfere in any of your decisions in the future."

Tang Rao sighed.

"That bastard, won't you come and tell yourself?"

"Because he may not know whether such a decision is right or wrong!"

As Gu Yi said, Li Chu slapped his cheek.

"This kind of gambling is really what Jean would do. We have already told Michelle in advance that she will become a secretary."

Gu Yi said with a smile.

"It doesn't affect it, does it? Another point is that Jean hopes to establish the position of Secretary General of the General Affairs Section."

"What's the meaning?"

Tang Rao asked in confusion.

"The official position equal to level 5.5 is under the 13 section chiefs and a general manager, and above all the secretaries. He is responsible for directly connecting with the secretaries of the 13 sections."

"What's the point of doing this?"

Li Chu asked, Tang Rao put his hand on his chin and frowned.

"I see. If you think about it for a moment, you will understand what Jean wants to do."

"I see!"

Li Chu laughed.

"Okay, let's not agree to his request. However, this matter must be announced after the city is stabilized. If it is announced at the best time, it will indeed be of some benefit to the city. What the Angus family has done in the past Everything you do, and everything Alpha does, most people see with their eyes!”

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